Christina M. Rose, PharmD, BCPS
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Temple University School of Pharmacy, Philadelphia,
- Pennsylvania
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If you are finding it hard to navigate through the health care system, or just need someone to listen to your immediate concerns, call 13 11 20 and find out how we can support you, your family and friends. If you are deaf, or have If you need information a hearing or speech in a language other impairment, contact us than English, an through the National interpreting service is Relay Service. To support Cancer Council, call your local Cancer Council or visit your local website. As such there is a certain degree of caution around treating young people with puberty blocking hormones. On the one hand, functioning in later life can be compromised by the development of 2 irreversible secondary sex characteristics during puberty and by years spent experiencing intense gender dysphoria. Although the very first results of this approach (as assessed for adolescents followed over 10 years) are promising (Cohen-Kettenis et al. As the level of gender-related abuse is strongly associated with the 3 degree of psychiatric distress during adolescence (Nuttbrock et al. They reported marginally higher anxiety than the controls and the national average. There is variability across studies, using the to tal problem behaviour score on the Child Behaviour Checklist, scores ranged from 12. Their mental health is thought to be largely mediated through social (in) to lerance to wards gender nonconformity. Studies show that gender nonconformity is often evaluated negatively by other children. Peer relations are therefore poorer for clinically referred children, and poor peer relations are associated with negative wellbeing and poor psychological functioning (Ris to ri and Streensma 2016). The variability in psychological functioning is likely to be related to the intensity of social in to lerance faced, and psychological functioning is highly dependent on how gender non-conformity is accepted within a certain culture or environment. The key observations of this study are that untreated gender dysphoria (due to delays or refusals of treatment), unnecessary and intrusive questioning/tests, prejudicial attitudes by service providers, and restrictive treatment pathways, all contribute to minority stress which is detrimental to the mental health and well-being of trans people. It indicates that, although the levels of psychopathology and psychiatric disorders in trans people attending services at the time of assessment are higher than in the cis population, they do improve following gender-confirming medical intervention, in many cases reaching normative values. Other major psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and 8 bipolar disorder, were rare and were no more prevalent than in the general population. Mental health comorbidities in children and adolescents with gender dysphoria Janssen A (2016) Adequate assessment and treatment of gender dysphoria often is overlooked despite evidence that appropriate treatment of gender dysphoria leads to improvement in psychological functioning. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health recommends in its Standards of Care (2012) that somatic and surgical treatments for gender dysphoria should be made available to those with medical or mental illness, with the caveat that "[the illness] must be reasonably well-controlled. On the basis of strong evidence, adolescents treated with a pro to col of pubertal suppression followed by hormone replacement therapy during adolescence and gender reassignment surgery in adulthood have improved psychological outcomes and quality of lives compared with age-matched adults from the general population. On the basis of strong evidence, youth who are validated in their transgender identity by supportive family and social environments have much more favourable psychological outcomes. Recently published data on the long-term outcome of puberty suppression and subsequent hormonal and surgical treatment indicate that young people with gender dysphoria may benefit substantially with regard to psychosocial outcomes. Brain development studied by neuroimaging methods seems not to be disturbed by puberty suppression. Summary: the first reports about long-term outcome in adolescents having undergone puberty suppression have shown promising results. However, in a substantial part of gender dysphoric minors, puberty suppression is not indicated so far because of psychiatric comorbidity and long-term follow-up data from these patients are still scarce. Transgender and anxiety: A comparative study between transgender people and the general population. The data available on anxiety disorders in the transgender population is limited by the small numbers, the lack of a matched controlled population and the selection of a nonhomogenous group of transgender people. Methods: A to tal of 913 individuals who self-identified as transgender attending a transgender health service during a 3-year period agreed to participate. For the first aim of the study, 592 transgender people not on treatment were matched by age and gender, with 3,816 people from the general population. Results: Compared with the general population transgender people had a nearly threefold increased risk of probable anxiety disorder (all p <. Low self-esteem and interpersonal functioning were found to be significant predic to rs of anxiety symp to ms. Trans women on treatment with cross-sex hormones were found to have lower levels of anxiety disorder symp to ma to logy. Conclusions: Transgender people (particularly trans males) have higher levels of anxiety symp to ms suggestive of possible anxiety disorders compared to the general population. The findings that self-esteem, interpersonal functioning, and hormone treatment are associated with lower levels of anxiety symp to ms indicate the need for clinical interventions targeting self-esteem and interpersonal difficulties and highlight the importance of quick access to transgender health services. Little is known about the well-being of socially transitioned transgender children. This study examined self-reported depression, anxiety, and self-worth in socially transitioned transgender children compared with 2 control groups: age and gender-matched controls and siblings of transgender children. Results: Transgender children reported depression and self-worth that did not differ from their matched-control or sibling peers (p =. Compared with national averages, transgender children showed typical rates of depression (p =. Parents similarly reported that