Fashion Trivia | 100 random facts & trivia about fashion (part 3)

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Fashion is one of the most profitable industries in the world. So it is reasonable for people wanting to find out more about it.

Let’s find out more about it. But before that, you can find out even more by reading part 1 and part 2.

  1. The Indians have been credited with originally spinning cotton.
  2. It was so popular that the Romans used to export it from them.
  3. Marilyn Monroe owned a dress that was encrusted with 6,000 rhinestones.
  4. It sold for $1.26 million at auction in 1999.
  5. The tuxedo gets its name from the town named Tuxedo, situated in Orange County, where a tuxedo was first worn.
  6. There is an Old Icelandic tale that claims the Yule Cat will eat you if you aren’t lucky enough to receive new clothes on Christmas Day.
  7. Baby boys used to wear dresses until they were aged 5-6.
  8. It changed in 1910 due to changes in fashion trends.
  9. In 1946, the bikini was invented, but it was banned in several countries, including Italy after the Vatican said it was a sin.
  10. Did you know that the modern bikini was named after a nuclear bomb hydrogen test?
  11. Actually, the bikini was “invented” while testing hydrogen bombs in Bikini Atoll.
  12. Playboy featured a bikini cover during… 60s! And more specifically in July 1962.
  13. Bikinis are the official dress code for female Olympic beach volleyball players since 1996.
  14. Wearing a thong bikini is illegal in parts of Florida.
  15. A Vietnamese airline staffs its planes with bikini-clad flight attendants.
  16. The most expensive bikini in the world is made of diamonds and costs 30million$.
  17. Barbie, the most popular doll in the Western World, was first seen wearing a black and white striped swimsuit.
  18. Barbie’s first career was… teen model.
  19. There are many barbie dolls dedicated to real fashion icons such as Marilyn Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn.
  20. There is a company called Little Miss Matched that sells packs of mismatched socks.
  21. The fear of clothing is called vestiphobia.
  22. Traumatic events involving clothing or fabric can lead to Vestiphobia in a person.
  23. Hypnotherapy sometimes can be effective in altering the subconscious to minimize the phobia.
  24. Within the last decade, the average breast size has increased from 34B to 36C due to the rising trend of plastic surgery.
  25. Bra manufacturer Playtex made the spacesuits for Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin when they went to the moon.
  26. Inn 1913 Mary Phelps Jacob invented the modern bra.
  27. Celebrities started wearing sunglasses in an attempt to remain anonymous to any fans they might bump into.
  28. But the first version of a visual aid was invented long ago and more specifically 1000 years ago and was called a “reading stone.”
  29. The first wearable vision aid is thought to have been invented by Italian Salvino D’Armante in the 13th century.
  30. Spanish inventors attached ribbons to glasses simply to keep them from slipping down the nose.
  31. Benjamin Franklin is responsible for the creation of bifocal lenses.
  32. Some people believe that wearing gold earrings and glasses at the same time can improve vision. Probably it’s just another myth!
  33. Famous singer and songwriter Elton John has an impressive collection of glasses. Estimates of the size of his eyewear collection range from as high as 250,000 pairs to a more reasonable 2,000 pairs.
  34. The mini skirt was named after the Mini Cooper, the favorite car of its designer, Mary Quant.
  35. Although there are more female fashion magazines in circulation today, France’s first fashion magazine was aimed at men in 1678.
  36. The Ancient Egyptians used perfume in religious rituals as well as to make them smell nice.
  37. Also, Ancient Egyptians wore jewelry with the rich ones wearing jewelry made of gold, silver, or precious stones
  38. On the other side, poor people wore jewelry made of copper or bronze.
  39. Both men and women wore makeup in Ancient Egypt.
  40. In Ancient Greece, women did not cut their hair unless they were mourning.
  41. In 1900 women wore long dresses, because it was not acceptable for women to show their legs.
  42. People used to hand-stitch their own clothes before 1850.
  43. Clothing was seen as essential rather than fashionable among the poor.
  44. Fashion designers start off on an average salary of $23,000.
  45. More experienced fashion designers can expect to earn up to $150,000 or more.
  46. In the 1600s, pregnancy was considered fashionable.
  47. Women would often put cushions underneath their clothes to try and create a realistic bump.
