The Age Fix – Dr. Anthony Youn

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Plastic Surgery – Curse or Blessing?

Dr. Anthony Younmost people

Dr. Youn says that every time he prepares to do surgery, he’s aware of the possibility of severe complications or even death. He decided to create a regimen that could have someone looking ten years younger without going under the knife.

In addition to the medical and cosmetic challenge, there is also the cultural need to have honest discussions about youth, beauty, and body dysmorphia. Dr. Youn feels that we need to reframe the concept of aging. We all get older, but it doesn’t have to be traumatic, physically or emotionally.

Beautiful Skin Starts Inside

When Dr. Youn first sees a patient, he lets them know that his goal is first to get them and their skin as healthy as possible. It’s only after those results are in, and the patient decides that they want even more dramatic results, that he will talk to the patient about surgery.

What are some things we can do on our own? Dr. Youn has several suggestions:

  • Use a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.
  • Wash your face every night with a gentle cleanser – NOT regular bar soap!
  • Exfoliate with an anti-aging retinol cream at night.
  • You can even make your exfoliant out of baking soda, reduced fat milk, and honey.
  • Take Vitamin C.
  • Stop or drastically limit your intake of junk food.
  • Get sugar out of your diet. Sugar affects your outside, too. It undergoes a process called “glycation” where sugar molecules bind to your skin’s elastin and collagen and deforms it. That doesn’t even sound good.

Improve Your Portrait

Ityour “portrait

“Your face is like a painting. The skin is like the canvas.”

Technology is playing an increasing role in the anti-aging market. Ultrasound can tighten the skin under the neck. Cosmetic and medical practitioners use IPL – Intense Pulsed Light – to get rid of sunspots and other sun damage. Doctors are using lasers for hair removal and to stimulate hair regrowth. More of these devices are now affordable for home use.

The techniques that Dr.Youn lays out in his book are not meant to be a quick fix. He says it will be at least 6 to 8 weeks, with three months recommended, before you should expect a noticeable difference. That period of time may be too long for some in our world of immediate gratification. Others will realize that on a risk-to-reward basis, it’s worth the wait.

The quality of our food, sleep, and relationships show up on our faces. If you want to look younger, the first step is to be healthy.

You can get a copy of Dr. Youn’s book, The Age Fix, at Amazon or on Dr. Youn’s site, where you can get some bonuses.

Interview notes from the show:

Dr. Pedram:

Hey welcome back to the Health Bridge Dr. Pedram Shojai here today talking about skin. The largest organ in our body, there are so many things that happen with skin that we don’t really talk about in our kind of common discourse. Today I have Dr. Anthony Youn with me who is a plastic surgeon who is trying to teach you how to not need him. It’s great he has a great new book out called The Age Fix and it’s all about how we can live more healthfully and treat our skin with other kind of ways other than surgery to look healthier and younger. Doc, welcome to the show.

Dr. Anthony:

Thanks for having me on.

Dr. Youn’s Background

Dr. Pedram

Great to see you, I love when guys like you break ranks and basically write books about how to do like if you go to a carpenter all you see is a nail type of thing. A lot of surgeons stay siloed in where they’re at. You wrote a book about how to do things, on the cover it says 20 treatments under 20 bucks. That is an awesome proposition for people who are trying to look younger and stay healthy without going under the knife. Before we get into any kind of the specifics, how did you end up going there? You’re a surgeon.

Dr. Anthony:

I’m a plastic surgeon, I’m board certified I’ve been in private practice for the last 12 years including my training I’ve been doing this for 17 years or so. The one thing that is a big fear in my mind every single day when I walk into the operating room is is my patient going to die, is my patient going to die or have a major complication because surgery is serious. I respect surgery and how serious it is. Really I think after spending the last 12 years worrying about my patients every single day I thought if I could create a plan that really anybody can follow to take off 10 years to look 10 years younger to look the way they want to look without having to go under the knife than I would be doing people a big service.