their transgender children experienced more anxiety than children in the control groups (p =. Conclusion: reported depression and self-worth that did not differ from their matched-control or sibling peers (p =. Social Transition in early childhood (p17) Social transitions in early childhood do occur within some families with early success. The current evidence base is insufficient to predict the long-term outcomes of completing a gender role transition during early childhood. Adolescents may be eligible for puberty suppressing hormones as soon as pubertal changes have begun. In order for adolescents and their parents to make an informed decision about pubertal delay, it is recommended that adolescents experience the onset of puberty to at least Tanner Stage 2. Studies evaluating this approach only included children who were at least 12 years of age. Two goals justify intervention with puberty suppressing hormones: (i) their use gives adolescents more time to explore their gender nonconformity and other developmental issues; and (ii) their use may facilitate transition by preventing the development of sex characteristics that are difficult or impossible to reverse if adolescents continue on to pursue sex reassignment. Pubertal suppression does not inevitably lead to social transition or to sex reassignment. Criteria for puberty suppressing hormones In order for adolescents to receive puberty suppressing hormones, the following minimum criteria must be met: 1. The adolescent has demonstrated a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria (whether suppressed or expressed); 12 2. Risks of puberty suppression (p20) Early use of puberty suppressing hormones may avert negative social and emotional consequences of gender dysphoria more effectively than their later use would. Intervention in early adolescence should be managed with paediatric endocrinological advice, when available. Although the very first results of this approach (as assessed for adolescents followed over 10 years) are promising (Cohen Kettenis et al. In person and online support groups or organisations that provide social support and advocacy 2. Breast binding (for natal girls) or padding (for natal boys), genital tucking or penile prosthesis, or padding of the hips and but to cks 4. Changes in name and gender markers on identity documents Interventions that might be considered in conjunction with meeting the eligibility criteria for physical interventions include: voice and communication therapy, to help develop verbal and non-verbal skills that facilitate comfort with their gender identity, and hair removal through laser treatment, electrolysis or waxing for natal boys. Bone mass in young adulthood following gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog treatment and cross-sex hormone treatment in adolescents with gender dysphoria. The purpose of this intervention is to relieve the suffering caused by the development of secondary sex characteristics and to provide time to make a balanced decision regarding actual gender reassignment. While changes over time were equal for both sexes, compared with natal males, natal females were older when they started puberty suppression and showed more problem behavior at both T0 and T1. No adolescent withdrew from puberty suppression, and all started cross-sex hormone treatment, the first step of actual gender reassignment. Compared with age-matched peers, bone density z-scores went down while patients were being suppressed. Of note is5 that to date, there has been only one report of a single youth who started puberty suppression and did not continue on to use cross-sex hormones for gender 12 transition. Conclusion Medical care for gender dysphoria and transgender youth has changed rapidly during the past few years. Puberty blockers afford youth the opportunity to undergo a single, correct pubertal process and avoid many of the surgical interventions previously necessary for assimilation in to an authentic gender role. This essentially reversible intervention is simple and has the capacity to improve health outcomes and save lives. Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder: a prospective follow-up study. Results Behavioral and emotional problems and depressive symp to ms decreased, while general functioning improved significantly during puberty suppression. While changes over time were equal for both sexes, compared with natal males, natal females were older when they started puberty suppression 16 and showed more problem behavior at both T0 and T1. No adolescent withdrew from puberty suppression, and all started crossfisex hormone treatment, the first step of actual gender reassignment. Clinical management of gender identity disorder in adolescents: a pro to col on psychological and paediatric endocrinology aspects. Little is known about the way gender dysphoric adolescents themselves think about this early medical intervention. The purpose of the present study was (1) to explicate the considerations of gender dysphoric adolescents in the Netherlands concerning the use of puberty suppression; (2) to explore whether the considerations of gender dysphoric adolescents differ from those of professionals working in treatment teams, and if so in what sense. This was a qualitative study designed to identify considerations of gender dysphoric adolescents regarding early treatment. All 13 adolescents, except for one, were treated with puberty suppression; five adolescents were trans girls and eight were trans boys. Their ages ranged between 13 and 18 years, with an average age of 16 years and 11 months, and a median age of 17 years and 4 months. From the interviews with the gender dysphoric adolescents, three themes emerged: (1) the difficulty of determining what is an appropriate lower age limit for starting puberty suppression. Most adolescents found it difficult to define an appropriate age limit and saw it as a dilemma; (2) the lack of data on the long-term effects of puberty suppression. Most adolescents stated that the lack of long-term data did not and would not s to p them from wanting puberty suppression; (3) the role of the social context, for which there were two subthemes: (a) increased media-attention, on television, and on the Internet; (b) an imposed stereotype. Some adolescents were positive about the role of the social context, but others raised doubts about it. Compared to clinicians, adolescents were often more cautious in their treatment views. We encourage gathering more qualitative research data from gender dysphoric adolescents in other countries. Most transgenders become infertile as a result of the hormonal switching medications. Some late-pubertal male patients have opted for sperm banking, but equivalent options for women are limited. 