101 in 1001 Check-In + Thoughts on Changing Goals

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Chicago lifestyle and wellness blogger Bows & Sequins writing in a journal in her bedroom.
Chicago lifestyle and wellness blogger Bows & Sequins writing in a journal in her bedroom.

The strangest thing happened a few weeks back… I was flipping through one of my notebooks and I found the hard copy list of my 101 in 1001 list that I started writing from a little cafe in Paris back in 2016. I later finished the list and published it on the blog about a year later, in late 2017. And to be honest, I haven’t really thought about it again since then. The last few years have been a bit of a whirlwind for me… And if you’ve listened to the first few episodes of my podcast, you know what I’m talking about.

If you’re not familiar with “101 in 1001,” my friend Mackenzie coined this idea of accomplishing 101 things in 1001 days, or just under three years. (2.75 if we’re being exact.)

So when I found that original list in my notebook this past weekend, I was intrigued and pulled up the blog post I wrote, wondering how much progress I’ve made, how much time I had left to accomplish these goals, etc. And wouldn’t you know it, it was two days before the exact halfway mark of my 1001 days.

But as I was looking through these goals I wrote back in 2016 and 2017, I legitimately started laughing. Firstly, because I’ve barely crossed anything off. And secondly because I found myself thinking, “But I don’t even want to accomplish a lot of this in the next year and a half…”

FYI: You can reference my original list here, I’ve updated it with the things I’ve actually done!

Chicago wellness blogger Bows & Sequins sharing tips for setting goals and journaling.
Chicago wellness blogger Bows & Sequins sharing tips for setting goals and journaling.

It’s funny how things change, isn’t it? I then remembered, “Wait, didn’t Mackenzie write a post about updating her goals?!” She did, and you can read that here. And that made me feel better about needing to update my list, too!

I felt like this would be a good opportunity to talk about changing our goals, setting attainable goals, etc. And I’m also sharing my updated 101 in 1001 list with you, that better reflects me and the place that I’m in now!

When I read back through my 101 list, my first thought was to just forget the whole damn thing. Why bother?? I felt like I was reading a list of goals written for me by someone else. Like, sure, I’d love to do these things at some point, but ain’t no way in hell some of that is happening in the next 500 days. Ya feel me? (You should see the things on my ‘personal’ list … Like, I’m over here just trying to pay my rent and apparently 2016/2017 Jess thought that I would be a self-made millionaire by 2020. Love the enthusiasm, J Sturdz, but that’s just not exactly realistic right now.)

And for a lot of other things, my priorities have just shifted entirely. I’ve mentioned this on both the blog and the podcast, but I just feel a bit “traveled out.” I’ve been so incredibly fortunate to be able to visit so many incredible places over the last five or six years and I know that there will be a time when international travel lights me up again, but to be honest, that’s not right now. What currently lights me up is waking up in my bed at home, having morning and evening routines, getting to spend time with my friends in Chicago, having ‘normal’ workdays and work weeks where I feel productive, growing my business(es), making time for self-care, going to therapy, getting enough sleep, reading, journaling, exercising, walking along the lake, writing, exploring my own city and finding new spots I love in Chicago, and many more seemingly boring things.

I know that this current season of my life won’t last forever, so for now, I’m embracing it. So rather than scrapping my whole list all together, I figured I’d just honor what I’ve already completed, and shift the other goals to more fit me and my lifestyle right now.

Halfway: 3-24-19
End: 8-5-20

Travel (5/11)

1. Renew my passport (June 2018)
2. Go on a ‘big trip’ when I’m ready to explore again — South of France, Ibiza, or Greece?!
3. Australia (February 2018)
4. Japan in the Spring (April 2018)
5. Charleston — Can you believe I’ve *never* been?
6. Go back to Italy (July 2018)
7. Napa or Sonoma again (Went MDW & again in October!)
8. Visit Caneel Bay again! — One of my favorite warm-weather trips to date, dying to go back!
9. Coachella again – ticket has been purchased! (April 2018)
10. Go somewhere solo for my 30th birthday!
11. Make plans to visit Australia again.

Blog & Business (3/19)

1. Operation: Inbox Zero. Email is, admittedly, my biggest downfall as a business owner. I need to figure out how to conquer the beast once and for all. I’m getting a lot better, but have a ways to go!
2. Launch something new. Not sure what exactly this one looks like yet, but I have a few ideas swirling around. (Podcast!)
3. Organize my hard drives.
4. Organize my Dropbox folders (Sometime in 2018)
5. Clear out my camera roll on my phone and organize the photos (needs to happen immediately…)
6. Revamp my blog’s design.
7. Redesign my Travel Guide page.
8. Finally get into Freshbooks instead of doing everything manually (Sometime in 2018)
9. Do a TV segment.
10. Film a hair tutorial.
11. Film my makeup routine. (I did this on IG Live, but need to do it for YouTube or IG TV!)
12. Write a book! — I doubt I’d be able to have it published by the end of this timeframe, but I’d like to have the wheels in motion.
13. Launch the non-profit we’ve been working on.
14. Have a reader/listener meet-up in Chicago! — I feel like summer is a hard time for people with travel, so maybe in the fall?!
15. Expand my styling business.
16. Launch AFTR website.
17. Plan a work week in New York for meetings, to record, etc.
18. Same for LA!
19. Hit 75 Podcast Episodes

Personal (3/22)

1. Enroll in a Spanish class in Chicago to keep up with my skills from LatAm.
2. Enroll in French again.
3. Join a volunteer program… I’ve been looking into Big Brothers Big Sisters, but would love if you have any other suggestions in Chicago!
4. Find a charity to get involved with, too.
5. Take up horseback riding again — Start by taking a single lesson!
6. Go on some sort of a wellness retreat.
7. Do a float tank.
8. Laser Hair Removal
9. Try acupuncture.
10. Do allergy testing.
11. Hire a personal trainer.
12. Try cryotherapy. (October 2019)
13. Try an infrared sauna (December 2017)
14. *Honestly* feel 100% confident in a bikini. (May 2019)
15. Plan an epic 31st birthday party. This will be my “golden birthday” and it seems so much more unique than a 30th birthday celebration. Plus, something to look forward to if I’m being weird about turning another year older. (I never used to be weird about getting older, but something about pushing 30 and still feeling like a teenager is slightly terrifying.)
16. Find a dentist in Chicago. (Going next week!)
17. Find a new doctor in Chicago.
18. Find a hair salon in Chicago (February 2019)
19. Get a gate analysis and expertly fitted for new running shoes.
20. Do RTT again.
21. Go on five dates. — Really aiming high here, haha, but I’m just not in the mood to start dating again yet.
22. Get trained in TM and practice 2x daily for one month.

Home (2/4)

1. Print and frame at least one of my own travel photos.
2. Figure out what I’m doing with my living situation… (Welp, moved once, but need to move again…)
3. Get my desk area organized once and for all (January 2019)
4. Get a storage unit once one opens up in my building (April 2018)

Just for Fun (5/22)

1. Get a lemon tree.
2. Go bowling (a few times…)
3. Play mini golf.
4. Take a tennis lesson.
5. Take golf lessons… Haven’t touched my old clubs for at least a decade, pretty sure my parents have gotten rid of them by now.
6. Go ice skating.
7. Go to a show at Second City (November 2017)
8. Go to another comedy show. (May 2019)
9. Send 5 “just because” gifts.
10. Leave a 100% tip for great service.
11. Buy a table of strangers dinner anonymously.
12. Take another surf lesson (Lima, Peru, September 2018)
13. Re-read the Harry Potter series.
14. Go skiing again… It’s been a few years now! (Steamboat; December 2018)
15. Read 10 books (excluding HP!)
16. 5 must be non self-help books.
17. Treat myself to a full spa day… Massage, facial, the works.
18. Take a Tracy Anderson class.
19. Take Hollyn (my niece) on a girls trip.
20. Find my ‘daybooks’ we had to keep in AP English Senior Year of HS.
21. Learn how to drive a stick again (haven’t tried since I learned when I was 15…)
22. Get rid of 100 things (Spring & Summer 2018)

Confidential, Financial, or Extra Personal (1/23)

I’ve got these on a list of my own!

How do you go about setting goals? Would love to hear any of your tips, tricks, ideas, etc.

Chicago blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a J.O.A. lace dress with a Mar y Sol straw tote on a Crate & Barrel blue gingham blanket.
Chicago blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a J.O.A. lace dress with a Mar y Sol straw tote on a Crate & Barrel blue gingham blanket.

It must be the season for moving! Or maybe people now know me as the girl who moves around a lot. I get it, believe me, I’ve felt like a gypsy over the last year or so. But I’ve recently gotten an influx of questions on Instagram about moving to Chicago, finding apartments in the city, picking a neighborhood, etc.

