![women without facial hair after using hair removal cream](https://guidingbeauty.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/women-without-facial-hair-e1558417744810.jpg)
Hirsutism is what is called a woman suffering from when there are too many unwanted hairs on her face and body. But that is not a disease and is very common among women. This hair type differs from women to women where some might have fine and light hairs while some might have very coarse and dark hairs. So you need to choose the best facial hair removal cream that suits your skin type.
Women have different hair type on their body as compared to the face, and this is popularly called ‘Peach Fuzz.’ Unlike Hypertrichosis, Hirsutism means excess hair growth on face. As per a research conducted, the Hirsutism is seen running in the families, where if a mother or sister or any female relative is having the same, it is very likely that it will pass on to you. About 5 to 10 percent of women are seen having this problem.
Table Contents [hide]
- Top 10 Best Facial Hair Removal Creams
- 1 – Olay Smooth Finish Duo Facial Hair Removal Cream
- 2 – Avon Skin So Soft Facial Hair Removal Cream
- 3 – Veet Gel Hair Removal Cream for Sensitive Skin
- 4 – Salley Hansen Hair Removal Cream for Face and Body
- 5 – Jolen Cream Bleach For Facial Hair Removal
- 6 – Liberex Unisex Hair Removal Cream
- 7 – Surgi – Cream for Facial Hair Removal
- 8 – NAIR Facial Hair Removal Cream
- 9 – Veet 3-In-1 Facial Hair Removal Cream
- 10 – Cca Industries Hair Off Hair Removal Crème For Face
- Possible Reasons Behind Facial Hair Growth
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Disorder Of Adrenal Gland
- Medicine
- How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hairs?
- Hair Removal Techniques
- Shaving
- Waxing
- Bleach
- Electrolysis
- Laser Hair Removal
- Depilatories/ Hair Removal Cream
- Best Facial Hair Removal Creams Buying Guide
- Skin Type
- Skin Issues
- Hair Removal Ingredients
- Hair Texture
- Aroma
- Waiting Period
- Hydrating
- Exfoliating
- Moisturizing the Skin
- Potential Side Effects
- Benefits Of Using Hair Removal Creams For Facial Hairs
- Extra Care
- Painless Method
- Ease Of Use/ No Skills Required
- Affordable
- Ease Of Availability
- Prevents Ingrown Hairs
- Skin Maintenance
- Naturalness
- Few Questions And Answers To The Best Possible Knowledge
- If We Have An Option Of Shaving, Why Should We Opt For Hair Removal Creams?
- Do Hair Removal Creams And Razors Act In The Same Way?
- Does The Hair Removal Cream Turn The Skin Color Into Black?
- It Is True That More The Hair Removal Creams Are Used; The Re-Grown Hairs Are Thicker?
- Do People With Sensitive Skin Can Use Hair Removal Cream?
- Does The Hair Grow Back At The Same Time, Whether Cream Or A Razor Is Used?
- How Can I Get Rid Of Hirsutism?
- How Is Bleaching Different Than Depilatory Cream?
- Conclusion
Top 10 Best Facial Hair Removal Creams
Here’s a list of the Best Creams among all the available in the market that help to remove facial hairs from the root providing the best results. The list is prepared under the guidance of the leading and renowned Skin Specialists. After thorough research and survey, interaction with the customers who have used these products and the benefit they got after usage, these products were sorted, so you can get the best facial hair removal cream for you.
1 – Olay Smooth Finish Duo Facial Hair Removal Cream
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Olay has become the most trusted brand for its active cosmetics. Olay has come up with a solution for removing the facial hairs that are fine, coarse or medium hairs. It comes in a two-step process that can erase all the stubborn hairs leaving a smooth, glowing, and hair free skin. The method is entirely pain-free.
This product pack comes with two creams; one is a guarding cream for skin which is massaged first at the areas that need to be treated. The other is Hair removal cream which is applied as a thick coat on the area which makes the skin unseen. This needs to be kept for 8 minutes.
