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  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco

Most recurrences of vulvar cancer occur within the first 2 years from initial therapy quality minipress 2mg, with groin recurrences occurring sooner (median time to purchase minipress 2 mg without prescription recurrence 6 to order discount minipress 7 months) than vulvar recurrences (median time to recurrence 3 years) (72,145�147). About one-third of vulvar cancer relapses present 5 or more years after initial therapy (72). In a long-term follow-up study at the Mayo Clinic, nearly 1 in 10 patients with vulvar cancer had a late (longer than 5 years) reoccurrence of disease (72). Over 95% of those late relapses had local reoccurrences (same site recurrence or second primary vulvar site). Because of this propensity for late local reoccurrence, regular and long-term careful examinations of the vulva and groin constitute the cornerstone of posttreatment surveillance for these patients. The published literature on the management and outcome of recurrent disease is limited. The timing and primary site of recurrence is critical to the prognosis postrecurrence. Although groin recurrences tend to occur early and are nearly always fatal, 5-year overall survival rates of 50% to 70% are reported for patients with surgically treated isolated vulvar recurrences and more than 60% of patients with local recurrence or reoccurrence were alive at 20 years in the Mayo Clinic long-term follow-up study (72,147,148). Local Recurrence Margin status at the time of radical resection of the vulvar cancer is the most powerful predictor of local vulvar recurrence, with an almost 50% recurrence risk with margins closer than 0. Local vulvar recurrences are likely in patients with primary lesions larger than 4 cm in diameter, especially if lymph�vascular space invasion is present, and in patients with deeply invasive tumors (141,149,150). When detected early, isolated local failure is usually treatable by additional surgical therapy, often with a myocutaneous graft to cover the defect (34,41,49,78,151). Radiation therapy, particularly a combination of external beam therapy plus interstitial needles, at times combined with chemotherapy, is used to treat vulvar recurrences (152). Three distinct patterns of local recurrence were described: remote vulvar recurrence (greater than 2 cm of the primary tumor site), primary tumor site recurrence (within 2 cm of the primary tumor site), and skin bridge recurrence (81,150). Although reported treatment rates are excellent for remote site recurrences with 3-year survival rates of 67% to 100%, the literature is controversial as to the prognostic significance of primary tumor site recurrences, with one study reporting a 3-year survival rate of only 15% and the other a 5-year survival of 93% (81,150). Patients with skin bridge recurrence have a very poor prognosis, similar to those with groin recurrence. Regional and Distant Recurrence Regional and distant recurrences are difficult to manage and are associated with a poor prognosis (141,145,146). Radiation therapy may be used in conjunction with surgery for groin recurrence, whereas chemotherapeutic agents that have activity against squamous carcinomas may be offered for distant metastases. The literature on the use of chemotherapy for recurrent vulvar cancer consists mainly of small series. The most extensively studied regimens contain bleomycin, methotrexate, and lomustine (a nitrosourea); bleomycin and mitomycin C; or cisplatin, vinorelbine, and paclitaxel, but response rates are low and the duration of response is usually disappointing (153�157). Symptom control and quality of life are important treatment goals, and early involvement of a multidisciplinary palliative care team is generally indicated. They account for 4% to 10% of all cases and are the second most common form of vulvar malignancy. Most melanomas arise de novo, but they may arise from a preexisting junctional nevus (160). Vulvar melanomas occur most frequently in postmenopausal white women, but are commonly seen in individuals with darker pigmented skin. The incidence of cutaneous melanomas worldwide is increasing significantly, but not that of vulvar melanoma (161). Vulvar melanomas appear to behave in a manner similar to that of other truncal cutaneous melanomas (162�165). Most patients with vulvar melanoma have no symptoms other than a pigmented lesion that may be enlarging. Any pigmented lesion on the vulva should be excised or, if the lesion is large, sampled for biopsy unless it is known to have been present and unchanged for some years. Most vulvar nevi are junctional and may be precursor lesions to melanoma; any nevus of the vulva should be removed. Spindle-shaped melanoma cells form interlacing bundles, and some contain melanin pigment (right upper corner). Epidermal invasion is evident in the form of Pagetoid migration (left upper corner). The mucosal lentiginous melanoma is a flat freckle that may become quite extensive but tends to remain superficial.

