You wake up in the morning, stare in the mirror, and see that you’re still suffering from those soft, small, white patches of hair on your cheeks. That, my friend, is a peach fuzz beard, also known as vellus beard hair.
We’ve all been there. And while it may seem embarrassing to not have a full-grown Jason Momoa beard yet, having peach fuzz is a rite of passage that all male teenagers must go through.
Plus, peach fuzz beards work hard to keep your body safe and healthy, and they play an integral part in the cooling down process.
If you’re still looking to shave that fuzz off, we go over everything you need to know about peach fuzz beards, when you can expect your peach fuzz to turn into a full beard, and how to tweak science to get you there faster.
What Is Peach Fuzz (AKA Vellus Beard Hair)?

Also called vellus hair, peach fuzz hairs are those awkward, sometimes embarrassing tiny light hairs that cover your jaw, face, and other parts of your body. Basically, peach fuzz hairs are those super soft baby hairs that come in before your adult beard grows in.
While most teenagers spend hours staring at their jaws waiting for those fuzzy hairs to transform into a beefy lumberjack beard, it’s important not to write off your peach fuzz just yet.
Vellus hair is perfectly normal. In fact, vellus hair plays an essential role in your body’s ability to function correctly. It helps evaporate sweat, which is critical to the body’s cooling down process.
When Does Peach Fuzz Turn into a Beard?
The transition between peach fuzz and terminal beard hair happens during puberty, but everybody is different and moves at their own pace.
For the most part, guys usually start to see terminal hair coming in around the age of 15 and 16, although some men report still having peach fuzz until their early to mid-20s.
The moral of the story? If you still don’t have a terminal beard and you’re staring down the barrel of age 20, it’s not too late for you.
Be patient, and maybe find ways to incorporate testosterone-boosting methods in your day-to-day life, like better nutrition and more exercise.
Difference Between Vellus Beard Hair and Terminal Beard?
Terminal beardterminal hairs
Besides the obvious difference in appearance, vellus beard hair and terminal beard hair have many other differences.
The most significant difference between vellus and terminal hair is what they do for the body. If vellus hair is the tool the body uses to have sweat evaporate, terminal hair is better at regulating the body’s temperature.
Vellus hair also grows faster than terminal hair, and terminal hair tends to be longer than vellus.
How to Mature Vellus Hair into Terminal Beard?
Okay, so you want to speed up the process of your vellus hair turning into a glorious terminal beard. How do you do that? Science, vitamins, and water.
Don’t believe us? Well, the key to terminal beard growing in the first place is because of the hormone changes that happen during puberty.
The secret to increasing terminal beard hair, then, lies in increasing your testosterone levels. By this, we mean naturally.
It’s hazardous to take testosterone supplements or injections without medical supervision. Taking testosterone supplements could lead to infertility, acne, male breast enlargement, loss of libido, and more.
However, there are ways to increase your testosterone naturally, which will help mature your vellus hair into terminal hair.
- Nutrition plays a significant role in healthy testosterone development, and eating the right foods can improve your hair growth, including egg yolk, beans, and more.
- Vitamin D3 plays a crucial part in testosterone production. Studies have shown that this mighty vitamin boosts testosterone levels naturally and quickly.
- Hydrating also helps regulate the body, which is essential for hormone production. Additional physical activity can also speed up hormone production, utilization, and body metabolism.
So, the next time your mom forces you to eat those nasty gummy vitamins, you might want to consider eating them.
Should You Get Rid of the Peach Fuzz Beard?
Many peopledarker beard hairs
Unfortunately, this is just a myth. Shaving your vellus hair does not change the new hairs growing out from the bottom; it simply makes the hairs a little more rough, which can sometimes appear to change to terminal, but really there’s no difference in hair size or color.
Not only will it not help your chances of terminal hair coming in, but shaving unnecessarily can cause unwanted problems. Guys who shave too early can suffer from:
- razor burn
- bumps
- nicks
- cuts
- painful ingrown hairs
So, if you want to get rid of your peach fuzz beard simply because you don’t like how it looks, you can certainly shave it off. Unfortunately, if you’re looking to get rid of your peach fuzz beard to encourage terminal hair growth, that won’t do much.
How to Remove Peach Fuzz (Removal Options)?
If you want to remove peach fuzz, check out these standard methods to see which one is right for you.
Dermarolling is an invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that offers micro-needling benefits. It stimulates stem cells bringing more color and life into your face.
Dermarolling is also an excellent combatant against peach fuzz and can easily remove your fuzz without having you suffer from problems that would occur with shaving, like cuts, ingrown hairs, and so forth.
It is painless and effective. If you have the extra cash and are looking to do away with your peach fuzz, derma rolling is a great way to go.
Hair Removal Creams
Hair removal creamshair removal
Some creams are effective, some not so much. The big drawbacks to creams are they smell unpleasant, and sometimes they cause severe skin reactions since most creams use a medley of harsh chemicals.