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A review of occupational health and safety studies found that behavior-based systems were most effective in promoting healthier actions, and their effects were greater than technological interventions, government action, near-miss reporting systems and poster campaigns (Guastello, 1993). Sulzer-Azaroff and Austin (2000) reviewed behavior-based reports and found that 32 of 33 showed reduced work-related injuries. The same principles of management were components of the Crew Endurance Management maritime program developed by the Coast Guard (page 25), and others have converged on similar principles. For example Rhodes (2005) writes that effective fatigue management programs should have the following key components: organizational commitment, an explicit fatigue management policy and process, involvement of stakeholders at all levels, subjective (opinions and beliefs) and objective measures of the programmatic outcomes, and ongoing moni to ring and improvement. The sometimes contentious regulation issues are compounded by the difficulties in moni to ring and enforcing those rules. Even in domains as well publicized as medical graduate training work hour reform, follow-up of mandated work hour reform reveals change has been slow (Landrigan et al. However, publications concerning that industry point out the general ineffectiveness of regula to ry measures (Knipling et al. For instance, they cite the example of a worksite that used docking pay for safety rule violations. Rather than increasing the desired behavior, they found that there was a paradoxical decrease in the actions with punitive measures. Only positive feedback for compliance, not penalties for violations, resulted in a significant increase in the health promoting behavior (Zohar, Cohan & Azar, 1980). Recommendations of occupational experts and available evidence are clear that any effective work structure system involves workers and their families, employee representatives, local administra to rs, regula to ry bodies and often expert consultants in designing programs that maximize physical and psychosocial health, safety and productivity outcomes. Principles that apply across the range of worksites include becoming educated about the performance and health effects of fatigue and assessing work structures and job demands. Involving emergency medical services personnel and their families, management, representatives from labor organizations and national administrative bodies, and sometimes outside consultants is important in the success of any fatigue management program. Chronic sleep deprivation may not be recognized, and it is important for workers to acknowledge their need for and maximize their ability to achieve adequate res to rative sleep. Fatigue is a risk for mo to r vehicle crashes, and commuting home following long duration z shifts may be an especially vulnerable time for workers. Additional Resources on Managing Work Hours Resource Description this brochure outlines the common effects of shift Sleep strategies for shift workers (brochure). Day/Night Sleep Strategies for Shift Workers this 11 minute educational video builds on the Videotape (videotape). Guide to aspects to assess in any 24-hour worksite the Practical Guide to Managing 24-Hour and suggested dimensions for safe, effective work and Operations from Particular attention has been drawn to fatigued drivers, who face both civil and possible criminal penalties when they fall asleep behind the wheel. Such drivers may be charged with causing injury or death by criminally negligent operation of a mo to r vehicle. Even in those states where no specific law relating to fatigued drivers has been enacted, criminal penalties may still be involved. The decision to pursue criminal charges rests with the criminal prosecu to r in that jurisdiction. However, there seems to be a nationwide trend to ward greater use of criminal negligence charges which has become apparent, for instance, in other contexts such as training injuries and deaths. Conviction could result in imprisonment, fines, supervision by the criminal justice system, and other penalties. Regardless of whether a fatigued driver suffers imposition of criminal penalties, he or she may still be held liable under civil law for actual damages. This means that the person may be sued, and money judgments can be collected from income and personal assets, subject to certain exemptions. Furthermore, there may be no absolute right for the person to insist that the judgment be collected from his or her employer. If personal liability insurance coverage is inadequate, he or she may be in financial peril. While criminal penalties for employers are unlikely, except in the most egregious cases, employers are probably going to be included in any civil suit against an employee for money damages. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, employers are liable to the public for damages caused by their employees. A successful plaintiff is more likely to collect his or her judgment against the employer rather than the employee because the employer is more likely to have substantial financial assets. A review of employment practices with the appropriate risk managers and insurers to minimize this exposure is prudent. Since the jury was not allowed to consider driver fatigue as a fac to r, he was only convicted of careless driving and fined $200. Under the law, a sleep deprived driver who causes a crash after being awake for more than 24 hours can be convicted of vehicular homicide. The legislation also calls for training for police officers, the creation of driver education curriculum, standardized reporting of fatigue-related crashes on police report forms, and the promotion of countermeasures such as continuous shoulder rumble strips and rest areas. Potential future directions apparent from this report are presented in the domains of education and potential future studies. However, as noted in the Section on behavior-based work hour management and as exemplified by the U. Parallel strategies, using national web-based systems, could obtain information concerning department schedules and work structures. Similarly, as was done with medical interns, carefully designed and validated data collection formats could be used to gather job structure, performance and health characteristics of individual workers, including sleeping habits and other fatigue-related indices. The departmental and work setting findings would provide resources for sites/organizations considering different work structures, especially as two competing trends appear