It started from a stubble now you’re hair!
Congratulations, you have thrown down the razor and have decided to get a wax.
If you’re new to bikini or full body waxing and have been shaving for a long time, or haven’t had any kind of hair removal, here’s the 411 on what you can expect and how to do your due diligence:
First Wax experience for shavers
Firstly you HAVE to grow your hair out for at least two weeks after shaving; think no less than a quarter inch. So there is zero point in making an appointment for a wax with stubble.
Even if a waxer tried to get the hair off, it would leave your skin extremely irritated with many hairs left behind. We Waxologists at Queen Bee will not perform a wax on you if your regrowth is not long enough, so please don’t waste your time, our time, and your hard-earned money.
Many people who get their first wax after shaving feel disappointed immediately after the wax, or a few days later, as they can experience stubbly and sharp hairs. This is not a part of the regrowth cycle from a wax; it is merely some of your shaved hairs breaking through the skin. After a few waxes, you should be able to experience hairs that grow back on the same cycle, and you’ll find that your hair even becomes finer the more you get waxed.
First Wax experience for a first-timer:
If you have never removed unwanted hair, you will have a much more efficient waxing experience than those who have shaved. This is because your hair hasn’t been roughly shaved off, so your skin should be less sensitive (shaving can cause abrasions), and your hair is on the same cycle of growth.
The only hair you should be trimming down in preparation for a bikini, Brazilian or “Brozilian” wax is the mons area of your bikini line. It is not hygienic for an establishment to offer to trim your pubic hairs for you, so please perform this in the safety of your private bathroom. We recommend sitting on the loo using a disinfected pair of baby scissors to trim down safely.
Pinpoint Bleeding:
Some first-time waxing clients, most of whom have very coarse hair and especially those of you who have been shaving, may experience something called pinpoint bleeding of the follicle. Follicles are attached to tiny blood vessels, so when a hair is completely removed, you may find this to occur. However, it shouldn’t happen every time, especially once the root has become weakened. Please note that it is NOT normal for your skin to bleed or bruise after a wax (unless you take a medication you have not disclosed to your Waxologist). Ensure you have prepped your skin before you wax. Our famous Buzz Off Bumps exfoliating pads help remove impacted oil and dead skin cells, allowing your hairs to be removed more efficiently.
A Great Waxologist:
Always do your homework before you get your first wax. It would be best to find a place where the founder and managers focus on quality over quantity. Unfortunately, some waxing establishments care only for the ticket and not the outcome of the service. At Queen Bee Salon & Spa, we believe everybody deserves royal treatment. More information can be found on our blog Factory Waxing vs. The Art of Waxing.

Smooth Remove and Improve and give your skin the gentle buzz it needs before you shave or wax, with our miracle ingrown hair and acne treatment pads BUZZ OFF BUMPS
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