To say the Rio leg on The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business was not made for Zev Glassenberg and Justin Kanew would be an understatement. First, Zev and his "white boy rhythm" clashed with the samba Roadblock and then the best friends — the hairiest team of all — had to endure even more cruel and unusual punishment: waxing. "I don't know if the leg was designed to torture us, but it certainly did do that," Justin tells "We're going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't throw that waxing thing in there when they saw that we were in the final four." Still, there are no hard feelings — just a little bleeding — since "the Race doesn't decide how hairy we are."
To say the Rio leg on The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business was not made for Zev Glassenberg and Justin Kanew would be an understatement. First, Zev and his "white boy rhythm" clashed with the samba Roadblock and then the best friends — the hairiest team of all — had to endure even more cruel and unusual punishment: waxing. "I don't know if the leg was designed to torture us, but it certainly did do that," Justin tells "We're going to give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't throw that waxing thing in there when they saw that we were in the final four." Still, there are no hard feelings — just a little bleeding — since "the Race doesn't decide how hairy we are."
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Zev, was the samba really that hard or can you just not dance at all?
Zev: Can't dance at all! ... But I didn't have a choice. It said on the clue: "Zev, Big Easy, Kisha and Mallory have to do this Roadblock." My only regret, maybe, was when we were in Varanasi and we were an hour ahead of the cowboys, I should've done that Roadblock, but I was having trouble dealing with the noise. ... But then [Justin] might have had to do the gnome one, so you never know. You still left the Roadblock in third place. And then you got lost going to the salon?
Justin: We left the Roadblock pretty much the same time as Big Easy and Flight Time, and we were actually riding around with them trying to find it. Then we decided to go off on our own because we were worried if we were in a footrace with them, we'd lose. We got to the waxing as they were leaving, so we knew we were in last place, and then the waxing — we knew were in trouble! I don't know if they used it or not ... but I said it was adding "injury to insult." We were just lying there getting hurt while we knew we were done.What was the point of it? It wasn't like a team could get ahead since you had to do it for a fixed amount of time.
Justin: I think the point of it was to give you our "Kelly Clarkson!" moment. [Laughs] ... Was it fair? I mean, everyone went through the same thing. The Race doesn't decide how hairy we are. If anybody, I blame our parents and our Judaism.Can you even describe how painful it was?
Zev: It felt like I just got the hair ripped out of my chest!Justin: [Laughs] Yeah, it was really painful. There's no way to sugarcoat it. There was definitely light bleeding. We were sort of stunned, frankly.
Amazing Race's Flight Time and Big Easy: We didn't bully Kent and Vyxsin
Then you had to go make cocktails.Justin: Yeah, Zev in general decided the Detours. He picked the drinks first. They didn't show it, but we went there first and we saw that everybody was pretty far ahead, so we figured our only shot was to try the other side. And it was really just impossible to sell the bikinis the way we were asked. There was no way a woman was going to get inside a little kidnapper bag for two guys who don't speak their language and are walking around with cameras. Everybody's seen that movie before and no one wants to be in it!Zev: We did that for 15 minutes. We don't regret it. If we just had to sell them, we probably would've been fine, but the fact that they had to model for us was the tough part. ... We felt pretty defeated going back to the drinks. We couldn't even catch a cab for 40 minutes.Justin: We knew it was the end. We just wanted to finish strong. ... The Globetrotters were singing and dancing because they saw they had 80 drinks on us. We told them [Sunday night] that at the time they were not our favorite people. We still love those guys and always will, but at that moment, we felt like they were dancing on our graves a little bit.Some fans think it was karma since you gave them answers throughout the Race.
Justin: I wouldn't glorify that moment [at the drinks]. We helped them in times that didn't hurt us. If it wasn't them making those drinks, it would've been another team making those drinks. That didn't affect our Race in any way. No regrets helping them at all.
Is it a nice consolation that you won the most legs even though you didn't win the Race?
Zev: Definitely. We got the second best prizes — the cars.Justin: We didn't get the cars yet. ... We're going to get matching colors. No, I'm kidding.Zev: I'm thinking ingot silver.You should get silver to match your pajamas.
Justin: That's right! Great call.
Amazing Race's Jen and Kisha: We feel very accomplished
Some of your Detour choices were questionable, albeit hysterical. Do you regret any of them? Wienerschnitzel? Fondue?
Zev: Well, if we had done the couch first [instead of wienerschnitzel], we probably would've won the leg by a bigger margin, but we still won!Justin: It was good TV. If you look back on the Race with regrets, you can second-guess everything, but we ran the Race we ran and we won a lot of legs and had a great time. "Regret" is not a word we'd use to describe any of it.
Zev: I haven't had fondue since; I've had cheese.Justin: I do not want cheese fondue anytime soon!That and your face, Zev, made our Top Moments.
Zev: We saw! It was the third moment. Justin: Get [waxing] all the way up there! We went through a lot!I'll try. What has the reaction from the Asperger's and autism community been like?
Zev: It's been great. We did the Autism Speaks walk the other week and took a lot of pictures. All these people came up and thanked us. It was really, really nice and heartwarming.What else are you up to now?Zev: Eating lunch. Justin: [Laughs] Yeah, eating. But in life, getting Zev a job, first and foremost.Zev: I'm trying to be an actor.Justin: And the Autism Speaks stuff. We can't stress enough how important that is and we're working on a show idea with them that hopefully we can talk about pretty soon, but it's something that I think people will get a kick out of and it'll keep Zev in the limelight for a second! I think people's response to Zev has been incredible, so we definitely want him to be able to continue to use that platform.You guys need to go on Man v. Food. Every time you eat, it's hilarious.
Justin: Anything they throw at us, we're ready! We're in it for the fondue of it!