  48. Within America, those who live in Manhattan spend the most on clothing.
  49. The average person spends $362 per month.
  50. Nylon was first made in 1935 by Wallace Carothers.
  51. Polyester was invented in 1941 by John Whinfield and James Dickson.
  52. Kate Middleton is often pictured wearing fashionable clothing, and she has spent more than $54,000 on her wardrobe since 2012.
  53. British Royals must hold their purse on their left hand because they need their right one free to… wave!
  54. Queen Elizabeth prefers dresses and skirts over pants.
  55. Princess Diana was known for wearing tuxedo suits to events, even though Queen Elizabeth sin;t fond of them.
  56. Skirts and dresses should be kept around knee-length for royal women.
  57. Jeans are only allowed at casual events.
  58. If you’re royal—or marrying into the royal fam—then the queen will give her approval of your wedding dress, as is tradition.
  59. Of course, you can’t dye your nails red (or any other color in fact).
  60. Tiaras are worn only to the fanciest of royal events, and typically, they’re worn for the first time by brides.
  61. It is said that the queen sends secret messages with her handbags to her stuff.
  62. The Queen wears bright-colored clothing in order to stand out from the crowd. Well, that’s almost impossible.
  63. New York Fashion Week is attended by 232,000 people per year.
  64. In Prehistoric times people wore necklaces or bracelets made of things like shells.
  65. In the 19th century, some people disapproved of women wearing makeup and it was often sold under the counter. Definitely not seeing it happening today!
  66. Also, in the 19th-century women used lampblack as eyeshadow.
  67. They also used rouge.
  68. At the end of the 19th-century painting, the lips became common.
  69. In 1915 Maurice Levy invented lipstick push up sticks in tubes.
  70. They became more common in the 1920s.
  71. Meanwhile, zinc oxide replaced white lead for whitening the face.
  72. Electrolysis hair removal was invented in 1875.
  73. And laser hair removal was developed in the 1990s.
  74. China is one of the largest producers of cotton, bringing over 90 million yards of the material into the fashion industry every year.
  75. Neckties were originally called cravats and came from Croatia.
  76. They are now the most popular Father’s Day gift.
  77. Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, two of the most popular fashion magazines in publication today, both appeared in the 1920’s.
  78. In general, the 1920s is of the most important decades for fashion history.
  79. The handbag was first designed and used to help women attract a husband.
  80. They were invented in the 19th century, and women would personally embroider them with colorful and intricate patterns to show off to the men.
  81. Christian Louboutin manufactured a limited edition for brides.
  82. They had baby blue soles to give the bride “something blue,” but the company ceased production after copyright issues.
  83. The beret comes from France and is a popular fashion item as well as being a part of certain military uniforms.
  84. In the original Cinderella story, the glass slippers did not exist.
  85. Instead, her shoes were made out of fur, but the story was changed in the 1600s and included the new and now-famous glass slippers.
  86. The Big Four Fashion Weeks are Milan, London, Paris and New York.
  87. Valentino Garavani, a famous Italian fashion designer, takes his five precious pugs everywhere with him.
  88. Japanese warriors wore their hair up in a small ponytail after shaving the front of their heads.
  89. However, unlike the man bun of today, this wasn’t just for fashion, as it helped to keep their helmets secure.
  90. The long, fluffy wigs which are commonly seen worn by judges today derived from the days of King Louis XIII.
  91. The French monarch suffered quite badly with bald patches and wore a massive wig to appear macho and powerful.
  92. Tights were introduced in 1959.
  93. People started wearing underwear because clothes were made of fabrics that couldn’t be washed.
  94. The word lingerie is derived from the French word for linen, lin.
  95. In the 1870s, chemical dyes were introduced for underwear, offering a full variety of colors.
  96. Until the 19th century, men’s shirts were considered to be underwear.
  97. Nightclothes were introduced during the 16th century.
  98. Queen Elizabeth the first ordered that all women should wear hats on Sunday.
  99. Second-hand clothing was pretty much normal among the wealthy people.
  100. The bustle, introduced in the early 1900s, made sitting down for women difficult, if not impossible

