Thanks to CurrentBody for sponsoring this post. Their at-home hair removal devices will change your life forever.

This past summer I decided I was sick of shaving. I was done with the hassle, done with the self-consciousness of putting on a swimsuit and worrying about armpit and bikini line hairs. So I commenced the arduous process of going into offices to get quotes for laser hair removal. What I came back with was deeply disheartening. Two thousand dollars or more? And frequent appointments across town?
Really, was that the only way?
After those eye-opening visits, I started researching and the answer is no. Expensive hair removal treatments are NOT the only way! Did you know there are at-home hair removal devices that are just as effective and safe as the devices used in your local dermatologists office? I found this snazzy device from CurrentBody and it has changed my life for the better.

No more shaving. No more embarrassing hairs poking out. More confidence and more time to just be me. Permanent hair removal is here and it is available and affordable for everyone.

First you’ll want to do a little research into IPL devices. IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light treatment and is similar to laser therapy except it uses light of varying wavelengths to penetrate the first layer of your epidermis to the second layer where it targets darkly-pigmented hair follicles and converts the light energy into heat energy which gradually disintegrates the hair root and prevents future hair growth.
CurrentBody is a UK-based leader in beauty devices and offers a myriad of safe-to-use hair removal devices with a fulfillment center in the US so shipping is quick and easy. I chose this SmoothSkin device based on the reviews, the price point, and the fact that it is FDA-cleared. It’s the most powerful IPL hair removal device on the market and for a tiny fraction of what I was quoted for laser hair removal, I was more than willing to give it a try.
Get 10% off with code HDSPURE here!
(Expires 12/2/21.)

I Tried it for 12 Weeks, Here’s What You Need To Know
When my SmoothSkin device arrived, I read the instructions and dove right in.
Some things to know about using a SmoothSkin device:
- You need to be freshly shaven. There should be no hairs poking out. The more recent the shave, the better. IPL devices target the melatonin underneath the skin so if you want it to penetrate those deep roots, make sure to shave right before each treatment.
- It stings a little. Especially at first. It kind of feels like a little elastic snap on your skin, but nothing unbearable. After those first few treatments, I hardly felt anything at all. I did notice more pain if I had stubble, so make sure to shave before. There is a Power mode and a Gentle mode and you can try each to see what your comfort level is.
- Two modes for different areas. I use the Stamp Mode for underarms and bikini area and the Glide Mode for my legs since it covers a larger area.
- Full body treatment only takes 10 minutes. It’s quick and it’s effective. I can do my whole body in 10 minutes and it only took about three treatments for me to notice that my hair growth had significantly slowed down.
- Once a week for 12 weeks. Plan to do one treatment a week for at least 12 weeks. After 8 treatments I was completely floored. My leg hairs had all but stopped growing. It was glorious!
- Optimal skin and hair types: Make sure you read up on what types of skin and hair colors are most effective for SmoothSkin use.
- UK-made: This device is UK-made and premium quality.

The Results
I will be the first one to admit my skepticism about at-home permanent hair removal. After completing the 12-week treatment term, I was 110% a believer.
Guys, it is incredible. A complete and total game-changer.
My lower legs are pretty much bare. I still have to shave my upper legs from time to time, but those are just soft blonde hairs and barely noticeable so I can get away with very seldom shaving there. But as for those dark, annoying, yucky hairs below the knee…they are gone for GOOD.
Armpits are pretty close to gone. I’ve found that coarser hair takes longer. But it is an amazing feeling putting on a tank top for a workout and not worrying about if I shaved or not. I can always feel confident lifting my arms.
Bikini area is coming along nicely. I’m still using my SmoothSkin to totally eliminate everything, but the results have been pretty incredible and so is the price! And even better…HowDoesShe readers can get an extra 10% off with code HDS10.
Absolutely worth it. A million times over.

Is it Safe?
This is the biggest question I’ve been asked. In all of my research of the SmoothSkin device (and other IPL devices), all literature says that yes, IPL is a safe method of hair removal. Comparative to laser hair removal, intense pulse light treatment is safe to use without causing the skin harm.
This treatment does not use a light spectrum that causes or increases risk of skin cancer. Of course it’s always wise to ask your doctor. you can also scroll down and read up here on all aspects of the SmoothSkin device.
A One-Time Investment You Will Be Forever Grateful For
I will be forever grateful for what SmoothSkin did for me. No more shaving is priceless.
This is a one-off investment that will last you forever. And for the price, I would absolutely and enthusiastically recommend. This device will save you so much headache in the long run. Smooth, sexy skin 356 days of the year.
And SmoothSkin has unlimited flashes so it really is a one-time purchase that will last you forever! You can even share with family members.
Get 10% off with code HDS10 here!

Another Game-Changer
If you didn’t know, CurrentBody is one of the world’s largest experts in innovative beauty devices and products. Another hugely popular item they carry is the Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask which I also tried out.

Personally, I carry all of my stress in my face, particularly my forehead and between the brows. Nighttime seems to be the time when I rehash everything that happened during the day and when I mentally plan out tomorrow. Because of this, it’s sometimes hard to get to sleep.
I read about the Dr. Harris sleep mask and thought it absolutely made sense. If there was a mask that could target the stress points on your face, it would keep you from frowning and therefore help prevent wrinkles.

Definitely go read up on the story of this scientific sleep mask–it is very interesting.
In my own life, I’ve found that it most definitely reduces the stress in my face. It is practically impossible to frown or furrow my brows while wearing it.

If I’m having a particularly stressful day, I take a moment and meditate with the Dr. Harris sleep mask on. A small break is all I need to reset and find a little zen.
And when it comes to sleeping, this mask is fabulous. It stops me from worrying at night time and the light pressure around my eyes is comfortable and soothing. It helps me fall asleep easier (especially when my husband is snoring).

If you travel a lot, especially on red-eye flights, this sleep mask would be a huge help.
More CurrentBody Favorites & Codes
You may also want to check out these hugely popular items from CurrentBody:
- Clarisonic: The #1 face-cleansing and exfoliating device on the market, now only available at CurrentBody (no where else in the world!). These are a game-changer in getting that perfect glow. Use HDS20 for an extra 20% off!
- NuFace Mini: Get your own facial at home. This nifty device strengthens and tones your face muscles for more firmness and less wrinkles. Use code HDSMINI for the cheapest price in the US!
- ZIIP Beauty: Lifts, tones, and rejuvenates your face. Used by Jennifer Anniston and Kim Kardashian. This device stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in your face. Get 10% off with code ZIIP10.
So go step up your beauty game and never look back. You’ll be glad you did.