Dr. Pedram:

Amen. You know what the culture that we live in, look I’m in Orange County, Southern California, Newport Beach I had a practice right there on the beach. Kind of like the plastic surgery capital of the world in a lot of ways. Beauty and age and self-worth were inextricably kind of bound in this really kind of crazy sense of I won’t be desirable, I won’t be able to attract a mate, my mate won’t love me anymore or all these types of things. There is lot of kind of subtle psychology with youth and beauty and what that implies, I’m sure you see a lot of that in your world.

Dr. Anthony:

No question. There is a friend of mine who is a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills and he calls himself the psychiatrist with a knife. For me a lot of that and a lot of when I meet my patients and I’ll do maybe 6 or 7 half hour, 45 minute consultations per day and a lot of it really is trying to find the motivation, what is your motivation, why are you doing this? Especially when you’re talking about surgery and how serious it is and the permanent changes that you can make.

Once again it kind of brings me back to let me first get them as healthy as we can get them, let me get their skin as healthy as possible. Then if we get to that point where they are healthy, they take care of themselves they’re doing all the right things yet still they have loose skin or still that they are really unhappy with something, then I think it’s reasonable at that point okay let’s discuss surgery.

5 Basic Skincare Techniques

Dr. Pedram

What are the basics here because skin is like I mentioned earlier it’s the largest organ in the body, there are lots of things obviously it’s a huge industry. What are the kind of the basics of being able to take care of your skin prior to even talking about the knife?

Dr. Anthony:

To put it simply, ideally you want to think of five different things. First thing and most important is to apply sunscreen to your skin every morning. I recommend at least an SPF 30 does what the American Academy of Dermatology recommends. Because we know that the sun is the number one external aging factor of our skin and so a broad spectrum sunscreen at least an SPF 30 is the first thing to do.

The second thing is to apply an anti oxidant every morning. Our body all day is getting bombarded with free radicals, free radicals are damaging both our skin and our internal organs. To apply an antioxidant cream to our skin can help to prevent that damage and to mitigate those free radicals.

The third thing I recommend is to exfoliate your skin two to thee times a week if you have normal skin. Once a week if you have sensitive skin. The reason why I recommend that is when we’re younger we are maybe 20 our skin turns over every 6 to 8 weeks. That keeps our skin vibrant, smooth, healthy and wrinkle free. As we get older that process slows down so exfoliating your skin can help get rid of that upper layer of dead skin cells and supercharge that process to get you back to that every 6 to 8 weeks turnover.

The next thing is to apply an anti-aging cream at night, I recommend retinol creams is the first place to start. They are quite inexpensive you can find retinol creams at the local drugstores with major brand names for usually less than $20 or $30. Or you can get the more expensive ones.

The final thing and very important that people forget sometimes is you have to wash your face every night at minimum. Because during the day we get pollutants, we get oil, we get dirt, make up, all of that has to be washed off so that our skin can rejuvenate itself at night.

How Important is the Type of Soap I Use?

Dr. Pedram

I am guilty as charged being a dumb guy when I first started dating my wife she was aghast at how I would take the bar of soap in the shower and wash my face with it as well. I was like what? Guys don’t even I didn’t have any sort of semblance or understanding of that. What’s that are there special … I know that there is face soaps that are out there on the market how, important is it to use the right kind of soap for your skin?

Dr. Anthony:

Soap is real important just as you mentioned there are so many guys especially that use bar soap on their face, they rinse it off then they’re out the door. That’s the worst thing you can do because bar soap contain surfactants that can strip your skin of it’s essential oils. Ideally you want to use a cleanser that is especially made for your skin type. In the book, in The Age Fix, I do give a guide to how to find out what type of skin type you have. Someone with oily skin should not use the same cleanser as somebody with really really dry skin. For example, with oily skin you want to use a foaming cleanser one that is going to help get rid of, is going to get into the pores and get rid of some of that excess oil.

A foaming cleanser for somebody who has real dry or sensitive skin is not a good idea because that could really strip your skin and make it even feel drier. As with a lot of things in life one type does not work for everybody so finding out what skin type you have and then using the cleanser that is appropriate for that can be very very important to take care of your skin.

