Most beauty products are geared toward only a specific gender. Even though both the genders might suffer from one particular problem, the products that are being advised to use are often advertised as gender-specific solutions. While this might prevent the bulk of men from buying women’s beauty products, there still are men out there who have tried out women’s beauty products and found them to be quite useful and time-saving. In fact, you will find reviews all over the Internet from men claiming how useful they can be. Often, they are not only better than men’s products, but are more affordable as well due to increased competition, and men have confessed to using these products since they give excellent results.
Here are some women’s beauty products that you might want to check out for yourself.
1. Blackhead Removal Strips
Men, as well as women, suffer from blackheads. Blackheads are a result of the accumulation of dirt, contaminants, and pollutants in the pores of the skin along with the natural oils secreted by the skin. The problem is not gender-specific. However, when you’re looking for blackhead removal solutions, you’ll often find products that are more geared towards women. Companies assume that only women want to remove blackheads. However, that’s not the case at all. This leaves men with the option to use these blackhead removal strips irrespective of their gender.
Many men have confessed in the past that they use these blackhead removal strips regularly to unclog the pores. It gives them clear skin and removes blackheads.
2. Women’s Deodorant
The sheer number of variants available when it comes to men’s deodorants are few and far in between. While quite a few brands offer men’s deodorants, the fragrances are limited. The same is not true for women’s deodorants. When you look at women’s deodorants, you will see that there are quite a few variants available. Moreover, the number of fragrances which form the top notes, middle notes on the base notes of the women’s deodorants can vary greatly. Due to this very reason, men often resort to choosing women’s deodorants as they can choose from quite a few options.
Slowly but surely, companies also realize that men increasingly are using women’s deodorants and therefore, unisex deodorants are available these days as well.
3. Dry Shampoo
It’s not everyday that you will have enough time on your watch to take a shower and shampoo. Dry shampoo is one of the excellent ways to get ready when you are short on time. It can help you remove the dust, contaminants, and oil from your hair right away. There is no need to wait after using it. You can get clean hair immediately. The only bit of the problem is that most of the companies marketing dry shampoo market them as a women’s beauty product. However, the dry shampoo is even more comfortable to use for men than for women. The reason is that many of the men have short hair as compared to women. Due to this very reason, if they plan on using dry shampoo, the results are much more effective and quicker.
The advantage which dry shampoo provides to men is not overlooked. Many men have started using dry shampoo to get ready in no time. It is another woman’s beauty product which men often use.
4. Toner
With the pollution outside increasing at a rapid pace, using merely the face wash is not a good idea. Men are also becoming more and more concerned about their skin quality over time. That is why, in addition to using a face wash, they use a toner to take care of their skin. The toner is a multifunctional beauty product which can:
- Remove excessive dirt and contaminants
- Dead skin cells
- Help you maintain the pH level of your skin
- Remove any oil and make up leftover
Owing to the multiple applications, the popularity of toner among men is increasing. Using it does not only help in improving the facial skin, it also reduces the signs of aging and helps in having the skin pores decrease in size. That is why there is no surprise that men are also looking to use toner before moisturizing.
5. Eye Cream
The aging process does not just impact women. It affects men, as well. One of the first signs of aging are the crow’s feet around the eyes. Moreover, men also suffer from problems like dark circles. For women, there is a simple solution to all of these problems. They can use an eye cream to reduce the signs of aging and to ensure that the skin around their eyes is healthy and moisturized. If you have been looking for a similar product for men, you will realize that it is not available. Most of the companies market eye cream only as a women’s beauty product.
The truth is that the same problems plague men as well. Hence; men have secretly admitted that they use an eye cream to experience the same benefits women get from using it. Keeping all these factors in mind, it does not come as a surprise that men use eye creams secretly to take care of the skin around their eyes since the skin around the eyes is almost as sensitive as the eyes itself.
6. Shaving Razor
Body hair, or androgenic hair, is a problem that men and women face alike. However, there is a difference in the shaving razors available for men and women. When you look at the shaving razors for women, they are much more gentle and soft. Moreover, the chances of cutting or injuring yourself are on the lesser side. On the other hand, when looking for male razors, they are the same ones which we usually use on our beard. That is why the chances of injuring yourself are on the higher side. Due to this very problem, many men have availed themselves of female shaving razors to remove their hair.
A better solution to this problem, however, is to remove the hair altogether. There are various laser treatments available these days, which can help you remove hair permanently. These treatments are not gender specific, and have made at-home laser hair removal possible.