Key Features
- Removes fine, medium and coarse hairs from the upper lip and jaw line
- Less irritation on application
- Facial hair re-growth is very slow to post utilization
- No swelling, redness or burn marks observed
- The effect lasts for three months
- Skin protection balm’s texture is very squishy and greasy
- The Best solution to eradicate facial hairs
- Easy to use
- Quick application and removal
- Gives about 12 uses in a single pack
- Eliminates the problem of stubborn hairs
- Skin gets smooth and precise post application
- It comes with a guarding cream that protects the skin from any side effects
- Hairs are not removed from the core
- Smells foul
- Its burns and sting
- Not that useful for thick hairs
- It is Not recommended for sensitive skin
- Few people felt that their skin was peeled as a side effect
2 – Avon Skin So Soft Facial Hair Removal Cream
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The cream from Skin So Soft removes unwanted hair easily. Its solution comprises of Aloe Vera and Meadowfoam oil, which makes it very mild to use on sensitive skin. Also, the inclusion of Aloe Vera makes the skin smooth, and it is entirely unscented, i.e., free of any foul smell. The application of this cream leaves the skin soft and moisturized apart from hair removal.
Its application process is quite easy. A gentle application of a thick layer of cream is applied (no rubbing) on the area where hair needs to be removed. The small area needs to be tested after 2.5 minutes. The maximum time for the solution to stay on the skin is 8 minutes. The solution is entirely odorless.
Key Features
- Easy removal of the unwanted hairs
- The skin becomes clean and smooth
- Contains meadowfoam oil and Aloe Vera
- Fragrance-free
- Rigorously tested for minimum irritation
- It works well on fine hairs
- Helps to remove hair easily
- Less irritation
- No foul smell
- Clean and smooth skin
- Does not work on coarse hairs
- Few red marks are observed
- Few customers experienced skin burns
3 – Veet Gel Hair Removal Cream for Sensitive Skin
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Veet has come up with a perfect sensitive gel-based formula that works very well on the sensitive skin as well as removes the unwanted hairs from the roots gently and effectively. The formula comprises of Aloe Vera and Vitamin E which leaves the skin soft, supple and moisturized. As it is a sensitive formula, no problems of bumps, redness, soreness or nicks are observed. This solution helps the skin to stay hydrated for one complete day.
The application needs you to spread the cream gently on the area with the help of a spatula and leave on for five minutes. A check needs to be done in a small area after five minutes. If the hair is removed easily, then remove the whole coating. If a few hairs appear stubborn, they can be treated for a longer duration up to 10 minutes maximum. This solution can be used on all the body parts, including hands, legs except the face.
Key Features
- Chemical depilatories in the cream hold an active element that dissolves the hair shaft.
- The spatula implements a mechanical action which pulls away from the dissolved hair from the skin
- Removes the unwanted hairs easily within 5 minutes
- Can be used for all body parts
- Enriched with Vitamin E and Aloe Vera
- Excellent for Sensitive Skin
- It works on all the body parts
- No burning sensation, redness or soreness
- Negligible irritation
- Quick application and removal as it comes with a spatula and post wash, no residue is left on the skin that can cause any irritation.
- Fast acting formula
- Perfect for a sensitive skin
- It has a chemical foul smell
- Effectiveness of result on hair is too less
- There are reports about the tingling sensation which might occur due to long-time application
- Few users who might have over sensitive skin reported about rashes post application
4 – Salley Hansen Hair Removal Cream for Face and Body
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Salley Hansen has a very capable kit that offers to its customers. The hair removal process is pain-free, and the action is done very fast. The solution comprises of Vitamin E lotion, which makes the skin soft, smooth, and does the deep conditioning. It is also enriched with Collagen which moisturizes the skin from deep. This solution works best on fine or medium hairs.
The solution also encompasses the extracts of Pumpkin Seeds, Saw Palmetto and the Willow herbs which help to prevent the hair re-growth. The application of this product treats the skin, making it hair-free and healthy.