How Do I Pick A Quality Skincare Product?

Dr. Pedram

There is so much stuff on the market it’s a dizzying. Everyone has this it’s like the ancient Chinese secret. My girl just gave me this cream this is the cream it’s $300 for a little spot of this. People swear by this stuff. To me it’s wild wild west. There is some science, there’s some just kind of crazy fad someone has a good publicist. How do we make sense of all the crap on the market and what is the good stuff?

Dr. Anthony:

In skin care we don’t necessarily get what you pay for. That’s where those kind of five things where I mentioned earlier are super important. There are all of these creams that they recommend that a company says oh this is better than Botox. No this one is better than Botox. You want to look at once again the sunscreen is real important, the antioxidant and vitamin C is the most commonly used antioxidant. Make sure that if you get a vitamin C serum or a cream that’s in a container that keeps out sunlight. If you get one and it’s in a clear container bad idea. Because vitamin C will degrade very quickly with sunlight. If you have a vitamin C antioxidant cream and you pull it out and you squeeze it out and it comes out brown it has oxidized so it’s not going to be quite as effective.

As far as exfoliating you can buy exfoliating scrubs, you can use a clarisonic type device or you can actually make your own at home and I do give a recipe in The Age Fix book how you can actually whip one up using baking soda reduced fat milk and some honey and that way you can use all natural ingredients.

Where it really kind of gets down to the nitty-gritty are the anti-aging actual creams. What works better, copper peptides, growth factors, retinol. What I recommend for my patients and for the readers of the book is to start with a retinol type of cream. Retinol is a form of vitamin A and I would say if you ask dermatologists and plastic surgeons probably 70 to 80% of them would recommend a vitamin A based cream as an anti aging over any of the other ones because it’s the most scientifically proven. Start with that and if your skin doesn’t tolerate it or you’re not getting what you want then I would progress from that to growth factor based creams and if that’s not it then you can go with a peptide, but peptides are probably the least proven of those groups.

How Does My Diet Affect My Skin?

Dr. Pedram

This is the external stuff…what about what we eat? There’s obviously a huge kind of conversation around having good fats and X, Y & Z. What is the diet that someone needs to eat so that you kind of radiate from the inside out?

Dr. Anthony:

You are totally on the mark because really what we eat can really strongly make an major impact on how we look and how our skin ages. I’ve seen this a lot of my patients people who come in and they say you can tell literally when they walk in the door if they are a fast food junkie because the skin is oily, it’s more wrinkled it doesn’t have that radiance to it.

The first thing that I recommend my patients and the first part of The Age Fix diet is to limit the amount of sugar. You’ve interviewed a lot of nutrition experts and you’ve heard this before and so we know about the dangers of sugar. What people haven’t talked about as much is just how sugar can make an impact on how we look on the outside too. We know that it can contribute to weight gain and various health issues, but it can actually make your skin look older. It’s mainly two processes that do it. Sugar spikes cause insulin spikes and that causes inflammation. That’s something that you’ve reported on with a lot of the other authors and things. That chronic inflammation can be very bad for our skin, it can increase our risk of break outs and cause our skin to age more quickly.

There is also the process of glycation and glycation is a process where the sugar molecules will actually bond to the collagen and elastin in our skin. The collagen and the elastin in our skin are the building blocks of our skin and when that sugar bonds to the collagen and elastin it causes it to become deformed and that can cause our skin to age prematurely. It’s those two processes, it’s the inflammation and the glycation that is the main reason why sugar can be horrible for our skin.

At What Point Does Surgery Become a Consideration?

Dr. Pedram

When someone comes in saying hey listen you know I want you to cut my face, it’s gone too far. How long does it take, do you say okay wait hold on slow down let’s try some diet, let’s try some supplements, let’s try this that and the other? How long do you typically wait before you see if the results have kind of come in and they can start seeing some difference in what you are recommending?

