A key legal team that has been battling the abortion-for-all movement since long before Joe Biden turned it into one of his presidency's key ideologies is warning Florida voters that a new Planned Parenthood idea there would let tattoo artists refer teens for abortion.
The team is that one located at Liberty Counsel, where chief Mat Staver explained the fear is over the abortion industry giant's "insane ballot proposal."
Under those requirements, "even a laser hair removal technician" could recommend an abortion, he explained.
His organization now is arguing before the state Supreme Court against the ballot issue.
Liberty Counsel's report charges that the amendment is so vague, any "healthcare provider" can say that an abortion is "necessary" "AT ANY TIME UP TO BIRTH."
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Among the problems is that a provider is not limited to a physician, nor is there any definition for "health."
The report said, "And because existing parental notification laws would be considered a prohibited 'delay' or 'restriction' of an abortion, under the amendment's language all a pregnant teen would need to do is get an abortion recommendation from a tattoo artist or her soccer team's athletic trainer to get a late-term abortion."
Already, the report notes, the state recognizes nearly 60 categories of "healthcare practitioner," including massage therapist, audiologist, and "tattoo artist." Also "911 public safety telecommunicator."
"So, your teenage daughter or granddaughter in Florida need not even venture out of the house to the local tattoo parlor to get permission for an abortion. Just pick up the phone and call her local 911 operator," the report warned.
It continued, "If she needs laser hair removal, she can waltz over to the electrologist and get permission for an abortion. I am not exaggerating."
Staver reported, "Planned Parenthood's Florida ballot initiative reveals all too clearly that this multibillion-dollar global abortion giant doesn't care about patient health at all. They want to ensure patients can keep lining up for their gruesome services."
He said he'll be arguing before the state court on February 7 that the Planned Parenthood scheme has "misleading and deceptive wording" in violation of state requirements for voter initiatives.
The report said Liberty Counsel also is fighting pro-abortion movements in states including Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: For America's ruling elites, nothing is more precious, wonderful and life-giving to their great cause than the Jan. 6, 2021 "insurrection" at the U.S. Capitol. It's irrelevant that the events didn't come remotely close to constituting an actual "insurrection," or that both police and over 200 undercover FBI assets provoked the riot – which Tucker Carlson calls a "set-up." Yet Vice President Kamala Harris still insists the minor riot was just as horrific as the 9/11 terror attacks and Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.
WHY are the elites doing this?
It's not just because convicting, imprisoning, torturing and destroying the lives of hundreds of Trump supporters is meant to terrify and intimidate millions of Americans into submission. And it's not just because activist judges and bureaucrats in over 30 states are absurdly trying to keep Trump off their state's election ballots by citing the 14th Amendment's prohibition against anyone who "engaged in insurrection" from holding elective office.
It's because the elites' destruction of America is so rapid, horrendous and obvious that they feel compelled to turn their opponents into monsters – or lose power at the next election. But that doesn't mean just calling conservatives and Christians "racists," "white supremacists," "radical extremists" and "domestic terrorists" as they do continually. They know much more is needed.
Question: What if, far from being horrified by a half-baked riot they absurdly claim is worse than any domestic disturbance since the Civil War, the left actually LOVES the idea of violence on the right – the worse the better – since it perfectly serves their agenda? Increasingly, all the evidence strongly suggests today's power-mad leftist elites not only intend to intimidate and discredit their political opponents by calling them terrorists, they mean to provoke actual violence.
The secret strategies and shocking tactics of today's ascendant far-left elites are exposed as perhaps never before in the January issue of WND's critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, headlined "INCITING VIOLENCE: DEMS' SECRET STRATEGY FOR STAYING IN POWER."
WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.
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