The fashion industry is sometimes criticized and some other times really praised by people. But fashion remains really important and has influenced many aspects of life during the years.

Let’s find out more about it!

  1. Christian Dior owned an art gallery, in which he prohibited pieces of Dali and Picasso.
  2. One of the most popular pieces Christian Dior ever made was the bar jacket, but feminists didn’t like it at all, so he was firmly criticized.
  3. His intention to create clothes that tighten up was coming from his previous will to become an architect.
  4. In the collection “En 8” he actually showed more love to women’s curves. The collection is also known as the “New Look”.
  5. In general, each collection was very different from the previous by having a different silhouette.
  6. The “Miss Dior” fragrance is dedicated to his sister.
  7. It’s very floral because of the time they spent together in Grasse, in Southern France.
  8. Yves Saint – Laurent was… his employee.
  9. When Christian Dior died Yves Saint – Laurent became the artistic director of the Dior house.
  10. Even though his famous for his work in the fashion industry, he only worked in it for 10 years.
  11. The first fake eyelashes were created by W. Griffith, producer of silent movies in Hollywood, that thought that actresses’ eyes could look a little better.
  12. Eyeliner was discovered in the most unlikely of places – King Tutankhamun’s tomb!
  13. Makeup has been used by women since before Cleopatra’s time.
  14. They would use berries and other fruits to give their faces some color.
  15. Since the 1920s it’s a trend for women’s makeup.
  16. Anna Wintour’s first cover of Vogue was so different from the previous editions that the editors thought she had made a mistake.
  17. On Vogue’s covers – the most famous fashion magazine in the whole world- have been featured, 2 princesses.
  18. American Vogue had the most expensive photo shooting in the fashion industry!
  19. Chinese people still use white as a color for mourning.
  20. Chinese get married with red dresses.
  21. It is thought that the average woman will buy 145 bags during her lifetime.
  22. The most common materials for manufacturing clothing are linen, cotton, and polyester.
  23. Metal needles are relatively new, but 30,000 years ago, they were being made from animal bones.
  24. Walter Hunt, a man from America, invented the safety pin back in 1849.
  25. Children wore the same styles as adults up until the 1500s.
  26. New trends appeared specifically for children around then, so they stopped wearing the same as adults.
  27. In the Western world, skirts and dresses are mainly reserved for women.
  28. In other areas of the world, both sexes wear them equally as often.
  29. Lots of women have a problem with the fit of clothing on the high street – this is because they are designed for those between 5’4 and 5’8.
  30. In the year 200, the Romans created different shoes for the left and right feet.
  31. The fashion’s industry annual revenue is more than $20 billion.
  32. Technically, items are only “vintage” if they were made more than sixty but less than a hundred years ago.
  33. “Retro,” on the other hand, doesn’t refer to old items, but rather refers to styles which copy vintage items.
  34. Chanel No. 5 marked the beginning of modern perfume in 1921.
  35. Georgio Armani decided he wanted to be involved in fashion while working as a salesperson in the menswear department.
  36. He gained many experiences that eventually manifested itself in his designs.
  37. In general, he studied medicine!
  38. But his dream job was becoming a… filmmaker!
  39. He calls himself a “frustrated actor, director, producer, and even lighting cameraman.”
  40. Armani had made costumes for more than 250 films.
  41. He has also designed some of the eccentric costumes Lady Gaga wore on stage.
  42. Armani’s designs can be seen everywhere in Milan: from the uniforms of the police force to the clothes of taxi drivers.
  43. Armani designed the cover of a gospel book for the Pope.
  44. Armani collaborated with the Pope himself.
  45. Armani owns a total of 12 labels, some being Emporio Armani, Armani Dolci, and Armani Fiori, a flower business.
  46. He even owns a collection of hotels including the Armani Hotel at Burj Khalifa, Dubai.
  47. Armani Dolci, is famous for its delectable chocolates made in Florence using the best quality cocoa.
  48. This includes limited edition chocolates for Valentine’s Day and Ramadan.
  49. Armani had dressed Chelsea FC.
  50. If 100 years ago a woman had short hair, people thought she was cheating her husband.
  51. Those who like collecting ties are known as grabatologists.
  52. Grabata in greek means tie.
  53. During the Renaissance period, it was fashionable to shave off the eyebrows.
  54. Valentino Red was given this name after he became well-known for the bright red dresses he designed.
  55. Valentino is famous for his full-length skirts, which stood out from the minis that were popular during 60s.
