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Selfies Lead to Rise in Plastic Surgery

It’s impossible to scroll through your social media feeds without encountering a “selfie” — i.e., a picture that someone takes of themselves and posts to garner reactions from followers. If you believe selfies are only a passing trend, it might surprise you to learn that they have some long-lasting influence.

According to a report released by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), one in three plastic surgeons surveyed have seen an increase in requests for plastic surgery, as a result of patients being more aware of their looks because of social media.

“Social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and the iPhone app, which are solely image-based, force patients to hold a microscope up to their own image and often look at it with a more self-critical eye than ever before,” said Dr. Edward Farrior, the president of AAFPRS.

When ABC News reported on this trend back in August, one New York plastic surgeon told reporters, “I’ve noticed over the last six months [that] patients actually bring a selfie to the examining room. They show me what bothers them and what they would like to fix.” Another New York City plastic surgeon added, “I personally would see two to three patients a day that have come in from selfies and social media.”

Most Requested Procedures

Rhinoplasty and Botox injections are among the most requested procedures to make selfies look more attractive. Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, improves an oversized or crooked nose, or addresses an unflattering feature of the nose such as an upturned tip or uneven nostrils. Botox treatment temporarily smoothes wrinkles and lines around the forehead and eyes.

Hand rejuvenation is popular among women that get engaged and want their hands to look beautiful in photos of their wedding rings.

The AAFPRS report contained another interesting and possibly related trend: plastic surgery patients are trending younger. More than half of the doctors AAFPRS surveyed said they saw an increase in patients under 30 requesting plastic surgery and non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatment. Since social media and selfies are particularly popular with the younger crowd, this could be a contributing factor.

How Cosmetic Enhancement Can Help You

Selfies and social media aren’t the only reasons to pursue cosmetic surgery. People want to look great and feel great in real life — not just their virtual lives. If you feel self-conscious about your appearance, cosmetic enhancement can potentially have a tremendous effect on your self-esteem and overall quality of life. Think of the confidence you will project when you finally feel good about you appearance.

At the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we are happy to meet with anyone considering plastic surgery, and go over our wide selection of surgical and non-surgical options. After learning more about you and your unique cosmetic goals, we can recommend a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Please contact our office at (954) 565-7575 to schedule an appointment.

What is liposuction
What is liposuction

7 Facts About Liposuction

Liposuction is often regarded as a new, modern-day advancement in cosmetic medicine. However, the practice of fat removal can be traced back to as early as the 1920s. Over time, the procedure evolved and new innovations allowed for a safer, more effective treatment. In 1982, a French surgeon named Yves-Gerard Illouz invented a safe method of fat cell removal that employed cannulas (thin tubes) to inject a saline solution into the problem area to break up fat before suctioning it from the patient’s body. This new technique was a progressive advancement in liposuction. Over the years, doctors have continued to improve upon the procedure to make it safer, more effective, and minimally invasive.

Continue reading 7 Facts About Liposuction

COVID-19 Update

The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery has been providing South Florida with cosmetic surgery and treatment for over 15 years with our patients’ safety as our #1 priority. While this situation is unprecedented, our commitment to our patients remains the same. We are taking action to comply with local and federal government, following the recommendations of the CDC and WHO, and rolling out tools to make navigating this time easier for all of our patients, including telehealth and virtual consultations.

Continue reading COVID-19 Update

February 8, 2016

Iris Knupp
Iris Knupp

By: Iris Knupp

When I first meet a patient who comes in at South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery for Laser Hair Removal treatment, the number one question is: Is it going to hurt? And then: Does it really works? My friend said it hurts a lot, and the list of question goes on and on and on.

So I put together a guide for you, here are helpful tips for embarking on your successful laser journey.

Did you know:

Continue reading 7 great tips about Laser Hair Removal

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January 30, 2016

Can I Get Kim Kardashian’s Butt?

For many people, Kim Kardashian has the ideal physique: curves in all the right places. Arguably her best asset, her derriere has set a new standard for buttock aesthetics. Since her rise to fame, the number of inquiries about buttock augmentation and buttock lift procedures has skyrocketed. For many individuals, Brazilian Butt Lift provides the results they want via a safe and well tolerated procedure.

In this post, the team at South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery explains Brazilian Butt Lift in more detail, and how it can help you get a butt that resembles Kim‚Äôs. Continue reading Can I Get Kim Kardashian’s Butt?

