AFTER the legendary 2006 World Cup antics of Cheryl Cole, Victoria Beckham and Coleen Rooney, The Secret WAG tells what the footballers' wives and girlfriends will be facing in Brazil 2014

England manager Roy Hodgson may have barred his team's WAGs from accompanying the team to this year's World Cup in Brazil, but Coleen Rooney has already flown out to Rio to support hubby Wayne, and more WAGs are expected to follow.
In an exclusive chat with a real-life WAG tells us what Coleen and the other girls can expect at the World Cup. Her husband is a former England player and she is the author of new book I Am The Secret WAG, but she has chosen to remain anonymous to protect her husband and family.
Some of the WAGs hire stylists to create every outfit
The Secret WAG
I almost collapsed with a panic attack the first time I went on tour with England. I was young, naive and absolutely petrified. And I wasn't alone. It was clear from the sheepish, quivering wrecks I met at the airport that nerves were flying high with them, too.
WAGs feel the pressure on our men just as much as they do themselves. We are the ones who they confide in when they have those wobbly moments. We are the ones who support them through thick and thin, when the chips are down and things are not going their way. WE are the ones who try to pick them back up again.
After all, behind every great man is an even better woman. And behind every great woman is a man checking out her arse!
But seriously, the prestigious status of my husband being able to say, ‘I am an England international’, being able to frame and hammer on to the wall the England cap awarded after the game, isn't something that either of us has ever taken lightly or for granted. It comes with an enormous amount of pressure and, equally, a gigantic amount of pride.
Obviously, for us WAGs, preparation is everything before any overseas trip.
The pruning regime I put myself through was like a regimental exercise in the army. I was adamant that there must not be one hair left that had not been agonisingly ripped out of my body. Apart from the hair on my head, of course, which was coloured and styled to perfection prior to departure.

My nails were manicured and painted, my eyebrows were plucked and dyed, even my 'tash took a battering. I did not want to risk any form of criticism whatsoever.
And let's face it, it's the pictures of the cellulite, the nipples on show and the facial hair that are always going to be the ones to sell the papers.
And do not even get me started on the shopping I endured. Each and every match-day outfit was planned and styled to a tee. The torture I put myself through was ridiculous. On many of the trips, some of the WAGs had even hired a stylist to create their fabulous outfits. Ultimately, I knew the 'paps' were going to be out in force and I needed to be confident in the way I looked and dressed, even if I was a blubbering mess inside.
Once you arrive, if the WAGs have any grand plans to spend any special intimate time with their partners, they are sadly mistaken. There is no time for romantic meals in Brazil or even grabbing a quick coffee and a loving smooch.
The players are in demand not only for training and treatment but also must be on tap for interviews and PR appearances. They must remain within their camp, under the close surveillance of security - not only for their own safety but also to keep out of trouble and out of the lurking lens of a paparazzi's camera. They have their days completely organised for them - from what time to eat breakfast and what to eat for every meal to training, free time and when to take a No.2.
So where exactly does that leave the WAGs?
I can tell you now that there will be minimal shopping, partying and general attention-seeking opportunities to be "papped" this time around. After the public hammering the WAGs got back in the World Cup in Germany in 2006 - and perhaps rightly so, after their full-on antics - it will be massively different in Brazil. "Low-key" and "Just keep your head down" are phrases that have been drummed into the WAGs. Not only for the sake of our men but also in an attempt to try to eradicate this stigma of being a ridiculous distraction that we have been tarred with.

We, by no means, see ourselves as distractions. My husband would 100 per cent relish the fact that I am sat watching him in the stands doing something that, as a small boy, he dreamt of doing every night.
In my opinion, WAGs have every right to support their husband or boyfriends and would not want to miss out on the ambience and atmosphere at England games. Watching your man on TV is just not the same. It's an unforgettable life experience at matches and should be shared by the whole family. Being on tour is also, quite simply, a fantastic extended holiday.
Even though the WAGs will not be living it up at the heart of the England camp, they will by no means have scrimped or saved on their accommodation. Some will have rented fabulous houses or apartments, fully equipped with staff, while others prefer to stay in five-star hotels - all depending on how many family members are there and what best suits the kids. Days will be spent lazing around the pool - soaking up the Brazilian sun, entertaining their kids, catching up with the other WAGs. Plus, no doubt, trips to the hotel spa for a treatment.
At times, this can be quite boring and very mundane. Not being able to freely walk about, go sightseeing or pop out for a quick bite to eat without a scrap of make-up on, for fear of being papped is quite draining and claustrophobic. I often get incredibly homesick when I'm away for long periods and yearn for my home comforts - my sofa and my bed. I especially found it torture being so close yet so far from my husband, only able to see him occasionally for limited amounts of time. And, yes, not being able to have sex whenever we wanted gets tough after a while.
But it's all more than worth it. The excitement of the build-up for the next game is so intense. Will it be a step closer to going home? Or time to use the hotel's dry cleaning service to turn the dirty washing around? The suspense and tension is incredible yet, equally, the most exciting experience any WAG could ask for.
For those who took the advice of England manager Roy Hodgson and chose to stay at home, to avoid the Press attention or through safety fears in Brazil, they have forfeited a perhaps once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see their footballer play in a World Cup.
Who knows if they will still be in the position to have that opportunity again in four years?