Key Features
- This solution works well on fine to medium hairs
- Can be used on any body part
- Does not work well for thick or coarse hair
- Comprises of Vitamin E lotion which helps to condition the skin
- Inclusion of Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin Seed extract and Willow herb for stopping re-growth of the hair
- Composition of Collagen will moisturize the skin
- Easy to use
- The application process is very convenient
- Inclusion of Vitamin E makes the skin smooth post application
- Very less irritation
- No redness, soreness or burn marks
- Hair re-growth is slow
- It’s not very useful when it comes to coarse hairs
5 – Jolen Cream Bleach For Facial Hair Removal
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Jolen is a very experienced company that has won its customer’s trust when it comes to the removal of hair. It is a very safe product to lighten the dark hairs on face, hands, hairline, neck, back, and brows, making it mix with the natural skin tone. The removal is very easy, and the application renders the skin clean, smooth, pale, and soft.
The product kit holds the crème and accelerator. A ratio of 1:3 needs to be mixed in a plastic (No Metal) container. Once the product in the required proportion is mixed well, apply the formula on the skin for about 10 minutes. Care should be taken that the solution does not touch the eyebrows.
Key Features
- Lightens the skin hair
- Makes the skin soft and moisture post application for about two weeks
- Does not dry out the skin
- Clears the complexion and removes any uneven tone
- The usage is effortless
- No skin burns
- De-tans the skin
- Lightens Hairs
- No Irritation, burn-marks, or redness
- A strong foul smell
- It causes a mild itching
- Doesn’t come with a pre-bleach cream
- Mixing the powder and crème is a cumbersome process
6 – Liberex Unisex Hair Removal Cream
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Liberex is a depilatory cream that can be used by both men and women. This tested cream removes any unwanted hairs from almost all the body parts like knees, arms, ankles, underarms, legs, and bikini lines. This cream cannot be used on the face. The solution is a fast acting one which gives results within 6 to 8 minutes. The solution effectively removes all hairs type like fine, medium, thick or rough.
The formula comprises of Aloe Vera which makes the skin soft and smooth after application. It also holds sweet almond oil, which moisturizes the skin to keep it luxuriously supple. It does not make the skin dry and leaves no rashes on the skin. The skin is exfoliated as well as stays hydrated for a reasonable period, and hair re-growth is very slow to post application. The application needs you to apply a layer of the cream with the help of a spatula on the area and leave for about 10 minutes, after that removing it.
Key Features
- Comprises of Sweet Almond Oil and Aloe Vera
- Effectively removes the hair from roots from almost all body parts except the face
- Cannot be used on the face
- The strands are removed from the core, and the effect is long lasting
- Skin is exfoliated and hydrated
- Contains Sweet Almond oil which helps the skin to stay soft and smooth
- Aloe Vera makes the skin moisturized and cool
- No burn marks or irritation
- No rashes or dryness
- Exfoliates the skin
- Hydrates the skin
- The most significant disadvantage is that it cannot be used to remove facial hairs.
- While the cream doesn’t smell bad, but the odor can be improved.
7 – Surgi – Cream for Facial Hair Removal
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Many depilatory creams have the issue that they can be used on all body parts except the face. Well, the makers of this Surgi-Cream have tried on work on this problem and came up with a solution that can be used on the face. It works on all the skin types and also with sensitive skin. The hair removal is done from the root leaving the skin smooth.
If the instructions are followed correctly, no burning issue, itchiness, rashes are seen. As compared to other creams, it has a pleasant aroma. The company provides a good deal where they are offering a pack of three tubes each of one ounce. Also, a smoothening cream is provided, which the user can apply after the hair removal treatment is completed. This cream will prevent any irritation.
