2002 update
Although Mark Baxa M.D. never had any involvement in the promotion or sale of the Super-Phaser Gold, he was listed on a site that did sell the device.
Dr. Baxa has gone on record stating he had no involvement with the promotion of Super-Phaser Gold by Image One Aesthetics/Consulting Studio.
Since I first put up this page, I’m pleased to announce that Image One has switched to a legitimate hair removal device with published results and FDA clearance.
I have left up the original information below for any consumers seeking refunds for treatment with the Super-Phaser Gold device. If you have purchased a SuperPhaser Gold or treatments with one, please contact me, and I’ll send information on how to sue in small claims court.
For the record
Again, Dr. Baxa has stated he never endorsed the sale or promotion of transdermal/transcutaneous hair removal devices featured on the Image One Aesthetics site. This site only discusses hair removal. This page is on hairfacts simply to clarify that Dr. Baxa has stated he is NOT involved with Image One beyond providing them Hair Restoration surgical services.
Comments on this page about Image One and Consulting Studio are in no way to be construed as a reflection on Dr. Baxa’s abilities as a physician or his business practices.
Pre-2002 information
Mark D. Baxa is a North Carolina doctor listed as company physician for Image One Aesthetics, one of several Nebraska-based businesses which sell hair transplants, wigs, hair removal devices and herbal "breast enhancers." The owners of Image One Aesthetics also own Consulting Studio and have been listed as distributors of a "transcutaneous electrolysis" system manufactured by International Hair Removal Systems (which changed their name to Rejuvenu in 2001). This device is marketed under the name Super-Phaser Gold.
Image One Aesthetics should be avoided by all consumers for hair removal. They have been involved in the distribution of a"transcutaneous electrolysis" device called SuperPhaser Gold, which should be avoided.
Dr. Baxa not involved in Super Phaser Gold promotion
Dr. Baxa has gone on record stating he has no involvement with the promotion of Super-Phaser Gold by Image One Aesthetics/Consulting Studio.
On 18 January 2002, Dr. Baxa wrote to hairfacts with the following information:
In reference to my affiliation with Image One in Lincoln, Nebraska. I am NOT part of their business, but strictly in a contractual agreement to perform their Hair Transplant surgeries. I am not an agent for Image One, nor am I in sponsorship of any products or other marketing programs, other than strictly Hair Transplant Surgery. […] I hope that this clears up any mis-understanding that you or your readers may have and I hope that you will remove my name from your website. Other than of course as a referral Physician for anyone interested in Hair Restoration Surgery.
I asked Dr. Baxa to clarify his position regarding the Super Phaser Gold in a letter dated 19 January 2002:
1. Do you have any personal, financial, or professional connections to Lee Cole, Mark Chandler, or International Hair Removal Systems/Rejuvenu International Limited?
2. Are you involved in the sale or promotion of transdermal or transcutaneous hair removal devices manufactured by IHRS/Rejuvenu or treatment with said devices?
3. Do you endorse the sale or promotion of transdermal/transcutaneous hair removal devices as capable of permanent hair removal?
On 19 January 2002, Dr. Baxa responded:
In reference to your questions #1, #2, & #3, the answer in No.
I actually don’t even know any of the people you referenced in question one.
As far as the operation and management at Image One in Lincoln, Nebraska I do not have any say in the operation of their business. I strictly provide surgical services for Image One and conduct only Hair Restoration Surgery at the Lincoln, Nebraska Location.
In reference to permanent hair removal systems, I personally recommend either electrolysis or laser hair removal with the EpiLight or LightSheer laser system by Coherent.
Thanks to Dr. Baxa for the clarification.
Contact information and qualifications:
Dr. Baxa is listed as a hair transplant surgeon on several directories (including hairsupport.com, micropointlink.com, 1800mdhairs.com, cyberhair1.com). Mark Daniel Baxa, M.D. is listed as company’s physician for: Branigan’s Hair Specialists 111 N. 56th St., Suite #202 Lincoln , NE 68504 Phone: (402) 464-6111 Fax: (402) 464-6476 info@braniganshair.com. He’s also listed for Image One Aesthetics (in the adjacent office- Suite #200). Image One Aesthetics has the same address and owner as Consulting Studio, a distributor of the Super-Phaser Gold.
Dr. Baxa’s qualifications are listed on the Image One Aesthetics site as: "Member American Medical Association." Dr. Baxa asked Image One to remove this in 2002, stating: "I am not currently a member of the AMA. I do have several organizations that I have either worked with or been a member of, for instance the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, etc. However, after a career in Medicine & Surgery of more than 15 years, I do not maintain membership in prior organizations. Thus even on my CV it clearly states ‘Past & Present’ affiliations. So you are correct, in that I am not currently a member of the AMA (as many MD’s are not due to dissatisfaction with the organization)." According to the AMA, Mark Baxa got his M.D. from University of Nebraska in 1986. His residency was at the Carolinas Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. His practice is near Charlotte, NC at 156 Lake Mist Dr, Belmont NC 28012 (704) 825-9591 or (704) 825-5940. He is "Director, Mid-Atlantic Surgical Services." Dr. Baxa sent the following correction: "Please note, this is NOT Mid Atlantic Surgical Services, ‘INC’ out of Lancaster, PA. My company, Mid-Atlantic Surgical Services or MASS is NOT incorporated. I do understand how this may have been confused." He’s also listed as a "Charter Member, International Society of Hair Transplantation," although there does not seem to be a web presence for this trade association.
Final note
Again, Dr. Baxa has stated he does not endorse the sale or promotion of transdermal/transcutaneous hair removal devices featured on the Image One Aesthetics site. This site only discusses hair removal. This page is on hairfacts simply to clarify that Dr. Baxa has stated he is NOT involved with Image One beyond providing them Hair Restoration surgical services.
Comments on this page about Image One and Consulting Studio are in no way to be construed as a reflection on Dr. Baxa’s abilities as a physician or his business practices.