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January 15, 2016

Lipo vs. Tummy Tuck – What Is Best for Me?

Recently, a woman visited us at South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery and explained that she felt self-conscious of her midsection. After having three children, her stomach hadn’t “snapped back” to its pre-baby appearance. Friends of hers had mentioned tummy tuck and liposuction as possible solutions, but she was unsure which procedure was the better option.

As we do with every patient, we examined her problem areas, discussed her needs and helped her select the procedure most appropriate for her goals. Since this scenario is common, we know that other women may have the same questions. Our team thought it would be helpful if we explained the two options and their distinct differences. Continue reading Lipo vs. Tummy Tuck – What Is Best for Me?

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December 30, 2015

Weight Gain After Liposuction | South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery

In our last blog post, the team at South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery provided the answer to common questions about wearing compression garments after liposuction. Now we have decided to blog about another common liposuction-related question, which is whether body weight redistributes after liposuction. If you have always wondered about possible weight redistribution and weight gain after liposuction, you can find the answer here. Continue reading Weight Gain After Liposuction | South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery

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December 15, 2015

Are Compression Garments Bulky?

Compression garmentsplastic surgeons

Continue reading Are Compression Garments Bulky?

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December 1, 2015

Can Frequent Sitting Affect Brazilian Butt Lift Results?

An expertly performed Brazilian Butt Lift at the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery can give you the voluptuous buttocks you have always wanted. Naturally, our Brazilian Butt Lift patients are delighted with their curvy results and want to enjoy them as long as possible. Some of them have mentioned that they worry frequent sitting can affect their results. In this blog post, our plastic surgeons address this concern and set the record straight on sitting after Brazilian Butt Lift.

Give Transplanted Fat Its Best Chance for Survival

Brazilian Butt Lift involves transferring unwanted fat from an area such as the abdomen, waist, thighs or flanks to the buttocks to give it a more voluptuous shape. Once the fat has been transferred to the buttocks, it needs time to develop a blood supply to survive. The fat cells are fragile in the immediate post-operative period. Sitting, laying or putting pressure on the newly augmented buttocks can reduce blood flow through the tissues, and prevent the fat cells from connecting to the blood vessels. It could result in the atrophy of the fat cells and the flattening of the buttocks.

This is why plastic surgeons encourage Brazilian Butt Lift patients not to sit or sleep on their backside for the first two weeks after surgery. For example, on the way home from surgery, you should rest on your side or your stomach in the car. During the first two to three weeks after surgery, we recommend you use a special air cushion or pillow to take the weight off of your buttocks as it heals. We will advise when it is safe for you to resume normal sitting and laying on your back.

Once your buttocks has healed and the fat has developed its blood supply, it will act like the rest of your body fat. The results should stabilize and you won’t have to worry about how frequent sitting affects the shape of your buttocks.

Contact Us about Brazilian Butt Lift

If you are interested in having Brazilian Butt Lift surgery and you would like to determine whether you are a suitable candidate, please schedule a consultation at our practice. You can reach us by calling (954) 565-7575 and requesting an appointment.

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December 1, 2015

Does Lipo Hurt?

The benefits of liposuction are well established. This body sculpting procedure reduces unwanted fat in targeted areas — such as the abdomen, hips, thighs or buttocks — for a more beautiful and proportional shape. In a body-conscious region like South Florida, liposuction is in high demand.

Candidates for liposuction understandably have pressing questions about the procedure. One of the most common liposuction questions that our plastic surgeons receive is whether the procedure is painful. In this post, the plastic surgeons at the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery reveal the answer and explain what is reasonable to expect.

When Performed Correctly, Liposuction Is Not Painful

As long as you have selected an experienced surgeon and you are under anesthesia during your operation, liposuction is not painful. You will be in a sleep-like state and unable to feel anything, including any pain. Our liposuction surgeons prefer to use the tumescent technique, which involves infusing the treatment area with a special tumescent solution. This fluid not only makes it easier to break up and remove the unwanted fat, but also makes the recovery process a little smoother. Generally, tumescent liposuction is well tolerated by our patients.

What can make liposuction a more painful experience is an unqualified plastic surgeon that does not adhere to the standard of care. This is why it is so important to work with board certified, experienced surgeons that operate in accredited facilities. Your comfort and safety depend on it!