Key Features
- Made especially for facial hair removal
- Works well removing the hair from the core
- Has a pleasant smell as compared to other products
- Comes with a smoothening cream that can be applied post removal of hair
- Hair is removed from areas like the upper lip, cheek, and chin in a time interval of 5 – 8 minutes
- Comprises of Cucumber and Aloe Vera and Pro-Vitamin B2 which softens the skin
- Consists of Maple Honey which retains the moisture
- Includes extracts of papaya, citrus, and olive which minimizes the re-growth of the hair
- Pleasant Aroma
- No irritation, rashes or redness, bumps, nicks, soreness or tingling effect
- Works well on sensitive skin
- Few users have a complaint that the effect is not consistent, i.e., after a few applications, the cream does not work on the same area effectively. To overcome this problem, the timer needs to be set and maintain the application time.
8 – NAIR Facial Hair Removal Cream
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Nair hair removal cream is designed especially for the facial hairs and comes from a very well known brand ‘Church and Dwight Co..’ This cream can be used on the areas like upper lips, chin, and cheeks. It is not suitable for use on eyebrows. This hair removal cream is specially designed for the sensitive skin, which means, there is no problem of redness or irritation upon application. Its formula comprises of almond oil, which makes the skin soft and moisturizes it post application. The cream comes in pink color and has a decent odor.
Key Features
- It is used for facial hair removal
- Valid on all skin type especially sensitive skin
- Comprises of almond oil which retains the skin moisture
- It has a pleasant odor
- The application and removal are effortless.
- Removed hair effectively under 10 minutes
- It is a perfect pain-free method of hair removal as compared to shaving
- The hair re-growth process is prolonged
- It is very convenient to use
- This brand comes in various forms like cream, spray, gel
- Value for money
- Pleasant odor
- In the case of a few customers, they felt a burning sensation after some time of the application
9 – Veet 3-In-1 Facial Hair Removal Cream
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This product from Veet is exclusively designed for facial hairs. This product kit comes with three solutions, namely Hair Removal Cream, Gentle Finishing Cream, and Targeted Applicator. The formula works very effectively on the upper lips and chin. The method is made foul odor free that is it has a fragrant aroma. The solution comprises of Aloe Vera and Vitamin E whose combination softens the skin making it smooth and conditioned.
The application and removal process is straightforward where the cream has to be applied on the area to be treated, and within 5 minutes, the cream needs to be taken off. This product exfoliates the skin keeping it hydrated for up to 24 hours. It can be applied on any skin type and is very useful to remove any hair type like Fine, medium, or rough. This has a long-lasting effect.
Key Features
- Eliminates any hairs
- Works on all skin types
- Removes the shortest hairs
- Reduce in-grown hairs
- Leaves the skin soft, smooth and moisturized
- Hydrates the skin
- Nourishes the skin
- Removes all hairs from roots
- Best for sensitive screen
- Exfoliates and hydrates the skin
- Handles peach fuzz
- Many customers have felt a burning sensation and irritation post application
- The smell is overpowering
10 – Cca Industries Hair Off Hair Removal Crème For Face
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The Hair Off solution by CCa Industries is a very impactful solution for facial hair removal. This product stands out the first in our list due to its long last effects. This solution works for all skin types. The application is quite easy where the cream needs to be applied to the unwanted hair removal area. It is a swift-acting solution which removes hair within 4 minutes.
The solution is very gentle and leaves no irritation or redness. This product has extracts of Chamomile ricotta Flower and Aloe Barbadian’s Leaf juice, which prevents the hair re-growths and conditions the skin from deep, making it soft and smooth. Also, there is no foul or strong smell. It can be applied on the upper lip, hairline, chin, and cheeks.
Key Features
- Suitable for all skin types
- Removes hair from roots
- Have a long lasting effect
- Comprises of Chamomile Ricotta flower extract
- Consists of Aloe Barbadian’s leaf juice
- Quick results within 4 minutes
- Comes with a precision applicator brush which eases the application of the solution on the skin
- Easy to use
- The results are very quick, i.e., within 4 minutes
- Moisturizes the skin
- No irritation, rashes, redness, or Skin Burns
- Pleasant aroma
- No Mess or stubble
- None
This ends the list of the best facial hair removal products. One thing should be remembered that different people have different skin and different sensitivity levels. Hence, the product that is best for one might be worst for others. We hope, you get clarity on the product you would like to opt for removing the hairs.