Jessica Sturdy reading on the couch in her living room in Chicago.
Jessica Sturdy reading on the couch in her living room in Chicago.

I’ve actually been in my same apartment in the Gold Coast since I moved to Chicago from New York City… It will be four years this summer! As you probably know, this past year was a little all over the place with my living situation… I had subletters take over my lease, I was staying with family and friends, and then I lived throughout Latin America for four months with Remote Year. It was unplanned and totally unexpected, but I’m now back in my old apartment, the same one before I left, and so happy to be back in my home and back in my ‘hood.

Chicago health and wellness blogger Bows & Sequins making a smoothie in her kitchen.
Chicago health and wellness blogger Bows & Sequins making a smoothie in her kitchen.

When I moved from New York to Chicago (you can read more about that here!), I did not take choosing a neighborhood lightly. I wanted somewhere that was totally walkable, as I didn’t have a car when I moved here, and I wanted it to feel a little bit like NYC in that regard. If you follow me on Instagram Stories, you know I’m always out and about walking around. My feet are almost always my preferred mode of transportation! And if I would need to take public transportation, I wanted it to be relatively easy. I absolutely loved my neighborhood in NYC… I had so many cute coffee shops, stores, and great restaurants nearby. And I wanted my Chicago neighborhood to be the same! As for an apartment, I really just wanted closet space and package receiving, that’s it. Again, if you followed me when I lived in NYC, you know my standards were quite low when moving here to Chicago, haha.

That’s why I chose the Gold Coast in Chicago! It may not be the best neighborhood for everyone, as I think that’s such a personal decision that depends on your lifestyle and preferences, but it’s the best for me right now. I’ve laughed out loud lately when I’ve gotten questions on Instagram like, “I’m moving to Chicago! What neighborhood should I move to?!” Because that’s pretty hard for a stranger to answer without some additional info, haha. Chicago neighborhoods can be quite different, but I figured I’d share a bit more about why I love this little pocket of the city so, so much.

I have to say, four years ago, the Gold Coast wasn’t what it is now. There’s been a resurgence in the neighborhood and sooo much has recently opened up in the area. And not in a bad way, at all… I love my neighborhood more and more by the day! I like to say I called it, and that I just knew that the neighborhood had so much going for it.

What was a total accident, though, was my proximity to the lake! Being close to the water wasn’t on my radar at all when I moved here. In New York, sure, I wasn’t far from the East River, but I rarely took advantage of that. (Or maybe there just wasn’t much to take advantage of…) But now, after living just a few blocks from Oak Street Beach and Chicago’s lakefront path, I can’t imagine not living so close to the water. Since I work from home most days, I try to carve out some time in my schedule to get outside everyday when the weather allows. Walking along the lake is my me-time and my happy place… it’s easily my favorite part of living in this neighborhood!

Bows & Sequins at North Avenue Beach in Chicago wearing a black maxi dress and chambray shirt with a straw hat and round glitter sunglasses.
Bows & Sequins at North Avenue Beach in Chicago wearing a black maxi dress and chambray shirt with a straw hat and round glitter sunglasses.

In fact, I’ve looked at other neighborhoods, but I simply can’t imagine moving farther west. Before I found out I was going to be able to move back into my apartment at the end of January after I got back from Remote Year, I was majorly on the apartment hunt. And ugh, that process can be oh-so-daunting if you don’t know where to look! But once I found out about Zumper, my search was so much easier.

Chicago blogger sitting on a navy blue velvet sofa with leopard throw pillows wearing mom jeans and a pink sweater while looking at an apartment search app on her phone.
Chicago blogger sitting on a navy blue velvet sofa with leopard throw pillows wearing mom jeans and a pink sweater while looking at an apartment search app on her phone.

Zumper has exclusive listings, you can search by features and amenities, create listing alerts, and even use the Zumper Book Now feature in Chicago to generate an application right from the app or website to streamline the renting process. Plus, if you need a little extra help, Zumper Select allows you to chat with an expert in the area to help you find options that suit your needs, helps to schedule your visits, and can even give you moving advice.

Bows & Sequins sitting at her Bungalow 5 desk in Chicago with a gold memo board and a gold Macbook.
Bows & Sequins sitting at her Bungalow 5 desk in Chicago with a gold memo board and a gold Macbook.

The platform seriously feels like Instagram for apartment hunting! I was not at all shocked to find my current apartment building on the app, as it really does have the best-of-the-best listings from around the city.

If I haven’t already convinced you that the Gold Coast is the best coast (haha sorry, you know I love a good #dadjoke), here are all of my favorite spots in the neighborhood! No matter if you’re visiting or a Chicago native, this list is the best of the best in the area.

Chicago lifestyle blogger Jessica Sturdy at La Colombe Coffee in Chicago's Gold Coast neighborhood wearing a blue maxi dress, straw hat, and circle handbag.
Chicago lifestyle blogger Jessica Sturdy at La Colombe Coffee in Chicago's Gold Coast neighborhood wearing a blue maxi dress, straw hat, and circle handbag.
Bows & Sequins Chicago City Guide Best Cafe Restoration Hardware 3 Arts Cafe
Bows & Sequins Chicago City Guide Best Cafe Restoration Hardware 3 Arts Cafe

Coffee & Cafes:

3 Arts Café at Restoration Hardware – The most stunning backdrop for coffee and chocolate chip cookies. Cafecito – A Cuban café that my friend Kate turned me onto! Dollop – A little bit off the beaten path, but it’s a hidden gem in the neighborhood. La Colombe – Oatmilk Draft Black & Tan with an Extra Shot, please. Petite Margaux – Inside the gorgeous Waldorf Hotel, grab an Iced Vanilla Latte and snag one of their outdoor tables to get some work done. Or if you’re there for Happy Hour, take advantage of their rosé special.

Bows & Sequins working at the Waldorf Astoria with a Gigi New York monogrammed leather notebook.
Bows & Sequins working at the Waldorf Astoria with a Gigi New York monogrammed leather notebook.


Somerset at the Viceroy – The décor alone is Insta-worthy, but the food and drinks are both delicious, too. Original Pancake House – For something that’s a bit more of a hole in the wall, pop on in to this neighborhood classic.

Chicago food blogger Bows & Sequins at Margeaux Chicago at the Waldorf Astoria in Chicago's Gold Coast
Chicago food blogger Bows & Sequins at Margeaux Chicago at the Waldorf Astoria in Chicago's Gold Coast


Hugo’s – One of my favorite things to do on a Thursday or Friday night is grab a burger and a dirty martini at the bar at Hugo’s! Definitely get the blue-cheese stuffed olives in your martini. Maple & Ash – It can be a little scene-y, but if you’re looking for a fancy dinner in the ‘hood, you can’t beat Maple & Ash. Every out of town visitor I’ve taken has loved it! And if it’s nice out, try to grab a table at their coveted outdoor patio for something a little more casual. Margeaux – This French brasserie at the Waldorf will have you feeling like you’ve taken a flight to Paris! Le Colonial – Another neighborhood classic! Le Colonial has always been a staple on Rush Street, but they actually just moved around the corner to Oak Street. I haven’t been to the new location yet, but I’ve heard good things!

Chicago food and lifestyle blogger Bows & Sequins at Le Colonial in Chicago's Gold Coast
Chicago food and lifestyle blogger Bows & Sequins at Le Colonial in Chicago's Gold Coast

Quick Bites:

Velvet Taco – THE. BEST. TACOS. Trust! And they’re open until the wee hours of the morning if you’re feeling hungry after midnight. Goddess & Grocer – So many great salads, wraps, sandwiches, and a good selection of grab-and-go snacks, too! If you’re heading out to Oak Street Beach, grab your picnic provisions here. Aster Hall – The newly renovated food hall in the 900 Shops is not to be missed! They have so many great food options from the Hogsalt restaurant group and their bar has some incredible cocktails, too. (It’s also a great place to get some work done during the day!)

Bows & Sequins in the Gold Coast in Chicago at Gibson's Steakhouse wearing a black maxi dress and a chambray shirt.
Bows & Sequins in the Gold Coast in Chicago at Gibson's Steakhouse wearing a black maxi dress and a chambray shirt.


Drum BarDeveraux Rooptop

Bows & Sequins wearing an all-white outfit that's perfect for going from the workday to dinner and drinks! Pair a long-line white blazer with a silky tank and lace shorts for a chic summertime look.
Bows & Sequins wearing an all-white outfit that's perfect for going from the workday to dinner and drinks! Pair a long-line white blazer with a silky tank and lace shorts for a chic summertime look.