If it is used discount minipress 1 mg fast delivery, the lowest effective dose should be given effective minipress 1 mg, and the patient�s liver function should be monitored closely (4) buy 2 mg minipress free shipping. Finasteride Finasteride is a specific inhibitor of type 2 5fi-reductase enzyme activity, approved in the United States at a 5-mg dose for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and at a 1-mg dose to treat male-pattern baldness. In a study in which finasteride (5 mg daily) was compared with spironolactone (100 mg daily), both drugs resulted in similar significant improvement in hirsutism, despite differing effects on androgen levels (127). Most of the improvement in hirsutism with finasteride occurred after 6 months of therapy with 7. As with spironolactone and flutamide, finasteride could theoretically feminize a male fetus; therefore, both of these agents are used only with additional contraception. Ovarian Wedge Resection Bilateral ovarian wedge resection is associated with only a transient reduction in androstenedione levels and a prolonged minimal decrease in plasma testosterone (129,130). Although Stein and Leventhal�s original report cited a pregnancy rate of 85% following wedge resection and maintenance of ovulatory cycles, subsequent reports show lower pregnancy rates and a concerning incidence of periovarian adhesions (17,132). In a recent series, ovarian drilling was achieved laparoscopically with an insulated electrocautery needle, using 100-W cutting current to assist entry and 40-W coagulating current to treat each microcyst over 2 seconds (8-mm needle in ovary) (134). This led to spontaneous ovulation in 73% of patients, with 72% conceiving within 2 years. To reduce adhesion formation, a technique that cauterized the ovary in only four points led to a similar pregnancy rate, with a miscarriage rate of 14% (135). Other laparoscopic techniques using laser instead of electrocautery for laparoscopic ovarian drilling were described (136). Further studies are anticipated to define candidates who may benefit most from such a procedure. Although depilatories can have a dramatic effect, many women cannot tolerate these irritative chemicals. Treatment must be continued while inhibition of hair growth is desired, and when the cream is discontinued, hair returns to pretreatment levels after about 8 weeks (4). Shaving is effective and, contrary to common belief, it does not change the quality, quantity, or texture of hair. Plucking, if done unevenly and repeatedly, may cause inflammation and damage to hair follicles and render them less amenable to electrolysis. Waxing is a grouped method of plucking in which hairs are plucked out from under the skin surface. The results of waxing last longer (up to 6 weeks) than shaving or depilatory creams (142). Bleaching removes the hair pigment through the use of hydrogen peroxide (usually 6% strength), which is sometimes combined with ammonia. Although hair lightens and softens during oxidation, this method is frequently associated with hair discoloration or skin irritation and is not always effective (141). Electrolysis and laser hair removal are the only permanent means recommended for hair removal. Under magnification, a trained technician destroys each hair follicle individually. When a needle is inserted into a hair follicle, galvanic current, electrocautery, or both used in combination (blend) destroy the hair follicle. Metformin (Glucophage) is an oral biguanide antihyperglycemic drug used extensively for non�insulin-dependent diabetes. It lowers blood glucose mainly by inhibiting hepatic glucose production and by enhancing peripheral glucose uptake. Metformin enhances insulin sensitivity at the postreceptor level and stimulates insulin-mediated glucose disposal (144). When ovulation was used as the outcome, the combination of metformin and clomiphene was superior to either clomiphene alone or metformin alone (147). The most common side effects are gastrointestinal, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence. Because the drug caused fatal lactic acidosis in men with diabetes who have renal insufficiency, baseline renal function testing is suggested (148). The drug should not be given to women with elevated serum creatinine levels (144). In those who do not respond to weight loss alone or who are unable to lose weight, the sequential addition of clomiphene citrate followed by an insulin sensitizer, followed by the combination of these agents may promote ovulation without resorting to injectable gonadotropins.

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Other studies base success on more subjective criteria purchase minipress 1 mg amex, such as improvement following treatment purchase generic minipress on-line. Even if a validated symptom survey and quality-of-life scale are employed order minipress uk, few studies use the same outcome measure. Nonsurgical Treatment Nonsurgical management focuses on maximizing the continence mechanism through alteration of stool characteristics or behavioral modification. Stool consistency and volume can be manipulated by dietary and pharmacologic means to achieve passage of one to two well-formed stools per day. The rationale for this approach is that formed stool is easier to control than liquid stool. Additionally, behavior modification can be employed using bowel regimens that focus on the predictable elimination of feces. Physical therapy and biofeedback can also be useful for strengthening the continence mechanism. Pharmacologic Approaches Dietary Modification and Fiber Dietary modification for treatment of fecal incontinence frequently involves avoidance of foods that precipitate loose stools and diarrhea. Common dietary irritants include spicy foods, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, beer and alcohol, and citrus fruits. Avoidance of dairy products or the addition of lactase dietary supplements is essential for those with lactose intolerance. The addition of fiber may improve fecal incontinence by functioning as a stool bulking agent to increase volume and density. The average individual in the United States consumes less than half the recommended daily fiber intake (25�35 g). It is difficult to consume the recommended daily amount from diet alone, and fiber supplements often are required. Although the increased stool volume and density helps many individuals maintain continence, excessive fiber with inadequate fluid intake may predispose elderly patients to fecal impaction. Loperamide (Imodium) and diphenoxylate hydrochloride with atropine (Lomotil) are the most commonly used agents. Loperamide has been shown to prolong transit time and stimulate anal sphincter function. With either of these agents, careful titration is recommended to prevent the primary side effect of constipation. It is generally preferable to begin using 2 to 4 mg of loperamide daily and then titrate up to 4 mg three to four times per day. A 4-mg dose before meals has been shown to increase anal tone and improve continence (93). Lomotil is started at a dose of one to two tablets every day or every other day and titrated up to one to two tablets three to four times a day as needed. Caution should be exercised for patients taking other anticholinergic medications. Anticholinergic side effects include dry mouth, drowsiness, lightheadedness, and tachycardia. It should be used judiciously in those with chronic disorders and in elderly patients because of side effects common to narcotics, including addiction with prolonged usage and central nervous system and respiratory depression. A study of 82 geriatric patients documented the efficacy of pharmacologic treatment for fecal incontinence (94). Those with fecal impaction received lactulose and enemas, whereas those with neurogenic fecal incontinence received codeine phosphate as a constipating agent and enemas. The rate of cure for fecal incontinence was 60% in the treatment group versus 32% for controls (P <. Although increased dietary fiber or fiber supplementation has been shown to improve the constipation-predominant form of this illness, fiber supplementation has little effect on the diarrhea variant associated with fecal incontinence. Tricyclic antidepressants improve abdominal discomfort and are also valuable in diarrhea-predominant patients because of their constipating effect. It has shown improvement in global assessment measures, but its use is limited because of multiple isolated case reports of ischemic colitis. Studies comparing anticholinergic medications to placebo show inconclusive results with only modest benefits. Antispasmodic agents may also be of value and are available in many countries but are not approved for use in the United States. Most studies are poorly designed and difficult to interpret because of a high placebo response rate that often exceeds 30% (95,96).