Your Post-Operative Comfort Level

Recovering from liposuction is not a painful experience, but there may be minor discomfort. It is difficult to pinpoint how much discomfort, since everyone has a different threshold for pain. Many describe a feeling of tenderness or soreness, similar to the feeling after completing a vigorous workout. However, it is not unbearable.

To counteract any discomfort, our plastic surgeons prescribe oral medication to be taken as needed. After a few days, most patients switch to Tylenol. Putting ice packs on the treated area can also help to minimize pain. And, the compression garment placed after surgery helps reduce discomfort by restricting the movement of the treated area.

Other post-operative liposuction side effects include some swelling and bruising, both of which resolve mostly in the first two to three weeks of recovery.

Do You Have Additional Questions?

If you are curious about other aspects of liposuction, or would like to learn more about how the procedure can help your “problem areas” of excess fat, contact the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery today. Call us at (954) 565-7575.

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October 30, 2015

Do Breast Implants Ever Need to Be Replaced?

If you are considering breast augmentation or recently had the operation to enhance your breasts, you might wonder about the longevity of your breast implants. Will you, at some point, need to replace them with a new pair? The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery addresses that common question here.

Implants Are Long-Lasting Medical Devices

Breast implantsfailure

The only reasons why you would need to replace your implants are:

1)     The implant ruptures, leaks or develops a complication

2)     You want to change their size

Let’s break those reasons down in more detail.

Rare Possibility of Complication

Although it is very rare for an implant to fail, as with any man-made device, it is possible. Potential complications include rupture, leak, “bottoming out” and capsular contracture.

It is very obvious when a saline implant ruptures or leaks; the saline filling is quickly absorbed by the body and the deflated side looks noticeably different. It is more difficult to detect a leak or rupture in silicone implants, due to the thick, viscous nature of the filling. This is why women with silicone implants are encouraged to have MRIs on a regular basis to check the integrity of the implants. Capsular contracture is another breast implant complication which occurs when scar tissue forms around the implant and squeezes it (causing the breasts to harden and contort).

We want to emphasize that these complications are very rare. However, when they occur, implants must be replaced. In this scenario, you could opt for the same type and size of implant or select a new option.

Desire to Change Implant Size

The second scenario involves a change in personal preference. Perhaps you regret not initially selecting larger implants for more noticeable results. Perhaps you have found, over time, that large implants are not conducive to your active lifestyle or your tastes. It might be difficult to run marathons or participate in CrossFit classes with oversized breasts. You might feel that your breast size is age-inappropriate as you get older. It is your call — whatever your reasons, our breast augmentation surgeons can help you select a more appropriately sized pair of implants.

Learn More about Breast Implants

If you have additional questions or curiosities about the longevity of breast implants, don’t hesitate to contact our team. Call us anytime at (954) 565-7575.

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October 15, 2015

Common Reasons Why Women Have Breast Surgery

Pop culture often marginalizes breast surgery by showing superficial, vanity-obsessed women with big breasts getting even bigger implants. The reality is that the reasons why women pursue breast surgery procedures are as unique as the women themselves. Here, Florida Center explores some of the common reasons why women undergo breast surgery.

To Change the Size of the Breasts

Let’s start with one of the most common reasons: Many women pursue breast surgery to modify the size of their breasts. Women with naturally small breasts have implants placed to boost breast size, and women with oversized breasts have them reduced.

This is not done purely for cosmetic reasons. While the aesthetic benefits are most obvious, there are other benefits to altering breast size, especially in breast reduction cases. Reducing heavy, oversized breasts can alleviate chronic back, shoulder and neck pain. Augmenting breast size with implants can end the life-long struggle to find well-fitting clothes. Psychologically, a change in breast size can improve self-confidence.

To Address Pregnancy and Nursing-Related Changes

A lot of Florida Center’s breast surgery patients are mothers that have noticed changes in their breasts after pregnancy and nursing. Quite commonly they have pronounced sagging and loss of fullness. Many of these women loved the way their breasts looked before they had a baby, and wish to restore their pre-baby breasts. Depending on their specific needs, they may opt for breast augmentation and/or breast lift.

To Correct a Deformity

One of the best examples is tuberous breast deformity (TBD), a congenital abnormality in which the breasts do not develop normally. Tuberous breasts usually look pointy and narrow and may have significant asymmetry. Women with TBD are often unaware that they have the condition; they simply believe their breasts look abnormal. TBD treatment can involve both breast augmentation and breast lift techniques to achieve the desired results.