If you’re in the mood for some tremendous people watching, take a seat in Mariano Park! It’s basically the central hub of the Gold Coast, and notoriously used to be called “The Viagra Triangle,” haha. And if you’re there in the summer, there’s a gelato stand to cool down! Grab a bite from one of the ‘Quick Bites’ above and sit alfresco and enjoy the scenery.

And if you’re in the mood to shop, we’ve got it all. Cruise down Oak Street and there’s about every luxury brand you can imagine. And on Rush, you’ve got Vineyard Vines, Madewell, Aritzia, Intermix, Lululemon, and more. BlueMercury on State is also a must! It’s where I do damage with all of my skincare needs. There’s a small outpost of The Ruby Room on Delaware for all of your crystal and sage needs. Marcus is a really cute boutique right next door, too! There’s also a Barnes & Noble, Warby Parker, and an Away flagship on State. And if you’re still not done, swing by the 900 Shops!

Hope you enjoyed this tour around my ‘hood! Happy to answer any and all of your questions about the area, leave them in the comments below.

This blog post was sponsored by Zumper.

colorful summer outfit, wide brim straw hat, denim jacket, printed shorts, white aviator sunglasses
colorful summer outfit, wide brim straw hat, denim jacket, printed shorts, white aviator sunglasses

HAPPY FRIDAY! What a week. I truly can’t believe it’s April! This week started out a little bit backwards for me, but thankfully turned around as the week progressed. I had to switch some things around and veer from my typical weekly schedule, which sort of started the week off on the wrong foot. I generally never schedule anything on Mondays, as they’re my days to GET SH*T DONE on the computer. No makeup, no meetings, rarely any calls, just me, my to-do list, and my computer screen. I normally get so much of my content written each week on Mondays, make sure the podcast is ready to go for Tuesday, and set myself up on a high note for the week. However, Monday was the only day that worked to shoot with my photographer this week, so a big chunk of my day revolved around that! On Tuesday, my day got a little bit derailed when I messed up my therapy appointment (not only did I have the wrong day, but the wrong time entirely… still not sure how that happened), but thankfully she was able to squeeze me in on Tuesday night, I just had to go back and forth between the Loop multiple times, which ate up some of my day.

I committed to turning things around on Tuesday night, though! Sometimes you just need to make the mental shift to regain some control on the week, you know? After my therapy appointment on Tuesday night, I took myself out to dinner for a delicious (but healthy!) meal and a glass of red wine. (Okay, fine, I had two. ) I was in desperate need of some computer time to get some writing done, so I chose True Food Kitchen because they don’t have wifi. That’s one of my tricks when I need to write… Choose a cafe without wifi to work and you’re pretty much forced into a distraction-free zone. TFK is one of my favorite spots for lunch meetings and dinner with friends, but I’ve dined solo countless time, too. You can grab a seat at the bar (great if you’re just reading a book while eating solo!) or take up a table along the windows if you’re wanting to log some computer time. I would have put True Food Kitchen on my Gold Coast City Guide, but even though it’s very close to me, it’s technically not quite in the Gold Coast.

Anyway, things started looking up from there! I had a productive day on Wednesday, celebrated a friend’s birthday on Wednesday night at Soho House, had another productive day on Thursday, and went to the opening of Sabbia at Eataly last night with Kate, and then we grabbed a glass of wine at Walton Street afterwards. Is there a better way to round out the week than Aperol Spritzes, wine, and catching up with a good girlfriend?! I think not.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend friends! See you back here next week. xoxo jrs

Here are this week’s finds…

You need to stop what you’re doing and listen to what I’m about to say because H&M IS LITERALLY EFFING CRUSHING IT RIGHT NOW. Have I been sleeping on H&M lately?! I’m honestly shook by how good their new arrivals are. Let’s go down the list, shall we?

Macramé Handbag: Under $50, absolutely adorable, and the colors go with everything. It’s such a classic style, the perfect little bag for night time. Use it instead of your go-to clutch… The ring makes it a little bit easier to carry, or you can toss it on your wrist.
Pointed Mules: I can’t speak to the comfort of these mules, but the striped pair is so cute! (And they’re under $25!)
Linen Criss-Cross Espadrilles: I feel like I’d wear these all summer long. No matter if you’re headed to a pool party, on the boat, or even out to brunch, I think you can wear these flat espadrille sandals just about anywhere.
Cat-Eye Sunglasses: I love these in the tortoise, but you can’t go wrong with black either. And heck, since they’re $13, just get both. This is THE shape of the season when it comes to sunglasses.
Knotted Headband: Again, this knotted headband is THE hair accessory of the season. And you can’t beat this gorgeous blush pink color! (And don’t miss these printed versions, too!)
Hairbands: Wear them in your ponytail, wrap them like a headscarf, etc. Such an easy way to add a little oomph to your outfit!
Suede Bow Slides: I mean, the name speaks for itself. You can’t go wrong.
Black Boater Hat: I have a black straw hat from a few years back and it’s still one of my favorites! It’s a fun change of pace from the classic natural straw color.
Black Suede & Straw Bucket Bag with a Gold Chain Strap: This piece is SO FUN! I feel like it effortlessly blends a dressed-up classic style with a dressed-down summer vibe. A must! And it’s under $50.
Belt Bag: I’ve wanted the Gucci belt bag for ages, but it’s just not in the budget right now. Unfortunately, most other belt bags I’ve found seem like wanna-be Gucci bags. I’m not looking for a knockoff, I’ve just been looking for a cool different style. This round belt bag is only $20 and is SO CUTE! Granted, it can’t hold much, but if you’ve got a SO to hold your phone, you’ve got yourself a bag.
Mom Jeans & Mom Jean Shorts: Obviously the fit will be the determining factor if these are a good buy or not, but they look SO CUTE! And you can’t beat the prices. $20 for the shorts, $30 for the jeans.
Black & White Cut Out Swimsuit: Again, I can’t speak to the fit, but the style is very cute, especially for $40!
Pleated Midi Skirt: You guys know I love me a pleated skirt!! This one comes in black, beige, and a pale yellow. You can style this a million different ways! (Similar style available in mint, too!)
Cream Wide Leg Pants: So friggen chic! Normally I’m so nervous wearing white clothing, but much like my white jeans, you don’t have to stress when they’re affordable.
Fitted Jacket: I’m in need of a white blazer for the season and this might just be it! I love how it doesn’t have a lapel and has built-in ruched sleeves. Makes styling so much easier! This blazer is another great option in white, too. And how sassy is the red!
Paper Bag Shorts: Available in beige, navy, and black, these linen-blend shorts are perfect for spring and summer. Style them with a tee and sneakers, or dress them up with a silky cami, blazer, and a pair of heels. (They come in a pant version, too!)
Printed Midi Skirt: I love the colors in this slip-like midi skirt! Wear it with a tee and sandals, with a chunky sweater and sneakers, or dress it up!
Jacket Dress: I think this style is so fun (and a little bit sexy!) for dinner dates and going out to drinks with the girls!
Knotted Cropped Tee: A fun top for all of your high-waisted skirts and pants! No need to worry abut a tuck.

I really, really, really loved reading Grace’s post on inclusive sizing. Truthfully, I learned so much and it made me so much more aware that I should be on the lookout for this, as well, as I’m shopping for and linking to products. The first step of fixing any problem is AWARENESS and I so glad her post brought a lot of these thoughts to the forefront of my mind. When I did my clothing line with Evine Live, this was definitely something that was talked about a lot, and I’m now remembering how many messages I got from readers thanking me for including their size when the collections came out. (We went up to 3XL, or a 28.) I’m embarrassed to admit, outside of designing clothes, I haven’t really been conscious of size inclusivity while I’m shopping, but thanks to Grace, this is going to be something I’m going to work on being more mindful about moving forward.

I get SO MANY DMs about astrology! And truthfully, I don’t have a good resource for people looking to learn more. I have just picked up little things along the way! But Girls Gotta Eat had an astrologer on their podcast this week and it was the best astrology episode I’ve ever heard that totally breaks down the basics. It’s such a fun conversation and if you’re interested in astrology at all, you’ll learn a lot! (Even if they start out the episode by shitting on Virgos aka: me )

And speaking of, this video is a cosmic forecast for the month of April!

How to Pre-Batch Cocktails for a Party

Best Spots for Business Lunches in NYC

This hotel was already on my bucket list, but OMG – after seeing McKenzie’s pictures, I’m DYING TO GO!

30A is on my bucket list, too! My grandfather lives right outside of Sarasota, so I need to plan a trip next winter to visit and also do some exploring.

Drew Barrymore’s home line is SO CUTE! I’m loving this scalloped headboard, these brass bookends, this dinnerware set, this rattan pendant, this tufted chaise lounge, and so much more. See the full collection here!

