Ingrown Facial Hair Removal: Causes, Cyst, How to Prevent, Get Rid, Cream

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You have been noticing some strange bumps on your face that don’t look like pimples or hives, chances are that they could be ingrown facial hairs. These painful, itchy, and red bumps occur when sharp edges if the facial hair curl around and simply start growing back into the skin after they have been removed with tweezers, waxing, or shaving.
However, in some cases a clogged hair follicle could cause the hair to grow sideways rather than upward, resulting in that sharpened end of hair penetrating and growing under the skin.

Ingrown Hair on Face

An ingrown facial hairIngrown hair

Ingrown Facial Hair Causes

Ingrown facial hair removal can be some time be hectic and very complicated to some people. Sometimes, dead skin can clog up a hair follicle forcing the hair inside it to grow sideways under the skin, rather than upward and outward. In other cases, cutting naturally curly hair too closely will result in the sharpened end of the hair piercing the skin, causing an ingrown hair. What Does an Ingrown Hair Look Like? An ingrown hair irritates the skin. It produces a raised, red bump that looks like a little pimple. Sometimes an ingrown hair can form a painful, boil-like sore. Ingrown facial hair removal can be itchy and uncomfortable, especially if you’ve got a lot of them. You may notice pus inside the bumps. Or you may see the hair that’s causing the problem. In men, ingrown hair on face often pop up as a bunch of little bumps on the chin, cheeks, or neck after shaving. In women, ingrown hairs are common on the eyebrows usually after tweezing or waxing or even shaving them as a beauty activity. You can also get ingrown hairs on your buttocks. Although anyone can get ingrown facial hairs, the problem tends to be worse in people who have very coarse and curly hair.

  • As the facial hair grows, it tends to bend back instead of continuing outward and upward. Once it bends back, the sharp edge of the facial hair simply pierces the skin and continues growing under the skin. This is especially common after the hair has been shaved because the edge of the hair is now razor sharp.
  • Those people who tend to have higher sexual hormones usually have more hair growth, and they see these painful bumps on the skin after shaving more frequently. Latinos and African-Americans also see more razor bumps, due to the fact they tend to have thicker and curlier hair. The ingrown facial hairs can be caused by waxing, shaving, or plucking the hairs.

Fast Removal of ingrown facial hair
Remove the ingrown hair using a set of tweezers. Dip tweezers into rubbing alcohol. Wipe all parts of the tweezers clean, using a cotton ball soaked in the alcohol. The hair can only be removed if the tip is visible.
Use a magnifying mirror to identify the hair if it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Grip the hair with the tweezer tip and quickly pull. Do not attempt this repeatedly as the skin will become irritated. If the hair cannot be located, try again the next day. Apply a hot compress to draw out any pus or bacteria still present.
Laser Hair Removal
A laser can be used to neutralize the hair follicle, killing the hair growing inside the skin. The laser gives a quick zap to the area that feels similar to a rubber band being snapped on the skin. This treatment is recommended for people who suffer from ingrown hairs on a regular basis.

