The cedar waxwing is one of Arkansas’s most striking winter residents, although it does not stand out with garish plumage. Instead of sporting raucous colors or flitting about in dizzying displays of hops and jumps, waxwings are some of the sleekest, most elegant-looking birds likely to grace your backyard or hedge.

The smooth, silk-like texture of plumage often looks as though it were artificially softened with a smartphone filter, but upon closer inspection, one will see the fine grains of the feathers that make up its outer covering. Bright red, waxy tips on the birds’ secondary feathers give the birds their name, although biologists are still puzzled by their exact function. The tawny-colored back blends into a lighter gray chest which transitions to a lemon-yellow midsection and rear. A striking black mask and small gray crest offer a look similar to the northern cardinal, but the bill is a bit shorter and less adapted for cracking seed hulls than their brilliant red counterparts.
They eat the occasional insect, but cedar waxwings primarily eat the fruits of shrubs and trees. Dogwood, ash, and especially holly berries are high on the waxwing’s menu. This love of fruits, however, can sometimes cause issues in late summer when juniper berries (the main component in gin) become overripe and ferment. The birds will gorge on the berries, leading to intoxication and even death from alcohol poisoning. Fruits are so loved by these birds that they’re often used in courtship, with the male hopping about and passing bits of fruit to the female and the female responding by passing them back. The courtship dance eventually concludes with the female accepting and eating the fruit.
One of the best ways to attract fruit-eating birds like cedar waxwings to your yard is to plant native trees and shrubs that bear small fruits. Dogwoods, American holly, and common serviceberry all are highly prized by cedar waxwings, as are the fruits of some nonnatives, such as Japanese honeysuckle.
Birdwatchers interested in transforming their backyards into havens for migrating songbirds can find plenty of help through the Arkansas Master Naturalists’ Wild Spaces program. With a phone call, you can have a master naturalist come to your property, educate you on what native plants to introduce, and identify areas where you can improve your backyard space for native wildlife to thrive. This program currently is only available in central Arkansas. Visit https://arkansasmasternaturalists.org/ to learn more.

Another great resource is the downloadable brochure “Native Gardening for Arkansas Pollinators.” The AGFC worked with the Arkansas Monarch Conservation Partnership to develop this brochure on native plants homeowners can use to bring beauty to their backyard and attract a host of colorful birds and insects with minimal upkeep. Click here to download it to your computer or smartphone or call 501-382-3682 to request a free copy by mail.

Residents in DeWitt are picking up the pieces after a torrential downpour caused parts of the city to flood last week. Several homes were evacuated, and some homeowners lost most of their belongings.

DeWitt resident Shannon Williams McCarty woke up to a nightmare on Tuesday, Jan. 3.
“My husband got up at 5 a.m. that morning for work. When he opened our back door into our carport, the water was up to the ledge of our door. By the time I woke up, we had water in our bedroom. By the time we walked to my husband’s truck, it was waist-deep in the driveway,” McCarty said.
For at least one to two months, McCarty and her family will stay with other family members as they repair their damaged property.
“It was calf-deep in our entire house. We lost all of our furniture. Anything that was on the floor is history. My girls lost their beds because their mattresses were low. A lot of their stuff, like yearbooks and things like that, are gone and ruined,” McCarty said.
Nearby residents fared even worse. At least 40 homes were affected by the flooding.
“We had neighbors to the left of us who lost cars. The gentleman next to us lost his vehicle, but his house was not affected,” McCarty said.
The McCarty family did not lose any vehicles, and they are hoping their appliances are in working condition. Their property damages are devastating, but they are grateful to be alive and well.
“It is just devastating. It gives a whole new meaning to clean slate,” McCarty said. “We thank God that our family was unharmed and that no one in our community lost their life.”
ARM 180 lends assistance
Local flood victimshelp
“They came in and hauled everything to the curve as far as things that were not salvageable. They helped my husband load up the appliances onto a trailer and put them into a shed,” McCarty said. “They have been amazing.”
Hunter Traynom, operations manager for ARM 180, said members of the organization helped several families who do not have flood insurance.

“No one saw this coming,” Traynom said. “What I have seen in the past week is a lot of unexpected tragedy. I have only lived here for three years, and I have talked with people who have lived here for 40 years or more and have never seen water at that level.”
ARM 180 staff member Haven Nicaud said the group responded immediately. They even swam to some homes to help.
“We would wade out chest deep to ask someone if they needed help getting belongings out. I think we were able to help six or seven families recover things from their homes,” Nicaud said.
Once the water receded, ARM 180 crews could begin more recovery efforts.
“We helped tear floors up so we could start the drying process so these people could begin the work they need to do to get their houses back on par to move back in,” Nicaud said.
Traynom said the flood victims appreciated the ARM 180 crews hard work.
“People were very thankful. It pulls at your heartstrings when people are crying after they have lost everything they have worked for, but they are so thankful for your service,” Traynom said.
Those needing additional hands-on help can contact the organization.
“I am still accepting phone calls if people need service. We will provide the flood assistance services as long as there is a need for it,” Traynom said.
Additional help
Arkansas County Judge Eddie Bestdisaster assistance
“Individuals and families recovering from the flooding on Jan. 3 should immediately report damages to the Arkansas County Office of Emergency Management,” Best said.
Residents can contact the Arkansas County OEM office by calling 870-672-1121 or 870-659-2068. They can leave a message with their name, address, and a good phone number.
Other areas in Arkansas impacted by the storm are also assessing damages to begin the emergency declaration process at the state level.