As we settle into the last Mercury retrograde period of the decade, the cosmos encourage you to review where you've already been before forging forward with a new path. Thankfully, the week begins with a waxing quarter moon in Aquarius at 5:22 a.m., EST, on November 4. A waxing quarter moon marks the halfway point between a new moon and a full moon. And this particular one—occurring at 11 degrees of Uranus, which is ruled by fixed air sign Aquarius—encourages you to fly your freak flag high. Why? Just to drive home the point to you that you are uniquely excellent. The real question, though, is: Can allow yourself to embrace that encouragement?
Regardless of your answer, take some time on Monday to consider where in your life you are and aren't allowing yourself to express the full range of your abilities. (Because, as self-aware as I'm sure you are, it would be rare to optimize your gifts in all facets of your being.) Where are you trying to be "normal" to fit in? Where are you holding back your voice? Take an audit of the areas where you are dimming your light to blend with the crowd or otherwise aligning with others in order to feel safe. Then, commit to honoring your uniqueness and your heartfelt goals. What is it you most want to accomplish? And how will bringing your unique special sauce to that goal help you? Write down your answer.
Take an audit of the areas where you are dimming your light to blend with the crowd or otherwise aligning with others in order to feel safe. Then, commit to honoring your uniqueness.
But there's a caveat, especially when going after your desires: In addition to Mercury traveling retrograde (a placement that encourages reviewing rather than initiating) on Tuesday, November 5, Mars, the planet of action, squares Pluto. This intense transit asks you to slow your roll. With two of the most aggressive planets making a cardinal square, things could feel intense. So while you might have a desire to drive your metaphorical car as fast as you possibly can, now's the time to practice prudence. Pushing too hard might result in unnecessary drama, so stay kind and patient—especially with yourself.
Thankfully, the weekend brings some lighter astrological energy. On November 8, Saturn, the planet of discipline, which currently travels in Capricorn, has productive and synergistic energy with both Neptune and the Sun. The combination of hardworking Saturn in the nose-to-the-grindstone sign of Capricorn making a sextile to the Sun in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces brings you great support. Use that energy in the pursuit of transforming your dreams into reality. The other easy, breezy cosmic occurrence this week is the Sun in Scorpio forming a water trine to Neptune in Pisces. The combination brings incredible ease.
These joyful aspects illuminate love and help you to access a more profound sense of peace from within. The most practical application for these magical transits has to do with sleep—deep, restorative, and nourishing sleep. I encourage getting to bed early, doing some light stretching beforehand, and possibly even giving yourself a foot massage. Consider taking magnesium, if applicable for your body, and get some rest. Sleep, after all, is one of the best ways to nourish yourself while Mercury travels retrograde.
Come Saturday, Mercury, the planet of communication sweetens the pot even more, making a supportive connection to Pluto. This combination brings a swift focus and clarity to whatever it is that's on your mind. Stay open to answers revealing themselves.

Jennifer Racioppi is the creator of Lunar Logic—a philosophy that integrates the deep wisdom of both science and spirituality, and blends her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women’s health—to coach high-achieving female entrepreneurs to reach their next level of success.