  56. At that time he launched his first collection in Rome.
  57. Giancarlo Giametti was his partner and when they met, he soon became the manager of commercial development for the House of Valentino.
  58. He announced on September 4th, 2007 that he would retire in January 2008.
  59. He admitted to Oprah back in 2009, however, that despite being retired, he still makes sketches because of his love for design and drawing.
  60. The head designer at Valentino is currently Maria Grazia Chiuri, who worked under Valentino for years before taking over.
  61. Elizabeth I was a big fan of hats, and as a result, females who did not wear them on Sundays and public holidays were given a large fine during her reign.
  62. Up until the 17th century, men didn’t wear underwear at all.
  63. Men wore high heels to ride horses up until 1740. It was thought that the heels helped them to ride better.
  64. Using just one bale of cotton, around 200 jeans can be made.
  65. Around 80% of the world’s women buy shoes that are far too small for their feet.
  66. Generally, women like to think they have smaller feet and therefore choose a smaller size.
  67. Baggy pants were first worn inside a Los Angeles prison since the inmates weren’t allowed to wear belts.
  68. The Ancient Romans wore yellow clothing on their wedding days.
  69. Jimmy Choo is famous for the shoes he makes.
  70. His family owned a shoemaking business.
  71. He created his first shoes at the age of 11.
  72. He spent the next decade working in the family business.
  73. He became an expert though by expanding his knowledge in London.
  74. Choo set up shop in the former Metropolitan Hospital in Hackney and sold his first footwear branded under Lucky Shoes.
  75. The building, which housed small-scale retailers and artisans, was also where Alexander McQueen sold some of his earliest creations.
  76. He became famous through an 8-page article in Vogue.
  77. From 20 pairs of handmade shoes per week, mass production was taken over by Italian factories.
  78. Some of Choo’s most notable clients include Princess Diana, Beyoncé Knowles, and Julia Roberts. During the inauguration, George W. Bush’s twin daughters wore Jimmy Choo stiletto boots.
  79. Jimmy Choo became a household name after he was referenced in the hit television series Sex and the City and The Sopranos.
  80. Before his partnership with Mellon, Choo himself would design shoes for specific clients and make them by hand.
  81. So, this is why he didn’t want to own a factory and din;t believe in its success.
  82. He won the honor of the Order of the British Empire designation for his contributions to the fashion industry, as well as the Malaysian Dato’ title.
  83. Alexandre McQueen is known for having worked as chief designer at Givenchy from 1996 to 2001 and for founding his own Alexander McQueen label.
  84. Some of McQueen’s accomplishments included being one of the youngest designers to achieve the title “British Designer of the Year”, which he won four times between 1996 and 2003
  85. Audrey Hepburn (as Holly Golightly) wears Givenchy in Breakfast at Tiffany’s most famous scene.
  86. Hubert de Givenchy may have come from an aristocratic family, but he deconstructed the chic.
  87. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Grace Kelly, Bettina Graziani, and Audrey Hepburn were essentially the 1960s version of today’s influencers, and Hubert de Givenchy became their friend and also dressed them.
  88. Whilst Givenchy worked alongside and met many different designers, he found a source of inspiration, mentor and eventually close friend in Cristobal Balenciaga.
  89. Hubert de Givenchy focused on clothes that accentuated a woman’s beauty, opting for elegance and chic over the style of conformity that ruled the 1950s following World War Two.
  90. The European women in medieval times used to wear green, which was thought to aid and/or symbolize fertility.
  91. Blue is the color of loyalty.
  92. Lipstick is one of the most common items you’ll find in a makeup store, but did you know that one of the main ingredients is fish scales?
  93. Dying the hair is very fashionable, but it was trendy back in ancient times too.
  94. The process often resulted in total loss of the hair, which prevented many people from trying it.
  95. When cardigans were first made, the idea was to create a knitted military jacket.
  96. People who lived in the Middle Ages would often pay their taxes with clothing or material.
  97. Each year, 7 million tons of materials and textiles are trashed.
  98. Despite all the efforts to recycle more, only 12% of the material is actually used again.
  99. Marilyn Monroe owned a dress that was encrusted with 6,000 rhinestones. It sold for $1.26 million at auction in 1999.
  100. The Indians have been credited with originally spinning cotton, and it was so popular that the Romans used to export it from them.

READ ΝΕΧΤ Barbara Palvin trivia | 40 facts about the famous model

Learn even more facts about fashion here.

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