📅 ✍️ By Jennifer Wall
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Mindful Places to Stay Mindful Places to Stay , Von A bis Zen - eine Auswahl der schönsten Orte, um zu innerer Ruhe zu finden. In Mindful Places to Stay dreht sich alles um die Kunst der Entspannung, ohne dabei den Boden unter den Füßen zu verlieren. Das Buch präsentiert eine sorgfältig kuratierte Sammlung an Rückzugsorten - von malerischen Berglandschaften bis zu sonnenverwöhnten Stränden - und zeigt für jedes Yoga-Erfahrungslevel passende Orte. Entdecken Sie die perfekte Verbindung von Entspannung und Abenteuer und erfahren Sie Yoga und Meditation als Möglichkeit gleichzeitig sich und die Welt zu erkunden. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften Preis: 40.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
Neville Nunez: Best 25 Places To Visit In Rome Neville Nunez: Best 25 Places To Visit In Rome Best 25 Places To Visit In Rome , Zeitschriften > Bücher & Zeitschriften Preis: 23.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
Milton Herrera: Best 25 Places To Visit In Barcelona Milton Herrera: Best 25 Places To Visit In Barcelona Best 25 Places To Visit In Barcelona , > Preis: 29.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Farm Stay X Isntree - Best Sunscreen Set Farm Stay X Isntree - Best Sunscreen Set Farm Stay - Hyaluronic UV Shield Sun Block Cream - 70g Eine Make-up-Basis und ein Sonnenschutz, der die Sonne bei Outdoor-Aktivitäten vor der Sonne schützt, und ein Hyaluron-Wirkstoff (Natriumhyaluronat) spendet Feuchtigkeit und erfrischt die Haut. Schützt vor UV-Strahlen. (SPF50+ PA+++) Hautaufhellung, Faltenverbesserung. Isntree - Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel SPF50+ PA++++ - 50ml Eight-layer Hyaluronic Acid Moisture Cooling Sun Gel! Long-lasting moisture, gentle sunscreen. Gently applied UV absorbing particles strongly adhere to the skin and block UV rays. Blocks UV Rays upon application: SPF 50+, PA++++ Soft and refreshing inorganic sunblock covers the skin comfortably Alleviates skin irritation: active ingredients help to soothe the heated skin and prevent dryness of the skin. Enhances moisture, whitening, and wrinkles Eight-layer hyaluronic acid locks in moisture in the skin, retains skin firmness with functional ingredients and also whitening! Sunscreen with moist and transparent application Skin irritation test completed: Proven to be hypoallergenic with skin irritation index of 0.00 Preis: 19.89 € | Versand*: 4.69 €
Lachmandas-Sakellariou, Neeta: Stay Relevant to Stay Profitable: Service Transformation Strategies to Grow Your Customers in Unprecedented Times Stay Relevant to Stay Profitable: Service Transformation Strategies to Grow Your Customers in Unprecedented Times , Service transformation is about ensuring that you stay relevant to your consumers. The world is seeing unprecedented change and your customers are also changing alongside this. How do you stay relevant to them so that they stay loyal to you? Whether it is technological disruption or the Covid-19 pandemic that has engulfed communities across the globe, businesses are being forced to take a closer look at how they survive, thrive, and generate new value. If history has taught us anything, it is that discontinuity is a part and parcel of the business cycle. The first part of the book provides a macro perspective. What are the trends that are going to have significant impact on consumption in the years to come? In tandem, it explores concepts like customer satisfaction and using data. The second part of the book is about zooming in and details putting transformation initiatives in place through a framework (Explore, Engage and Expand) that looks at the key components of embarking on transformation. For example, understanding customers and their service journeys. How do you write the brief in a way that allows fresh ideas? How do you test ideas before investing capital in production? What are some of the considerations before you can roll out or scale your new idea. Finally, the third part of the book focuses on the core of creating a strong and sustainable business. This includes understanding customer's expectations, ensuring you deliver what is promised, understanding where the service processes fail and the role that leadership and culture play in building a business that is able to change with adapt to changing times. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften Preis: 50.58 € | Versand*: 0 €
Lecapois, Teejay: Visible In Canada And Here To Stay Lecapois, Teejay: Visible In Canada And Here To Stay Visible In Canada And Here To Stay , > Preis: 17.80 € | Versand*: 0 €
Manish, Manaswi: Best way to score best Best way to score best , Sprachkurse > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen Preis: 15.33 € | Versand*: 0 €
