Bumps on Back of Head: Skull, Painful, after Haircut Treat

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What causes bumps on back of skull? An insight into bumps on back of head, skull, painful, neck, after haircut, causes and treatment.

Acne is a skin condition which affects hair follicles, mainly on the face, but also the chest, back, as well as in rare cases, the scalp. Acne is most seen during the teenage years but might as well as happen later in life.
Overstimulation of sebaceous glands that are attached to hair follicles by the androgens (male hormones) is one of the most common causes of acne.

What Causes Little Bumps on Back of your Head

Round, raised areas on scalp which are mostly harmless and called the lumps can happen because of various conditions. So, determining the best treatment depends much basically on underlying cause. Let us understand about some of the causes;

  1. Pilar Cysts: Pilar cysts can emerge as a round bumps on the scalp and are usually painless which are able to range from a pea size to a size of a small apple. These are harmless and are formed by collection of oil and also the dead skin cells that are under the top layer of scalp.

It is crucial to get rid of the cysts or the lumps on scalp as they are able to weaken the hair follicles and lead to falling of hair on a temporary basis. Such kind of cysts or even lumps on scalp are mostly common in females and are as well hereditary.

  1. Moles: Moles are also called Nevi and like any other part, can as well grow on scalp. Lumps on scalp or even the moles can be removed by use of cosmetic procedures. They are usually harmless and also painless.
  2. Common Warts: One of the common skin problems is warts which are usually seen in skin which includes the scalp. HPV or Human Papilloma Virus is the common agent to bring the bumps on back of head.

Usually an injury brings the HPV virus inside and grows out as an outgrowth or a cluster or even a lump that is over the skin. It should be noted that lumps on scalp because of Common warts are not in any way dangerous and are able to be removed in a doctor’s office.

  1. Seborrheic Keratoses: One kind of bumps is known as Seborrheic Keratoses which are usually similar to common warts in appearance.

They are usually hereditary in nature. They are also colorless or even dark brown in color and are round or oval in shape; but might change the color and also the shape if irritated. They are also able to be removed if they become itchy and also uncomfortable.

  1. Nevus Sebaceous of Jadhaason: This is another condition where there occurs yellow patch during infancy which further grows to lumps or bumps on back of head at times of puberty and adolescent.
  2. Cancerous Growths on Scalp: Sun exposure can lead to cancerous growths on skin which includes the scalp. These growths or even the lumps are mostly grown in bald men. It is crucial to have an early detection of the cancerous growth on the scalp which is usually done by an expert dermatologist.
  3. Acne Scalp

How does Scalp Acne Cause Bumps?
Scalp acne usually forms in similar way as acne in any other part of the body. The sebaceous or even the oil glands are usually located deep in skin and each oil gland is then connected to a follicle, which is a tiny canal that has a hair.
The oil or even the sebum that is produced by the sebaceous glands flows out through the follicle to skin surface. This assists to lubricate the hair follicles and also the skin. The opening of follicle on skin surface is called a pore.
Acne forms due to a combination of 3 factors

  • Excess oil production.
  • Blocked pores.
  • Inflammation brought about by bacteria.

Acne forms when an overactive sebaceous gland produces excess oil, which might then get trapped within blocked pores. The exact cause of the blocked pores is not indicated. Due to this blockage, the hair follicle might enlarge so as to form a little bump and in time it can rupture, therefore allowing bacteria to reach very deep into tissues and lead to inflammation.
Normal skin bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) usually multiply within the blocked pores and leads to inflammation of the follicle. Acne is not brought about by bacterial infection but the bacteria might play a role in the development. Whiteheads, painful red bumps, pustules and boils develop due to the pore blockage.
Superficial inflammation leads to pustule formation, while deeper inflammation leads to pimples, and still deeper ones causes cyst formation. Whiteheads are usually formed when the excess oil comes out on surface, while blackheads are then formed by oxidation of oil, and not by accumulation of dirt as is thought.
What Causes Scalp Acne?
They include the following:

  • Hormones, especially during adolescence and also at times of menstruation.
  • Hot, humid conditions.
  • Environmental factors, like pollution.
  • Exposure to some chemicals and oils.
  • Certain drugs, like corticosteroids and estrogen or androgen having medication.
  • Oily and greasy scalp.
  • Friction or even pressure, as from helmets.
  • Hair products like the hair oils and gels can lead to blocked pores.
  • Acne tends to run in several families.