Deep Ingrown Hair

Deep ingrown hairsembedded hairs

Steps involved in ingrown facial hair removal

Step 1 Apply 1 percent hydrocortisone cream to the area. You can do this two to three times daily, according to the package directions. Hydrocortisone cream will help reduce inflammation, which will make it possible to remove the ingrown end of the hair. Step 2 Place a warm compress onto the ingrown hair three times per day. Leave it on for 15 minutes each time. If the compress cools during the 15 minutes, dip it in the hot water and reapply for the remaining time. Step 3 Wash the area around the ingrown hair with an anti-acne or anti-bacterial soap each morning. Use a rough washcloth and move in circular motions to try to tease the hair out of the skin. Step 4 Inspect the ingrown hair bump daily to see whether you can see the hair above the surface of the skin. Once the hair is noticeable above the skin, using an alcohol-sterilized pair of tweezers to lift the hair up by slipping the pointed end of the tweezers under the hair loop and pulling up gently. You can also use the end of a toothpick to do this. Step 5 Treat the ingrown hair area for infection after you remove the ingrown hair tip. Bacitracin and triple antibiotic ointment are over-the-counter topical antibiotics available. You can also contact your doctor for a stronger antibiotic, if needed. Ingrown facial hair removal and Cyst Removal Ingrown hair treatment is crucial considering the suffering brought about if they become infected One of the consequences of ignoring them will be growing under your skin. If infected they develop into an abscesses which can be dangerous on health concern. For anyone to remove or get proper cyst cure from ingrown hair, put into consideration certain issues like, where it is formed. Topical Treatments for ingrown hair on face One of the effective treatments for ingrown hair cysts is applying prescription creams. Examples of creams recommended by dermatologists are steroids. If you have symptoms such as itchy cysts accompanied with inflammation, irritation or swelling, see your doctor. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to effectively use the creams and for how long you should expect the symptoms to disappear. However, if you could start to show side effects, you can also get antibiotic pills. Pills to treat infected ingrown hair cysts should be taken under a doctor’s scrutiny. Some of the anti-inflammatory creams are available over the counter and are safe to apply even without doctors instructions. Your duty is therefore to follow all instructions and medical rules until the cysts have healed completely. Medications The kind of medications required for ingrown hair on face removal may include the following: Injections These are also good for infected cysts since they prevent you from getting further infections from secondary infections. Examples of injections are retinoid or antibacterial solutions administered by at clinics and healthcare providers at your nearest centre. Anti-acne medicines If you do not want to get scars even after healing, you may need treatment based on acne treatments. In particular, ingrown hair follicle cysts. How will these anti-acne medicines prevent formation of scars? Most acne treatments contain ingredients such as salicylic acid. This ingredient has powerful action in helping exfoliate your skin and drying out the cysts. What you must note that is that certain anti-acne medicines are made of hydrogen peroxide. It is important to consult your pharmacist or drug consultant to help you select medicines with right concentrations. Different areas of your body react in varied ways producing reactions. For instance, most areas on your face and chest have light skin hence need a relatively lower concentrated cream products. Ingrown facial Hair Removal – surgery Surgery is also another method of removing cysts whether they are deep or infected. The surgical removal process involves making incisions. If the cysts require draining, your physician is the one who how and what techniques to drain an infected ingrown hair on face.

Home Treatment remedies for ingrown facial hair removal

Besides the various medical treatments, some natural and home remedies are quite efficient to deal with ingrown hair cysts especially if they are bump-like. It is advisable to get rid of these ingrown hairs to reduce chances for them to grow into cysts. There are a few remedies to help you control these bumps. Tea tree oil Apply tea tree oil to reduce redness and prevent swelling in bumps that have resulted from ingrowing hairs. It is one of the natural remedies for ingrown hairs because it contains natural antibacterial property to keep harmful microbes at bay. Aloe Vera Both tea tree oil and aloe are good natural products whose qualities are common. Consider adding a few drops of aloe Vera to enhance fighting infections and boosting healing of ingrown hairs. Warm Water Another simple remedy is warm water that helps to relieve pain, redness and swelling. If these symptoms are discovered early enough, you can possibly prevent going for surgery to remove pilonidal cysts. It is as simple as sitting in a warm tub for some time or as you feel necessary. These are not the only natural remedies. The rest comprise application of garlic,

Infected Ingrown Facial Hair

When ingrown hair causing cysts begin to pop discharges they can cause pain in your face and also be discomforting as the face is very exposed. That can be a sign of an infection but there may be other symptoms. Ingrown facial hair and beard cysts If you do not shave or remove your facial hairs properly you may also end up with facial bumps. The hair can also fail to project out through its pore under skin and thus curl back. This usually happens when men shave their beards against the grain or against direction of growth, too closely or by using tweezers. Women who do waxing to get rid of unwanted facial growths can too be victims of cysts if ingrown hair facial bumps with infected ingrown hairs are usually painful and can irritate your skin too particularly when you touch or try to pop them now and then. In addition, they may develop into a mass under skin over time. After they have thickened, ingrown facial hair become or turn into cysts because touching them become infected. It is a high time to see a physician to help you out before infection gets underway which lead to severe infected cysts on face. Take caution and never try ingrown hair on face removal using pair of tweezers. Otherwise, do regular exfoliation of your face especially areas with hair growths.

Ingrown Facial Hair Removal

An ingrown hair is a hair that curls back on itself. While ingrown hairs more commonly occur in individuals with curly hair, almost everybody will develop one at some point in their life. If you shave regularly, you may have to deal with ingrown hairs more commonly than the average person. Follow these instructions to treat the issue and keep it from coming back.

Ways that can help remove ingrown hair on face

Use of a sharp device Use a sterile needle, tweezers or a routable medical device for ingrown hairs to gently tease the hair out of the skin. Use the warm compress first this should bring the hair to the surface. Don’t dig for the hair if you can’t easily get at it. Don’t pluck the hair out completely if you can avoid doing so; just make sure that the ingrown end is out of the skin. It may take a little time to coax the hair out, so persevere and do not cut the skin.