Yep, going to classify these pearl strappy sandals as a NEED. The black is probably my favorite, followed by blush.

When I shared one of my favorite shoe styles for spring (low block heel slingbacks!) on Instagram stories, I had a request for an even more affordable pair. The woman that interviewed me at the Macy’s conference was wearing these mesh slingbacks in black and I was obsessed with them! The blushy nude color is great, too. Heck, I even love the white.

Just ordered this set of body products to get my arms and legs in check now that the temperatures are (hopefully!) on the rise!

Four Words: Gingham Ric-Rac Pool Slides

I’m also going to need these $6 tortoise hoops.

Thoughts on this striped faux leather jacket? I feel like I shouldn’t like it as much as I do, but I’m drawn to it!

Kinda kitschy, kinda cute: This heart-print maxi dress.

It’s triple draft season, gotta stock up. I kind of want to try the new Honeysuckle flavor, too!

Souvenirs to Buy in Paris

Beyonce is re-launching Ivy Park

I’ve really been trying to shop way less, shop my closet to put together outfits with what I already have, and only purchasing items that I’ve thought about for a while and know I could mix in with my wardrobe to create so many more outfits. (I feel like I need to do a whole blog post about this!! Or like a series of some sort.) But I couldn’t resist this skirt! It’s pretty affordable at $68 and I know I’ll wear it a ton… With a tee shirt and sneakers, with a silk cami, moto jacket, and heels, with a denim jacket, etc, etc. I ordered both the Small and the Medium because I couldn’t gauge what size I would be. Only annoying part is that it’s on backorder for 37 days.

A cotton candy sunset skies with the Coachella Ferris Wheel and palm trees on the horizon at the Sahara Tent at the Palm Springs Music Festival
A cotton candy sunset skies with the Coachella Ferris Wheel and palm trees on the horizon at the Sahara Tent at the Palm Springs Music Festival

We had our first taste (or rather, feel) of spring here in Chicago this weekend and I couldn’t be happier about it! I wore a skirt without tights on Saturday night and didn’t feel cold so I know we’re headed in the right direction. And earlier today, I didn’t wear a jacket to-and-from SoulCycle. A simple (thick) sweatshirt sufficed! It actually got up to 68 degrees today and it was the first time that the breeze felt *warm,* and honestly, that’s the best feeling in the world in my book. I thought I was going to cry happy tears, haha!

Is it just me, or is March pretty much the worst month ever (in Chicago), at least when it comes to weather?! I’ve made a mental note to definitely plan some sort of warm weather escape next March! Now that we’re a few days into April, whenever it feels chilly, I can’t shake the thoughts of WHY DOESN’T IT FEEL LIKE SPRING?! I need some warmer temperatures that stick around, I need some sunshine, I need to ditch the Canada Goose, etc.

Typically, I would be heading to Coachella this week… There’s nothing like the dessert, palm trees, and some amazing music to put you in that summer state of mind. But I had to back out on our annual trip this year because #adulting, so I’m a) currently in a very sad and fragile state about *not* going, and b) trying to do anything and everything I can do to transport myself to that state of mind without leaving Chicago.

So this weekend, I decided to put together a playlist full of songs that make me feel those warm weather vibes. There are some newer songs, along with some of my favorites from the last few years. Sit back, hit shuffle, and get in that summer state of mind! Enjoy. xoxo jrs

Bows & Sequins weekly outfit recap post
Bows & Sequins weekly outfit recap post

Happy Monday, friends! Last week, I went out for a friend’s birthday on Wednesday night and ended up repeating the same outfit for the event I went to on Thursday. When Friday rolled around, one of my girlfriends and I opted to catch up on my couch in sweatpants instead of going out. So I really only have two outfits to share from this past week!

But as I was walking home from SoulCycle yesterday afternoon, I was enjoying the magical spring weather and sort of wandering aimlessly, trying to soak up the gorgeous weather. When I walked by Nordstrom, I decided to pop-in and as I was trying a few things on, I figured I could do a mini try-on on the blog! So excuse my appearance, I had literally just left SoulCycle (rinsed off, obviously) and wasn’t even wearing a bra, haha.

Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling Vineyard Vines Seersucker Pants with a pointelle sweater and white pointed mules.
Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling Vineyard Vines Seersucker Pants with a pointelle sweater and white pointed mules.

Wednesday April 3rd | Soho House for a Birthday Party

Halogen Pointelle Sweater (sold out; similar here, here, & here) | Vineyard Vines Seersucker Cropped Wide-Leg Pants | Nine West Twisted Pointed-Toe Mules | Brahmin Handbag (similar here & here) | Express Pearl Ring (old; similar here & here) | Nars Powermatte Lip Pigment in ‘Call Me’

Chicago blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a white textured sweater, seersucker cropped pants, white pointed toe mules, and a round circle bag.
Chicago blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a white textured sweater, seersucker cropped pants, white pointed toe mules, and a round circle bag.
Where to go in Chicago for Aperol Spritzes: Bar Sabbia at Eataly
Where to go in Chicago for Aperol Spritzes: Bar Sabbia at Eataly

Thursday, April 4th | The opening of Sabbia at Eataly

The exact same thing as above

Chicago blogger wearing a sheer turtleneck with a black bralette, suede skirt, and black sock booties for a Saturday night going out outfit.
Chicago blogger wearing a sheer turtleneck with a black bralette, suede skirt, and black sock booties for a Saturday night going out outfit.

Saturday, April 6th | Beatnik + Sakura Karaoke

Zara Sheer Turtleneck (old; similar here, here, here, & here) | Express Lace Bralette (old; identical here, similar here) | H&M Suede Skirt (old; similar here, here, here, here, & here) | Steve Madden Booties (old; identical here, similar here) | Eyeshadow: NARS Skin Deep Eye Palette | Lipstick: NARS Satin Lip Pencil in ‘Exbury’

See how I last styled this sheer turtleneck on the blog here!

Chicago blogger wearing a Saturday night outfit: sheer turtleneck, black bralette, suede skirt, ankle booties with a lucite heel.
Chicago blogger wearing a Saturday night outfit: sheer turtleneck, black bralette, suede skirt, ankle booties with a lucite heel.
Fashion blogger styling a sleeveless sweater and linen skirt from Reformation
Fashion blogger styling a sleeveless sweater and linen skirt from Reformation

Reformation Linen Skirt | Absolutely love this skirt! Wearing a 6, so I’d definitely size up if you’re usually in between like me. (I’m typically a 4/6!)

Reformation Sleeveless Sweater | I’m wearing a Small here and it’s more fitted and more weekend appropriate. I like the nude tone of the blush color! I feel like I kept fussing with the fit of the Small though, it wasn’t quite right.

Fashion blogger wearing a Reformation linen skirt.
Fashion blogger wearing a Reformation linen skirt.
Fashion blogger styling a Reformation sweater tank with Something Navy pants for a cute work outfit.
Fashion blogger styling a Reformation sweater tank with Something Navy pants for a cute work outfit.

Reformation Sweater Tank | Wearing the Medium here and I LOVE the fit! It’s more of an easy fit and totally appropriate for the office with a jacket on top. I absolutely love a sleeveless sweater for summer!

Something Navy Trousers | Great pant for work this summer! Wearing a 6, fit’s well! I’m usually a 4/6 so I’d size up if you’re in between or have a booty. The color is super versatile! It can read grey or kind of beige or off-white depending on what you’re wearing them with. I love them paired with a white top and pump, but you could also pair with a pair of sandals and a tee, or even with heels and a blazer!

Fashion blogger styling a blue and white striped shirtdress at Nordstrom
Fashion blogger styling a blue and white striped shirtdress at Nordstrom

1901 Striped Shirt Dress | Super cute, very lightweight cotton for summer. I don’t *think* it’s see-through, but sometimes it’s hard to tell in dressing room light. Wearing a Small.

Kate Spade Square Wicker Rattan Bag at Nordstrom
Kate Spade Square Wicker Rattan Bag at Nordstrom

Loved this Kate Spade wicker handbag!

Fashion blogger wearing a Gal Meets Glam dress at Nordstrom
Fashion blogger wearing a Gal Meets Glam dress at Nordstrom

Gal Meets Glam Dress | I’m wearing a 6 here, as I sized up because I hate things feeling tight in the shoulders. Didn’t love the fit on me, might have been better in a 4!

Fashion blogger wearing a Gal Meets Glam Maxi dress at Nordstrom
Fashion blogger wearing a Gal Meets Glam Maxi dress at Nordstrom

Gal Meets Glam Maxi Dress | OBSESSED WITH THIS DRESS! I almost didn’t even try it on because a high empire-like waist can make me look pregnant a lot of the time. But the subtle smocked detailing and pretty button details were very well done! And I love the side-ties at the arms. And the print is so beautiful! This dress was so comfortable and the perfect length on me. I’m 5’5” and wearing a 4! Fit’s perfectly. This is on my wish list for sureeee, I’d wear it all summer long!

