Happy Monday to you guys!
Matt and I spent our weekend purging the garage–and let me tell you something: it was hoarder central in there! We barely made it out of there.
Well, a little dramatic, but it. was. bad.
Before we show you the scariness that is our garage’s former reality, I wanted to share some tips on how we got the smooth finish on our laminate table we painted with Chalk Paint®.

I painted the table a little over a month ago, and it has gotten a lot of use. So far, it’s holding up well and I absolutely love this finish. I painted the base 2 coats of Greek Blue, and the the top got 2 coats of a custom mix of Provence and Pure White.

After painting the table, it was time to distress it. I left the base alone, and began distressing the top with a medium grit sanding block (my favorite distressing tool). Using a circular motion, I rubbed the top coat down to the Greek Blue on the edges and corners and a few spots on the tabletop.
Once I distressed the top, I used the extra fine sanding block by buffing in a wide circular motion. This creates a smooth finish and creates some initial shine before waxing.

I wanted to use Miss Mustard Seed’s furniture wax for this table because a) it’s amazing wax and b) I haven’t used it in our home yet, and I’m a product testing fiend! No matter what soft furniture wax you’re using, there are some basic tips that will take your finish to the next (shiny) level.

You can apply wax with a smooth cloth, but man, I just prefer using a wax brush. The shape of the brush allows you to press the wax into the paint, as paints like Chalk Paint and Milk Paint are breathable and porous. This also ensures that you are spreading the wax in thinly enough.

The wax will deepen the color of the paint, and you’ll be able to see easily where you need more wax. I usually work in sections, so for this table, I’d apply a large section, then wipe off that section. Wax stays a little more workable if you work it in, then wipe it off as you go.

This is what your wax will look like after applying it. Here’s where people sometimes go a little wrong if they’re not accustomed to using soft wax.

After it’s applied in a thin layer, then you must wipe the excess off immediately. I like to view it as wiping it into the paint, and buffing in a circular motion as I go. Your waxed piece should feel almost completely dry to the touch and only a little tacky.
If you can wipe wax off after you are “finished,” there’s still too much left on the surface. That’s really all there is to it, folks.
Wax on, wax off.

There you have it. I love this smooth, modern finish. Let me know if you try it, and send us some links or pics!