As I prep for the upcoming Beauty Biz Workshop, I have been doing some deep beauty biz soul searching; asking myself,
What the heck can I share from the stage that will most powerfully help others?
I know that my 16 years of seeing clients and running two thriving businesses has created amazing experiences AND sooo many learning lessons, but how do I compile all this info and ensure that I’m creating a unique experience for those who choose to invest their time, energy and money to come to my event?!?!
Well, I’ll tell you some of what’s coming up for me…
I have been tapping into many of my spa, esthetician, beauty biz owner happenings – the ones that have challenged me to the core.
The stuff no one talks about.
The sticky, situations that we find ourselves having to deal with (as practitioners).
You know, the ones that we have ZERO training to handle?!
Ones like:
- Angry clients
- Troublemakers, late runners, no showers – oh my!
- Addiction in the Workplace (and showing up in our treatment rooms)
- Finding ourselves being the “counselor” when clients have experienced the death of a loved one
- Thieves & Liars (sorry to be so blunt, but they’re out there)
- Gossips… omg, the gossips!
- Clients or colleagues with mental illness, depression, anxiety, etc
- Business betrayals
- Employees who make you want to close up shop
- The creepy guy who calls every day asking about Brazilian bikini waxing (ewww!)
I’m sure you can relate.
Have you ever felt that you should add the following to your job title?
- Marriage Counselor
- Parenting Coach
- Depression Advisor
- Life Coach
- Spiritual Guide
- FBI agent
- Addiction Specialist
It’s no joke that we take on a LOT from our clients, our peers, and our staff. I think that it’s high time we chat about what our role is and how to handle the unique sticky situations we often find ourselves in.
- I know that I am not alone when it comes to the necessity of figuring out how to deal with things that are WAY out of our scope of practice.
- I know I am not the only one who has had a client leave the spa and thought to myself, “WOW, WTH? That was heavy… I hope I handled it gracefully!”
- I know many of you are reading this thinking, “Holy cow, Lori is right. It’s scary how often we play a dynamic – and challenging – role in the lives of our clients!”
Why aren’t we taught how to guide others – without overstepping boundaries?
Why aren’t we taught how to process (and let go of) the heavy-duty stuff we find dumped into our laps?
Why isn’t anyone talking about the sticky situations we have to deal with as beauty biz , or healing arts practitioners?
I don’t know why. But…
I am committed to getting in front of you and being real, being raw, and sharing things that I have never talked about before… and how I handled them and moved on!
Here’s a quick glimpse of the syllabus:
- Angry clients – how not to lose your cool, and instead calm them down by connecting with finesse.
- What I did when very famous rock star and her husband got into a fist fight in my lobby.
- Troublemakers, late runners, no showers – oh my! Policies and procedures to virtually eliminate these business growth barriers.
- Why I decided to bravely charge for flakiness and what happened when I decided that if you don’t respect my policies you are removed from my client list.
- Addiction – very personal stories of how this has shown up with employees & clients and how I handled it with professionalism.
- How I handed the stickiest situation of all… my teen client told me she was buying prescription pills online and selling them at school.
- The death of loved ones – knowing what to say and/or do when raw emotions and pain are (literally) laid out on your treatment room table.
- How I showed up and supported my client, who was dying of lung cancer and devastated that she wouldn’t see her teen children graduate from high school.
- Business betrayals – how to handle with grace and strength and find the blessing within the betrayal. How I turned my most deviating business blow into a life-changing opportunity.
Not to worry this is just a small segment of what I will be sharing from stage (small, but HUGELY important).
There will also be loads of client attraction skills, retailing like a rock star training, and boost your profits trade secrets, tips, systems, and tools…
And most of it will be fun too!
To sum it up in a nutshell, my primary goal is to provide you with:
— Community Building
— A Fun, Memorable Experience
— Abundance Creation Techniques
— The Realization That Possibilities Are Plentiful
— Success Building Self-Discovery
— Skills For Dealing With Dilemmas
— The Path To Owning Your Brilliance
— Beauty Biz Bravery
BeautyBiz.live — for those who are ready to say YES! to a live workshop event that will change it all for you – in a magical way.

A finalist for American Spa Magazine’s 2017 Women in Wellness Mentor of the Year, Lori Crete is a highly sought after industry expert and licensed celebrity esthetician. Owner of Southern California’s Spa 10, she is also the founder of The Beauty Biz Club™, a success-based society dedicated to helping beauty practitioners around the world fill their schedule, increase profits and break through to the 6-figure mark.