PS: I don’t think the colors on the website do it any justice, it’s much prettier in person and true to the colors in my photos!

Gal Meets Glam pretty floral print dress with smocked detailing
Gal Meets Glam pretty floral print dress with smocked detailing
Fashion blogger wearing an animal print silk midi dress.
Fashion blogger wearing an animal print silk midi dress.

Chelsea 28 Silky Midi Dress | I love the subtlety of the neutral animal print! I feel like it’s definitely something you could wear to the office. I didn’t have a bra on, so I did not fill out the top at all. (I’m wearing a small!) I have a very short torso, so I felt like the waist was hitting me a bit lower than it should, but again, that maybe could have been solved if I had a proper bra on? It’s hard to say. Other than that, I loved the modest fit and silhouette though! It draped really nicely and the wrap front wasn’t exposing, even though I didn’t fill it out. They’re hard to see, but there are some little button details at the hip that I loved, too.

Fashion blogger trying on a silk midi dress at Nordstrom
Fashion blogger trying on a silk midi dress at Nordstrom

Bows & Sequins in front of the Chicago skyline near Oak Street Beach wearing a metallic puffer jacket and white jeans.
Bows & Sequins in front of the Chicago skyline near Oak Street Beach wearing a metallic puffer jacket and white jeans.

My friend Jackie flew in from New York to visit me this week and it was such a refreshing 36+ hours! She arrived on Monday night, we went out for pizza at Parlor, we chatted on my couch for a few hours on Tuesday morning, we went out to lunch at Somerset, we walked on the lakefront path, we got coffees and leisurely strolled around Restoration Hardware, we did some beauty shopping at Sephora, we grabbed a glass of wine at Hampton Social, went to dinner at Barrio, and stayed up late chatting again last night.

I met Jackie at my first job in New York City in 2012 (back when I ran social for eight beauty and fragrance brands!) and we’ve been friends ever since. Jackie started at the company a few months after I did, just before she got engaged. We used to get lunch together most days, or go to the gym or a workout class after work. (We actually went to our first SoulCycle class together!) We always lived in the same neighborhood so a lot of times we would even car pool (or really, cab pool) to the office together! I sat across from her in our office (she worked on the PR side of things) and got a front-row seat for wedding planning, got to go to her bachelorette out in the Hamptons, went to her and her husband’s wedding, and kept in contact well after we both ended up leaving that job. In fact, my last apartment in New York was literally across the street from her and her husband’s apartment on the Lower East Side before they moved out to the suburbs to start their family. She’s now the mom of the cutest toddler (while working full-time in the city) so to say that the last few days were a total luxury would be a complete understatement!

Jackie visited me here in Chicago a few months after I moved here, and I’ve gotten to see her a number of times in New York when I have been back visiting! But I haven’t been to New York since May of 2017 (longgggg overdue for a trip!) so I hadn’t seen her in almost two years since I got to meet her six-month-old baby.

It’s so crazy because I remember when she visited Chicago the first time, back in October of 2015. I was so stressed about making dinner reservations and making plans because I had only lived here three months and had no idea where to go to show her around! Fast forward to now when I feel so settled here in Chicago and narrowing down the places to take her was no easy feat, haha.

Anyway, I’m actually not writing this post today to talk about friendship, even though I do feel so lucky to have such great friends in my life that have carried on through so many life phases and changes. I’m writing to express what I was thinking about before I fell asleep last night, and why it’s so necessary to take some time away from work and responsibilities to recharge a bit.

I did not work at all yesterday. I mean, I answered some quick emails from my phone at a few points, but I didn’t touch my computer for more than five minutes in the morning. And truth be told, I don’t know the last time that happened, but it definitely hasn’t been in 2019.

When you work for yourself, time is money. I don’t have a steady paycheck, so anytime that I’m not working, I’m thinking about the revenue-generating work I could be doing. Other than a lack of calls and meetings and more plans with friends, weekends can sometimes feel like weekdays. And even when I’m not working, I tend to be thinking about work. Even though I try to take Saturdays off, I always end up doing at least something on my to-do list. And on Sunday nights, I usually end up logging a solid six or seven hours on the computer in the afternoon/evening to get set up for the week.

I’m in no way trying to complain about working weekends, but just exemplifying that I really never take a full day off, and especially not during the week. But on Sunday and Monday, I made sure to work ahead so I could devote my full attention to hanging out with Jackie on Tuesday since she was taking time away from her family to fly here and spend time with me! And by the time I went to bed last night, even though she had only been here a little over 24 hours, I felt so recharged. And Jackie said the same thing! She hadn’t had a leisurely day like that, without a plan or places to be, in far too long.

It was so nice to catch up with a longtime friend that I hadn’t seen in a while. It was so nice to spend a beautiful day out walking around. It was so nice to have my phone put away at meals and not be looking down at it while I’m walking. It was so fun to chat about old times, how much has changed, and just like the good ol’ days, talk extensively about all things beauty products, too. (She’s worked in beauty her whole career!)

And here we are, I’m back to regular working hours on Wednesday morning, sitting at my computer, and the world is still spinning! Funny how that works, isn’t it?

So if you also fall into the trap of feeling guilty for taking time away from your work or away from your family, try to remember that it’s okay to take a beat for yourself sometimes. Sure, flying across the US to see one of your girlfriends might not be as easy to coordinate, but it’s okay to carve out some time to step away from life’s responsibilities and recharge your batteries from time to time. We’re all better for it!

Chicago style blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a Janessa Leone hat with a denim jacket.
Chicago style blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a Janessa Leone hat with a denim jacket.

This week was all about the peaks and valleys! If you read this post earlier this week, one of my girlfriends was in town visiting during the early part of the week and I was fully checked out of work for about 36 hours. On Wednesday afternoon, I went over to Kate’s to record an episode for each of our podcasts and we ended up recording for over four hours total. I was so tired by the time I got home at 7pm that I ended up passing out on the couch for a few hours, haha! Thursday was kind of a blur, too… Worked, therapy, yoga, and went bowling with friends in the evening.

Friday was a much-needed me day, which is kind of strange that I needed that considering I took the day off on Tuesday. I slept in, went to SoulCycle, ate pizza, did some work that needed to be done, ran some errands, listened to a few podcasts, took a bath, read, did a face mask, did a hair mask, etc. I talked about it more in my Coffee Chat from this week, but I’ve had some realizations these last few weeks that have made me come face-to-face with the fact that working around the clock has been wearing me down in just about every way possible. To be frank, I’m just exhausted and need to recharge my batteries a bit. I always talk about how I’m so lucky to enjoy the work that I do, and that working on the weekends doesn’t feel like work, but the truth is — Even though I enjoy my work, I’m feeling a little burnt out from working at least six days a week, and at least 12 hours per day.

In an effort to slow down and take some more much-needed time away from my computer and phone, I’m driving down to my hometown this weekend to see my brother, SIL, niece, and nephew, which will be a very much-needed change of pace! Not to worry, I’ll be back to Chicago on Sunday evening and back to regularly scheduled programming on Monday. But I’m going into a new week trying to figure out what balance looks like for me!

Here are this week’s finds…

Remember my beloved Janessa Leone hat pictured above? In my very ill state, I forgot to grab it out of the overhead bin when I landed in Tokyo last year. They’re pretty pricey and in my efforts to try to save as much as I can this year, I’ve been trying to hunt down some cute alternatives that won’t break the bank. Here’s what I’ve found: $25 Boater Hat (Looks to be very similar but I’d love more photos and reviews!) $40 Hat with Teracotta Trim (OBSESSED with this one! I feel like I need one with a black band, but if you already have a straw hat with a black band, this one is a muuuuust!) $30 Seagrass Boater Hat (This one is fun, but I’m worried I’d look like a gardener! I like how it doesn’t have a band at all though.) $50 Straw Hat (The “weave” reminds me a lot of my Janessa Hat! I’m just not sure of the chin strap.)

Speaking of Janessa Leone hats, this brown beauty is majorlyyyyy on my wish list! The color is stunning.

Some thoughts on dealing with rejection. (I wasn’t chosen for the Sephora Squad either, but I so dearly appreciate the HUNDREDS of you that left testimonials for me. Truly, thank you!)

Loveddddd this money episode on Girls Gotta Eat.

Why Dating Should Be Messy

These black and white braided ankle-strap sandals just went to the top of my wish list! They’re under $100 and have the slightest sporty vibe, while still being such a chic, versatile shoe. (The rainbow pair is equally as cool and maybe even more versatile with how much you could wear them with!

