One of the hardest parts for me during a cosmetic consultation is telling a client that they’re not a suitable candidate for a procedure. Although this happens rarely with our non-invasive cosmetic treatments, there are still times when the treatment you desire may not be right for you. We must understand that cosmetic procedures are not for everyone. It is important that you are well informed and understand all the risks and benefits involved with aesthetic treatments. Here are some things to think about as you determine whether a cosmetic procedure is a suitable option for you.
Why do we want cosmetic procedures in the first place?
During my initial consultations, I always like prospective clients to tell me the story of what got them to pursue our non-surgical cosmetic treatments. During these conversations we can also determine what you expect your cosmetic procedure to accomplish for you. There’s two main reasons that people come to us for help. The first, and most common, are people who have a noticeable physical flaw that is lowering their self-esteem. The second, are those who have a strong sense of self-confidence, but would like to change a part of their physical appearance that bothers them.
Our treatments are perfectly designed to address these concerns by correcting the physical flaws, and as a result making you feel much better about yourself. If you fall into the above categories and as long as you have realistic expectations about what your cosmetic treatment can do for you, then you may be an appropriate candidate for cosmetic procedures.
Despite the above, there are still a few situations which may not make you an ideal candidate for treatment.
Are you physically and mentally prepared to have a cosmetic procedure done?
Though you may feel like you are ready for a cosmetic treatment, you may have certain medical and health conditions which may prevent you from being a candidate for an aesthetic procedure. For example, none of our procedures are performed on pregnant women. We do not perform our Ultherapy non-surgical face lift on anyone who has metal screws or implants as a result of previous facial surgery. Laser hair removal is not done on anyone with a history of skin cancer. For those with multiple medical problems, we may require medical clearance from your family physician before your treatment.
Unrealistic expectations or other stressors in your personal life. If you think your cosmetic treatment will turn your perceived flaws into absolute perfection, then you are not an ideal candidate for a procedure as you will most likely be disappointed by your results. Also, if you expect non-invasive cosmetic treatments to provide results overnight then maybe they are not the right treatments for you. An Ultherapy neck lift stimulates your own body’s natural collagen production. This is a gradual process, therefore an Ultherapy treatment will not make you look five years younger overnight. It also can’t make a 65 year old look like a 35 year old. These are things that even a surgical facelift can’t accomplish. The CoolSculpting fat freezing procedure also does not provide immediate results. CoolSculpting by Zeltiq is a procedure for shaping the body by removing localized fat in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, back, buttocks or arms. Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting are close to their ideal weight with firm, elastic skin. CoolSculpting is not a weight loss procedure. If you are more than 25 pounds overweight then this is not the procedure for you.
A cosmetic improvement is also not a solution to your personal problems. If you are going through a divorce, loss of a job, death in the family, etc. you are far better off dealing with your personal issues and pursuing cosmetic procedures after your personal problems have resolved. If you want to have a cosmetic procedure done to impress someone else and not yourself, then you will definitely not be happy with your results in the long run.
In summary, to be a good candidate for cosmetic procedures the improvement in your physical appearance should be what you want for yourself alone. By being realistic in your expectations you will be pleasantly surprised with the end results. No one wants to hear that they are not a candidate for a cosmetic treatment, but in today’s day and age, there’s a lot more power and satisfaction in being honest and providing alternative treatment possibilities than wasting your money to get a suboptimal result.