  • Sometimes you’ll see a loop of the hair close to the surface of the skin. This means that the tip of the hair has begins growing down into the skin. If you get a needle in the loop and tug lightly, the end will often come loose.
  • If you choose to use tweezers, remember that tweezers can be bought either pointy or flat-tipped. A pointy-tipped pair may cause less damage to the skin around the hair if used carefully. Another choice might be to use a routable medical device for ingrown hairs which does not damage the follicle or the surrounding skin

Keeping the skin clear of ingrown hairs
Wash the area around the ingrown hair with warm water and moisturizing soap. Apply an antiseptic to provide extra protection against infection. Avoid wearing tight clothing on that area, and exfoliate regularly to prevent new ingrown hairs. You may wish to apply a daily topical solution to prevent any further ingrown hairs from developing.

  • Sometimes, the ingrown hairs may not budge at all because they may be placed in very deep. If these methods do not work, talk to your doctor or dermatologist to get a prescription medication.

Apply a warm, moist compress to the area for a few minutes. This will soften the skin. Just wet a washcloth with hot water, wring it out, and press it against the ingrown hair. When the washcloth cools down, run it under hot water again.

  • If you can see the ingrown hair embedded in the skin, this treatment will soften the hair and bring it closer to the surface. If you can’t initially see the hair, leave the warm compress on until it rises to the skin’s surface.
  • If you apply the compress for ten minutes, and you still can’t see any sign of hair, you’re not going to be able to remove it yourself, or it might be something else altogether. And while you’re fretting over your skin, this might be a good time to test for skin cancer

Egg membrane

  • Remove the membrane from inside an eggshell.
  • Cover the problem area with the membrane
  • Let it dry and shrink around the area.
  • Pull it off once dry.The ingrown hair should come out with it.

Acne medications
apply a dab of acne medication.
Ingrown facial hairs removal are pretty similar to those of pimple, especially when the ingrown hair is accompanied by pus. Apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid several times a day for a few days.
This, combined with daily exfoliation, is often enough to remove the ingrown hair, since swelling will be reduced, giving the hair more room to grow out. If you don’t have acne medication on hand, you can try using the aspirin method or adding a dab of toothpaste.
Exfoliate the area.
Twice a day, scrub the ingrown facial hair gently. This will help to remove any dead skin cells, dirt, and oils that might be trapping the ingrown hair. It may also physically nudge the tip of the hair out of your skin. Try to hit the ingrown hair from a variety of directions. Use an exfoliating glove or ingrown hair brush, and try one of the following exfoliating techniques:

  • Exfoliate your face with salt.
  • Mix some olive oil with some sugar and use to exfoliate as well.
  • Be gentle.You’ll need to exfoliate enough to achieve this effect, but not so much that the area surrounding the ingrown hair starts to bleed.
  • When in doubt, exfoliate more gently but for a longer period.

Note! It’s very difficult to remove an ingrown hair from under a scab. In this case, it might be best to use a different method, or consult your doctor.

How to prevent ingrown Hairs on Face

Although any sharp facial hair can make that quick turn and begin to grow under the skin, there are many things that you can do to prevent this from happening in the future. By taking a proactive stance against the ingrown facial hairs, it will go a long way in you reducing those painful red bumps from appearing all around your face and neck. The following ingrown hair prevention steps are simple to implement and will go a long way in keeping your face clear.

  • Be sure that each time that you shave you are using a single-blade sharp razor.
  • Make certain that you are shaving each time in the direction that the facial hair is growing.
  • After you are done shaving, apply a cool and clean washcloth to the skin to reduce any irritation.
  • Before you shave, wet your skin with warm water and always use a lubricating get or cream.
  • Every night you should rub the neck and face in circular motions with an exfoliating scrub or wet washcloth to tease out those ingrown hairs.
  • Try to use as little strokes as possible when shaving to lessen the chances of hairs growing back into the skin.
  • When using an electric razor, hold it slightly above the skin when shaving.
  • Make certain that you are rinsing off the razor blade after every stroke.
  • It might be difficult at first to incorporate all of these prevention methods, so try one at a time and watch closely to see if those little red bumps begin to disappear.
  • Once you develop a shaving routine that results in the least amount of those ingrown hairs from returning, stick with it and then focus on a few of the others that we have mentioned here. Before you know it, that area will be smooth and free of those little ingrown hairs.

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