Being a lady, no one would like to have any facial hairs which can sometimes be discomforting and hinders self-esteem. Let’s first understand the factors behind this facial hair growth.
Possible Reasons Behind Facial Hair Growth
Hormonal Imbalance
All women produce testosterone but in a small range. When a woman provides this above the normal range, it can affect the menstrual cycle as well as lead to surplus hairs on body and face. One of the leading causes is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Over here, the cysts tend to grow all around the ovaries. As a result, they gain unnecessary weight, fertility reduction, irregular periods, and develop acne.
Disorder Of Adrenal Gland
These adrenal glands are also believed to grow hairs too much. These glands are just located above the Kidneys which are responsible for the hormonal reproduction. But a disorder in these glands can lead to hair growth.
There are certain medicines whose consumption can lead to excess hair growth, namely:
- Minoxidil, which is taken to control Blood Pressure, also makes hair growth.
- Anabolic Steroids, which are variation for testosterone, definitely contribute to unwanted hair growth.
- Testosterone, taken in case of testosterone deficiency, leads to unnecessary hair growth
- Cyclosporine, these are taken before any organ transplants can sometimes be a reason behind hair growth.
- Ovarian Tumour is also a cause for excess growth of hairs in women.
- Cushing Syndrome, which is considered as a rare hormonal disease, leads to unnecessary hairs.
How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hairs?
- If you are overweight then reducing the weight would benefit you not only be reduced unwanted hairs as well as by curing many-body problems that are formed as a result of being overweight,
- Treating PCOS is very important where your doctor can help you by proving medications based on the level and intensity of PCOS your body is suffering from.
- Cream
Few skin specialistsside effects
Hair Removal Techniques
There are various techniques available for removing unwanted hairs abolishing the intake of any medications. These techniques are as described below:
This is considered as the most traditional method to get rid of the unwanted hairs. Though this method appears very convenient and quick, this is required to be done almost daily or within every two days as the hair reappears very soon.
This method is useful, and the result lasts up to 15 to 20 days. But, this method is painful as well as redness, small bumps, and rashes are pervasive side effects.
This method does not remove hairs but lightens the hair and blends them with the skin color which makes them very less visible. This method comprises a chemical formula. Irritation is a widespread side effect related to this method.
This expensive method makes use of electric current to remove the unwanted hairs permanently and can be painful. In this method, each hair follicle is treated; hence, several sessions are conducted making the treatment long. Also, it may change the skin color.
Laser Hair Removal
This is the most effective method when it comes to removing unwanted hairs permanently. Over here, a concentrated beam of light is focused on the hair follicle which damages them permanently, thereby stopping the hair growth forever. Though it lasts very long, it is a costly method. Although if you are interested we have a great guide on laser hair removal at home.
Depilatories/ Hair Removal Cream
These are chemical foam solutions which when applied on the area will reduce the hair growth by acting on the enzymes present in the hair follicle. This method is an alternative to waxing and shaving and is affordable. However, it needs to be carried out consistently.
We will focus on the Depilatories or the Hair Removal Cream methods over here, which is a very painless method and can easily remove hairs making the skin smooth and hydrated.
Best Facial Hair Removal Creams Buying Guide
Several hair removal creamsfacial hairs
Skin Type
This is the most crucial point that needs to be thought of before buying a hair removal cream. Is your skin Normal or Sensitive? Let me help you get clarity. If on the application of a product on your skin has some effects on your skin but the same product works well for others, then your skin is sensitive and needs some extra care while choosing any product. You may also consult a skin specialist who might put more light on the types of product you can use.
