There are three different types of electrolysis for hair removal, namely galvanic, thermolysis and a "blend" of the two.
in this article we look at how electrolysis hair removal works, how the three methods differ and how to decide on which is the best for you.
The Different Types of Electrolysis - Which is Best?
Electrolysis - how it worksFDA ApprovedGalvanic ElectrolysisThermolysis (Shortwave Diathermy)Blend
Pros and Cons of Each MethodProsConsElectrolysis GenerallyConclusionMore InformationSources
Electrolysis - how it works
Electrolysis (sometimes known as electrology) works by passing a small amount of energy into each hair follicle via a very fine needle, in order to disable the follicle, thus causing the hair to fall out.

The actual hair itself is a dead structure. It is the matrix, which is the name given to the actively dividing cells at the base of the hair follicle that produce the hair, which is the target for treatment.
In addition, there are germinating cells located below the sebaceous gland, which also need to be destroyed to achieve effective permanent hair removal.
The aim is for the hair follicle to be permanently disabled, so that regrowth does not occur - the hair itself merely indicates the location of the follicle and helps to determine the depth to which the needle should be inserted.
FDA Approved
Electrolysis is currently the only form of permanent hair removal approved by the FDA (US Food and Dug Administration). The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health and is the regulating body for medical devices.
Galvanic Electrolysis
Galvanic electrolysis has been in use for more than 150 years (first successfully used in 1875) and has a proven track record.
Galvanic electrolysis was further developed and in 1916, an additional 5 needles were added to the unit to reduce the time required for treatment. This is known as the multi-needle method.

This type of electrolysis uses a chemical reaction to destroy the hair follicle, brought about using direct electrical current.
The needle is inserted into the hair follicle and a small electric charge is administered. This reacts with the saline found at the base of the follicle, to produce sodium hydroxide (known as lye).
This natural chemical acts to destroy the cells around it, to effectively permanently disable the follicle and prevent hair from re-growing. The chemical continues its work for a period of time following removal of the needle.
Multi-needle galvanic electrolysis is a highly effective means of permanently removing unwanted hair, however it is time-consuming, requiring at least 3 minutes per hair.
This method is best suited to course, thick hair e.g. beards and all types of body hair.
Thermolysis (Shortwave Diathermy)
This is a newer method than galvanic, having been first established in 1923, which offers a quicker alternative solution.

It is performed in a very similar way to galvanic electrolysis, but instead of an electric current the needle delivers radio energy, at a designated high frequency.
The needle transmits the current which, due to its high frequency, vibrates the hair follicle, which in turn irritates the water molecules surrounding its base. Heat is produced and this thickens the fluid into a mass, destroying the target cell tissue.
Although the treatment time is quicker, taking just a few seconds per hair, this type of electrolysis is generally not as effective as galvanic and is typically used for fine hair.

Pros and Cons of Each Method


In conclusion, of the three methods of electrolysis, it would appear that thermolysis is the quickest, with immediate results, but also the most limited i.e. suitable only for fine, vellus hair.
The blend method offers improved results on thermolysis, although taking slightly longer. It is still fairly limited, to vellus facial and body hair and scattered and individual coarse hair.
Multi-needle galvanic electrolysis offers the best results for coarse, dense hair and provides the least regrowth rates. However it is a lengthy process.

Whatever your decision it is most important that you carry out thorough research before embarking on any treatment programme to ensure that the device being used is FDA approved and that the operator is medically trained, fully qualified and experienced for the relevant method employed.
- Gender Centre - Electrolysis Information
- How stuff works