Face Waxing: Best way to remove facial hair

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Face waxing is one of the most appropriate ways to get rid of both fine and thick hair from your face with the help of warm wax. The experts say that this method of removing unwanted hair is quick and simple. It is way much better than other methods like shaving and using hair removal creams as they lead to hair re-growth within a few days, if not within hours. On the other hand, this method is most effective in removing hair and leaving the face or other waxed region hair-free for as long as six weeks.

Benefits of face waxing

Face waxing
Face waxing

Face waxing is undoubtedly the easiest and quickest ways to get rid of unwanted hair on the face that looks gross and appalling, to say the least. Unlike tweezing and threading, which demand the removal of individual hair at one time, waxing is a fairly quick treatment. Moreover, the so-called swipe and use hair removal creams results into more side effects than benefits of removing the unwanted hair. Secondly, this is an effective DIY method which can be easily done at the privacy of your home as well. Above all, consistent face waxing damages the hair follicles permanently and leads permanent hamper of hair growth.

Preparations before face waxing

  • face waxing preparation how to
    face waxing preparation how to
    Before the application of the wax, one has to make sure that one does not apply the hot wax on any region that has traces of a recent wound, acne or skin rash.
  • Never completely shave off the hair from the region before undergoing face waxing. This is so as the minimum length of the hair must be at least 1/4 inches so that they can be easily uprooted by the waxed strip.
  • Trimming of the hair is however a good idea as shorter the hair, the lesser would be the pain experienced during face waxing.
  • Remove all the traces of makeup, if any, from the face before undergoing face waxing. However, one may use a skin exfoliate cream/ scrub or a cleanser to remove all the unwanted dirt on the face.
  • Never over-heat the wax as the application of the same during face waxing may result into skin burns. Therefore, avoid microwave heating the wax. One can always test the temperature of the wax by dropping its few drops on the skin.

Steps to do face waxing

1) Trim the hair upto a length of 1/4 inches.

2) In case of face waxing, make sure that the hair on your scalp is properly tied so that they are not mistakenly pulled off from the waxed strip.

4) Wash the wax heater and make sterilized strips ready for use during face waxing.

5) Clean the facial region which has to be waxed. You can use a mild face cleanser to get rid off the traces of makeup and unwanted oil. Dry the region well so as to eliminate moisture.

6) Carefully apply wax in an even manner, directed towards the direction of the hair growth. Make sure to thoroughly cover the hair on the skin, however, the quantity of the wax must not be too thick to be removed for face waxing.

7) Next, cover the waxed region with the help of the strip, directed towards the orientation of the hair. However, leave one of the ends of the strip so that it can be easily pulled and removed from the face.

8) Press the strip smoothly so that it gets stuck to the waxed region.

9) Hold the strip in the direction opposite to the direction of the hair growth. Press and hold the waxed region for a few seconds to eliminate pain or feeling of irritation.

10) Repeat the steps 6,7 and 8 to remove wax from other regions of the face for face waxing.

11) Use tweezers or a thread to remove all the fine hair which could not be uprooted with the help of the waxed strip. Avoid applying wax on the same area twice so as to eliminate chances of skin rashes and burns.

Steps for waxing upper lip

face waxing upper lips
face waxing upper lips

Upper liphair

Steps for waxing chin

Waxing the extra hair on the chin also requires the same steps, as mentioned above. However, one must make sure to tilt the head backward so that the strip can be easily pulled in the forward direction.

Preparation post face waxing

woman face waxing after
woman face waxing after

It is important to apply oil on the waxed skin immediately after the treatment is over. This helps in removing all the remaining traces of wax on the face. Next, apply a talcum powder all over the waxed region as to avoid skin wetting. Do not apply a skin moisturizer, at least 12 hours before taking a shower. However, one may use a special after-wax lotion or Aloe Vera lotion after the procedure so as to soothe the skin.

Side-effects of face waxing

Face waxing can be a painful experience to many, especially because face is one of the most sensitive areas of our body. Redness, rashes and red bumps are the common after-effects of face waxing. In some cases, blood patches may also become visible after the treatment, as face waxing not only pulls off the hair but the uppermost layer of the skin as well. Moreover, since all the hair strands do not get removed once, second waxing or threading are often conducted on the region. This leads to skin irritation and burns. Improper or unhygienic treatment may lead to skin infections of sorts, pimples, discoloration or pigmentation of the skin.

Nevertheless the side effects, if proper precautionary and preventive measures are taken, face waxing proves to be the most efficient ways to remove the unwanted hair on the face.

Image: Shutterstock

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