Skin Issues
Before purchasing or applying these products, you need to check with any particular problem you skin might possess apart from the sensitivity. For example, if your skin has a cut or scar, then applying this product might cause irritation and redness, and it is strictly prohibited on such a skin.
Hair Removal Ingredients
The hair removal cream that you are planning to use may be composed of several chemical and natural ingredients. However, not all creams consist of natural ingredients. Of course, the natural ingredients based solution is all we recommend which does not cause any side effect leaving the skin moisturized and smooth. The chemical tends to damage the skin tampering the hormones. Hence, please check with the product ingredients and opt with the product composed of natural components.
We should certainly avoid the hair removal creams that have Mercury in their composition; as such a solution damages the skin for a long time, which is sometimes unrecoverable.
Hair Texture
The texture of the hair is another essential factor which determines the success of the product. You need to check whether you have fine, medium, or coarse hair. This is because the solution is developed for different types of hair like the hair removal solution that works on beautiful hair might not work on coarse hair and vice versa. Hence, check on the hair texture that the product might need to treat before purchasing.
Some people are susceptible to smell. These depilatories smell very strong and at times, foul. However, the manufacturers have worked on this issue and attempted to make the solutions odorless or with add some pleasant fragrance which the user can use easily. If you are also sensitive to the smell, you can check with the product, customer reviews and ask the near ones who might have used the product.
Waiting Period
This means the duration you need to wait for the hair removal treatment to be completed once the solution is applied to the area. Of course, no one would like to remain sitting for a long time. Different brands offer different time interval, which usually ranges from 4 minutes to 10 minutes. You need to check after a particular time in a small area for the result; if it’s still not done, you need to keep for a bit more. But beware, not to keep the solution exceeding the maximum time limit as it might damage your skin. Hence, check the waiting time when purchasing the product.
Apart from serving the primary purpose of removal of facial hairs, we need products that support the skin integrity, enhance the appearance keeping the skin hydrated. Few hair removal creams promise to hydrate the skin where they keep the skin hydrated for a defined interval, which is about 1 to 2 days.
The dead skin cellsingrown hairs
Moisturizing the Skin
The skinskin dryness
Potential Side Effects
Almost all depilatory creams have some side effects. It just differs on the level that is some cause very severe effects like redness, bumps, nicks, irritation, burn marks, peeled skin, etc. while some are such which can be treated easily. Hence, we need to check on the user’s reviews that have used the product.
Benefits Of Using Hair Removal Creams For Facial Hairs
Extra Care
Your skin might have those excess hairs which are common, but they can be treated with all the necessary care that the skin does not suffer due to this. We can remove these unwanted hairs easily with the available solutions in the market as well as getting proper treatment from the Doctor if our body suffers from any of the above mentioned possible medical reasons.
Painless Method
These depilatory creams offer an utterly painless solution to remove the hairs, especially when compared to other methods like waxing, plucking or threading. Also, most of the answers are multifaceted, that is they can be used in any area, whether large or small spaces, bikini lines, etc.
Ease Of Use/ No Skills Required
The application and removal of this cream foam are quite easy and convenient where you can apply a layer of cream on the area that has unwanted hair, waiting for some minutes and then remove using the spatula or cloth soaked in warm water or wash with tap water. Hence, no skill is required to apply this method and can be done very quickly reading the instruction leaflet. Moreover, these products come in various forms like Gel, Spray, Roll-on, Run-On, etc. which the user can choose from.
As compared to the expensive treatments like Laser Removal or Electrolysis, this method is very affordable. It is a cheap and easy fix option. Moreover, if we make a mistake of choosing a cream that does not work for us, we can quickly get another one without wasting a great deal of money.
Ease Of Availability
These hair removal creamsany cosmetic shop
Prevents Ingrown Hairs
The hair removal creams are responsible for removing the hairs from the skin surface. But this cream also helps to reduce the re-growth of hairs by blocking ingrown hairs.
