We’re not exactly the type of women to bemoan our beauty routine but it’s hard even for us to get excited about the prospect of hair removal. Until now.
Philips has released a new at-home hair removal system that has us jumping for joy; the Lumea a professional IPL System for home. We take a look at this new technology and check out some alternative at-home hair removal products.
What is IPL?
IPL is Intense Pulsed Light technology. It has been heralded by the professional beauty industry as one of the most effective and long lasting systems for removing unwanted body hair.
It works by applying gentle pulses of light directly to the hair. The melanin in the hair and hair root absorbs the pulses and sends the follicles into the ‘resting’ phase, encouraging it to shed naturally and inhibit regrowth.
Far more effective than shaving and far less painful than waxing, this long-lasting solution also has the advantage of having no unsightly skin reactions such as ingrown hairs or shaving rash.
The Lumea has five adjustable light settings to ensure a gentle and optimum treatment across a wide variety of skin tones and hair colours. The integrated UV filter and advanced safety controls ensure this at-home hair removal system is completely safe.
It is also incredibly quick. One underarm or one side of the bikini line takes just two minutes of treatmentonly has to be used every two weeks. If you want to wipe hair from your entire bikini area, you’re looking at just eight minutes every two weeks and for one full leg, just thirty minutes of treatment every four weeks for perfectly smooth skin.
Is it right for me?
IPL is suitable for the majority of skin and hair types. If you have Skin Type VI, that is skin that rarely or never gets sun burnt and tans very darkly, IPL may not be suitable. Similarly, those whose body hair colour is white, red, grey or light blonde should not use IPL at home.
It is designed for use below the neckline and is gentle enough for the entire bikini area, even brazilian styles!
Rescu. Roadtest:
This is the best at home IPL system and delivers impressive results. We tried on our legs and arms over a period of 8 weeks and noted a very visibile reduction in hair and also a big improvement in how long we could go without shaving.
Available at Shaver Shop stores ($1199.95)
Other At Home Hair Removal Options:
For Bikini Line Nair Cream Hair Removal with Moisturising Baby Oil
This easy to use hair removal cream is enriched with baby oil to ensure the skin stays soft while unwanted hair is being removed.
Prickly regrowth is no more and time between shaving will be lengthened thanks to this cream’s ability to break down and remove hair from deep beneath the skin’s surface.
Available from Woolworths, Coles, Big W, Kmart, Priceline and pharmacies nationally ($6.15)
Nads Hair Removal Strips
With a soft, fabric backing and a unique contour weave technology to easily flex to the shape of the body’s curves, these quick and easy wax strips will have you hair-free in an instant.
Simply warm the strip between the hands and you’re ready to use!
Available from Coles, Woolworths, Priceline and selected pharmacies ($11.75)
Veet Ready to Use Mini Wax Strips
Veet’s ready to use wax strips are perfect for the delicate face area. The strips themselves are designed for use in small areas, making them much easier to use than traditional waxing strips.
Available from from supermarkets and pharmacies nationally ($9.99)
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