to be developing. Alternatively, other departments are following the trend to ward longer shifts and switching to 48-hours-on/96-hours-off structures. Although each locale must determine the specifics of scheduling, a systematic database could help inform those decisions. Those health-related outcomes could be accompanied by work-performance metrics, such as response times, compliance with accepted and applicable work-related standards and economic outcomes. Assessing these dimensions and the social consequences of work structures are important areas for future research, and the need to involve families when considering job and work hour restructuring has been emphasized repeatedly. One of the fac to rs leading to the 48-hours-on/96-hours-off work structure is a reduction in the number of commutes. In general, shift workers are twice as likely to fall asleep behind the wheel, and as was shown with medical trainees and documented anecdotally among fire fighters and emergency medical services responders, the commute home is a particularly vulnerable time for fatigued workers. Vigilance testing and driver simulations with end of shift personnel could be added as a component of assessing work structures. Coast Guard, the American Transportation Research Institute, and the aviation industry and among emergency room physicians. For those needing to work long hours, sanctioned and/or scheduled naps may be effective means to achieve optimal performance during the later work hours, and those formats should be studied for their utility and efficacy in attenuating fatigue. While work performance outcomes are the optimum endpoints, surrogate endpoints, such as measures of alertness, simulations and physical measures, could be used to assess naps or other scheduling modifications. Cardiovascular health is of particular concern, as it is a leading cause of work-related death in certain sec to rs. Newer markers of inflammation relating to cardiovascular risk have been linked to sleep deprivation. Prospective assessment of these and additional sleep-related mental and physical correlates could be coupled with naturally occurring work hour restructuring to better define and understand the risks of different occupational formats. Continuing to assess health promotion methods and their potential mental, physical and economic benefits are critical areas for ongoing research. However, that is not a cost effective and efficient use of resources if similar efforts are not allocated to having the healthiest and most qualified personnel responding to these emergency situations. From a Near-Miss Report: As a probationary fire fighter in many departments, it is cus to mary for rookies to be involved in all activities in the station where they are assigned. The night before the event, which could have killed me, my partner and I ran 38 calls in 24 hours, with a 3 hour fire around midnight. Here is the problem, when I was driving home in the morning, I had been on duty from 06:30 one day to 08:00 the next, no sleep and involved in everything in the house, cook, clean, shop, calls, reports, station to urs, and all. The members of the shark tank were coming in the next day, and there was no way it would have been acceptable for me to stay and sleep in the dorms while the on coming shift was doing their normal routine. In hindsight, I should have tried to speak with a company officer about getting some sleep before heading home. The English language literature was reviewed for papers and other works published from 1996 onwards. Papers were selected based on their content, relevancy, author, and research validity. Additional articles were selected by reviewing citations and reference lists of already accessed literature. For information in the Sections on the transportation industry and postgraduate medical training, analogous search strategies were applied with the use of terms related to those workers. A similar strategy was used for the internet search, and potentially relevant sites were accessed and explored for information. Those sites are cited and listed in the references and where appropriate, in the text. As is typical for evidence-based reviews, our goal was to provide a critical appraisal of the evidence. Because this involved a range of materials and perspectives, synthesizing the findings was sometimes challenging, but necessary to assist readers in using the information. Employee control over working times: associations with subjective health and sickness absences. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, International classification of sleep disorders, revised: diagnostic and coding manual, Chicago, Ill. Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident 1986. Extended work duration and the risk of self-reported percutaneous injuries in interns. Impact of extended-duration shifts on medical errors, adverse events, and attentional failures. Sleepiness combined with low alcohol intake in women drivers: greater impairment but better perception than menfi The Standard Shiftwork Index: A battery of questionnaires for assessing shiftwork related problems. Sources of occupational stress among firefighters and paramedics and correlations with job-related outcomes. Coping responses and posttraumatic stress symp to ma to logy in urban fire service personnel. Patterns of performance degradation and res to ration during sleep restriction and subsequent recovery: a sleep dose-response study. Musculoskeletal disorders among visual display terminal workers: individual, ergonomic, and work organizational fac to rs. Social desirability scores are associated with higher cortisol levels in firefighters. The Impact of Work Patterns on Stress and Fatigue among Offshore Worker Populations. In P McCabe, ed, Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, London: Taylor & Francis, 2003, pp 131-136. Estimates of the Prevalence and Risk of Fatigue in Fatal Accidents Involving Medium and Heavy Trucks, 2005. The Impact of Rotating Watch Schedules on Crew Endurance Aboard High and Medium Endurance U. Cognitive performance during sustained wakefulness: A low dose of caffeine is equally effective as modafinil in alleviating the nocturnal decline. Circadian disruption, shift work and the risk of cancer: a summary of the evidence and studies in Seattle. The impact of overtime and long work hours on occupational injuries and illnesses: new evidence from the United States. Contribution of the circadian pacemaker and the sleep homeostat to sleep propensity, sleep structure, electroencephalographic slow waves, and sleep spindle activity in humans. Probing the limits of functional capacity: the effects of sleep loss on short-duration tasks.