Skin Maintenance
By applying the hair removal cream, the unwanted hairs come off, but also the application works to carry out skin enhancement process like exfoliating the skin, retaining the moisture of the skin, conditioning the skin making it rich, smooth and hydrated. Hence, no user would deny the product, which provides so many benefits with just one application.
Nature offers us many things that are a boon for our skin, but we never have the time and availability to use these natural things. Many of the hair removal creams comprise of various natural ingredients like to name a few I would say almond milk, Aloe Vera, extracts of flowers and leaves, etc. Hence, when we opt for a product with these ingredients, our skin gets the benefits of these natural elements making it tremendous and sheen.
These are just a few Hair Removal Cream benefits which give clarity on the necessity to use them. Also, there are specific questions which few people usually have about these creams. Let’s study them.
Few Questions And Answers To The Best Possible Knowledge
If We Have An Option Of Shaving, Why Should We Opt For Hair Removal Creams?
Yes, shaving is also an option and in fact, the most traditional method when no such products were developed. But if you shave, the hairs appear again within two to three days, which forces you to make the shaving again. Also, the skin surface becomes very rough, and sometimes the shaved area itches too much. These problems can be prevented through the hair removal cream application, which lasts up to 15 to 30 days without any itching problem.
Do Hair Removal Creams And Razors Act In The Same Way?
When a razor is used, it removes the hair above the skin surface leaving all the sharp stubbles that makes the skin surface harsh to touch whereas the hair removal creams treat each hair follicle eliminating them below the surface, leaving the skin soft and smooth.
Does The Hair Removal Cream Turn The Skin Color Into Black?
Absolutely No! The products are formulated in a way which helps to clean your complexion and hydrate it. The skin does not turn black to post its application. The only thing that should be cared about is the amount of time you wait after the product is applied. We should not keep the product after the maximum time limit defined in the instructions of the product.
It Is True That More The Hair Removal Creams Are Used; The Re-Grown Hairs Are Thicker?
No. The hair removal creams are developed, keeping in mind to reduce the hair re-growth rate. Also, the few hairs that re-grow are same as the original texture and do not become thick.
Do People With Sensitive Skin Can Use Hair Removal Cream?
Good Newssensitive skin
Does The Hair Grow Back At The Same Time, Whether Cream Or A Razor Is Used?
This is absolutely a big myth. When we do the shaving, the hair grows back within 2 to 3 days. While if we make use of the hair removal cream, the effect is long-lasting and almost thrice to that of the shaving method. As the hairs are treated from inside the skin surface, they tend to re-grow very slowly, and it takes about 15 to 25 days to grow back.
How Can I Get Rid Of Hirsutism?
This is a problem seen in almost 5 to 10 percent of women where the hairs are grown above the normal range. This can be caused due to various reasons. If you have got this naturally, i.e., it is passed on from you female relative to you then there is no permanent solution except to opt for laser or electrolysis method whereas if it has occurred due to obesity or PCOS than a doctor treatment would help you to overcome it.
How Is Bleaching Different Than Depilatory Cream?
Bleaching is a process which lightens up the hair rather than removing it. It comprises of a Powder and a cream which are mixed in a 1:3 ratio. This method makes the hair very light, blending them with the skin color, which makes the hair less visible whereas, in hair removal cream, the hairs are removed from the surface.
Nature is not something that can be fought with as you are never going to win the battle but would waste your precious time. If you are the one having excess hair, embrace the fact as a first step. If it naturally resides in your body, then accept the truth and if it’s a result of body’s hormonal imbalance, try to cure those first with a proper medication from Doctor which will automatically cure this hair problem. Do your research before getting the best facial hair removal cream for you.
We are blessed for living in a generation where everyone has the solutions for most of the problem. With so many options available to treat the excess hair problem. We need to study them, think about their possibilities, think which method best suits us based on budget, the intensity of hair growth, and move ahead to cure the problem. I hope you get clear with the picture and get the right direction to move forward.
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