Symptoms of Bumps on back of Head
Scalp acne might not always be noticeable as the scalp is usually covered by hair. Touching it accidentally while combing or even brushing might lead to pain and then be discovered.

  • Mild bumps might be seen in forehead region, near hair line.
  • Infection of hair follicle can lead to scalp folliculitis, which is a severe condition.
  • Scalp acne might be considered to be a non-infectious form of the scalp folliculitis.
  • Acne necrotica miliaris is a severe but rarer form of scalp folliculitis which is usually seen as tiny superficial pustules. As well as affecting the scalp it might as well develop on face and other parts of the body.
  • Pomade bumps on back of skull is seen commonly in people who usually use oily hair care products. It might also be seen around the hairline in forehead and temples.
  • Acne keloid is mainly seen around the hairline at the back of the head as a thick band.
  • Small pustules.
  • Red bumps might also be seen on scalp.
  • Crusting as well as oozing.
  • Matting of hair.
  • Bald patches and also scarring if it is left untreated for long.

Why are Bumps on Back of Head Painful?

Bumps on your scalp are due to various factors, which includes trauma. The redness can be an indication of bruise or even an infection. If it is hot also, this can be an infection. In non-traumatic posterior neck lumps, these are cysts or lymph nodes. See the doctor for a physical exam. This can also be a swollen lymph node, which could be infected or even swollen due to of inflammation or an infection on the scalp or even an ear. It can as well be an insect bite. You should have the doctor examine you, so that you can be diagnosed and also treated. It is possible that you could have a cyst, infected hair, or even abscess that is bringing about the symptoms. Please see the doctor for a proper treatment. It might include antibiotics or even it might require incision and drainage.

Can you get Bumps after Haircut?

Bumps on back of skull after shaving which is called Pseudofolliculities barbae is a common problem for people of colour who includes the African, Afro American and Hispanics. This problem is where the hair curves back into the skin because of the thick curly nature of hair. This problem leads to itching and also the tiny bumps that would later develop into bumps making the problem worse and leading to unsightly darkening of skin Research has indicated that the most common cause of the bumps are attributed to use of infected and also un-sterilized blades, bad and blunt clipper blades. Generally such bumps are usually formed through inflammation of hair follicle brought about by any of under listed factors: Shortly after a close shave the hair starts to grow, it curls back into skin where it then bores a hole. When this occurs, then the inflammation of skin happens and it could lead to bumps. Bumps can as well develop due to the bacteria infection of cuts that are sustained during using a fake, unhygienic infected and also un-sterilized blades or clippers. Razor bumps are usually similar to the ingrown hairs and appears like small tender pimples that are commonly found at the back of head. If left untreated could spread quickly and then engulf the whole head. The general skin redness abrasion as well as irritation that are brought about by shaving. The tiny cuts that are brought about by shaving are also known as razor burns. One of the common causes of razor burns is using a lot of pressure while shaving, the excess friction causes razor burns. Other causes are lack of sufficient skin lubrication as well as shaving in the opposite direction of hair growth. The use of after shave and also colognes can as well contribute to the problem by drying and also irritating the freshly shaven skin. Grow Out Your Hair

  • The first step to getting rid of the bumps on back of head that were caused by razor and ingrown hairs is to let the hair grow out. Avoid use of tweezers or razors for at least 20 days to allow the hair grow out.

When you do cut the hair the next time, use either a single-blade razor or even electric hair clippers so as to avoid cutting the hairs very short and also prevent the bumps from reoccurring. Even if electric hair clippers were used, the setting might have been close of a cut and brought about the razor bumps.
Topical Antibiotic

  • If the condition is making you to feel a lot of you pain or discomfort, see the doctor on antibiotics. The bumps might have gotten inflamed or even infected, and the doctor can prescribe a topical antibiotic. Apply the antibiotic to the area on as instructed by the doctor or pharmacist.

Avoid shaving while still using the antibiotic and clean the area using a polyester skin-cleansing pad at least twice a day. If the area is infected from scratching, then the doctor might prescribe an oral antibiotic.

  • There is a lotion that has a special ingredient which you can use to assist reduce the bumps and also prevent new inflamed spots from forming on the neck or even the face. Find a skin lotion with the glycolic acid in it.

