This post is sponsored by Waxing the CIty. All opinions expressed are our own.
I stop into Waxing the City in Mount Pleasant once a month to clean up my eyebrows. And with summer coming soon, I have been thinking about other areas that might need a little shaping up as well. As a mom, I can find plenty of excuses not to put on a bathing suit. But I don’t want unruly hair or stubble be one of them. So when the opportunity came up to get a Brazilian Wax at Waxing the City and write about the experience, I quickly volunteered.
I’ve been getting my brows done by Shelby at Waxing the City for almost a year now. Before that, I used to wait until I had my hair cut to get my brows waxed. But after my son Pete was born, time between cuts grew longer and longer, and my brows were starting to get out of control. I needed a place that was easy to schedule and conveniently located. Since it’s literally my job to go to Whole Foods (I’m a personal chef), I decided to give Waxing the City a try. It’s in the same shopping center, so it’s super convenient. Plus, it’s faster than going to a traditional salon for a wax, and you know that Waxing the City will do an expert job. Waxing is their only service, so it’s never an afterthought, like it can be at other places.

I’ve had a Brazilian wax many times before, but it’s been a few years. I live in Mount Pleasant now and my previous waxer is in West Ashley. Since having a baby, it sometimes feels like the other side of the planet. I didn’t personally know another waxer (aka Cerologist) in Mount Pleasant before going to Waxing the City. But after seeing Shelby multiple times for my brows, I felt comfortable being waxed in a more intimate area.
Brazilian or Bikini?
When it comes to the hair down there, you have options. You can do the classic bikini, modified bikini, or a Brazilian wax. I always opt for the Brazilian wax, which means all the hair in the bikini area and below. All of it. Except maybe a landing strip if that’s your thing. I figure since I’m taking the time and going through a little pain, I might as well make a clean sweep of things, if you know what I mean. But even with a Brazilian wax, you can tailor your options to what makes you the most comfortable. Shelby was awesome about talking through all of the options with me.
A Brazilian wax can take anywhere from 30-45 minutes, which varies from person to person. The more regularly you wax, the quicker it goes. Your hair will actually grow in thinner with frequent waxes. Waxing is not nearly as painful as the movies make it seem. If you’re ever tweezed hairs down there, don’t let that deter you. It is way more painful to tweeze hairs than to wax them. Waxing the City uses a specially formulated hard wax for the bikini area and pulls off the hair in small patches. All this means that the pain is minimal. Let’s just say, if you’ve had a baby, this is a walk in the park!

Post-Wax Care
Waxing the City also has products for post-waxing to help reduce irritation and of course, the enemy of the bikini area – ingrown hairs. Depending on your hair type, they recommend different products. Shelby used TendSkin to cleanse and exfoliate after my wax, and she recommended that I use a sugar scrub at home to prevent any ingrown hairs. I’m happy to say that two weeks post-wax, I am completely ingrown hair-free,which has never happened before! Everyone’s different of course, but I definitely attribute my positive experience to a good skin-care regimen after the wax.
If you decide to try out some body waxing services, make sure the hair is a quarter inch or longer. This means at least two weeks without shaving. It will give you the smoothest, and least painful, results. Don’t forget to take proper care of the area after you leave the studio so you avoid any irritation. The warm weather is almost here, so Shelby at Waxing the City recommends starting soon. If you start regularly waxing now, your hair will be finer and easier to maintain by the time you hit the beach. Happy Waxing!
Waxing the City-Mount Pleasant
905 Houston Northcutt Blvd., Mount Pleasant, 29464
Book online here
Waxing the City offers 50% off of first service for new clients!