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To my chosen family, community, work colleagues, and allies that wish to support,
Medically transitioning has been a journey for me and with each day I feel that I am coming home, more and more into myself with confidence and power. Some of you may be aware of my transition, and to others this fundraiser may be your first news. I am asking for your blessings and support. Making a public campaign and asking for help comes with a lot of feelings, but I know my community has always been there to offer care when I needed it.
I’m launching this fundraiser on a very special day for me, my one-year anniversary of starting HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Starting HRT has been the most life-affirming mental health decision I have ever made. Some days are difficult, and my gender dysphoria can be so intense that it feels impossible to even leave my flat out of fear and anxiety of being misgendered and targeted with violence. It is necessary that I continue my medical transition towards some of my transition goals and therefore I must find a way to fund the gender-affirming surgeries and procedures I need and the recovery time that I am unable to work. This includes laser hair removal and electrolysis, breast augmentation, Cricothyroid approximation (vocal surgery), and facial feminization surgery. Any additional donations will go toward the expenses of a legal name change and updating my gender ID markers (passport / driver’s license).
These surgeries will allow me to live a bit safer and help align my body to who I really am. Some surgeries can be partially covered with insurance, but unfortunately several are labeled “cosmetic” and therefore must be paid out of pocket. Gender-affirming surgeries are life-saving and life-preserving and are not aesthetic procedures.
Financially I support myself fully as a working artist. Unfortunately, my work does not provide a stable and high enough income to access all that is needed for my medical transition. For me, it’s been a process of learning to come to peace with asking for help and support from my community. I honestly cannot do this without you. I know my community and chosen family share my desire for me to live my fullest life. This support will change my life. For that, I am deeply grateful.
Please consider donating and sharing.
With much love,
Chartreuse Lorraine Coleman