This pair of navy gingham sandals are adorable! Pair them with a little white dress, with white jeans and a navy tank, or with a skirt, tee, and denim jacket.

Totally smitten with these block heel sandals, too! They are available in both red and navy (so hard to find good navy shoes!) and look like the most comfortable heel height for wearing all day. These transition so well from work to weekend if you’re able to wear an open toe to the office!

It’s a bit extra, but this voluminous rainbow-hued top is so cheery and fun!

I love to swap in a good straw bag in the spring and summer! They just seem so much more fresh than our regular handbags this time of year. These three are priced pretty affordably to begin with, but they’re currently 20-25% off!

For all of you sneaker heads… A sneaker release calendar!

Can’t wait to see what Jenn does with her new house! It looks stunning.

All about the leopard shoe right now! No matter if it’s a heel, a flat, or a sandal, it’s such a staple to have in your closet to add a (neutral!) pop of print to your outfit. This pair is great for the office, this pair of booties is so chic, and this loafer is pretty much perfect. And this pair of slip-on mules is so similar to my old pair that I wear constantly!

How to Start a Podcast

I think these white booties would be so cute with a dress for festival season!

A few more straw hats that are super affordable and on sale!

Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a white denim skirt with a blue and white striped top.
Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a white denim skirt with a blue and white striped top.

Spring is in the air… Or is it?! It actually SNOWED in Chicago on Sunday, and I’m not talking a few flurries. We had a straight up winter snow storm and the snow was falling down all day and well into the night. Crazy for mid-April, right?! I remember last year when I was at Coachella and hearing that it was snowing back in Chicago on that Sunday of the festival and being so glad that I wasn’t in town for it! Last year, I believe it was just a few flurries, but this year it was almost blizzard-like conditions with the wind! Spring, where are you at?!

Chicago fashion and beauty blogger Bows & Sequins styling a cropped green anorak jacket with white denim, round sunglasses, and a striped top.
Chicago fashion and beauty blogger Bows & Sequins styling a cropped green anorak jacket with white denim, round sunglasses, and a striped top.

We’ve had a few (read: one or two) beautiful days that have gotten me so excited for spring, and well, summer. Is it just me or does spring seem to not really exist in Chicago? In my mind, it tends to be a vicious cycle where we have one nice spring-like day, followed by ten more days of winter.

But even as I’m sitting at my desk writing this post right now, it appears to be sunny and blue skies outside and my weather app is telling me the high will be near 50 today! Which is a start contrast from Sunday afternoon when it looked like I was living in a snow globe. Ov vey!

Fashion blogger Jessica Sturdy wearing a striped mock-neck top with a white skirt and a leather belt for a casual spring summer outfit.
Fashion blogger Jessica Sturdy wearing a striped mock-neck top with a white skirt and a leather belt for a casual spring summer outfit.

When we’re sporadically graced with some sunshine and warmer temperatures, I’m always the first to try to break out my spring clothes and have some fun with fashion! After months and months of being bundled up in coats, boots, and beanies, I crave being able to put on a dress or skirt and break out some of the clothes I’ve been collecting in my closet and have been not-so-patiently waiting to wear. (This could potentially also contribute to the fact that I’m currently sick as a dog, but who really knows…)

Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a round rattan bag for spring.
Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a round rattan bag for spring.

I styled this mock-neck pointelle striped sweater with a white denim skirt and my favorite white sandals that I just picked up. These braided white slides look SO much more expensive than they are (they’re $55 and I also got them in brown!) and I know I’ll be wearing them on repeat all summer long. Skinny jeans, cropped flare, jean shorts, dresses, skirts, you name it. They’re classic and go with everything, especially in a seasonally-appropriate shade of white or can’t-go-wrong cognac brown.

Fashion blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a striped mock neck top from Miss Selfridges with a white denim skirt and white braided sandals.
Fashion blogger Bows & Sequins wearing a striped mock neck top from Miss Selfridges with a white denim skirt and white braided sandals.

If it’s still a bit chilly and you need a third piece, I think a cropped army green jacket does the trick! And if not, simply toss on a leather belt to make your outfit complete. I love this outfit styled both ways so I wanted to show how I would wear it now (with the jacket) and later (sans jacket + belt).

Fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a pair of Sam Edelman sandals with a white denim skirt.
Fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a pair of Sam Edelman sandals with a white denim skirt.

I first found Prive Revaux sunglasses last year when I was shopping for new Coachella shades! Right after Coachella, I headed to Japan so you can see them a lot in this post: What I Wore in Japan. When it comes to what I wear to a music festival, the more inexpensive, the better. Everything tends to get very dirty and I’ve lost *countless* pairs of shades while dancing at shows! So when I found Prive Revaux last year and saw all of their sunglasses are under $30, but could pass as designer shades, I was sold.

Small frame glasses are all the rage right now, but they can be hard to pull off if you’ve got a round face shape. (Like I do! ) Sunglasses can be super hard to shop for online (thank goodness for free returns!), but I took a gamble on this semi-small pair and absolutely loved them when they arrived in the mail. While the lenses look round, the frames stick out a bit wider than the lenses, almost making them more of an oval-y shape, which suits my face and features so much more! I’ve worn them daily since I got them a few weeks ago, highly recommend.

Plus, now that I’ve owned 3-4 pairs from Prive Revaux, I feel like I can speak to the general quality of their brand. For $29.95, they don’t fall apart after a few wears and they also come with a hard case to carry them in, not a flimsy pouch that provides hardly any protection.

Chicago blogger Bows & Sequins styling Prive Revaux sunglasses.
Chicago blogger Bows & Sequins styling Prive Revaux sunglasses.

Would you believe me if I told you that you can shop everything I’m wearing at Walmart?! Believe me, initially I was just as shocked as you probably are. When Walmart reached out about working together, the timing was pretty eerie. Just a week or two before, I was listening to my favorite business-y podcast (you can see the full list of my favorites here!) and they were talking about how Walmart has been CRUSHING IT. If you follow me on Instagram Stories, I actually talked about this on there!

Before I heard that podcast episode, I had no idea that Walmart offered free two-day shipping (without a membership fee!) and upon further investigation, I also found out that Walmart has a partnership with Lord & Taylor so you can shop lots of your favorite brands right from the Walmart site. (You can even take advantage of Lord & Taylor’s Friends & Family happening right now!)

When I agreed to take part in a partnership with Walmart, I made sure that I would be able to solely feature fashion items from their “Premium Brands” section. First and foremost, staying true to myself, my voice, my tastes, and my brand that I’ve built is the most important part of any collaboration that I say yes to.

But as I got to shopping online, I was actually pretty impressed with so many pieces that were outside of the “Premium Brands” umbrella. And just to make sure I was doing my due diligence, I ordered a ton of extra product (on my dime, mind you) to try it out for quality, fit, etc. And honestly, I was just as impressed in person! Truly. If I hadn’t been impressed, I would have just skipped over their own selection of items and solely featured items from their premium selection or their collaboration with Lord + Taylor like we originally agreed upon.

I picked up this floral maxi dress under $20, these criss-cross slide sandals under $30, and this $12 belt bag to get my trendy on. And I purchased these sunglasses under $30 elsewhere last year, but Walmart carries them!

Chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger Bows & Sequins styling a spring outfit at the Lincoln Park Conservatory Gardens.
Chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger Bows & Sequins styling a spring outfit at the Lincoln Park Conservatory Gardens.

Shop the Outfits…

Miss Selfridges Striped Pointelle Top
White Denim Skirt
Cropped Green Jacket
Rattan Bag
Sam Edelman White Sandals
Leather Belt
Privé Rivaux Sunglasses

Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a green army jacket with a white denim skirt and a round rattan handbag.
Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a green army jacket with a white denim skirt and a round rattan handbag.

I’d love to know… Have you purchased anything at Walmart lately? Did you know about their free two-day shipping on most items? What has your experience been? Let me know in the comments below!