The to ol is used as a self-assessment method to determine whether or not you would be likely to sleep in certain situations medicine man dispensary cheap oxytrol 2.5 mg fast delivery. However treatment quincke edema 5mg oxytrol with amex, if you have noticed a change in your normal sleep routine symptoms 7 dpo bfp proven oxytrol 5mg, you may want to talk to your doc to r medicine interactions purchase oxytrol cheap. You may need to see your doc to r to determine the cause of your sleepiness and possible treatment symptoms miscarriage order 2.5 mg oxytrol mastercard. Even human beings treatment 2nd 3rd degree burns order oxytrol master card, the most successful species, spend 1/3 of their lives more or less paralysed and senseless. As I have discussed we actually sleep on average, 1 fi hours less than our grandparents did. Mallard ducks are clever and shut off half of their brain (one hemisphere) at a time in order to sleep, leaving the other half vigilant. For example, sloths and koalas, which tend to be found at the to p of very tall trees, sleep for approximately 22 hours a day waking only to eat eucalyptus before falling back asleep again. What we can conclude from this is that every species sleeps for some period of time, no matter how short, as it bes to ws huge benefits in order to survive. Interestingly, the world record for longest period of unbroken sleep is still held by Randy Gardner (a 17 year old schoolboy at the time) who managed to go 264 hours (the equivalent of 11 days) without sleeping. Partial sleep deprivation occurs when a person sleeps to o little for several days or weeks. A chronic sleep-restricted state can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain. However, in a subset of cases sleep deprivation can, paradoxically, lead to increased energy and alertness and enhanced mood. Other research suggests that 30% of drivers will fall asleep at the wheel at some point in their life. But what is more concerning is the same research also suggests that if you have two hours less sleep than what you are normally used to , it is the equivalent of being over the legal drink-drive limit. Some of the other consequences of sleep deprivation are as follows: fi Damages overall work performance Page 19 | Sleep: A Basic Introduction fi Reduces concentration levels fi Reduces the efficiency of the immune system leading to higher rates of illness and infection. In fact it is estimated that people who get less than 6 hours per night have a 50% increased chance of developing or dying from heart disease or similar condition and a 12. This is short term acute measures, but be weary of using this method long term as it may lead to addiction! If the brain is not getting the energy it needs for sleep it will often try to get it from food. Running low on rest causes the body to increase the production of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and so the brain craves carbohydrates and sugary foods. As a point of note, neuroscientists have now made a direct link between sleep deprivation and certain mental health conditions. It has been proven that sleep deprivation precedes certain types of mental illness. Having a 5-10 minute power nap once or twice a day or a short nap Page 20 | Sleep: A Basic Introduction for up to 30 minutes can improve cognitive functioning and help you get through the day. What we know is that if naps are extended beyond 30 minutes we begin to enter the deep sleep stage meaning when we wake up we will feel groggy and your level of performance will be significantly reduced. The longer we go without food, the hungrier we get, and the same principle applies for sleep. Shift work is any work that takes place outside normal daytime hours (7am-7pm) and this subsequently affects the biological clock. Our internal clock is not designed for activities outside these times and so our sleep is disrupted. When you consider the shift worker themselves, their body clock does not shift to the demand of working at night and is locked on to the same light-dark cycle as the rest of us. Shift workers are fighting their natural sleep-wake pattern meaning they find it hard to stay alert at night and more difficult to sleep during the day. Since your body is still operating on the time you left from, your mela to nin levels will be off causing a disruption in your circadian rhythms and making you mentally fatigued, depressed, irritable and have problems sleeping. If we fly the opposite direction (east to west) we experience a longer day and the body is required to stay up later than it is used to , however, it can cope with this change easier. Page 23 | Sleep: A Basic Introduction Part 2 Common sleep disorders and sleep problems Page 24 | Sleep: A Basic Introduction Introduction to Sleep Disorders Sleep problems and disorders are very common and in fact it is estimated that approximately 1/3 of the population will be affected by one in their life, with the current annual cost of dealing and manage sleep problems standing at approximately fi40 billion. It should be noted that the vast majority of those afflicted with sleep disorders (even some of the more garish and extreme ones) are not suffering from unaddressed psychological problems as was once assumed, but have healthy psychological profiles similar to the rest of the population. Sometimes, being the room or bed-partner of someone with a sleep disorder can be a kind of sleep disorder in itself. Snoring, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder are often the worst offenders here, but it can be highly disruptive of sleep to live with someone who regularly suffers parasomnias like night terrors, sleep-walking etc. Even having to be on constant alert to care for an infant, or a sick or elderly person, has earned its own disorder label: caretaker insomnia. Sleeping disorders can cause significant health problems and often remain undiagnosed among sufferers. Sleep is an essential component of good health and should be rated as important as exercise and diet. Of course this can be exacerbated if you have young children or work shifts which change your regular sleep patterns. This section simply aims to briefly describe some of the more common sleep problems and disorders. Other fac to rs that can interfere with sleep include: fi Genetics Researchers have found a genetic basis for narcolepsy, a neurological disorder of sleep regulation that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. Also, the regular use of sleeping pills reduced their efficiency to work on the individuals and use of both pills and alcohol to achieve sleep in the long run can potentially lead to addiction and/or dependency. Page 26 | Sleep: A Basic Introduction fi Aging Process About half of all adults over the age of 65 have some sort of sleep disorder. It is not clear if it is a normal part of aging or a result of medications that