Dr. Anthony:

Unfortunately people come in and they have cash in hand they want an immediate change. Only surgery can get that type of an immediate change. With the food, with especially the products, even the most aggressive prescription strength skin care products like prescription strength Retin-A, like prescription strength Hydrocodone, they do take a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks to really see results. Usually I recommend giving it at least three months, see what you can do.

Now there are certain things that eating foods and applying things to your skin isn’t going to treat. For example if someone says look I’ve got so much extra skin on my eyelids that it’s hanging down, I can’t see very well. Well it doesn’t matter what foods you eat that skin is still going to be a problem. In those cases surgery really is the best option. I’ve had so many people that come to see me they say I just want to look 10 years younger how can I do that and when you look at them and their skin really is kind of a mess, that’s always for me the first place to start.

What Can I Do About Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Dr. Pedram

What do you have for dark circles under the eyes. I’ve fought with this my whole life. I actually went on a run, an infamous run at one point with no sunblock on and burned under my eyes like years back. It was one of those things that’s the place where we see it the fastest especially Middle Eastern types?

Dr. Anthony:

What you have to look at with dark circles under the eyes is the treatment needs to be focused at the cause. There are three main reasons for dark circles under the eyes. Your cause may be different than others. The first thing is pigment. If you have darker skin, Indians, African Americans, Asians a lot of them can get pigment that deposits right in that under eye area. That pigment really can only be treated with skin lightening creams. Naturally there’s a cream called Teamine that is a more of a natural type of a thing that is made from tea leaves and things.

If you’re looking at something more potent we use hydrocyclone in the office for short periods of time to help decrease that darkness. Dark circles are treated if it’s from pigment with a pigment lightening cream. Over the counter there is Niacin-amide creams, some people even apply licorice root extract over the area and if you apply licorice root extract over it typically twice a day you give it a couple of months you may see that lightening.

A second cause of dark circles under the eyes is thinning of the skin. In Caucasians people with lighter especially the skin under the eyelids is the thinnest skin of our body and it can get so thin that it can become transparent and you can start seeing the dark color of the blood vessels underneath. For those people typically lighter skinned people where they have the dark circles there, the darkness you can see that it’s kind of a more of a purplish color that’s from the veins underneath.

Then the ideal situation is to thicken that skin and the ideal cream for that is a retinol cream. There are retinol based eye creams and they are not too expensive and you can find these at the local drugstores that can help gradually thicken that skin. Once again, it can take a few months but that’s the way to go if that’s the issue.

The final cause of dark circles under the eyes is puffiness and that’s where people have “bags”. In that situation it’s actual fat. That fat can only be treated surgically. Those are the patients that we consider surgery for we can now do that without any visible scar by making a little incision of inside the eyelid. I would say about 50% don’t even get bruising from it. It’s a very simple procedure. But for those people who don’t want surgery, I give a nice tip in the book, there are topical creams that you can apply that act kind of like a shrink wrap for that skin and they typically work for a few hours.

The easiest least expensive one is called Sudden Change you can find it at most drug stores it’s about $15, you apply it underneath the eyelid on the eyelid skin and that can help tighten it up. It’s not an anti-aging miracle or anything like that it last for a few hours, you want to combine it with good anti-aging creams as well. That’s one way that can temporarily tighten that skin too.

Dr. Pedram:

I love getting my little personal plug in there. It’s like hey doc tell me what’s up. You mentioned something called improving your portrait in your book. eyes, nose, skin and ears. What specifically are we talking about here and what are the concerns that people come in with when you look at them and say look let’s look at this differently?

Dr. Anthony:

There is so many things to consider and what we always start off with the skin and that’s kind of what we talked about okay your face is like a painting your skin is like the canvas. We always want to make sure there’s a good canvas there by taking good care of the skin. We also have other issues that people come up with. People say they don’t like a bump on their nose or they feel like they don’t like how round it is or they have acne issues or as we get older we lose fat in our face and our fat gets thinner. There are so many things that we deal with so in the book I try to do is give non-surgical approaches for as many of these as we can treat.

