Feeling embarrassed because of unwanted upper lip hair? Here are 5 best ways to Remove girls mustache naturally. I know, You don’t want to choose threading or waxing as the process to remove unwanted upper lip hair. Don’t want to bear the pain of waxing to get rid of facial hair? Not to worry there are many home remedies to deal with one questioning how to get rid of a girl mustache naturally?
How to Remove Girls Mustache Naturally and Permanently?
Mustache for girls is a very common yet abnormal situation faced by many girls, and the pressure to remove it showcases the most basic rules of the patriarchy. So, how to remove girls mustache naturally?. Generally speaking hormonal factors and many times heredity plays a large role in this development. However facial hair is a normal and natural process starts during puberty. Girls always seek the best upper lip hair removal permanent techniques to get rid girls mustache naturally.
![How To Get Rid Of A Girl Mustache Naturally](https://pocketchanged.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/How-To-Get-Rid-Of-A-Girl-Mustache-Naturally.jpg)
Lip Hair in ladies Causes
The condition of women having upper lip hair is something which is very natural same as the hair on the scalp. The main cause of lip hair in ladies is hormonal imbalance a sit make hair grow more than normal in girls. There are many permanent solutions to remove lip hair. The overall phenomenon of unwanted hair growth in females also called as Hirsutism is caused by many factors. As per studies, it is specified that around 5 to 10 percent of women have upper lip hair growth problem and try to find out how to remove girls mustache naturally. without it growing back. There are mainly two causes of upper lip hair growth in girls, i.e. heredity and hormonal imbalance. Except these two there are no determined mustaches for girls causes.
How to remove mustache for girl permanently?
How will you react if it is been told that you do not need to visit the salon to get rid of your upper lip hair permanently? Yes, it’s surprisingly possible to remove upper lip hair at home immediately. There are many possible methods to ease your worry regarding how to get rid of a mustache permanently. In case you have tried many methods to get rid of upper lip hair permanently but were unsuccessful at last then shift to some natural ways to remove girls mustache permanently. There are many methods to remove upper lip hair permanently such as waxing, electrolysis, laser hair removal method, and depilatory cream. But among all these, the safest and natural methods to remove mustache in girls are considered to be the best. There are many permanent upper lip hair removal creams which are the painless method to remove upper lip hair, but it will not work on a long-term basis. In case you are confused about how to get rid of a mustache without it growing back, then chose home remedies to remove upper lip hair naturally and permanently. If you are tired of trying to remove upper lip hair via waxing, razors, a trimmer, bleaching then tries out the below-listed home remedies to get rid of upper lip hair in girls.
- Papaya and turmeric
The mixture of papaya and turmeric do wonders to your skin and is the best option for the removal of facial hair in girls. Papaya has papain which is an enzyme that breaks down the hair follicles and also prevents it from regrowing. Application of this mixture on your face will assist you to inhibit hair growth and also controls your upper lip and chin hair growth. Turmeric and papaya mixture is one of the best solutions for your worry reading how to remove upper lip hair at home immediately. Turmeric is the best ingredient which helps to kill off the hair and stops it to regrow.
- The homemade wax of honey and sugar
One of the most common and effective methods to remove facial hair in girls is the use of honey and sugar mixture. This mixture is considered as the best homemade wax to be used for upper lip hair removal permanently. This homemade wax will rip out the upper lip hair immediately and easily and will offer a fresh and clean face.
![Female Mustache Remedies](https://pocketchanged.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Female-Mustache-Remedies.jpg)
- White egg mask
If you are confused about how to get rid of a mustache without it growing back, then white egg pack is the best option for you. Eggs are overfilled with many essential nutrients which your skin needs. White egg mask can help you out to remove upper lip hair at home immediately. Take one white egg and mix it with one tablespoon sugar and half tablespoon cornstarch, mix it will and make a paste and apply it. Wash it after the paste is fully dried; it is the quick easy to remove upper lip hair at home without t damaging your skin.
- Potato and lentil mask
There are many remedies to remove girls mustache at home. For this, you have to soak yellow lentils in water overnight and use a grinder to make it a thick paste. After that peel three potatoes, a grind them also. Extract juice from potatoes and mix it with lentil paste, honey, and lemon juice. Apply it on your face to remove facial hair effectively and naturally. Wash it off when dried. It is the great option as dried lentil paste will fall off taking with me the unwanted facial hair.
- Oatmeal scrub
Oatmeal is considered as the gentle exfoliating agent which is very helpful in removing mustache in girls naturally and permanently. You just have to mix a half tablespoon of grounded oatmeal with one tablespoon of honey and six drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to areas on your face having excessive hair growth. Let it dry and scrub it with your fingers all over the area before removing it. It is one of the best home remedies to get rid of the mustache in girls.
Final Thoughts
Whether it is just some dark strands or else full mustache on girls face, upper lip hair can make you feel quite embarrassed sometimes. Now, no need to battle with upper lip hair. However, there are many ways to remove girls mustache naturally and permanently, but home remedies are the best option. So stay updated and stay beautiful.