A number of laser hair removal devices are sold today with a wide variety to accommodate different skin tones and types and have been brought to us with convenience. One of the most sought after IPL at-home laser hair removal devices is the Philips Lumea BRI1956 Prestige. OGLF recommends this device as it is extremely versatile and effective. A lot more devices are being flocked on today presenting various features for specific conditions. However, as these devices might be a pain to the pocket, female shaving razors do great for a temporary fix.
7. Bath Bombs
Bath bombsmoisturizing agents
Although women dominate in using these types of products, men’s skin also needs moisturization and exposure to essential oils to smoothen the skin and reduce the pollutants and contaminants. It helps them not only have a calming experience, but also looks after their skin while relaxing in the tub.
8. Women’s Conditioner
Conditioners are often sold as a women’s hair care product. It is because women often have longer hair than men. However, the need for moisturization for men’s hair is equally strong as well. Without moisturization, the scalp may turn dry. It can increase hair fall and dandruff. That is why problems can increase significantly. It is one of the primary reasons why the need for conditioners is equally strong for men. Therefore, men prefer to use women’s conditioners to provide proper moisturization and nutrients to their hair.
In essence, a hair conditioner is just marketed as a gender-specific product, but the functions of the women’s conditioner are such that it is suitable for men as well. Most men who care about their hair often use such conditioners to maintain their hair quality.
9. Face Wash
The pollution outdoors is increasing at a rapid pace. In today’s age, when men and women are working and excelling in their careers, they are regularly subjected to pollution and contaminants, especially when they are outdoors. Men, as well as women’s skin, react in the same way when subjected to air pollution. The pores can clog up, and contaminants might damage the skin cells. Moreover, they do not allow new skin cells to replace the older ones as well. In short, your skin takes a heavy toll when you’re outdoors.
There are plenty of cosmetic and beauty treatments for the same, but the fastest way to unclog the sports and to ensure that you can remove the dust and contaminants is to use a face wash. The face wash can be of plenty of different types. Nevertheless, when you go through most of the face wash options, you will realize that they are geared towards women. Since men suffer from the same problem, it is a female beauty product which men actively use as well. Therefore; it is one of the widely used female beauty products by men.
10. Body Lotion
Again, this is a beauty product which has a universal problem. Our skin needs moisturization regularly. Without it, you might face itchy, inflamed, or dry skin. Irrespective of your gender, you always need to keep your skin moisturized. Only then, you can avoid the problems mentioned above. A body lotion depending on the one which you choose can keep your skin moisturized at least for a few hours. Some of them are good enough to keep your skin moisturized throughout the day.
Since men also suffer from dry skin, many men use female body lotions. It helps them keep their skin moisturized and smooth. When the skin turns dry, it can often become rough, which in turn can pose a problem for men and women.
11. Hand Moisturizer
With the use of sanitizer and hand wash increasing, we rob our hands from the moisture which they need. As a result, we suffer from dry hands. Dry hands lead to a lot of irritation. Most of the offices these days have a climate control system which is set at a lower temperature. This low temperature drains off moisture from our skin. Our hands are the prime victim of moisture loss. Thus, irrespective of gender; the need for hand moisturizers is increasing. Dry hands can also cause inflammation of the hands due to aging. The best way to solve this problem is to use a hand moisturizer. However, if you have been through the men’s care aisles in most of the supermarkets, you will realize that a hand moisturizer is not available. That is because most of the hand moisturizers available are just for women. Due to the need, men do not refrain from using such hand moisturizers as they can help them maintain their skin easily.
12. Body Wash
Lastly, you will find that many men use body wash. Soaps are just so old school and not very hygienic. They are time-consuming and cumbersome to use. On the other hand, body wash along with loofah allows you to clean your body quite quickly and in a much more hygienic way, since; it is untouched by anyone and not exposed to air. Moreover, body wash is available in different fragrances and packaging options. It means that men can try different body washes rather than going with the traditional soap. The use of body wash by men is increasing because of its effectiveness as a cleansing agent and ease of use. It is no longer a women’s care product.
Another reason why men are increasingly using body wash is because of the long-lasting fragrance. When you compare the scent of a body wash with the fragrance of soap, you will realize that the aroma of a body wash is longer lasting and that is what makes it such a good option.
So, as you can see, not all female beauty products are used by women only. There are quite a few which are used by men as well. In many cases, it is just the need due to which, men are using the female beauty products.
Simply put, the female beauty products provide quite a few advantages over the men’s ones. While there are male counterparts are available as well, but often, they lack in one or the other feature due to which, men usually prefer to use these female beauty products secretly.
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