Now in plastic surgery technology has been great for us and I have this article that I’m writing about how technology is the new Fountain of Youth these days. We have treatments that use ultrasound that can tighten up the skin under neck and hopefully avoid a face lift. We have other treatments like eye peel and intense pulse light that can get rid of the sun spots that we get as we get older. It’s trying to find these non-surgical ways to treat aging problems that may have been treated surgically in the past.

Is LED Treatment an Option?

Dr. Pedram

Amazing, we’ve come a long way to not use the tech where we can is absolutely foolish. What do you think of red light, there is some infrared, far infrared that I’ve looked at and there are some of these masks that are coming out that boosts collagen, any promise there?

Dr. Anthony:

We have been using LED and red light type devices in dermatologists and plastic surgeons offices for many years. There is this trend now towards at home devices as well. Basically at home laser devices. Probably the most popular ones are actually the ones for hair removal, laser hair removal are still done in most plastic surgeons and dermatologist offices, but you can actually buy there are several different brands online that you can purchase that really do work to remove unwanted hair from different parts of the body.

Those are great for those people who they can’t spend $1,000 on a series of laser treatments in a doctor’s office but for them it may be a splurge but they can afford maybe $250 for a device that they can do at home and use it for as long as they want.

Dr. Pedram:

Are they effective?

Dr. Anthony:

They are. It does take more treatments, you have to do the treatment yourself so you can’t just lie there and have somebody else do it for you necessarily. They do tend to work. In the end though you have to match your expectations with what these products can do. An at home LED device and there’s one that I mentioned Face Effects which I think is really nice a couple of hundred dollars you buy them online and they can help rejuvenate the skin similar to what kind of a lunchtime laser we can do in our office.

I do think that these devices are very helpful we have ones for acne now, there’s the ones for aging, there’s the ones for hair removal. Probably the most exciting actually are the ones that you can use for hair loss. Men and women who are having thinning hair tons have studies have shown that using low light laser therapy can help thicken hair that has gotten thinner. It used to be kind of this funny gadget where it was a laser comb where people would come it through their hair, there is actual real science showing that works.

Now they even have a laser cap, it that looks like a baseball cap you turn it inside out and you can actually see tons of lasers on the inside you put it on your scalp for several minutes a day and science does show that it helps to regrow hair that is thinning. It doesn’t help if the person is bald. If they have actual bald spots it’s not actually going to grow hair there but for those people who are thinning it’s great for them and they do it at home so nobody knows they are having it done.

Dr. Pedram:

You have a functioning follicle you can use it and basically thicken the hair?

Dr. Anthony:

Yeah so the idea is that it helps those follicles that are in the pre-ascent stage the type stage to start growing. It helps them to get into that growth phase so that more hairs are growing versus in kind of that phase where they just sit dormant.

Dr. Pedram:

Fascinating. I had a guy in the here the other day actually he had this little microscope sensor on his laptop it was one of the guys on our team used to be a hair growth guy showing me all this hair that I have on my head. He’s like man we could turn this around and I was like I don’t know if I care. Look you have plenty of hair on your head you just need to give it a little love.

Dr. Anthony:

I think that it’s kind of trying to get that happy medium. We all want to feel good about how we look but we don’t necessarily all want to go under the knife. I think it’s healthy to be happy with our appearance because in the end usually our appearance has to do with our health. In the book I mention that being healthy really is probably the best way to look younger. That’s one of the things I really try to promote with it.

Dr. Pedram:

That’s it. You can see beauty radiate from the inside out if someone just came off a run and their face is glowing red with blood flow. You can see health that is actual health and then people that are trying to masquerade health by cutting and pasting.

Dr. Anthony:

And makeup.

What Are the Myths of The Skincare World?

Dr. Pedram

It’s a challenge. What about those myths, there’s misinformation it’s such a weird industry. What do our listeners or viewers need to know about just kind of the crap that’s out there?

Dr. Anthony:

There is a lot of little … I have a chapter in the book about myths in plastic surgery and a lot of things that people think might work and don’t. These are kind of silly kind of fun little things to an extent. For example, there is this kind of idea that if you sleep on your face it can cause wrinkles. Technically that’s true. Now if let’s say you are just super tired one night and you fall into bed and you’re asleep in seconds and you wake up and you have crease lines on your face those aren’t going to stay long term.