Another example of seeking breast surgery for a deformity is women that are born with/develop inverted nipples. Treatment of inverted nipples depends on the degree of inversion, but usually involves a straightforward (and sometimes in-office) procedure.

What Are Your Reasons?

Does the size, shape or position of your breasts make you self-conscious? To discuss your concerns with our board certified plastic surgeons, please contact our practice today at (954) 565-7575 and schedule a consultation.

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September 30, 2015

How to Care for Your Skin after Summer

Post-summer skin careskin cancer

Summer Skin Care Tip: Soothe Sunburns

Have you failed to protect your skin during summer months,¬† and the unexpected, unprotected sun exposure leave you with angry, inflamed skin? If you‚Äôre in the middle of a nasty sunburn, aspirin or Advil can minimize the pain. Cold compresses will soothe the burnt area and a topical hydrocortisone cream can speed up your skin‚Äôs recovery. The sun can be a scary thing to deal with, and when you are burnt by it, there is no need to suffer. Make sure that your skin isn’t being exposed any longer during the healing process so as not to worsen the damage. Drink plenty of water or other non-fruity drinks for hydration. Use a moisturiser that contains aloe vera to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. Take cool showers a few times a day to help with heat and dryness.

Summer Skin Care Tip: Lighten Sunspots and Freckles

Perhaps your sunscreen didn’t have enough SPF (or you were careless in your application), and as a result you have noticeable sunspots and freckles. Try an over-the-counter retinol product that will increase cell turnover and lighten spots. Or, look for a serum with skin brightening ingredients like vitamin C. There are a few natural remedies you can use to reduce the appearance of freckles and dark spots such as sour cream, lemon juice, honey, yogurt, and even onions. Choose one that works best for you, apply gently on the problematic area and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cool water, dry carefully and don’t forget to use a moisturiser.

Summer Skin Care Tip: Exfoliate Gently

Exfoliation is a critical part of any skin care routine, especially a routine to rehab damaged and dry sensitive skin. Exfoliating removes layers of tired, dead skin cells (that would otherwise clog pores), kick-starts your skin renewal process, and helps creams and serums penetrate the skin more easily. Exfoliation is a necessary step whether you have dry or oily skin. Removing the dead skin cells and providing deep cleaning regularly is one of the best practices to keep the youthful glow and stimulate regeneration processes.

Summer Skin Care Tip: Tweak Your Diet

Following a Mediterranean-inspired diet restores much-needed omega fatty acids and antioxidants to your skin. In case you’re wondering why antioxidants are so important and how they affect the health of our skin, here’s a quick chemistry lesson. Every day we encounter free radicals (some are produced by our bodies, some caused by the environment around us. Simply put, free radicals are single atoms that attack and break down the skin collagen molecules which results in deep wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Antioxidants are your skin’s armour. They create a barrier between your skin and the environmental factors and create a protection layer to fight free radicals and take the damage. Incorporate plenty of fish, fruit, vegetables and olive oil into your diet to keep supplying your skin with a healthy amount of antioxidants and watch your skin start to glow!

Summer Skin Care Tip: Moisturize Dry Lips

Too much sun and not enough hydration can leave the lips looking like a dry, rough mess. Use a gentle scrub to exfoliate dead cells, and then pamper them with a moisturizing balm. Another great way to revitalize chapped lips is to use honey (it has natural healing powers).

When to Seek an Expert Opinion

If your post-summer skincare issues are more serious — for example, you have deep wrinkles, stubborn discoloration or leathery skin texture, and over-the-counter skin care products don’t help — our experts can step in and assist you.  We can help you develop a personalized skin care regimen that is best suited for your needs. If the summer has caused an outbreak of a medical issue like eczema or rosacea, call your dermatologist for an appointment.

At South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a range of treatment options to rehab your skin and restore a beautiful glow. Call us today at 954.565.7575 so we can design a plan for your needs.

If the scorching, busy summer has left you feeling frazzled or frumpy, consider turning over a new leaf with cosmetic enhancement. The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery team offers a range of non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures and skin care options to refresh your appearance with minimal recovery and no discomfort. Most non-surgical treatments do not require general anesthesia, some may use local anesthesia, and are nearly painless. With minimal down time and recovery time you’ll be back to school or work in no time, looking and feeling your absolute best.

