Silk’n Infinity at-Home Hair Removal Device Review

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$399.00 $279.00

Late last summer, I partnered with Silk’n to share that I had started to use their Infinity At-Home Hair Removal Device. This is not a sponsored review and I’m not being compensated for this blog post. I will make a small commission if you use my link to purchase the device if you feel it’s a fit for you!

Now that I’m about 9 sessions in, I have some more concrete feedback about the device and my results/experience.

The Silk’n system requires patience and sticking to a diligent hair removal schedule. However, you can’t beat the convenience of being able to do it at home. The time you save not having to drive somewhere, park, have the treatment done and drive home is hours and hours when you add up all of the sessions.

The Silk’n Infinity has a lifetime of pulses in one device, so you’ll never have to replace your cartridge (my mom had an older model of theirs that required replacement cartridges – not ideal).

Silk’n hair removal devices feature HPL™ (Home Pulsed Light) technology, which uses optical light energy for longterm hair removal. A quartz bulb delivers the optical light pulse, which is directed into the skin and the device is designed to facilitate the long-term reduction of hair growth.

From the Silk’n website: The light energy is absorbed by the pigment in the hair shaft and is transformed into heat. This heat destroys the hair so it won’t grow back, while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. With the Infinity, Silk’n has improved on this technology by adding the power of galvanic energy for an even more powerful treatment, destroying deeply rooted, stubborn hair. Silk’n’s HPL technology is best suited for lighter skin tones and darker hair.

I treat my legs, arms, underarms and bikini area every two weeks (I set a reminder on my calendar to ensure I stay on schedule).


You have to shave (not wax or pluck) prior to doing your treatment. Sometimes I shave the night before and sometimes I shave about an hour before doing the treatment.

I find it takes about 20 minutes to do all of those areas. I try to be really precise to ensure I’m not missing any spots.

The first session, I did a level 1. Then I moved to level 2 and 3 in my next sessions and went to level 5 (the highest level) for at least my last five sessions. If you can tolerate it (I have sensitive skin and had no issues), I would recommend going to the higher levels when able, since I saw the best results when I started doing my treatments at level 5.

The question I’m asked most is “does it hurt?” and the answer is not at all. The only place I’ve felt a slight hot sensation on my skin is in my bikini area, which is more sensitive anyway. I wouldn’t describe it as painful, maybe just a zap of discomfort for less than a second. On my arms, underarms and legs, I feel nothing other than a very slight warming sensation when the device pulses.

In terms of results, I didn’t notice reduced hair growth until about my 6th session. Once I got to level 5 and was consistent with every other week treatments, I started to notice that my hair everywhere would grow back more slowly – and in some areas, it hasn’t grown back at all. I do think it will take more than 10 treatments to get to a place where most of my hair isn’t growing back at all – my arms grow the least hair after my treatments, followed by my legs. The bikini and underarm areas grow back a little more quickly, but I’m seeing reduced growth there as well.

I think I will need maintenance treatments over time – even laser hair removal that is done at a med spa doesn’t last forever – maintenance is required. But for the cost and time-savings, I’d much rather do these at-home treatments, even if they take a little more patience to see full results.

Overall, I’m really glad I have this device – I have sensitive skin and shaving can irritate it, so shaving less frequently (or not at all!) is a big goal of mine. I recommend this product and am really happy with my results so far! Please let me know if you have any questions about my experience.

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