© 2018 American Council of Engineering Companies of New York

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Legislative and Public Agency Resources

ACEC New York has compiled the following legislative and agency resources and information for engineering firms.

  • NYS and NYC Public Agencies (Updated 11/12/21)

  • New York State
  • Federal (Updated 5/4/21)

  • New York City

  • COVID-19 General Resource Page

  • Back to Homepage

NYS and NYC Public Agencies

Below are links to relevant policies and resources from New York City and New York State agencies.

New York State

NYS Canal Corp (4/22/20)

NYS Department of State (4/7/20)

NYS DOT (5/7/20)

NYS Education (11/13/20)

NYS EFC (11/5/20)

NYS ESD (4/9/20)

NYS Governor's Office (3/19/20)

NYS OGS (9/24/21)

NYS Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (11/12)

NYS Thruway Authority (11/13/20)

SUCF (3/23/20)

New York City

Con Edison (2/11/21)

FDNY (5/11/20)

MTA (10/22/21)

NYC Comptroller's Office (3/19/20)

NYC DDC (4/2/21)

NYC DEP (10/14/21)

NYC DOB (4/30/21)

NYC DOT (4/6/20)

NYC Housing Authority (11/13/20)

NYC Mayor's Office (4/23/21)

NYC Mayor's Office of Contract Services (8/10/20)

NYC SCA (3/30/20)

PANYNJ (4/2/21)

New York State

(for NYS agency news, visit the Public Agency section)

NYS Regional Dashboard

Reopening guidance can be found on the NY Forward website. Offices including those providing professional services or supporting construction are among the spaces and Included in this guidance. Summary guidelines, detailed guidelines with affirmation and fillable safety plans are all offered on the site.ACEC New York confirmed with the Governor’s counsel’s office that affirming the guidelines is necessary for businesses reopening. The guidance states, in relevant part: “A business may fill out this template to fulfill the requirement, or may develop its own Safety Plan. This plan does not need to be submitted to a state agency for approval but must be retained on the premises of the business and must made available to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) or local health or safety authorities in the event of an inspection.”

The guidance sets standards related to social distancing, enclosed space gatherings, workplace activity, protective equipment, cleaning and disinfection and other subjects. Of specific note is that the guidance mandates, among other things:

  • A 50% occupancy level in subject offices
  • Six-foot distancing and use of masks when such distancing is not possible
  • Posting of DOH-compliant COVID-19 signage
  • Limiting in-person gatherings
  • Provide PPE to employees at no cost
  • Provide in-office hand hygiene stations
  • Provide daily health screening for employees
  • Affirm reading and understanding of these guidelines

This is not a complete list and the full document should be read for complete understanding.


ACEC National COVID-19 Resource Center

Biden Administration Announces Infrastructure Investment Plan (4/2/21)

President Biden’s American Jobs Plan describes an 8-year, $2.25 trillion investment in traditional infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, rail, water and energy systems. The plan also includes funding for housing, climate change and broadband internet. The plan also has a number of elements viewed as infrastructure-adjacent equity or social programs intended to ensure the beneficial effects of the legislation reach traditionally marginalized groups.

The specific text of the plan has not been released, but a few highlights of the expected plan are as follows:

  • Transportation infrastructure, is allocated $621 billion, with $174 billion on electric vehicle infrastructure including charging stations, upgrading US fleet vehicles, and tax incentives for EVs. $115 billion will go toward roads and bridges in most need of repair, $85 billion and $80 billion, respectively, will go to transit systems, including Amtrak repairs and expansion. $25 billion will be directed to airports, as well as $17 billion to inland ports and waterways. The transportation branch of the plan includes $20 billion for a program to reconnect neighborhoods divided by roadways and to promote economic opportunity, racial equity and environmental justice.
  • Highlights of the energy and water branch of the program include a 100% replacement of all lead pipes and service lines supported by a $45 billion investment in the EPA’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and WIIN grants. $10 billion will be directed to PFAS contamination remediation.
  • $100 billion is intended to build high speed broadband infrastructure with the goal of 100% coverage. $100 billion is also directed to significant electrical grid upgrades and incentives for clean energy generation and storage.
  • Schools and housing also receive major investments including $213 billion for affordable housing.

This summary is a small slice of the whole Plan, which also includes investments in labor, R&D and other areas. As the Plan’s details come into clearer focus, ACEC New York will continue to inform members of relevant details.

American Rescue Plan (3/11/21)

On March 11, 2021, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced the American Rescue Plan, featuring State and local funding breakdown.

ACEC National has compiled and shared results of their COVID-19 Business Impact Survey - Wave 3

New York City

(for NYC agency news, visit the Public Agency section)

NYC Department of Small Business Services created a webpage "Assistance & Guidance for Businesses Impacted Due to the Novel Coronavirus" where businesses impacted by COVID-19 can sign up to receive information about financial assistance.

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