Our Top Four Recommended Devices

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$399.00 $279.00


Home laser hair removal, such as with the TRIA Beauty and Silk’n Flash and Go, and other permanent hair removal solutions have become increasingly affordable and effective, making expensive trips to a spa unnecessary for those who are willing to operate the device themselves. The savings can be incredible. For example, professional laser hair removal can cost between $1500 – $2500 for one body area.

However,the best home laser hair removal systems costs less than $450 and are thoroughly tested and FDA cleared or approved. They are also pain free and very easy to use. If you want technical information, here is the Wikipedia article on laser hair removal.

Because DIY home laser hair removal reviews have been so popular here on Beauty and Fashion Tech, we created this special guide to help you determine the best at home laser hair removal unit for you. The guide covers our four favorite removal devices: TRIA Beauty Laser Hair Removal System, Silk’n Flash and Go, Me Smooth, and theVerseo eGlide

If you are thinking about home laser hair removal, there are a few things to keep in mind whether you seek to do laser hair removal at home or in a salon:

  • Laser hair removal takes awhile. It takes repeated treatments every few weeks over a period of of up to 10 months. Also, hair removal might not ever be entirely complete, although over time it can become almost maintenance free.
  • Because laser hair removal systems work by targeting the contrast of darker hair on lighter skin, the laser is not normally effective on blond, gray, or white hair, and cannot be used on dark skin. Laser hair removal may be dangerous to those with a medium to dark complexions. The best candidates are people with light skin and darker hair. The systems recommend here have safety features that prevent them from operating on skin that is too dark.If you have dark skin you cannot you the Tria or Flash and Go. But you can use the Me Smooth and Verseo eGlide.
  • Laser hair removal is designed for the legs, underarm and general bikini areas. It is not generally considered safe for use on the face, breasts, or genitals. However, the Silk’n Flash and go can be used on facial hair
  • Laser hair removal can cause a warming sensation. However, the home laser and IPL devices generally are pain free, with only a minor heating sensation.
  • It takes time to do the treatments. Small sections are treated at a time in an overlapping pattern. So it takes awhile to do a leg. Budget for some time!

The Home Hair Removal Device Reviews

(1) TRIA Beauty Home Laser Hair Removal Device.

Our top recommended product is the home laser hair removal system from Tria Beauty. This is the longest running home product on the market and we have personally tested it with success. Recently updated, the Tria Laser is FDA approved. Using the device basically gives a slight heating sensation. It is quite comfortable, even on the highest setting. Our tester found it very easy to use and started seeing permanent hair removal after 6 months of use, with lessening of hair after 3-4 months. Other testers report similar results in a period of 6-10 0onths. The device has safety monitors so that it will not work on skin that is too dark and it is quiet and fairly portable. See our previous review with video on using the Tria Beauty.

(2) Silk’n Flash and Go

Silkn Flash and Go
Silkn Flash and Go

The Silk’n Flash and Go is the most affordable home laser and it can also be used on facial hair. Silk’n uses Home Pulsed Light Technology (HPL), which has been shown to be highly successful in long term hair removal. Like the Tria, Silk’n provides users an additional safety measure by detecting “safe” skin tones and deactivating if the skin is too dark. It is reported to be as effective as the Tria, but it is slightly more affordable.

Trying to choose between the Tria and Flash and Go? Look here for our comparison.

(3) Me Smooth

Me Smooth Hair Remvoal
Me Smooth Hair Remvoal

The Me Smooth is a new Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Radio Frequency (RF) device that can be use on all skin tones. Early reviews report it to be quicker working and very comfortable to use. If you want the latest technology, this is the best device to get, but because it is so new, we lack personal information on it.

(4) The Verseo eGlide Home Roller Electrolysis System.

TheVerseo eGlide is an interesting and affordable new device that uses gliding electrolysis to permanently remove hair from most body areas, including the face, at the incredibly low price of $89. It’s rolling electrolysis delivers a mild and supposedly painless galvanic current that penetrates the hair shaft and deadens the follicle. It is used with a conductive gel. Because it does not use lasers or pulsed light, it is safe and effective for all skin tones and hair colors. This product is very new, so the jury is out on its effectiveness, but it seems that it has the potential to be effective as quickly as laser devices. Verseo offers a money back guarantee on their products. Our tester found the product a bit time consuming to use, and recommends laser hair removal if possible for the legs. The eGlide, while it can be used on the legs, requires lengthy treatments of small areas at a time, making the laser or Me Smooth a better choice if you have the budget for the more expensive device.

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