As the temperatures rise in the summer, many guys find themselves dealing with issues such as excess sweating, excess body hair or fat in areas they'd rather not have it. Whether you're looking to avoid sweating through your presentation at work or want to feel more confident at the beach, I asked cosmetic surgeons for the most popular treatments they see guys coming in for in the summer.
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EmSculpt for Toning without the Gym
Dr. Young ChoHouston Plastic Surgeon
What is EmSculpt and how does it work?
EmSculpt uses HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic) fields to cause intense contractions of the target muscle. The muscle contractions caused by EmSculpt is so intense that we cannot replicate this with voluntary contractions if we tried. These contractions are called 'supramaximal' contractions.
Over a course of 30 minutes, the patient experiences over 20,000 such contractions, i.e. a very intense workout. EmSculpt can be used to help build abdominal muscles, but also has the secondary benefit of reducing fat in those areas.
The intense muscular workout releases free fatty acids (FFA) and when the concentration of FFA increases, it becomes toxic to the surrounding fat cells. Studies have shown that the fatty tissue layer can be reduced by up to 19% with four treatment sessions. In addition, your muscle grows in stature by 16%. This is the first device that builds muscle and reduces fat.
Another popular treatment area is the buttock. By firming and building the gluteus muscles, you can get a non-surgical buttock lift. A different pulse sequence is used for the buttock to minimize any fat reduction, and it the buttock fat in general is more resistant to the effects of excess FFA. EmSculpt enables a focused intense workout of the gluteus muscles.
How long is it effective?
Any fat reduction achieved by EmSculpt can be very long lasting as it permanently reduces the number of fat cells. The muscle, however, may be a different story. Imagine going to the gym and working out extensively for weeks and months. You can tell that your muscle is building strength, girth, and tone. Then you stop for six months. Your muscles will feel and appear deflated and 'out of shape'.
Patients can use EmSculpt to not only build their muscles, but also to maintain the growth of those muscles. For patients that have a very active exercise regimen, they may not need to do EmSculpt as often. However, for those that want to maintain their muscular build, consider EmSculpt as your 'medical gym' partner/trainer.
Do you see a lot of guys requesting it for the summer?
This is very popular for men and women. The notion of 'dad bod' or men undergoing a 'daddy do-ever' is becoming more commonplace. Men (and women) are looking for non-invasive options. The short treatment course with the outstanding benefits makes EmSculpt a very easy decision to incorporate into men's aesthetic and wellness care plans.
Who would you recommend it for?
I am recommending EmSculpt for patients who are looking for BodySculpting options. This is the only FDA cleared device to address muscle building/toning in addition to fat reduction. Even patients who come to me for surgical options can benefit from EmSculpt. My liposuction (or BodyTite) patients may see overall fat reduction and tissue tightening (in the case of BodyTite), however, they can benefit from building muscle as well. Even tummy tuck candidates can benefit. The EmSculpt can further enhance the tummy tuck procedure by building muscle and improving the core muscle group.
For patients who are pursuing a strict non-surgical approach to bodysculpting consider the following options: Coolsculpting to reduce excess unwanted fatty areas, Profound RF to tighten the skin and restore collagen and elasticity, Exilis (radiofrequency) to further tone the underlying fatty tissue, and EmSculpt to build and tighten muscle while further reducing the fatty layer in the treated areas. EmSculpt now enables a comprehensive approach to non-surgical bodysculpting and enhances our surgical outcomes as well.
Are there any risks to consider or people who should avoid this treatment?
Every procedure has some risk and there are contraindications for the procedure. HIFEM will stimulate muscle contraction so patients with abdominal hernias or recent abdominal surgery may not be candidates. In addition, patients with pacemakers or metal implants/devices are not candidates.
What's the best part of this treatment?
The best part of the procedure is the short treatment time (30 minutes), and the intensity of the workout. A treatment series entails two treatments per week for two weeks (four treatments total). The makes the procedure easy to fit into anyone's lifestyle and routine. Patients may want to maintain their results throughout the year depending on their goal. The huge benefit of the procedure is that there is NO Downtime. Some patients may experience some soreness, like they had an intense workout, but I haven't heard patients describe it as painful afterwards.
Kybella for Double-Chins
Dr. Peter Capizzi
What is Kybella?
Kybelladouble chins
How does that work?
The critical ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a fat-metabolizing agent that occurs naturally in the human body. When injected, the deoxycholic acid pierces the fat cell membrane. Immediately, the fat molecules are released from the cell, metabolized, and eliminated as waste, creating a more slender, sculpted profile with greater definition. Kybella will continue to improve chin and neck contours for 3-6 months, however, stunning results are usually visible in around 10-14 days.