Proceed with caution when it comes to hair removal creams, and if you take this route, maybe try testing the cream on an area like your hand or leg – anywhere that’s not your face – in case you do have a reaction!
Electrolysis and Laser Hair Removal
Unless you want to kill the hair follicles in your face permanently, do not use electrolysis or laser hair removal. Both these methods do the same thing, just in different ways.
Electrolysis and laser will permanently prevent hair follicles from producing hair again, which means in addition to removing your peach fuzz, you’ll also never be able to grow a full beard again.
Threading is a tried and true hair removal method that has been around for quite literally centuries. It originated in India and Iran and is highly effective in hair removal.
However, it is a bit painful. Basically, what happens is the threading technician uses two strings to thread into your facial hair and remove the hair from the root.
Threading is popular because it’s a very precise way of removing peach fuzz, albeit a little uncomfortable. If you plan on pursuing threading, make sure you visit a clean, reputable place.
Experts say dirty strings can spread herpes and staph infections if the strings are not changed out between customers.
Shaving is certainly the most accessible option for those wishing to get rid of their peach fuzz. However, shaving your face when there’s no reason to can create unwanted problems like ingrown hairs and cuts.
Sugaring, Waxing, and Tweezing
There’s some contradictory information circulating the web about what happens when you remove facial hair from the root. Some say doing this will encourage growth because the body increases blood flow to the site, causing hair to be more firmly rooted.
Other people, including Alexandra Accardo (esthetician and sugaring expert) say, “When you remove the root, the follicle will have less blood supply to it overtime, which will in turn weaken it. You’ll get less hair growth each time, and the hair that does grow will be finer and sparser.”
Either way, all three of these methods (sugaring, waxing, and tweezing) aim to accomplish the same: Eradicate the hair follicles from the root.
Sugaring and waxing are a bit more expensive (unless you buy home-kits) but cover much more ground faster. Tweezing, on the other hand, is free but may take a while.
Bleaching is a relatively safe practice that you can do at home. It’s much safer than other facial hair removal methods, like laser hair removal, and is much more cost-effective.
However, there are some risks. When you bleach your facial hair, you could suffer from:
- redness
- itching
- bumps
- burning
- blisters
- hives
- dry skin
- swelling
How Long Does It Take For Vellus Hair To Turn Terminal Beard?
Starting from when you begin to get darker hairs, the process usually takes 3-12 months. And once they’ve turned terminal, they’re permanent as well.
However, everybody works differently, and if yours takes longer than that, that’s normal too. Even though facial hair growth usually starts during puberty, most men see the most significant increases in their 20s and 30s.
Why Do I Have Peach Fuzz Beard?
Peach fuzz is your body’s natural remedy to cooling, and everyone has peach fuzz on their face as well as all over their bodies. Some peach fuzz is just a little more noticeable than others.
Will the Vellus Hair Turn into a Beard?
Yes! Once you hit puberty, you should notice that your vellus hair will turn into a beard.
Should I Shave My Peach Fuzz?
You can shave your peach fuzz if you want to remove it, but shaving your peach fuzz will not make your terminal hair grow any quicker.
Does Waxing Peach Fuzz Make It Grow Back Thicker?
There’s some contradictory information out there about if removing hair from follicles will increase or decrease growth.
According to some cosmetologists, repeated ripping off the facial hair from its follicle by waxing or plucking will make the beard grow back thicker and darker. According to others, it overall decreases the hair’s ability to grow.
Will My Peach Fuzz Grow Back Thicker If I Shave It?
Unfortunately, no. The hair will be a little more ragged since the tops have been cut off, which could give the appearance of being slightly thicker. But shaving your beard does not make the new beard thicker or darker in color.
My Father Grew a Beard by My Age, but Why Do I Have Only a Peach Fuzz?
Growing a beard isn’t just about genetics: it’s also about nutrition, vitamin intake, lifestyle, and so forth.
Plus, the genetics from your mom’s side might be coming into play. If your beard is growing slower than your dad’s; don’t worry about it. You’ll get that beard before you know it!
At What Age Does Peach Fuzz Generally Turn into a Beard?
Generally, in your late teens, although most men continue to grow their beards well into their 20s.
What Happens After a Teen Shaves His Peach Fuzz Mustache and Sides?
If you shave your peach fuzz mustache and sides, your fuzz will grow back pretty much the same way as it did before. The hairs may be a little rougher, but it will not affect beard color, coarseness, or length.
Final Thoughts
If you have peach fuzz and you’re waiting for your terminal hairs to grow in, you’re not alone. Puberty is a long process, and sometimes it takes years for hair to develop fully.
Peach fuzz or vellus hair are the baby hairs you have on your face before your full beard grows in.
While shaving and other hair removal methods generally do not trigger terminal hair growth, you can change your diet and lifestyle to boost your testosterone levels and naturally grow fuller and thicker beard.