Chicago fashion and beauty blogger Bows & Sequins wearing Prive Rivaux sunglasses and a long sleeved striped top from Miss Selfridges.
Chicago fashion and beauty blogger Bows & Sequins wearing Prive Rivaux sunglasses and a long sleeved striped top from Miss Selfridges.
Fashion and lifestyle influence Bows & Sequins styling a round rattan Bali bag for a cute spring summer outfit with a white skirt.
Fashion and lifestyle influence Bows & Sequins styling a round rattan Bali bag for a cute spring summer outfit with a white skirt.
Chicago influencer Jessica Sturdy styling a cute spring summer outfit with a striped mock-neck top, leather belt, white denim, wicker bag, and braided sandals.
Chicago influencer Jessica Sturdy styling a cute spring summer outfit with a striped mock-neck top, leather belt, white denim, wicker bag, and braided sandals.
Chicago blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a white denim skirt at the conservatory gardens in Lincoln Park.
Chicago blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a white denim skirt at the conservatory gardens in Lincoln Park.
Fashion beauty and lifestyle influencer Bows & Sequins wearing a striped pointelle top with a white skirt and a knotted leather belt.
Fashion beauty and lifestyle influencer Bows & Sequins wearing a striped pointelle top with a white skirt and a knotted leather belt.
Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a striped top with a leather belt and white denim for a cute spring outfit.
Chicago fashion blogger Bows & Sequins styling a striped top with a leather belt and white denim for a cute spring outfit.
Jessica Sturdy styling a white denim skirt with a green army jacket.
Jessica Sturdy styling a white denim skirt with a green army jacket.
Fashion blogger Bows & Sequins wearing Sam Edelman white braided sandals.
Fashion blogger Bows & Sequins wearing Sam Edelman white braided sandals.
Chicago blogger influencer Bows & Sequins wearing a spring outfit with a long sleeve striped top, denim skirt, twisted leather belt, and Sam Edelman flat sandals.
Chicago blogger influencer Bows & Sequins wearing a spring outfit with a long sleeve striped top, denim skirt, twisted leather belt, and Sam Edelman flat sandals.

This post was created in partnership with Walmart. Thank you for supporting the brands and collaborations that make Bows & Sequins possible!

Travel influencer Jessica Sturdy wearing a striped maxi dress and a straw hat in a pink tulip field in Amsterdam.
Travel influencer Jessica Sturdy wearing a striped maxi dress and a straw hat in a pink tulip field in Amsterdam.

Happy, happy Friday, friends! This week was such a whirlwind and I can hardly believe it’s Friday already. Let’s just say that I’ve got a wholeeeeee lot of work ahead of me this weekend! I flew to Pittsburgh on Tuesday for a partnership kickoff all day on Wednesday and then flew back to Chicago yesterday. It was a quick trip, but it was such a fun change of scenery and I feel like it did wonders for my state-of-mind!

On Tuesday afternoon, I checked out the Andy Warhol museum and caught up with Liz for a drink at Union Standard before going to dinner at Sienna Mercato with Liz and Brighton on Tuesday night. Wednesday was a packed schedule, but it was so fun to catch up with a bunch blogger friends, meet a handful of new-to-me bloggers and influencers, and learn so much about the brand we’ll be working with this year. On Wednesday night, Merrick, Liz, Brighton, and I grabbed a drink at our hotel (Hotel Monaco) before dinner and then the entire group closed out the trip at Bar Marco, which was absolutely delicious. Such great food and even better conversation and company!

I flew back to Chicago on Thursday morning and had a fun project to shoot in the afternoon once the rain finally stopped! After a successful shoot, Melissa and I grabbed dumplings at QXY in Chinatown, which was absolutely delicious. I hadn’t been to since last summer!

This weekend, I’ve got a bridal shower for one of my besties and I’ll be catching up on the work that I missed while I was away from my computer this week. First and foremost, I need to edit my podcast episode for this coming Tuesday! It’s an interview with my good friend, Kate, and I think it might be one of my favorite episodes yet.

But let’s get into this week’s articles, podcast episodes, and shopping finds. There is SO MUCH good content this week! xx jrs

Here are this week’s finds…

Two takeaways from convos us girls had on the trip: Liz has me wanting to try CBD. And Carly has me wanting to try a menstrual cup.


How to Support a Spouse with Anxiety

Maintaining Your Friendships As You Get Older

I feel like I wrote this post… Thrilled to see that Meghan is loving Gabby and the 5 Minute Journal just as much as I do!

Another congrats to Anna on the launch of her jacket line!

Everyday Habits That Drain Your Energy

A few podcast episodes I loved: INDIE LEE ON BAD ON PAPER! I learned SO much from this episode about clean beauty and toxins and am genuinely just so fascinated by Indie. She seems so joyful and genuine and I’d love to meet her in person one day! LIZ GILBERT ON HELLO MONDAY! Liz is just the coolest, I can’t get enough of her interviews.

I’m still not over this set of stacking rings.

I tried on this visor at the partnership kickoff this week and you’ll be seeing it on the blog and Instagram this summer! IT’S SO CUTE ON!! I want it in both black and natural.

I just got these earrings in navy and white and am OBSESSED! Now I’ve got the bright pink pair on my wish list, too.

Similarly, I wore these navy blue heels twice this week and I’m now lusting over the blush pink pair.

How fun is this jacket?! I love all of the different styles mixed into one. Blazer meets bomber meets varsity jacket.

This Posture Trainer review has me really wanting to try it!

How friggen cute are these leopard overalls??

A $27 straw hat… I’ll take it.

This maxi dress is darling and it’s only $88.

How to Start a Podcast + Equipment Recommendations

How to Survive as an Introvert

Fashion and travel influencer Jessica Sturdy in a pink tulip field outside of Amsterdam.
Fashion and travel influencer Jessica Sturdy in a pink tulip field outside of Amsterdam.
Lifestyle influencer Jessica Sturdy wearing a blue and white striped dress with a straw boater hat in a pink tulip field with blue skies in Amsterdam.
Lifestyle influencer Jessica Sturdy wearing a blue and white striped dress with a straw boater hat in a pink tulip field with blue skies in Amsterdam.

ps: You can see my spray tan tips here, as well as where I go for tans in Chicago!

Fashion and lifestyle blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins shares her daily outfits over the last week.
Fashion and lifestyle blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins shares her daily outfits over the last week.

Happy Monday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend, friends. And if you celebrate Easter, I hope it was a beautiful day with your friends or family! My Friday was super rough with some personal things, but Saturday and Sunday ended up being pretty great! I had some work on Saturday morning but got to spend the whole afternoon and evening with friends. We had one of my college bestie’s bridal showers in the afternoon, which led right into drinks in the evening and going out for Mexican on Saturday night. Her family was so sweet to invite me to their casual Easter brunch, which was such a nice way to start the day and I ended up taking a super long walk along the lake in the afternoon! The weather in Chicago on Sunday was absolutely gorgeous and got me so excited for the next few months. It’s funny, I think I had almost convinced myself that it would never warm up in Chicago, and Sunday reminded me, like, “Oh wait, we are going to have four months of nice weather heading our way!”

I hope this week treats you well! Here’s some outfit inspiration for a few outfits I wore this past week here in Chicago and in Pittsburgh…

Soul Cycle Leggings + Adidas Ultra Boost
Soul Cycle Leggings + Adidas Ultra Boost

April 8th, 2019 | WFH + Lagree Workout

Black Cubs Hat | Black Long-Sleeved Tee | Sports Bra | Lululemon Leggings | Adidas UltraBoost Sneakers

Goat Fashion Sweater, Old Navy White Rockstar Jeans, Kate Spade Leopard Loafers,
Goat Fashion Sweater, Old Navy White Rockstar Jeans, Kate Spade Leopard Loafers,

April 9, 2019 | Hosting a Friend in Chicago

Goat Fashion Sweater (old; similar here & here) | Old Navy Jeans | Kate Spade Leopard Loafers (old; similar here & here) | Brahmin Bag (similar here & here) | Prive Revaux Sunglasses

Travel blogger wearing a Veronica Beard jacket, ripped One Teaspoon jeans, and Joie sneakers with the Away Bigger Carry-On suitcase.
Travel blogger wearing a Veronica Beard jacket, ripped One Teaspoon jeans, and Joie sneakers with the Away Bigger Carry-On suitcase.

April 16, 2019 | Traveling to Pittsburgh + Andy Warhol Museum

Veronica Beard Lennon Jacket (old; similar here, here, here, & here) | Old Navy Grey Sweater | One Teaspoon Jeans (similar here) | Joie Sneakers | Away Bigger Carry-On | Zara Tote (old; similar here)

Veronica Beard Lennon Puffer Jacket, One Teaspoon Black Ripped Jeans, Joie Slip On Sneakers
Veronica Beard Lennon Puffer Jacket, One Teaspoon Black Ripped Jeans, Joie Slip On Sneakers
Bloggers Jessica Sturdy, Liz Adams, Carly Heitlinger, and Brighton Keller at a Calia by Carrie Underwood event in Pittsburg.
Bloggers Jessica Sturdy, Liz Adams, Carly Heitlinger, and Brighton Keller at a Calia by Carrie Underwood event in Pittsburg.