How long is it effective?
Forever! As long as the client maintains a healthy diet and exercise routine, the changes accomplished with Kybella are permanent.
Do you see a lot of guys requesting it for the summer? (this one might not apply for Kybella)
In my practice, 50% are men receiving this treatment. Most require 2 treatments separated by 6 weeks. 10% need a single treatment and 10% need 3 treatments or greater.
Who would you recommend it for?
Are there any risks to consider or people who should avoid this treatment?
For the majority of patients, this procedure is extremely well tolerated. Injections should not be done if one has a virus or active skin infection.
What's the best part of this treatment?
It actually works! Kybella is a miraculous FDA-approved injectable that melts away fat deposits and brilliantly restores definition to the upper neck – and the results are permanent.
Botox for Underarm Sweat
Dr. David ShaferNYC Plastic Surgeon
Why use Botox for underarm sweat? How does that work?
Botoxmany other uses
There is actually a medical condition called hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) and Botox is FDA indicated for this disorder. However, even people with regular sweating that is bothersome take advantage of Botox injections — whether it's a business person that doesn't want sweat stains in shirt or a model the does not want to sweat under the hot lights on the runway.
How long is it effective?
After injected, Botox takes 3-7 days to start working and lasts from 3-5 months. So patients getting Botox for sweating usually come in once a season. Some people take a break during the colder months, while most have the treatments year-round.
Do you see a lot of guys requesting it for the summer?
Yes, it is very popular for patients to come in the spring anticipating sweating during the summer. And not just for armpits. It is also effective on the chest, scalp, hands, feet and even the scrotum to prevent sweating.
Who would you recommend it for?
Since Botox is very safe and effective it is really good for anyone with a conditions that it treats. So any person with excessive or bothersome sweating is a good candidate. Mostly for the armpits, but also for the hands and even the scalp.
Are there any risks to consider or people who should avoid this treatment?
It is very rare to have a reaction to Botox. Treatment of the armpits for sweating is very safe and effective. If anyone has an active infection in the area we would wait for that the clear before performing any injections.
What's the best part of this treatment?
The best part of this treatment is that it can be life-changing. For any patient that is bothered or embarrassed by their sweating then Botox is certainly worth a try. For some people, sweating can affect their job performance (for example, public speakers). Excessive sweating can also cost a lot in dry cleaning.
Laser Hair Removal
Dr. Young ChoHouston Plastic Surgeon
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser Hair RemovalWhite hair
How long is it effective?
LHR can be long lasting. However, multiple treatments are required. The reason for this is that our hair has different stages of growth. The ones that we see at the time are the ones that are targeted through LHR. However, many follicles may be dormant and make take weeks for them to wake up and start growing. With each LHR session, you should see a successive reduction in your hair density.
Do you see a lot of guys requesting it for the summer?
LHR is becoming very popular for men, especially in anticipation of summer. They may be doing for visible reasons such as LHR of the trunk and back as they get ready for swimsuit season. Hair also traps heat, and they may find reducing the hair density can help make the body easier to cool. Another popular procedure that both helps reduce hair in the armpits is miraDry, which provides heat the hair follicles in the armpits. A lot men seek this procedure for its primary benefit of sweat and odor reduction, but since the sweat and odor glands reside at the same tissue depth as the hair follicles, you get a reduction in hair density as well.
Who would you recommend it for?
LHR is a great way for men who desire a smoother appearance to the treated areas. It is a relatively quick and hence convenient procedure, but does require patience as several treatments are required to get the desired results. Do remember, that if your hair does not have much pigment, then LHR will not be a good option for you.
Are there any risks to consider or people who should avoid this treatment?
LHR does heat the tissues. So you do need to make sure you go to someone trained to use this medical device. I have seen patients where too much energy resulted in burns or hyper pigmentation of the tissues.
What's the best part of this treatment?
The convenience and lasting results are the best part of this treatment. Remember, however, that you may not see 100% reduction because there may always be residual hair follicles in the dormant phase, hence the need for multiple treatments.
Of course, it's important to consult your doctor before you make any plans for treatment. Your doctor will be best able to guide you and recommend a course that works best with your health and goals.
David Schwartz
Born and raised in Austin, David is a dedicated writer and avid fragrance lover. When he's not trying out perfumes, he enjoys traveling and exploring new restaurants.