Botox gets a really bad rap thanks to too many frozen-faced reality stars wandering around. BUT….if done properly, Botox enhances your looks without anyone really being the wiser.
Used in moderation, Botox should be considered a type of “maintenance” – ironing out fine lines completely and greatly reducing deep ones.

Botox = Scary?

I always found Botox terrifying. The simple fact of injecting a toxin into your forehead to freeze it sounded completely ridiculous and scary.
A close friend of mine though has been having Botox injected for four years now and frankly, she looks amazing. Her skin is as smooth as satin and she does look years younger than her age. She does it in moderation though – never goes crazy, and never looks immobile like a certain troupe of famous housewives.
What is Botox and What Does It Do?

As a skincare-obsessed beauty blogger, I wanted to know more about it, so I booked a consultation at Dermis Advanced Skincare here in Ottawa.
I met with their fabulous nurse practitioner Elizabeth Lavoie, MScN, DTM & H, who gave me some detailed information on Botox. I was half-sold already, as Isabelle admitted that she has done have botox herself and her skin looked amazing.
She proceeded to explain that Botox is a compound created from botulism toxin. I shuddered. She assured me that when used in very controlled doses and administered by a professional, it is safe.
Once injected into a specific area of the face, it binds to receptors in your facial muscles, therefore affecting the nerves within. “Unbotoxed” nerves release a chemical to make the muscles trigger or fire. Botox inhibitis this thus diminishing or eliminating the wrinkly caused when the muscle contracts. It’s not permanent though.
Where Is Botox Typically Injected?

I asked Elizabeth which are the most common spots that people have botox injected. “Oh – the wrinkles on the forehead. The ‘glabella” – the little area between the eyes most noticeable when people furrow their brows. Crows feets at the outer corners of eyes. It can also be used to correct a ‘gummy smile’, downturned smiles…”
She also mentioned that Botox can be used to alleviate hyperhydrosis – excessive sweating. When injected into the armpit, it can completely stop excessive sweating and odour for months!
Should You Get Botox?

Most peopleYoung people
How Long Does It Last?
Botoxnew receptors
NOTE: Botox can take anywhere from three to ten days after being injected for you to notice the effects.
Anybody Can Inject Botox, Right? WRONG.
Many peopleplastic surgery
Does It Hurt?
Botox injectionsminor swelling
Can It Be Reversed?
Unlike some fillers, the effects of Botox cannot be reversed once injected. If you don’t like the results, sadly, you will have to wait three-four months for the Botox to subside. If your doctor or nurse is well-versed in injections though, there will be no need for wanting a reversal!
A good doctor and/or nurse will know to start slow and assess your face properly before injecting. Again – take your time finding a good doctor/nurse and do not be afraid to ask for references!
Have any more Botox questions you want answered? Hit me up in the comments and I’ll get answers from the Dermis Adavanced Skincare Team!!
Dermis Advanced Skincare is located at 116 Albert Street, Suite 110 in Ottawa, ON. Follow Dermis on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date on new services and sales! Not interested in Botox? Dermis offers a ton of different services from dermal fillers, facials, laser hair removal, etc. Full list of services here.
*This post was sponsored by Dermis Advanced Skincare.
Dominique is a Canadian-based fashion and beauty influencer with a strong voice in Ottawa’s black community. Since launching her blog Style Domination in 2015, she has amassed a global fanbase. Dominique shares her life through beautiful imagery and compelling story-telling that speaks to her fans on a personal level. She’s been featured in The Guardian, Flare, The Kit and Cityline. She also hosts events for Dress for Success, the Gem Conference, and has been named a United Way Person 2 Know for the past three years.
Find me on: Web | Instagram