Similar words: relaxing, fixing, taxi, axis, axiom, ataxia, maxilla, maximum. Meaning: ['wæksɪŋ] n. 1. the application of wax to a surface 2. a gradual increase in magnitude or extent. adj. (of the moon) pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon increases.

1 Waxing your car will help protect against rust.
2 I recall Rosie waxing lyrical about the flatness of his stomach.
3 Price-sensitivity is waxing and brand-loyalty waning.
4 As for the remedies - try waxing,[] bleaching and shaving.
5 Cool waxing is said to be quickest, but advocates of hot wax say that it is much more efficient.
6 Historical Romances continued to appear throughout the century, waxing and waning in numbers and popularity as public taste dictated.
7 Waxing the skis helps them to slide better and some slopes have a lubrication system which further reduces friction.
8 Hale-Bopp and the waxing crescent will be easily visible in the Western sky after sunset Thursday and Friday.
9 After years of regular waxing(, the hair follicles may give up the unequal struggle and not grow back.
10 Before waxing lyrical about types of communication we need firstly to appreciate the uniqueness of the hotel environment.
11 For home waxing, Immac Warm Wax, £7.99, whisks away hair with minimum fuss.
12 Waxing is a very laborious process and the wood will require re-waxing at regular intervals.
13 You're waxing lyrical about the M25 and the hopelessness of building more roads.
14 Added to this was the waxing of the fuselage interior to protect it from corrosion in the future.
15 Nail waxing a process that makes your nails shinny.
16 Fuel waxing due to extremely cold weather.
17 Lubricating or waxing the yarn to reduce friction.
18 The waxing moon passes from new to full.
19 Brushlelss gum and waxing operation, some companies have used rubber brush automatically.
20 Tonight, the waxing gibbous moon shines in front of the constellation Taurus the Bull.
21 That's where you'll find the waxing gibbous moon with a bright star some distance below it.
22 Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
23 Waxing a car after washing will rejuvenate the appearance of the car.
24 Don't make oaths lightly to the moon, for it is always waxing and waning.
25 Fed by different tributaries, as Don F6lix was saying before when he was waxing poetic.
26 There are several ways that you can remove unwanted hair, including waxing or electrolysis at a salon.
27 It savoured the tang of Biff's own saliva, similarly flavoured, like a waxing and ebbing tide inside his mouth.
28 Marie Claire devoted last October's issue to the disease, and carried photos of topless celebrities waxing lyrical about their assets.
29 The study was conducted so that in the evening, when the Moon was a waxing crescent, the reflected earthshine originated from Indian Ocean and Africa's east coast.
30 The terminator – the shadow line dividing the lunar day from the lunar night – shows you where it's sunrise on the waxing moon.
More similar words: relaxing, fixing, taxi, axis, axiom, ataxia, maxilla, maximum, taxi stand, dyspraxia, taxidermy, mudslinging, living thing, ring finger, lingering, ringing, king, sing, ring, wing, thing, wring, dingy, swing, icing, bring, coming, hinge, sling, cling.