A medical spa is typically a spa-type facility which provides elective, often non-invasive, appearance-enhancing procedures under the supervision and direct care of a qualified doctor and a highly trained staff of aestheticians and nurses. These elective medical spa treatments range from simple facials and skin adjustments to full-body Botox injections. In many cases, these treatments are carried out in the comforts of patients’ homes. This is in contrast to the more formal hospital or surgical facilities. Patients usually opt for these more relaxed options because they are more affordable, more convenient, and offer a more personal experience than say a surgical procedure carried out in the operating room.
When comparing a medical spa vs. a dermatologist, there are a number of things that should be considered. For one thing, it is important to remember that these procedures are not always covered by insurance, as is the case with a dermatologist. These procedures are also often more expensive and take longer to perform than traditional procedures. In some cases, the full cost of the procedure can be taken care of in one visit to the spa, while it may take several visits to complete at the dermatology office. Further, some procedures are simply not possible in some areas or circumstances, and in that respect, it is often more cost-effective and convenient to go to a spa for treatment rather than waiting to see if the dermatologist will consider approving a plan for you. In some situations, such as those where the skin is severely damaged, it is often preferable to consult a medical spa because of its ability to use its equipment in a way that allows it to heal naturally without further scarring or damage to the area.
In addition, in many instances, it is more discreet to have a medical professional oversee the service than it is to have one working closely alongside a primary care physician. While most individuals are aware of the fact that a physician is overseeing the treatment provided at a med spa, many do not realize that the same is true for patients. Therefore, it is important that the physician reviewing your case understand exactly who will be providing the service, and whether the facility has any restrictions on which medical staff may be present during the procedure. For this reason, it is important that you find a facility where all employees are fully trained, and that will make sure that everyone attending has a full understanding of what is taking place during the treatment.
In addition, many medical spas have been accredited by either the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or the American Medical Industrialic Society (AMIS). These organizations give certifications to spas that prove the facility’s ability to offer quality medical services. In turn, these organizations require spas to meet strict standards in order to maintain their accreditation. These standards are designed to protect patients and to ensure that the highest quality of care is provided at all times. Therefore, it is vital that you find a facility with doctors who are board-certified and who receive continual education in order to maintain these accreditations.
Additionally, in many states, medical spas are restricted from allowing employees to perform certain cosmetic procedures, such as laser hair removal, because of the laws that prohibit insurance companies from paying for elective procedures. Therefore, it is crucial that you find a facility where dermatologists and other staff members are fully trained and who can provide the services that you need. For example, some spas will only hire dermatologists who have passed both a state and federal exam. This ensures that the doctor has experience in the specific areas that you need a specialist in.
When looking for a medical spa, it is important to find one that employs only board-certified dermatologists. Because it takes multiple licenses to become a dermatologist, it is important that you choose someone with a strong medical background who has had numerous years of experience. In addition, if the facility offers multiple services, such as microdermabrasion, it is important to find a doctor who is certified in those services. By working with a dermatologist, you can ensure that all of your treatments are performed correctly.
When interviewing doctors, ask them about their specific skincare philosophy. Many doctors who provide spa services will tell patients that their goal is to help patients reduce their wrinkles and restore the youthful appearance of their skin. However, some doctors actually perform microdermabrasion on their patients themselves to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Your primary objective should be to find a doctor who believes in the overall health of his or her patients, not just their physical appearance.
The most popular cosmetic treatment offered at medical spas is Botox. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing facial muscles through the use of a chemical. Because Botox is safe to administer by mouth, it is often used to eliminate unwanted wrinkles from the face, hands, and neck. Unfortunately, because Botox can be highly effective, many people have overdone the amount of Botox used, resulting in their faces looking completely different from before. Your cosmetic doctor should explain the exact dosage of Botox and its possible side effects, so you know exactly what to expect.