If you are somebody who sleeps on your face night after night after night, you wake up with those creases, those creases will eventually stay there. It’s the same thing of the creases of our face. If we keep making certain faces and expressions and those creases will eventually stick around.

One thing I recommend to people if those creases bother you and you can’t not sleep on your face is to get a silk or satin pillow case. Because that’s going to be a bit softer than cotton or polyester and that’s going to help decrease some of those sleep lines and slow down that process.

Another kind of funny little thing that you may have heard of is applying Preparation H under the eyes to decrease puffiness. This is kind of the old red carpet secret years and years ago they said that celebrities would do that. First of all this is obviously not meant for the under eyes it’s meant for a different part of our bodies so you shouldn’t apply it there anyway. They do say that the active portion of that Preparation H was removed from the US version long ago. Some people think that Canada, the Canadian version of Preparation H still has it. If you do want to use Preparation H under your eyes I guess maybe you can go to Canada to get it.

That’s where using some of these other products that I mentioned in the book like the Sudden Change where it’s a quick tightening under the eyes for those people who let’s say that have an event like a date or reunion or a wedding to go to. You apply those type of products you get that temporary change for a few hours. By the time it wears off the event is over.

Dr. Pedram:

That’s really funny the fact that people are putting Preparation H under their eyes just makes me chuckle.

Dr. Anthony:

It’s the celebrities that’s the funny thing. They can afford something different but go figure.

How To We Approach Aging in a Healthy Way?

Dr. Pedram

Whatever it takes, right whatever it takes. We have this concept of aging you were talking about aging gracefully. Look we’re all going to be aging so the question isn’t about anti-aging it’s such a weird concept, people try to find this fountain of youth. Years ago on stuff changes so how do we look at this in a much more holistic and healthy way?

Dr. Anthony:

The way that I talk to my patients about it is we have to all accept that we are aging. I have so many people that come to see me and they’re really distraught about how they’re getting older and they can’t accept that they are going to have more wrinkles. They literally want me to make them look exactly like they did 20 years ago and it’s just not possible. What I try to tell my patients really is that getting older is a blessing. With every birthday I have a yes I don’t like the fact that I’m going to turn 44 but I would much rather turn 44 than not. I try to instruct my patients that look getting older is a blessing for us. If we weren’t getting older then we would be in our grave.

However, to fight the aging process as long as it’s reasonable, as long as you’re not doing terrible things to yourself it is good. If you want to fight the aging process and kind of look as good and as healthy as you can by all means do that. By all means eat the right foods, by all means apply those anti-aging creams to your skin. Play around with it have fun with these different creams see which ones work for you. If you want to try a little bit of Botox or a little laser treatment or whatever then by all means go for it.

Where I get a little concerned obviously is when we deal with surgery. Because that’s not playing with round with cream on your skin that’s a whole other story and that’s where I really kind of put the brakes. Yes I do operate on people and I operate on people several times a week but I’m very very cautious about who I operate on because once again that’s where people can really go over the edge and you can get some major problems. That’s kind of the way that I approach it is you know what getting older is a blessing, we’re all gonna get older we’re all going to see that aging, we have to accept that but to fight that process and to have fun doing it is a blessing for us as well.

How Does Mental Health Play Into Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Pedram

You have these people and where I live there’s a lot more than normal is these kind of chronic surgical cases and they’ve just been getting surgery for the last 10, 15, 20 years. It’s just become a psychological thing. When people like that come into your office, do you send them for a psych consult? How do you even deal with that do you say listen there’s nothing I can do to actually fix this? I’m sure that there are guys down the road that will take their money but what happens there?

