WHILE it is completely normal to have hair on the upper lip - sometimes it can become a little overgrown.
For women this can be embarrassing and many of us will wax and pluck away until we are left with a smooth top lip - but the hair could actually be a sign of an underlying health condition.
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One expert said there are plenty of options for hair removal, but highlighted that a GP could help get to the route of the problem.
Dr Ifeoma Ejikeme, skin expert and medical director/founder of Adonia Medical Clinic, said polycystic ovary disease, hypothyroidism, and metabolic Syndrome can all cause excess facial hair - medically known as Hirsutism.
She explained: "Essentially, women can grow hair in any part of the body, but in the face tends to be of the most concern.
"When you treat the underlying conditions, the symptoms tend to improve and there are medications available that can be very helpful."
For treatment, she said it's always best to see a GP first as they will be able to diagnose the underlying medical condition.
She said: "They will ask the right questions, do a blood test or an ultra sound if it’s suspected that polycystic ovaries could be the cause.
"Once identified, they can put you on the best medication or refer you to a specialist such as an endocrinologist. Then you can explore options for hair removal such as electrolysis, laser etc.
"Metformin is great if you’re suffering with metabolic syndrome or polycystic ovaries as it can reduce excess hair growth. The combined contraceptive pill can also help."
Dr Ifeoma explained that there are four things you can do to safely remove hair.
The first she said is plucking, this she explained is an easy option, but added that if red and dark spots or ingrown hairs appear after plucking, it may be wise to try a different method.
She also highlighted electrolysis, which is a permanent hair removal treatment.
"It involves a small electrode being placed deep down into the hair follicle. Energy is applied and the follicles become damaged forever which causes the hair to fall out.
"This is only recommended to those with less than fifty hairs in an area. Those with white or light hair are recommended electrolysis as the best method of hair loss", she explaid.
Another option, Dr Ifeoma said, is laser hair removal and she recommends this to people who have over one hundred hair in one area.
She added: "The semi-permanent treatment will remove 80-90 per cent of hair and usually requires upwards of 8 treatments for best results."
The NHS says that a GP might recommend that you lose weight if you are overweight and have excessive hair growth.
Your GP can also prescribe you with a prescription cream to slow hair growth on your face (eflornithine cream).