How Do You Become A Medical Esthetician?

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A medical esthetician these days can be in high demand. As medical beauty treatments become more popular among people looking to retain their youth or improve their appearance more estheticians are needed. In the beauty industry the esthetician works to improve the health and appearance or beautification of the skin.

The procedures that an esthetician carries out can include waxing, chemical peels, steaming and much more.

Esthetics traditionally is the branch of philosophy that deals with art and taste in relation to the idea of beauty. An esthetician is involved with beauty, but unlike a cosmetician who looks after nails, skin and hair, an esthetician is only involved in skin treatments to improve the appearance, beauty and health of the skin.

The role requires state licensing and estheticians are classed as health and wellness professionals. In some states including Washington DC, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia a master esthetician license is also available. This allows the person to perform more advanced medical treatments. To become a medical esthetician you first need to visit esthetician school.

An esthetician school will teach you all you need to know to start out on a career as an esthetician or medical esthetician. You will be taught about disorders that can affect the health of the skin and all about both the physiology and anatomy of the skin.

You will be taught how to perform a facial cleanse and remove toxins from the skin and how to recognize various skin disorders. Although, an esthetician is not allowed to treat serious problems with the skin they are able to refer clients to doctors and dermatologists for the correct treatment.

There is a lot of hands-on work at an esthetician school and you will get to practice the new skills that you are acquiring. There may be lab sessions or if you are studying part-time you could look at an internship to gain hands-on experience.

The school will also help prepare you for the state exam. There are two parts to the exam. One is practical and the other a written test. You will need to pass both of these to successfully continue on your career path.

Esthetician school is a trade school and like most of these you will find completing the course takes less time than an undergraduate program. The course is likely to take between 4-6 months if taken full time or 9-12 months if you take it on a part-time basis. The amount of hours in your training depends on which state you are in. In general an esthetics course lasts for about 600 hours but some states are higher such as Texas, 750 hours, and Georgia which requires 1000 hours.

During this time you will learn how to perform body wraps, facials, waxing, spa treatments, salt glows, aromatherapy and make-up application.

If you want to work in a medical area then you will need a master licence. This means studying and training for longer. The benefits of obtaining a master license are more opportunities and higher salary. You might need to train for up to 1500 hours for this license. You would learn the same techniques as the standard training but also learn how to perform chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion, and laser hair removal. This would let you work in a medical spa or plastic surgeon’s office.

Esthetician school does not just prepare you for performing beauty and spa treatments they can help you in other ways too. They will often teach the students how to deal with clients and there may be other courses available on how to run your own business or obtain work for your new career.

Beware of courses promising job placements at the end of the training. Good schools will not offer promises of this type but will give the options of networking. Many estheticians and master estheticians received their first job placements due to their professors referring them or from meeting other people in the industry while training and gaining experience. The schools may also provide you with a new group of friends and possibly life long ones at that.

After you have passed your state exam and gained your licence you will want to embark on your career. Estheticians typically work in day spas, destination, or resort spas plus salons. However you are not limited to these options. Your skills allow you some freedom and opportunities to work in different environments.

Cruise ships hire estheticians to work on board, larger hotels may offer esthetician services and medical spas such as Ethos Spa need estheticians too. By working freelance you could have private clients and work in exciting areas such as fashion TV or film. You are also able to open your own business once you are licensed.

A medical esthetician will normally work in medical settings such as a hospital, dermatologists, plastic surgery practice or a hospital.

Salaries for medical estheticians are normally higher than an esthetician. The starting salary may be around $34,000 per annum for a medical esthetician compared to $31,000 for a regular esthetician. This is due to the increased responsibilities that a medical esthetician has. After around 10 years experience the salaries will show a far greater gap with a medical esthetician averaging around $10,000 a year more than their counterpart. Salaries for estheticians are affected by where you live too.

Becoming a medical esthetician takes some time and commitment, but is an achievable qualification for anyone who has the interest and the right attitude to put in the practice and time needed. Taking the masters licence training means more opportunities and the ability to work as an esthetician in a variety of environments but also being able to work in a medical setting too.

Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

Many people dislike their stomachs and the excess belly fat they carry. With men it can be referred to as a beer belly or middle aged spread when referring to either sex.