This ingredient usually acts as a skin exfoliant to get rid of the surface skin cells and also keep the area clean. Apply the lotion every given night before bed to assist control the bumps.
Laser Hair Removal

  • One of the best ways to prevent and also control skin bumps on back of head after shaving is through avoiding the act of shaving by having laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is able to be done just in the back of the neck or even the face so that the next time you get a haircut, the barber will not have to use an electric shaver in the areas.
Laser hair removal can get rid of the hair follicles that are making the ingrown hairs, and ultimately the razor bumps.

What about Bumps on Back of Neck?

While lumps under skin might make you to worry, doctors advise that most lumps and also the swellings are harmless. The location of the bumps on back of head or neck, as well as any accompanying symptoms, are able to assist you and the doctor determine the cause. You can also develop bumps and lumps on back of the neck for several reasons. Contact the doctor regarding lumps which seem to appear without a reason.

Neck Anatomy

The neck, which includes the back portion of the neck, has lymph nodes. According to doctors, you might be able to feel the lymph nodes along each side of the back of the neck. Nodes that are behind ears may as well swell, leading to lumps high on the back sides of the neck. The skin along the back of the neck might as well develop swellings below the surface.


You might notice pain or even itching around the area of bumps. An elevated temperature might indicate presence of a fever, while oozing or even the pus can indicate existence of a skin infection. Some lumps might roll easily under fingers, while others seems immovable.


Causes for bumps on back of head or on back of your neck vary. Swollen bumps that leads to pain and appear suddenly normally happen due to an infection or even an injury. Boils can lead to lumps to form under the surface of skin. Boils normally start as red, tender lumps, brought about by bacterial conditions which infect the hair follicles. Swollen lymph nodes normally appear when the body tries to fight off an infection. According to research, several conditions can lead to the glands to swell, which includes strep throat, leukemia, AIDS and also the food allergies. Some medicines and also vaccinations can also lead to swollen lymph nodes.

How to Get Rid of Bumps on Back of Head

Medical Treatmentsthe medical treatments

  1. Surgical Removal of the Lumps on back of head: Surgery is crucial to get rid of the large or the infected bumps or the cysts on scalp, especially brought about by the common warts.

The surgical removal of lumps from scalp are usually done by getting rid of them using electro surgery with the assistance of a needle which sends an electrical charge through the wart or even the lump on scalp and therefore vaporizing the growth so that the hardened tissue is able to be scraped off.
It must be noted that bumps on back of head due to common wart can get painful conditions while getting rid of them surgically, but the pain is short lived. Surgical removal of lumps on scalp because of other conditions is also performed by an expert dermatologist after proper diagnosis.

  1. Treatment of Lumps on Scalp through use of Liquid Nitrogen: Bumps are also treated by freezing growth using liquid nitrogen that flattens the growth or even the the bump. This type of treatment is called Cryotherapy.
  2. Medications Used for Treating Lumps on Scalp: There are medications such as Malathion and Lindane which are able to be used in treatment procedure for getting rid of symptoms of lumps on scalp brought about by various reasons. The lumps brought about by skin cancer on scalp can also be treated by use of injections of cancer drug directly in to the growth on the scalp.
  3. Other Medical Treatments for bumps on Scalp: Llight therapy which can assist in clearing the lumps brought about due to skin problems such as the psoriasis.

Home Remedies

There are people who prefer natural remedies over medical treatments. Below are some of the natural treatments for bumps on scalp brought about by various conditions.

  1. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar might be a simple and also inexpensive natural treatment.

Apple cider vinegar, also called ACV acts as astringent and assists in restoring the normal pH of scalp and thus helps in treatment of various kinds skin conditions. Being free from any chemical, one need not worry about use of Apple cider vinegar, as it hardly leads to any side effects.
But, do note that an overuse of the vinegar might be harmful as it is able to increase the pH level and lead to conditions of balding.

  1. Treating Lumps on Scalp Naturally by use of Nutmeg Powder: Ideal especially for the removal of pimples which are brought about by infection is able to be treated naturally by use of Nutmeg powder.

You are required to take a nutmeg and also grind it to get the powder and then add 4 tablespoons of milk to grinded powder so as to make a paste for using on scalp. Rinsing the head after an hour is essential.

  1. Neem: Neem leaves can be boiled and then grinded so as to make paste for using on scalp in order to do away with the bumps on back of head and other lumps brought about by an infection on the head.

The antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties that are exhibited by Neem assists in treating the scalp problems such as the lumps on scalp. Heena is an antiseptic in its property and therefore can be used to treatment of scalp lumps, especially the acne brought about by an infection.

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