Dare to Stay (Dawson, April) Dare to Stay (Dawson, April) Dare to Stay , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften , Erscheinungsjahr: 20220128, Produktform: Kartoniert, Titel der Reihe: Dare-to-Trust#3#, Autoren: Dawson, April, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 391, Themenüberschrift: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary, Keyword: Band; Brooke; Dare to Trust; Dorian Millard; Eskapaden; Fans; Helena Hunting; IDOL; Idol; Jayne Frost; Kein Rockstar für eine Nacht; Kristen Callihan; Kylie Scott; Liebe; Liebesgeschichte; Liebesroman; Louise Bay; More Than This; Nachbarin; Next to You; Nähe; Rebell; Rockstar; Romance; Romantik; Royal Temptation; Royal Wedding; Still Broken; Ultimatum; Up All Night; alleinerziehende Mutter; dramatisch; emotional; feel the boss; große Gefühle; kiss the boss; love the boss; pick the boss, Fachschema: Amerikanische Belletristik / Roman, Erzählung~USA / Roman, Erzählung~New York City / Roman, Erzählung, Essay, Feuilleton, Reportage, Fachkategorie: Moderne und zeitgenössische Belletristik, Region: New York City, Zeitraum: erste Hälfte 21. Jahrhundert (2000 bis 2050 n. Chr.), Interesse Alter: für Frauen und/oder Mädchen, Thema: Entspannen, Altersempfehlung / Lesealter: 18, ab Alter: 16, Fachkategorie: Zeitgenössische Liebesromane, Thema: Leichtlesen, Text Sprache: ger, Originalsprache: ger, Verlag: LYX, Verlag: LYX, Breite: 132, Höhe: 34, Gewicht: 476, Produktform: Klappenbroschur, Genre: Belletristik, Genre: Belletristik, Alternatives Format EAN: 9783736313897, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: deutschsprachige Titel, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0012, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 1470741 Preis: 12.90 € | Versand*: 0 €
Sloane, Andrew: Permitted To Stay Permitted To Stay , Imagine being able to live, work and travel wherever you want to in the world and knowing how to finance yourself along the way! Yes, it's possible and the options are more plentiful than you might think. Permitted to Stay: How YOU Can Work and Travel Anywhere in 2024/25 is your comprehensive guide on working and travelling-no matter your, education, nationality, or skill level and is for anyone from 18 to 80! Drawing on his own experience of working on every inhabited continent over the past thirty plus years, Andrew Sloane provides a panoramic overview of work and travel opportunities available globally. In this book, you'll learn about: ¿ What to know before you go ¿ Working holidays ¿ Digital nomads ¿ International volunteering ¿ Development and aid agencies ¿ Exchange programs and scholarships ¿ Internships, traineeships, and fellowships ¿ Expats and emigrants ¿ On-the-ground travel tips and firsthand accounts Featuring helpful checklists, usual requirements, warnings, and encouragement, this book introduces you to the full range of ways you can travel and work globally and provides country-specific details to get you started in identifying then planning your own work and travel journey. Permitted to Stay is a well-informed, easy-to-use, up-to-date resource written specifically to inspire you to convert a dream into action. You CAN make your work and travel dreams a reality; let this book be your first step forward. , > Preis: 27.24 € | Versand*: 0 €
Sloane, Andrew: Permitted To Stay Sloane, Andrew: Permitted To Stay Permitted To Stay , Imagine being able to live, work and travel wherever you want to in the world and knowing how to finance yourself along the way! Yes, it's possible and the options are more plentiful than you might think. Permitted to Stay: How YOU Can Work and Travel Anywhere in 2024/25 is your comprehensive guide on working and travelling-no matter your, education, nationality, or skill level and is for anyone from 18 to 80! Drawing on his own experience of working on every inhabited continent over the past thirty plus years, Andrew Sloane provides a panoramic overview of work and travel opportunities available globally. In this book, you'll learn about: ¿ What to know before you go ¿ Working holidays ¿ Digital nomads ¿ International volunteering ¿ Development and aid agencies ¿ Exchange programs and scholarships ¿ Internships, traineeships, and fellowships ¿ Expats and emigrants ¿ On-the-ground travel tips and firsthand accounts Featuring helpful checklists, usual requirements, warnings, and encouragement, this book introduces you to the full range of ways you can travel and work globally and provides country-specific details to get you started in identifying then planning your own work and travel journey. Permitted to Stay is a well-informed, easy-to-use, up-to-date resource written specifically to inspire you to convert a dream into action. You CAN make your work and travel dreams a reality; let this book be your first step forward. , > Preis: 33.08 € | Versand*: 0 €
Woods, Sherryl: Home to Stay Woods, Sherryl: Home to Stay Home to Stay , > Preis: 15.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Celello, Erin: Learning to Stay Learning to Stay , Elise Sabato is proud of her husband, Brad, for serving his country...and grateful when he returns home to her. But the traumatic brain injury he suffered in Iraq has turned him from a thoughtful, brilliant, and patient man into someone quite different....someone who requires more care and attention than Elise can give while working in a demanding law firm. And when Brad ends up on his family's farm, hundreds of miles away, she wonders where their marriage is headed. Elise must decide between the life she always wanted and the life she seems to be living…until she finds inspiration in the most unlikely of places: a lovable dog named Jones who teaches her that when the best-laid plans take unexpected turns, sometimes you end up right where you were meant to be. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften Preis: 23.41 € | Versand*: 0 €
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