With IPL and laser hair removal rapidly growing in popularity, could waxing one day become an outdated practice? We give 6 reasons why waxing is here to stay.

#1 Wax removes all hair types, laser doesn’t
While quality waxes will remove all forms of hair, including red hair, which is the most tough hair type to tackle, laser cannot treat blonde, grey or red hair.
#2 Not all skin types are suitable for laser
Laser works best on pale skin with dark hair. The technology is improving but treating dark skin and Asian still has its risks. The main risk of laser resurfacing Asian skin is the risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and eventual hypopigmentation. Using a quality wax will enable you to wax all skin types including Asian skin – with the right technique you won’t remove any skin either which is the main cause of waxing-related pigmentation.

#3 There are parts of the body that laser can’t touch
There are some areas of the body, such as the eyebrows, which are not suitable for laser so waxing will always need to be enlisted for these treatments.
#4 Some clients prefer waxing
If you have a client who has always waxed her legs and bikini line, there is a high chance that she will want to continue with waxing. Some people just prefer waxing and are happy to stick with what they know.

#5 The waxing market is growing
There was a time not long ago that some spas, particularly those on cruise ships, didn’t do waxing. “The reason they didn’t wax was because there was a lot of reaction and damage from the waxes they used,” says Lydia Jordane, CEO and founder of Lycon. “People on ships tend to spend a lot of time in the sun so if the right waxing products are not used, layers of skin can be removed and develop into pigmentation. At Lycon, we now have a very strong presence in spas on land and on cruise ships, as they can rely on our wax not to produce undesirable side effects.”
#6 Pregnant women shouldn’t use laser
Laser isn’t recommended for pregnant women because their hormone levels change and hyperpigmentation can become an issue. Also the effects of laser on pregnant women hasn’t been tested so most practitioners would warn against the hair removal treatment for pregnant and breast-feeding women. Waxing offers a safe hair removal option for pregnant women. Using the right wax, issues of pigmentation should not be an issue.
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