April 17, 2019 | Calia by Carrie Underwood Event in Pittsburgh

Calia Tie-Front Top | Calia Essential Leggings | Calia Scrunchie | Adidas Ultraboost Sneakers | not pictured: Calia Jacket

Fashion and beauty lifestyle influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins styling a Veronica Beard puffer jacket with a lace midi skirt and Boden ankle strap heels for a sporty and cute spring outfit.
Fashion and beauty lifestyle influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins styling a Veronica Beard puffer jacket with a lace midi skirt and Boden ankle strap heels for a sporty and cute spring outfit.

April 17, 2019 | Dinner at Bar Marco in Pittsburgh

Veronica Beard Lennon Jacket (old; similar here, here, here, & here) | Gap Navy Tee | Ann Taylor Lace Midi Skirt (old; similar here, here, & here) | Boden Heels | Mark & Graham Monogrammed Pouch | Kenneth Jay Lane Earrings (old; similar here & here) | Prive Revaux Sunglasses

Mott & Bow Mom Jeans, Away Bigger Carry-On, Calia Travel Bag
Mott & Bow Mom Jeans, Away Bigger Carry-On, Calia Travel Bag

April 18, 2019 | Traveling back to Chicago

Veronica Beard Lennon Jacket (old; similar here, here, here, & here) | Vineyard Vines Camel Hoodie | Mott & Bow Mom Jeans | Joie Kidmore Sneakers | Away Bigger Carry-On Suitcase | Calia Travel Bag | Swell x John Robshaw Bottle

Vineyard Vines Cashmere Hoodie, Black Leggings, Tretorn Dad Sneakers
Vineyard Vines Cashmere Hoodie, Black Leggings, Tretorn Dad Sneakers

April 19, 2019 | WFH

Black Cubs Hat | Vineyard Vines Cashmere Hoodie (on sale!) | Lululemon Leggings | Tretorn Sneakers

Chicago Instagrammer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins styling a striped shirt dress with nude flats and a red crossbody bag.
Chicago Instagrammer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins styling a striped shirt dress with nude flats and a red crossbody bag.

April 20, 2019 | Work Event with Boden

Boden Striped Shirt Dress | Boden Crossbody Bag | Boden Criss-Cross Slingback Flats | Boden Sunglasses | NARS Pencil in ‘Exbury’

Chicago blogger Jessica Sturdy wearing a striped shirt dress by Boden with nude strappy flats.
Chicago blogger Jessica Sturdy wearing a striped shirt dress by Boden with nude strappy flats.
Chicago fashion influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins styling a Sandro nude leather jacket with a Boden striped shirt dress, nude suede pumps, and a monogrammed green crossbody bag for a spring bridal shower.
Chicago fashion influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins styling a Sandro nude leather jacket with a Boden striped shirt dress, nude suede pumps, and a monogrammed green crossbody bag for a spring bridal shower.

April 20, 2019 | Bridal Shower at Riva

Sandro Leather Jacket (old; similar save here, here, & here; similar splurge) | Boden Striped Shirt-Dress | Naturalizer Slingback Pumps | Gigi Monogrammed Crossbody Bag | Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick in ‘The Dutchess’

Chicago fashion influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a Vineyard Vines white lace top, rag & bone skinny raw-hem jeans, and Gucci gingham slides.
Chicago fashion influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a Vineyard Vines white lace top, rag & bone skinny raw-hem jeans, and Gucci gingham slides.

April 21, 2019 | Easter Brunch at Parlor Pizza

Vineyard Vines Eyelet Top | rag & bone Skinny Jeans | Gucci Crossbody Bag | Gucci Gingham Slides | Prive Revaux Sunglasses | NARS Afterglow Lip Balm

Chicago fashion influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a navy blue ric rac maxi dress.
Chicago fashion influencer Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a navy blue ric rac maxi dress.

Hi friends, happy Friday! What a weeeeeeek. I’m happy it’s Friday, but honestly, I’ve got another busy weekend ahead that I need to power through! I have another girlfriend’s bridal shower in the suburbs on Saturday morning, a wedding to go to on Saturday night, and a fun catch-up brunch with one of my best guy friends that’s back in town on Sunday! There’s a concert that I really wanted to go see tonight, but I’m worried that I’ll just be running on empty by the time Monday rolls around. We’ll see if I get a last minute ticket or not!

I tried to get outside as much as possible this week. It’s been a tough few weeks mentally, and I’ve just been feeling a little bit burnt out at times. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out why… As I’ve mentioned before, I decided to travel a lot less this year in order to have some more down time at home to focus on work. But when you live and work from home, and your job is based on your life, I’ve sort of realized that I’m essentially always working. I’m trying to figure out more ways to step away and disconnect, and getting outside is helping! I’ve been trying to take the long way home, walk instead of take the train, and even just make it outside for a walk around the neighborhood before it gets dark. I’ve given myself a goal to start hitting at least 10,000 steps every day to make sure I make it a point to get outside and step away from the computer, my phone, etc. Going into the next few weeks, I’m going to try to start making it a point to scheduling more time with friends, too. I do feel like I see my friends a lot, but truth be told, it seems to always be some type of official event or obligation, rather than a good old-fashioned catch-up in a smaller setting. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I hope you’re able to find some downtime to rest and recharge this weekend, too! xoxo jrs

Here are this week’s finds…

Chelsea Handler on Howard Stern: I had so much anxiety the whole time I was listening to this interview (I don’t know what it was, I feel like maybe I’m just not into Howard Stern or his interviewing style mixed with me having an overly anxious day? Idk.) but I really enjoyed learning so much more about Chelsea Handler. Excited to read her new book, Life Will Be The Death of Me! (FYI: I downloaded the Sirius XM app and did the 30 day free trial to listen to it.) I’m actually going to an event with Chelsea Handler today (which is why I was doing some research about her and her new book) so keep an eye on my Instagram stories, I’ll share what I can!

Did you catch this weeks podcast episode with my friend, Kate? It’s one of my favorites so far, so many laughs! And I was a guest on her podcast this week, too. I get veryyy honest about blogging, the world of Instagram, finances, losing followers, etc. It was a really good heart-to-heart convo!

I’m working on an Instagram campaign with Michael Kors and, you guys, I had to share some of the pieces that I found! I honestly couldn’t narrow down my favorites and had to have the brand help me out, haha. Sadly, I couldn’t select 3x the amount of product that I needed for the shoot (womp, womp), so these are all of the things that you won’t be seeing on Instagram in the next few weeks. But it’s all on my wish list… I am obsessed with this crossbody bag! I think the strap detail is so fun and unique. The colorway that’s shades of neutrals or the classic black are probably my favorites. But honestly, the blush pink and blue are cute, too. Loving these classic espadrille sandals! I think this dress is so cute for a Mother’s Day brunch, and I really really love these metallic camo sneakers. And I love the color of this classic belt!

My friends over at Bad on Paper Podcast are going on tour! Chicago, DC, Boston, Charleston, and Nashville. Tickets are on sale now, I snagged one for the show here in Chicago!

OMG. Loeffler Randall on DSW. Yes, please!

I’m in major need of an earring refresh and I could easily drop a few hundred dollars at BaubleBar right now! How friggen cute are all of these statement earrings?!

This rattan hair, holy crap. I’m in love! (And it’s from Target!!)

A few ways to get out of your own head.

I need to recreate this outfit that Kathleen wore!

Dying to go to Holbox.

Instagram might start hiding likes, and honestly, I’m all for it.

It’s Talbots 30% off Friends & Family Sale! I love this tiered dress, this printed skirt, this midi skirt, these rope sandals, these twisted sandals, and this gingham top.

If you know me, you know two of my loves are Sugarfina candy and Alfred Coffee. AND THEY JUST RELEASED A COLLAB!!

Really wishing I had an outdoor patio for these chairs!

How to Support a Friend with Infertility

Always a big fan of Kenneth Jay Lane earrings… How fun are these cactuses?! Beyond. And these pavé hoops?! Obsessed.

Two years later and I’m still obsessed with these slides. DEAR SANTA!!

This scuba hoodie looks so comfy!

This was a super interesting read… What I Didn’t Expect About Expecting

If you know any girls looking for an internship in Chicago this summer… Alice & Wonder is hiring!

Chicago lifestyle blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a blue maxi dress with white ric rac trim.
Chicago lifestyle blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a blue maxi dress with white ric rac trim.
Chicago blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a ric rac dress with BaubleBar hoop earrings.
Chicago blogger Jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a ric rac dress with BaubleBar hoop earrings.

Vineyard Vines Ric-Rac Dress | Lucky Scalloped Sandals | Brahmin Bag | BaubleBar Hoop Earrings | White Cat-Eye Sunglasses

Chicago blogger jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a ruffled ric rac maxi dress.
Chicago blogger jessica Sturdy of Bows & Sequins wearing a ruffled ric rac maxi dress.

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