The E-Pen sold by Elyseé Electro, also known as the Verseo ePen, is a home-use version of the doubtful “transdermal hair removal” method. It sends energy through an electrified Q-Tip type of cotton swab.
E-Pen should be avoided by all consumers.
This device has not shown any published clinical evidence it can work as claimed.
It is currently being promoted heavily on television through direct-response commercials.
Contact information
Address: 110 W. 34th St #1106 New York, NY 10001
Phone: 212-629-7431
Customer service: 562-948-1114. Oddly, this is also listed as customer service for a golf company (flatblade.com) and an Apollo Theatre merchandise store (itsshowtimeattheapollo.com).
Fax: 212-629-7436
websites: http://www.elyseeelectro.com and others (see below)
email: sales@elyseeelectro.com info@elyseeelectro.com
Available devices
- E-Pen
- EasyTweeze
This “transcutaneous hair removal” device also comes with “conductive gel pads,” another gimmick with no published medical data indicating it can work.
The unit retails for $59.95, with replacement gel/electrodes $19.95 each.
Quack claims
- The EasyTweeze is claimed to be “The painless solution (needle free*) for permanent hair removal.”
- “Clinical trials carried out by a leading, approved clinical research laboratory confirmed that 39% of hairs were reduced permanently over a 90-day period. Subjects were administered 24 treatments of 20 second duration– total treatment time of 5 minutes”
- “allows for the painless and permanent removal of the hair”
- “Will I achieve permanent hair removal? In a word, YES!”
- “EasyTweeze is the safe and painless way to permanent hair removal.”
- “The E-Pen is as effective as professional electrolysis or laser hair removal methods.”
- “E-Pen is the way to achieve permanent hair removal without damaging your skin or spending way too much money.”
- “The E-Pen actually penetrates the hair follicles with gentle pulses of electrical energy changing the structure and the ability of the follicle to grow hair.”
- “With these tips and your apnea in hand you should be able to stop hair growth permanently.”
Other promotional sites that have sold the devices
The way these scams work is by signing up distributors. EPen has several already lined up.
P.O. Box 2727 Downey, CA 90242 562 948-1114 This is also listed as a mailbox for Ruthless Records
Fulfillment Express, Inc. 7271 Paramount Blvd Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Ammann, Dieter dammann@earthlink.net
562-948-4400 1-800-700-9295 or email us at info@fex.com
On 1 February 2002, I received the following from Dieter Ammann:
“We are not involved with the marketing or promotion of any of the products listed. As a service company and Internet Service Provider we provide domain hosting and registration. In the case of epenonline.com, atlantichorizon.com and elyseeelectro.com those website were registered by me for each of those companies and we have not yet transferred the ownership of those domains to them, when that happens we will be the technical contact!”
Technical Contact:
Lee, Jonathan jonathan@123cheapdomains.com
920 Cranbrook Court, Suite #7 Davis, Ca 95616
Renew / Manage domain at 123CHEAPDOMAINS.COM – Keep for memo
For support, please send email to: help@123cheapdomains.com
Atlantic Horizon International, Inc.
Ammann, Dieter (DA2551) dammann@EARTHLINK.NET
Fulfillment Express, Inc. 7271 Paramount Blvd, Pico Rivera, CA 90660
562-948-4400 (FAX) 562-948-4459
Ferreira, Robert (RF10283) atlantichorizon@EARTHLINK.NET
Atlantic Horizon International Inc. 110 West 34th Street, Suite #1105 New York , NY 10001
youcansave.com (also store.yahoo.com/youcansave)
Stephen D. Newman (YOUCANSAVE-DOM)
P.O. Box 2971 Orangevale, CA 95662
P.O. Box 6923 Chico, CA 95927-6923
“at last, the painless solution for permanent, needle-free hair removal.”
Leah Wyandot
Websystems Marketing/Wyandot Hair
37 Whallet Ave. New Haven, CT 06511
888 273-1957
Terry Langley 141 Brisas St Oceanside, CA 92054
Innovations International 110 Pacific Avenue Suite 1020 San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 597-5900 (FAX) (415) 495-2415
Tydeman, Fran (FT211) ftydeman@INNOVATIONS.COM
Technical Contact:Walker, Steve (SW1244) swalker@INNOVATIONS.COM
Billing Contact: Bennett, Linda (LB1000) lbennett@INNOVATIONS.COM
Elysee Hair Removing System (RF tweezers)
Quack claims: “safe and gentle pulses pass through the conductive gel delivering energy right down to the hair follicle to destroy the hair root.”
Kantor, Mark (MK18681) mkantor@shoplifestyle.com
Lifestyle Fascination 110 Lehigh Ave Lakewood, NJ 08701
Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
732 364 5777 fax: 732 364 1551