Encouraging trans madness in the ranks -- yeah, that’ll beat China.
JulyRobert Spencer
[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The Biden regime is so sold out to the prevailing social contagion that has men thinking they can become women and women likewise deluded into believing they can become men that it is offering special treatment and outrageous perks to military service members who “identify as transgender.” If you’re wondering what this kind of social engineering has to do with winning wars, the answer is precisely nothing. The United States military hasn’t won a war since 1945, and it certainly isn’t going to start winning any now. Its mission is something else altogether.
Journalist Jordan Schachtel revealed Tuesday the revolting details of a memo from the Biden regime’s “Defense” Department, which ought to be renamed the Department of Pushing the Left’s Insane Cultural Agenda Onto Americans Who Are Still Sane and Especially Those With Traditional Values, except that then it would share a name with every other department of this regime’s bureaucratic apparatus. The memo, according to Schachtel, “goes into great detail on the topic of ‘care of service members who identify as transgender.’” One can only imagine the paroxysms of joy this memo inspired in the high-level officers of the Chinese and Russian militaries, as they savored yet more evidence of the self-destruction of what up until recently was known as the world’s lone superpower.
Your tax dollars are now going for men to be able to go all-out in pretending they are women, and women men. These are, mind you, your tax dollars that are devoted to our national defense. So that you and your children can sleep securely at night, you are now funding “speech/voice therapy,” “cross-sex hormones,” “laser hair removal,” “voice feminization surgery,” “facial contouring,” “body contouring,” “breast/chest surgery (‘upper surgery’),” “genital mutilation surgery (‘lower surgery’),” and best of all, “psychological counseling,” which these deluded service members are certainly going to need, or they wouldn’t want all the other things on this list.
Of course, the military is not going to send them to someone on the order of General George Patton for the psychological counseling. “What’s that, son? You think you’re a woman” (Slaps the soldier.) “Get your head out of your a**, stop malingering, and get back to your unit.” Instead, the Biden regime’s military is encouraging delusion and madness in the ranks: “Service members who identify as transgender may receive a waiver for grooming and uniform standards.” Yes, while the few remaining service members who are sane are still held to something resembling traditional military standards for how they wear their hair and uniform, the insane ones are exempt. So if you’re a total slob, just tell your commanding officer you’re really a woman. Then you never have to worry about getting a haircut or tucking in your uniform shirt again. Walk around in a dress if you want, like that guy on MASH back when such behavior was a joke. You’ll probably get a bonus.
Even worse, “service members who identify as transgender may receive an indefinite waiver for physical fitness standards.” Tired of having to work out and keep the weight off? Come out as “transgender,” and stop off on your way back to the barracks for a dozen doughnuts! And don’t worry about having to get in anything so distasteful as a battle: “Service members who identify as transgender will be considered ‘non-deployable’ for up to 300 days while taking hormones for their ‘transition’ period. Again, given that these hormones are often required for life, this may render the transgender identifying service member as permanently unable to deploy.”
Does the Biden regime really believe that pandering to all this nonsense makes our military and our nation stronger? That’s not the point of it all. The point is to institutionalize and normalize defiance of traditional values, force everyone to accept such defiance, and place service members who still hold on to sanity at a disadvantage. Doesn’t the Biden regime know that the military’s job is to win wars and defeat threats to our nation? The regime’s leaders may think that we are so powerful that we cannot possibly be defeated, and so they also assume that they have endless leisure and license to use the military like a toy and a social engineering laboratory, without ever having to worry about any negative consequences for doing so. Or else they may want us to be defeated, and all this is a way to destroy morale and unity among those charged with defending us. The latter possibility seems more likely, given everything else these corrupt Marxist criminals have done to weaken and divide the nation.
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