As we get older and have more responsibilities and less time we sometimes neglect our bodies. People that used to be active in sports teams may in later life find themselves sitting behind a desk for much of the day and end up too tired to even think about exercise or visiting a gym. This can lead to being out of shape and developing problem areas.

Can surgical or non-surgical procedures help with this issue? Well, yes and no. Although surgery can fix many problems there are others that need a combination of treatments and work from the patient to make them truly succeed.

Although, you could remove fat with non-surgical and surgical procedures the problems could still return if a healthy lifestyle is not maintained. This doesn’t mean that there is no help out there though.

CoolSculpting is the brand name given to cryolipolysis or fat freezing. This is a procedure where fat cells are subjected to cold temperatures until they freeze, after which they shrink and die. This leaves the patient with a more toned appearance in the treated area.

As already mentioned above, CoolSculpting works by freezing at cells, but this is not the whole story. Fat freezing involves the use of an applicator along with gel to cool the skin’s surface. There is no damage done to the skin, tissues, or any of the body’s organs during this treatment, but it does however freeze the fat cells beneath the skin.

These fat cells will then shrink and die after being frozen and the body will rid itself of them over a period of time. Once the whole process is complete the patient will have a reduction in fat in the area where the procedure was done and the desired results.

CoolSculpting or cryolipolysis is a very effective FDA approved procedure. It generally reduces fat cells by up to 28% in some cases. Normally patients can expect around a 20-25% reduction in the fat of the area that is treated. The effect is permanent so after the fat cells are destroyed they cannot return unless the patient leads a poor lifestyle.

Cryolipolysis is effective for removing fat cells in the abdomen and belly. It will also work on other areas of the body including the buttocks, thighs, chin, arms, and legs. For comprehensive advice you can visit a practitioner. The NJ Center for CoolSculpting’s cryolipolysis procedure would include answering all your questions and giving you advice on the best way to achieve your goals before going ahead with the treatment.

What you should be aware of though is that CoolSculpting is not a miracle weight loss cure. The procedure can help you shape your body and remove problematic and stubborn areas of fat, but you must also look after yourself to make sure you do not develop more fat cells.

Before you decide to have the procedure on your belly fat you should take all the advice you can from professional practitioners. You should ask any questions you have and make sure you receive the answers you want. Before the treatment avoid the sun as this can make the skin sensitive to CoolSculpting. If you smoke try not to do so at least a week before. This can aid in your body recovering.

After you have had the procedure you should try and stay active and maintain a healthy diet. The effects of CooSculpting are permanent, but if you fall into leading an unhealthy lifestyle with fatty foods than new fat cells can develop or existing ones will grow larger.

There is no real recovery time as such. As the procedure is non-invasive and non-surgical there is no trauma or bruising to heal. There are no stitches or drugs involved and the patient can resume daily activities straight away.

The only recovery time as such is waiting for the body to adjust and show the results of the procedure. This can take some time so patience is important. Recovering from cryolipolysis can take up to 12 weeks, but can be half this time. It takes time for the body to shed itself of the dead fat cells and the results to show themselves. During this period the patient should not have any more CoolSculpting sessions unless a practitioner advises it is okay. Generally, a person who has had CoolSculpting should wait a minimum of a month before having another treatment and perhaps up to four months.

A good candidate for cryolipolysis is probably someone who is nearing their ideal weight. If you were about 10-15 pounds off your ideal weight then you could find CoolSculpting very effective. Someone could use this procedure to remove a bulge from their belly fat with this procedure in one or maybe two sessions.

There are some people who should not have this procedure. Anyone with loose skin or bad skin tone may be unsuitable. Also people who suffer from cold related conditions such as cold urticaria should avoid fat freezing. Reputable clinics will be able to advise on who should use the procedure and who should avoid it.

Belly fat is certainly an area that can be treated and improved with CoolSculpting. The effectiveness of which would depend on the patient’s body shape and weight. It may take one or more sessions before the desired results are achieved and should always be done in conjunction with eating a balanced diet and leading an active lifestyle. While CoolSculpting can improve a person’s body it cannot stop problems developing elsewhere if the patient has an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle.

Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

Learning a second language might be one of the most important things you teach your child. Even if a child comes from a single-language household, a family can work together to expose their young children to new languages and encourage learning one or more additional languages. Numerous studies have shown that exposure to speaking multiple languages as a baby, toddler, and young child increases brain activity, stimulating development and a higher capacity to learn overall.

We are living in a world where communication and partnership between countries are more important than ever. It is entirely possible that becoming proficient in more than one language can substantially improve a person’s career and income prospects. That is not the only benefit of exposing a young child to another language; here are some other great reasons to work with another language:

  • Connecting with others and respecting other cultures.
  • Feeding and strengthening the brain as it develops at a critical time.
  • Traveling more easily later in life.
  • Learning your native language better as you learn how language is developed in other countries.
  • Boosting confidence and becoming active learners.
  • Learning more easily when young and having a linguistic advantage later.
  • Helping the brain stay nimble; babies and young children can learn more than two languages at once because their brains’ language centers are so active.

Now that we know how important it is to expose young children to a second language, how do we go about doing it? Babies learn language rapidly because they are immersed in it. The watch and listen as communication happens all around them. They learn by memorization and repetition. These same methods will help them learn multiple languages. Here are seven activities you can use to help introduce a second language to children under the age of five.

#1. Language Immersion Days And Everyday Language Use

Growing up in a bilingual environment leads to the fastest learning of more than one language at a time. If you do not have a household that is naturally bilingual, that does not mean you cannot use these same immersion techniques. A common way to create a bilingual environment is to have certain days of the week where you speak only (or mostly) in the second language. For earlier stage learners, you can introduce two languages at the same time by repeating the names of objects in the second language as you teach the first. For example, holding up fruit and saying “apple” and then following that with “manzana” for teaching Spanish.

#2. Watch Media That Features Other Languages

Like it or not, kids learn a lot of language from watching cartoons on TV and other media sources. You can use this love of screen time to your advantage as more and more bilingual TV shows for kids are being made, like the now-classic Dora The Explorer show. More and more shows are being developed all the time featuring different languages. If you cannot find a language you are looking for, try watching children’s TV from other countries on platforms like YouTube.

#3. Use Language Apps Or Programs

Speaking of screen time, check out this list of great language learning apps for young children from Common Sense Media. Apps are a great way to learn a second language, because they are interactive and include bright, colorful games that children enjoy playing. Gamifying learning is a common way to keep children engaged and coming back for more.

#4. Travel With Young Children

If you can afford to, take opportunities to travel with your children. The thought of getting a passport and hopping on a plane might come quickly to mind, but there might be other ways to accomplish this closer to home as well.

If you are lucky enough to travel, you’ll be able to fully immerse your child in both the language and culture of another country, which has countless benefits. Even if you cannot travel that far, you might have local communities where the language is used more often. Research to see if there are pockets of your city that contain multicultural districts and shops you can visit.

#5. Play Language Games


  • Classics like charades or Pictionary, but use second language words
  • Memory games that match a word with the photo.
  • Word bingo.

Many common games can be adapted to helping learn a second language with just a little relabeling. A pen and some post-it notes are all you need!

#6. Get An Online Tutor

There are many language schools you can sign up with that will give you access to video chatting with tutors who speak the language you are trying to teach. You can easily connect with a tutor for Spanish, Japanese, Italian, or any other language you can think of. If no adult in your child’s life speaks a second language fluently, this could be a great opportunity to make sure they are learning conversational language that will help them accurately communicate with others.

#7. Read Multicultural And Bilingual Children’s Books

Children’s board books — photo or picture books with fewer words — are a great way to introduce a second language to your child. Many people want to introduce their children to Spanish in the US as it is the second most common language spoken there. Here is a list of great children’s books that include both English and Spanish words. Spending time reading together will help you both learn the new language.

Nothing will motivate your child more than seeing you also enjoying learning and using a second language. This is a great learning adventure you can take together and provides lots of bonding and memory-making opportunities in the process.

Author Bio

Sandra Chiu works as Director at Ladybug & Friends Daycare and Preschool.

Andi Perullo de Ledesma

I am Andi Perullo de Ledesma, a Chinese Medicine Doctor and Travel Photojournalist in Charlotte, NC. I am also wife to Lucas and mother to Joaquín. Follow us as we explore life and the world one beautiful adventure at a time.

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