older people commonly use. Bedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis) Bedwetting is a condition that mainly affects young children. While bedwetting can be a symp to m of an underlying disease, a large majority of children who wet the bed have no underlying disease that explains their bedwetting. That does not mean that the child who wets the bed can control it or is doing it on purpose. Primary means bedwetting that has been ongoing since early childhood without a break. A child with primary bedwetting has never been dry at night for any significant length of time. Secondary bedwetting is bedwetting that starts up after the child has been dry at night for a significant period of time, at least 6 months. It usually happens when a person is going from the deep stage of sleep to a lighter stage or in to the awake state. Nightmares are vividly realistic; disturbing dreams that rattle you awake from a deep sleep. Although nightmares and night terrors both cause people to awake in great fear, they are different. Drugs that act on chemicals in the brain, such as antidepressants and narcotics, are often associated with nightmares. Non-psychological medications, including some blood pressure medications, can also cause nightmares in adults. Unlike nightmares, most people do not recall a dream after a night terror episode, and they usually do not remember the episode the next morning. Most episodes last only a few minutes, but they may last up to 30 minutes before the person relaxes and returns to normal sleep. Sleep Paralysis Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. During these transitions, you may be unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Episodes generally last less than a couple of minutes and may occur as a single episode or be recurrent. The condition can be triggered by sleep deprivation, psychological stress, or abnormal sleep cycles. Sleep paralysis affected both males and females equally and up to as many as four out of every 10 people may have sleep paralysis. Sleep talking (Somniloquy) Sleep talking is a sleep disorder defined as talking during sleep without being aware of it. Modern sleep science and the law accept that sleep talking is not a product of a conscious or rational mind and is therefore usually inadmissible in court. Because of this sleep talkers are sometimes afraid to sleep away from home and can cause insomnia in a person sleeping nearby. Teeth Grinding (Sleep Bruxism) Most people probably grind and clench their teeth during sleep from time to time. Page 29 | Sleep: A Basic Introduction Although the causes of bruxism are not really known, several fac to rs may be involved. Stressful situations, an abnormal bite, and crooked or missing teeth appear to contribute. There is also some evidence that sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can cause teeth grinding. The mouth guard, supplied by a dentist, can fit over the teeth to prevent teeth from grinding against each other. Sleep Disorders Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that affect the ability to sleep well on a regular basis. Most people occasionally experience sleeping problems due to stress, hectic schedules, and other outside influences. People who experience insomnia for more than one month are considered chronic sufferers but many experience the condition for short periods of time during stressful events. Women are also twice as likely to suffer from insomnia and this has been related to higher rates of anxiety and depression. Falling asleep easily but waking up a couple of hours later is a sign of anxiety, whereas, waking up between 4am-6am is a sign of depression. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Obstructive sleep apnea happens when something partly or completely blocks your upper airway during sleep, that makes the diaphragm and chest muscles work harder to open the obstructed airway and pull air in to the lungs. When you are not breathing, your oxygen levels fall and this causes your blood pressure to go up. Unfortunately when you are breathing normally while awake, the problem of low oxygen levels continues and therefore your blood pressure remains high during a whole 24 hour sleep-wake cycle. During sleep, the persons breathing pauses or s to ps for approximately 10-20 seconds or more, up to 20-30 times an hour. Without the mask these individuals may s to p breathing up to 600 times a night and must wake up for a microsecond each time to resume normal breathing. The condition can also reduce the flow of oxygen to vital organs and cause irregular heart rhythms. Most health professionals will ask a patient to participate in an overnight sleep study to determine if they are suffering this condition. The introduction of either one of these treatments can lead to a person living a normal and healthy life. People with restless legs syndrome have uncomfortable sensations in their legs (and sometimes arms or other parts of the body) and an irresistible, involuntary urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations. The condition causes an uncomfortable, "itchy," "pins and needles," or "creepy crawly" feeling in the legs. People with narcolepsy experience excessive daytime sleepiness and intermittent, uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep during the daytime. These sudden sleep attacks may occur during any type of activity at any time of the day. Page 32 | Sleep: A Basic Introduction the cause of narcolepsy is not known and unfortunately it cannot be cured, but may be treated with some medications. However, neuroscientists have made progress to wards identifying genes strongly associated with the disorder. These genes control the production of chemicals in the brain that may signal sleep and wakefulness cycles.

Reimbursement for drugs (including vaccines and immunoglobulin) furnished by practitioners to their patients is based on the acquisition cost to the practitioner of the drug dose administered to the patient symptoms kidney infection order 2.5 mg oxytrol otc. For all drugs furnished in this fashion it is expected that the practitioner will maintain auditable records of the actual itemized invoice cost of the drug symptoms gonorrhea order oxytrol master card, including the numbers of doses of the drug represented on the invoice treatment ringworm cheap 5 mg oxytrol with visa. New York State Medicaid does not intend to pay more than the acquisition cost of the drug dosage medicine ubrania cost of oxytrol, as established by invoice medicine identifier order oxytrol visa, to the practitioner treatment 20 nail dystrophy buy oxytrol discount. Regardless of whether an invoice must be submitted to Medicaid for payment, the practitioner is expected to limit his or her Medicaid claim amount to the actual invoice cost of the drug dosage administered. The patient must be 21 years of age or older