Day in the Life – Spring 2022 Edition

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6:25 a.m. I hear Bart get up, but when I look at the clock, I see I still have a few more minutes until my alarm goes off, so I drift in and out until 6:29 when I decide I do NOT want my alarm going off. I turn it off, get out of bed, and get my workout clothes on. It’s still pretty dark and not very warm, so I go into my office and work for about 45 minutes while I wait for the sun to come up.

7:20 a.m. Bart’s back from his run and says it’s not bad out, so I wrap things up and head out for a quick run, listening to the last couple of chapters of The Younger Wife.

7:45 a.m. Back home – the girls are eating breakfast and getting their school stuff out, so I quickly make my bed and hop in the shower, then get dressed, do my hair and makeup and head back to the kitchen where the girls are playing Cahoots. I do Star’s hair and then Bart takes the girls to school. Tally is still snoozing so I post my weekly book giveaway on Instagram, then tidy up a little.

8:50 a.m. Tally’s awake and we snuggle for a few minutes then read 5 or 6 picture books together in the living room. Now she’s ready for breakfast and I start my breakfast cooking, then get her a bowl of cereal. When my breakfast is ready, I sit down at the table with her and we play a game of Cover Your Assets. Once the dishes are cleaned up, I help her get dressed and brush her teeth and then we come back to the kitchen table for a game of Cahoots. I do her hair and then it’s time for her Savvy Reading class. I get her all set up and then sit down at the kitchen table with my laptop to start this post and do some other work while she’s doing Savvy.

10:55 a.m. She’s done with Savvy but I still have a few things I still need to wrap up, so she and Bart go out and play some ping pong on the back patio before he gets on a call. When they’re done, she comes in and has a snack whileI wrap up and then we go down and play some ping pong together. We come back in and gather up the paperwork to register her for kindergarten this afternoon. She asks to read some more books, so we pick out a big stack and sit down on the couch to read together. When we’re done, I call and make an appointment to get new tires on my minivan, then help her get her shoes on for school. They have a ton of sand in them which pours out on the floor, so I grab the vacuum and vacuum the floor, the stairs and my office while Bart takes Tally to preschool.

12:45 p.m. I warm up some leftover pizza from a birthday lunch yesterday and sit down at my desk to work. Bart comes home and I go into the kitchen and we chat about Spring Break prep. He goes down to his office and I settle into get through as much work as I can while Tally’s at school.

2:55 p.m. I grab the kindergarten paperwork and put an old mirror in the car to donate and then pick up Tally from school. We go over to the elementary school and get her fully registered and then head to Discount Tire to get the tires replaced. While we wait, we walk across the street to the IFA (farm) store and Tally is thrilled to hold a baby bunny and check out all the baby chicks and ducks and turkeys. After about half an hour, we walk back to Discount Tire, wait about five minutes and then we’re on our way. On the drive home, I call Merrick to talk over some logistics for my mom’s birthday this summer.

4:25 p.m. The big girls are all home from school and they tell me about their days while I sort the mail and then get started on dinner. They set the table and unload the dishwasher while I prep and since I have some hands-off time, I make a batch of pizza dough for tomorrow night’s dinner at the same time.

5:35 p.m. Everyone comes in for dinner and we eat until it’s time to take the big girls to their tumbling class. I pick up a neighbor girl who is in the same class (her mom will do pickup when the class is done) and after I drop them off, I head to my first laser hair removal appointment. Bart calls while I’m on my way and says his uncle asked for help packing up their house for a move, so his mom is coming over to watch the girls until I get home. I’m about 20 minutes early to my appointment, and I start using Slidebox to clear photos off my phone. After 5 minutes, they’re ready for me and I’m in and out in ten minutes.

7:15 p.m. I get home and Bart’s mom finishes up a book she’s reading to the girls and then we do some quick tidying up and everyone gets in their pjs and brushes their teeth.

8:00 p.m. We do family scriptures and then I read aloud to them from the second Nanny Piggins book.

8:40 p.m. I tuck everyone in bed and come back to my office to finish up a little work while Bart’s still gone. Ella comes in to ask about some logistics for the next day. Then Tally comes up and says she’s hungry (this is what happens when you eat literally zero dinner. . . .), so I give her some cheese slices and then brush her teeth again.

9:45 p.m. Bart calls to say he’s on his way home and we chat for a few minutes and then I update this post.

10:00 p.m. I get ready for bed and start reading my newest Book of the Month club book in bed. Bart gets home, gets ready for bed and then we watch the last 15 minutes of our latest episode of Psych. We say a prayer together and then turn off the lights and go to sleep. Good night!

all of my day in the life posts can be found here if you are interested!

If you liked this Day in the Life post, you might like these posts too:

  • Tips for a positive read aloud experience
  • How I prioritize sleep
  • Why I love OpenFit

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