Your skin is your body’s first line of defense when it comes to injury and sun damage, so it’s no secret that keeping your skin healthy is very important. But health isn’t the only concern, your appearance also depends on the condition of your skin, and maintaining fresh, lively skin is the best way keep the effects of aging at bay. Etre Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center offers a large array of skin rejuvenation solutions that provide beautiful results at any age.
At Etre Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center in New Orleans, our staff is always happy to walk you through the process and help you select the perfect treatment for your specific skin care goals.
Chemical Peels
Enjoy glowing, younger-looking skin with chemical peels at Etre Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center. A New Orleans chemical peel will exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin by tightening pores, battling acne and promoting cell renewal for a younger-looking appearance.
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Fractional Skin Resurfacing
Fractional CO2 laserstraditional ablative lasers
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Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing
Breathe new life into your skin and fight off wrinkles and scars with Fraxel® Laser Skin Resurfacing treatments in New Orleans. This skin rejuvenation treatment can help patients reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars and other skin concerns to provide a smoother and younger looking-appearance.
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One option that is increasingly becoming popular is the Silhouette InstaLift, a minimally invasive procedure that gently lifts sagging skin and redefines facial contours. This safe, effective technique targets the deeper structures of the face for truly natural-looking rejuvenation.
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IPL Photofacial
IPL photofacialother factors
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Laser Hair Removal
Imagine the freedom of having effortlessly smooth skin – last-minute girls’ trips would be a breeze and visiting the beach would no longer require prep time. Unwanted hair can now be a thing of the past with laser hair removal.
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PRP Therapy
PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy is a minimally invasive treatment that harnesses the regenerative properties of growth factors found in a patient’s own blood. These growth factors are then injected or applied topically to deliver rejuvenating effects for the skin. From reducing the appearance of scars to treating hair loss, PRP therapy works at the cellular level to produce real results. And when performed with microneedling, the healing properties of PRP therapy are even more pronounced.
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Rejuvenate your skin with SilkPeel Dermalinfusion. SilkPeel is a dermal infusion and exfoliation treatment that helps remove the dead skin cells in the epidermis, the topmost layer of the skin, without the dryness typical of microdermabrasion. It is one of the most advanced forms of microdermabrasion, removing unwanted blemishes while promoting the growth of soft and healthy new skin cells. SilkPeel, offered in our New Orleans office, will smooth your skin and help you feel more youthful and radiant.
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