What Facial Rejuvenation Can Improve

Depending on the specific treatment, facial rejuvenation treatments can improve the appearance of areas affected by sun exposure, aging and hereditary factors without having to undergo plastic surgery. This includes the following conditions:

  • Texture irregularities ‚Äì wrinkles, fine lines, scars
  • Pigmentation ‚Äì sun spots, age spots, freckles
  • Vascular lesions ‚Äì visible blood vessels, blood blisters, flushed face/redness
  • Loss of skin elasticity and healthy tone

Suggested Treatments for Facial Rejuvenation

Injectables are a great way to minimize signs of aging and restore a youthful quality to the face. Botox and dermal filler products can be injected into specific points around the face to smooth wrinkles, fine lines and facial folds. Treatment is quick, minimally invasive and produces great results with no related downtime.

Laser skin resurfacing also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines (as well as hyperpigmentation and areas of sun damage), but using a different method. A laser gently removes the outer layers of skin to reveal fresh, healthy skin underneath.

Another popular laser rejuvenation procedure is the Affirm laser facelift. The Affirm laser improves the tone, texture and pigmentation of the skin by stimulating collagen remodeling in the targeted areas. With increased collagen production, the skin looks and feels smoother and firmer.

Chemical peels deliver incredible anti-aging results. A peel involves the application of a chemical solution to the face, neck, chest, hands, legs or arms; the solution causes the top layer of skin to peel away and reveal new, smoother skin. This alternative to laser treatment reduces fine lines, age spots, scars and wrinkles.

Get Your Personalized Facial Rejuvenation Treatment Plan

Do you want to fall in love with your skin again? If so, consider one of our non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatment options. Contact South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery at (954) 565-7575 to learn more about how we can help you look and feel beautiful.

February 18, 2015

Although most individuals seeking cosmetic surgery do so to improve one or two aesthetic concerns that have been bothering them for a long time, there are some individuals out there who take cosmetic surgery to extreme lengths. The following are three weird cosmetic surgery trends that will blow your mind.

Cosmetic Surgery to Look Like a Celebrity

Some individuals take celebrity fandom to a whole new level. Take Texan resident Kitty Jay, for instance. She spent $25,000 on multiple plastic surgery procedures so she could look like Academy Award-winner Jennifer Lawrence. There’s also Toby Sheldon, a 33-year-old songwriter who dropped over $100,000 for cosmetic surgery so he could look like singer Justin Bieber. These individuals really took their love of these superstars to new heights!

Cosmetic Surgery to Look Like a Doll

If undergoing plastic surgery to look like a celebrity does not seem all that weird to you, think about this: Some people undergo several cosmetic surgery procedures in order to look like dolls! Ukrainian resident Valeria Lukyanova has become an international sensation due to her desire to look like a Barbie doll. In fact, she has become known around the world as “Human Barbie.”

Although the only procedure Lukyanova has admitted to having is breast enhancement surgery, her eyes are excessively wide; her nose has a thinner profile than it did in early photos taken of her; and her waist is painfully thin. All these traits lead onlookers to believe she has undergone multiple cosmetic surgery procedures.

The result is that she looks like she is made of plastic. The author of a recent interview with Lukyanova reported in GQ magazine that “meeting Valeria Lukyanova is the closest you will come to an alien encounter.” Unfortunately, that doesn’t sound like a compliment.

Cosmetic Surgery to Fit Into Designer Shoes

One of the latest bizarre trends in cosmetic surgery is so-called “Cinderella surgery.” Some women are having plastic surgery on their feet, simply so they can fit into designer shoes more easily. Some female patients are requesting liposuction of the toes while others request toe shortening, toe augmentation (for lengthier toes) or even fat transfer to the balls of the feet for added cushion when wearing high-heeled shoes.

Safety First

At South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we feel that each person is unique and beautiful, and that cosmetic surgery should be customized to the patient’s distinct look — not to the look of a movie star or doll.

Our team is here to help individuals achieve their surgical objectives, assuming that their aesthetic goals are safe for them, both physically and emotionally. We are committed to working with our patients to establish reasonable expectations for the outcome of cosmetic surgery. Our goal is to help patients look like an improved version of themselves.

To schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable plastic surgeons to learn more about your cosmetic surgery options, contact the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery by calling (954) 565-7575.

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woman holding black flops

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