at the time to consent to sterilization. In cases of premature delivery and emergency abdominal surgery, consent must have been given at least 72 hours prior to sterilization. To indicate a bilateral surgical procedure was done add modifier -50 to the procedure number. One claim Version 2019 Page 5 of 257 Physician Procedure Codes, Section 5 Surgery line is to be billed representing the bilateral procedure. Reimbursement will not exceed 125% of the maximum State Medical Fee Schedule amount. Note: Unless otherwise designated, this modifier may only be appended to procedures/services listed in the 69999 code series. Such circumstances may be identified by each participating physician with the addition of the modifier -66 to the basic procedure number used for reporting services. When this subsequent procedure is related to the first, and requires the use of the operating room, it may be reported by adding the modifier -78 to the related procedure. This circumstance may be Version 2019 Page 6 of 257 Physician Procedure Codes, Section 5 Surgery reported by adding the modifier -79. The obtaining of tissue for pathology during the course of these procedures is a routine component of such procedures. This obtaining of tissue is not considered a separate biopsy procedure and is not separately reported. The use of a biopsy procedure code (eg, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11105, 11106, 11107) indicates that the procedure to obtain tissue soley for diagnostic his to pathologic examination was performed independently, or was unrelated or distinct from other procedure/service provided at that time. Biopsies performed on different lesions or different sites on the same date of service may be reported separately, as they are not considered components of other procedures. Excision is defined as full thickness (through the dermis) removal of a lesion, including margins, and includes simple (non-layered) closure when performed. Excision is defined as full-thickness (through the dermis) removal of a lesion including margins, and includes simple (non-layered) closure when performed. Code selection is determined by measuring the greatest clinical diameter of the apparent lesion plus that margin required for complete excision (lesion diameter plus the most narrow margins required equals the excised diameter). The excised diameter is the same whether the surgical defect is repaired in a linear fashion, or reconstructed (eg, with a skin graft). The closure of defects created by incision, excision, or trauma may require intermediate or complex closure. When frozen section pathology shows the margins of excision were not adequate, an additional excision may be necessary for complete tumor removal. Use only one code to report the additional excision and re-excision(s) based on the final widest excised diameter required for complete tumor removal at the same operative session. To report a re-excision procedure performed to widen margins at a subsequent operative session, see codes 11600-11646, as appropriate. Wound closure utilizing adhesive strips as the sole repair material should be coded using the appropriate E/M code. This includes local anesthesia and chemical or electrocauterization of wounds not closed. Single layer closure of heavily contaminated wounds that have required extensive cleaning or removal of particulate matter also constitutes intermediate repair. Necessary preparation includes creation of a defect for repairs (eg, excision of a scar requiring a complex repair) or the debridement of complicated lacerations or avulsions. Complex repair does not include excision of benign (11400-11446) or malignant (11600-11646) lesions. Instructions for listing services at time of wound repair: Version 2019 Page 14 of 257 Physician Procedure Codes, Section 5 Surgery 1. The repaired wound(s) should be measured and recorded in centimeters, whether curved, angular or stellate. When multiple wounds are repaired, add to gether the lengths of those in the same classification (see above) and from all ana to mic sites that are grouped to gether in to the same code descrip to r. For example, add to gether the lengths of intermediate repairs to the trunk and extremities. Do not add lengths of repairs from different groupings of ana to mic sites (eg, face and extremities). Also, do not add to gether lengths of different classifications (eg, intermediate and complex repairs). Decontamination and/or debridement: Debridement is considered a separate procedure only when gross contamination requires prolonged cleansing, when appreciable amounts of devitalized or contaminated tissue are removed, or when debridement is carried out separately without immediate primary closure. Involvement of nerves, blood vessels and tendons: Report under appropriate system (Nervous, Cardiovascular, Musculoskeletal) for repair of these structures. Simple ligation of vessels in an open wound is considered as part of any wound closure. Simple exploration of nerves, blood vessels or tendons exposed in an open wound is also considered part of the essential treatment of the wound and is not a separate procedure unless appreciable dissection is required. If the wound requires enlargement, extension of dissection ( to determine penetration), debridement, removal of foreign body(s), ligation or coagulation of minor subcutaneous and/or muscular blood vessel(s), of the subcutaneous tissue, muscle, fascia, and/or muscle, not requiring thoraco to my or laparo to my, use codes 20100-20103, as appropriate. When applied in repairing lacerations, the procedures listed must be developed by the surgeon to accomplish the repair. They do not apply when direct closure or rearrangement of traumatic wounds incidentally result in these configurations. Skin graft necessary to close secondary defect is considered an additional procedure. The primary defect resulting from the excision and the secondary defect resulting from flap design to perform the reconstruction are measured to gether to determine the code. When a primary procedure such as orbitec to my, radical mastec to my or deep tumor removal requires skin graft for definitive closure, see appropriate ana to mical subsection for primary procedure and this section for skin graft or skin substitute. Repair of donor site requiring skin graft or local flaps is to be added as an additional procedure. Codes 15002 and 15005 describe burn and wound preparation or incisional or excisional release of scar contracture resulting in an open wound requiring a skin graft. Version 2019 Page 17 of 257 Physician Procedure Codes, Section 5 Surgery these codes are not intended to be reported for simple graft application alone or application stabilized with dressings (eg, simple gauze wrap) without surgical fixation of the skin substitute/graft. When services are performed in the office, the supply of the skin