Dr. Anthony:

There are a number of issues here. The first thing is that there are a number of people that are affiliated with Body Dysmorphic Disorder, body dismorphia. Where what they see in the mirror is not the same thing that you or I would see. For example, this person may have a small bump on their nose and you or I would say oh look there’s a small bump no big deal. To them that bump is the size of Mount Rushmore and they can’t understand why other people dont see how deforming that is. They go to see a plastic surgeon and maybe this plastic surgeon doesn’t have anybody on their surgery schedule that week and they go it’s a little bump I’ll just take that off, make a little bit of money why not.

They do that but unfortunately that bump even though it’s gone or they’re just the tiniest hint that it’s still there that patient is still unhappy because their perception of it comes from a completely unrealistic place. It’s really kind of almost delusional. Then they go see somebody else and that other person says I don’t like that surgeon that did your nose before, I see a tiny bump there let me do it. Now that person starts going on this slippery slope of surgery after surgery after surgery to correct a defect that wasn’t even there in the first place.

That’s the first group of people and those patients are very very difficult to treat because one hallmark of their psychiatric condition is that they don’t have insight into their problem, they literally think everybody else is wrong and they’re right. Just like you and I might look at the sky and say the sky is blue somebody else may say no it’s green we’re not going to believe them no matter what they say because we know what we’re seeing. That’s the first group.

The second group of people and this is kind of a lot in your area and I’ve been in LA a lot, my family lives in Orange County so I’m there a lot. I do think that there is a societal difference in LA, in Miami, less so in New York but I do think it’s almost becoming the point where having plastic surgery and having a plasticized type of face is a sign of wealth to some people. It’s like you have the fancy car, you have the fancy handbag, you have the fancy shoes and you have a face that’s puffed up. To let people know that you can spend thousands of dollars on fillers to look “better” when really they just look different.

Dr. Pedram:

It’s sad because there is beauty that comes from within and then there is societal kind of conspicuous consumption and all of these weird things that are kind of tied to it.

Dr. Anthony:

Society is not kind to women, it’s easy for men to sit around and judge women and say oh look at her lips they look too big and this and that. In the end really society is so not kind to women as they get older and so many different ways with all the body shaming and all of that. You feel bad for a lot of them because they’re trying to cling to this sense of youth because I think a lot of women especially have used that and that’s kind of where they developed a lot of their self-esteem just because of the way society works. It’s a terrible statement on society but I think that it is kind of what we’re dealing with now.

How To Find Dr. Youn’s Book – The Age Fix

Dr. Pedram

I think it’s accurate. Sadly the graceful aging and your worth is only based on your external appearance, that’s pretty damn superficial to start with but that’s what’s driven a lot of people into this kind of dilemma of kind of personal cosmetic care and all of that. I love your message, I love how authentic and honest it is. The book is called The Age Fix, great cover by the way, if nothing says I was written for a woman more than this cover.

Dr. Anthony:

We actually have a lot of men reading it too surprisingly.

Dr. Pedram:

Look I’ve been flipping through it and there’s a bunch of things in here that I had no idea about. Now that I have to care, now I’m in my forties and these things matter.

Dr. Anthony:

It’s not too late to take care of your skin because as we get older, once again it comes down to healthy skin so taking care of it doing those things that I mentioned earlier, the sun block, the antioxidants, anti-aging creams, exfoliating and cleansing your skin at least every night. Even as a guy you have to do it because we all get older.

Dr. Pedram:

How can people find you how can people find your book doc?

Dr. Anthony:

The book is on Amazon it’s at books stores all around the country, Barnes and Noble. My website is, we’ve got up to six free gifts for people who purchase the book including The Age Fix bonus book which is 30 pages of extra information, other tips, tricks and secrets to look younger so we would love to hear from your readers and your viewers.

Dr. Pedram:

Love it. I’m happy there are guys like you that are doing the work that you’re doing out here, keep it up. Let’s redefine aging and beauty and all of these things and have a conversation that’s a little bit more holistic around it and I love the fact that you’re doing it.

Dr. Anthony:

Sounds good thank you so much for having me on your show.

Dr. Pedram:

Thanks for being here. Dr. Anthony Youn check out the book. This is Dr. Pedram, the Health Bridge I will see you next week.

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