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In 1966 purchase minipress amex, Jeffcoate suggested that these terms did not refer to discount minipress separate disease entities because their macroscopic and microscopic appearances were variable and interchangeable (137) buy minipress with a visa. He assigned the generic term chronic vulvar dystrophy to the entire group of lesions. In all cases, diagnosis requires biopsy of suspicious-looking lesions, which are best detected by careful inspection of the vulva in a bright light aided, if necessary, by a magnifying glass (138). From Committee on Terminology, International Society for the Study of Vulvar Disease. Patients with lichen sclerosis and concomitant hyperplasia may be at particular risk (139). Four major terms are used: erythroplasia of Queyrat, Bowen�s disease, carcinoma in situ simplex, and Paget�s disease. These viral changes are not definitive evidence of neoplasia but are indicative of viral exposure (140). Clinically, patients with bowenoid papulosis present with multiple small pigmented papules (40% of cases) that are usually less than 5 mm in diameter. Some patients with vulvar Paget�s disease have an underlying adenocarcinoma, although the precise frequency is difficult to ascertain. Because these lesions demonstrate apocrine differentiation, the malignant cells are believed to arise from undifferentiated basal cells, which convert into an appendage type of cell during carcinogenesis (Fig. The �transformed cells� spread intraepithelially throughout the squamous epithelium and may extend into the appendages. In most patients with an underlying invasive carcinoma of the apocrine sweat gland, Bartholin gland, or anorectum, the malignant cells are believed to migrate through the dermal ductal structures and reach the epidermis. The epidermis is permeated by abnormal cells with vacuolated cytoplasm and atypical nuclei. This heavy concentration of abnormal cells in the parabasal layers is typical of Paget�s disease. Mucicarmine has routinely positive results in the cells of Paget�s disease and negative results in melanotic lesion. Clinical Features Paget�s disease of the vulva predominantly affects postmenopausal white women, and the presenting symptoms are usually pruritus and vulvar soreness. The lesion has an eczematoid appearance macroscopically and usually begins on the hair-bearing portions of the vulva (Fig. Extension to the mucosa of the rectum, vagina, or urinary tract is described (142). A second synchronous or metachronous primary neoplasm is associated with extramammary Paget�s disease in about 4% of patients, which is much less common than previously believed (143). Associated carcinomas were reported in the cervix, colon, bladder, gallbladder, and breast. When the anal mucosa is involved, there usually is an underlying rectal adenocarcinoma (139). Because progression is relatively uncommon, typically occurring in 5% to 10% of cases, extensive surgery is not warranted (144). Excision of small foci of disease produces excellent results and has the advantage of providing a histopathologic specimen. Although multifocal or extensive lesions may be difficult to treat by this approach, it offers the potential for the most cosmetic result. Repeat excision is often necessary but can usually be accomplished without vulvectomy (145,147). The carbon dioxide laser can be used for multifocal lesions but is unnecessary for unifocal disease. The disadvantages are that it can be painful and costly and does not provide a histopathologic specimen (148). The goal of the surgery is to extirpate all of the disease while preserving as much of the normal vulvar anatomy as possible. An effort should be made to close the vulvar defect primarily, reserving the use of skin grafts for instances in which the vulvar defect cannot be closed because the resection is so extensive. Split-thickness skin grafts can be harvested from the thighs or buttocks, but the latter is more easily concealed (149).

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