substitute/graft should be reported separately. Regions listed refer to donor site when tube is formed for later transfer or when delay of flap is prior to transfer. Procedures 15570-15738 do not include extensive immobilization, (eg, large plaster casts and other immobilizing devices are considered additional separate procedures) Repair of donor site requiring skin graft or local flaps is considered an additional separate procedure. Codes 16020-16030 include the application of materials (eg, dressings) not described in 15100. Lesions include condylomata, papillomata, molluscum contagiosum, herpetic lesions, warts (ie, common, plantar, flat), milia, or other benign, pre-malignant (eg, actinic kera to ses), or malignant lesions. It requires a single physician to act in two integrated but separate and distinct capacities: surgeon and pathologist. If either of these responsibilities is delegated to another physician who reports the services separately, these codes should not be reported. The Mohs surgeon removes the tumor tissue and maps and divides the tumor specimen in to pieces, and each piece is embedded in to an individual tissue block for his to pathologic examination. Thus a tissue block in Mohs surgery is defined as an individual tissue piece embedded in a mounting medium for sectioning. Biopsy procedures may be percutaneous or open, and they involve the removal of differing amounts of tissue for diagnosis. The open excision of breast lesions (eg, lesions of the breast ducts, cysts, benign or malignant tumors), without specific attention to adequate surgical margins, with or without the preoperative placement of radiological markers, is reported using codes 19110-19126. Partial mastec to my procedures (eg, lumpec to my, tylec to my, quadrantec to my, or segmentec to my) describe open excisions of breast tissue with specific attention to adequate surgical margins. Partial mastec to my procedures are reported using codes 19301 or 19302 as appropriate. Documentation for partial mastec to my procedures includes attention to the removal of adequate surgical margins surrounding the breast mass or lesion. Version 2019 Page 26 of 257 Physician Procedure Codes, Section 5 Surgery Total mastec to my procedures include simple mastec to my, complete mastec to my, subcutaneous mastec to my, modified radical mastec to my, radical mastec to my, and more extended procedures (eg, Urban type operation). Excisions or resections of chest wall tumors including ribs, with or without reconstruction, with or without mediastinal lymphadenec to my, are reported using codes 19260, 19271, or 19272. Codes 19260-19272 are not restricted to breast tumors and are used to report resections of chest wall tumors originating from any chest wall component. The services listed below include the application and removal of the first cast or traction device only. Subsequent replacement of cast and/or traction device may require an additional listing. This terminology is used to describe procedures that treat fractures by three methods: 1) without manipulation; 2) with manipulation; or 3) with or without traction. In this procedure, the fracture fragments are not visualized, but fixation (eg, pins) is placed across the fracture site, usually under x-ray imaging. The type of fracture (eg, open, compound, closed) does not have any coding correlation with the type of treatment (eg, closed, open or percutaneous) provided. The codes for treatment of fractures and joint injuries (dislocations) are categorized by the type of manipulation (reduction) and stabilization (fixation or immobilization). These codes can apply to either open (compound) or closed fractures or joint injuries. Skeletal traction is the application of a force (distracting or traction force) to a limb segment through a wire, pin, screw or clamp that is attached (eg, penetrates) to bone. Skin traction is the application of a force (longitudinal) to a limb using felt or strapping applied directly to skin only. External fixation is the usage of skeletal pins plus an attaching mechanism/device used for temporary or definitive treatment of acute or chronic bony deformity. Codes for obtaining au to genous bone grafts, cartilage, tendon fascia lata grafts or other tissues, through separate incisions are to be used only when the graft is not already listed as part of the basic procedure. To report, list only the primary surgical procedure performed (eg, sequestrec to my, deep incision). These codes describe surgical exploration and enlargement of the wound, extension of dissection ( to determine penetration), debridement, removal of foreign body(s), ligation or coagulation of minor subcutaneous and/or muscular blood vessel(s), of the subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia, and/or muscle, not requiring thoraco to my or laparo to my. If a repair is done to major structure(s) or major blood vessel(s) requiring thoraco to my or laparo to my, then those specific code(s) would supersede the use of codes 20100 20103. To report Simple, Intermediate or Complex repair of wound(s) that do not require enlargement of the wound, extension of dissection, etc. Codes 21076-21089 should only be used when the physician actually designs and prepares the prosthesis (ie, not prepared by an outside labora to ry). For bone grafts in other Musculoskeletal sections, see specific code(s) descrip to r(s) and/or accompanying guidelines. Example: Posterior arthrodesis of L5-S1 for degenerative disc disease utilizing morselized au to genous iliac bone graft harvested through a separate fascial incision. To report instrumentation procedures performed with definitive vertebral procedure(s), see codes 22840 22855,22859. Instrumentation procedure codes 22840-22848,22853,22854,22859 are reported in addition to the definitive procedure(s). Example: Posterior arthrodesis of L4-S1, utilizing morselized au to genous iliac bone graft harvested through separate fascial incision, and pedicle screw fixation. Vertebral procedures are sometimes followed by arthrodesis and in addition may include bone grafts and instrumentation. When arthrodesis is performed addition to another procedure, the arthrodesis should be reported in addition to the original procedure. Examples are after osteo to my, fracture care, vertebral corpec to my and laminec to my. Since bone grafts and instrumentation are never performed without arthrodesis, they are reported as add-on codes. Example: Treatment of a burst fracture of L2 by corpec to my followed by arthrodesis of Ll-L3, utilizing anterior instrumentation Ll-L3 and structural allograft. A vertebral interspace is the non-bony compartment between two adjacent vertebral bodies, which contains the intervertebral disc, and includes the nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosus, and two cartilagenous endplates.
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