A TOT was left looking like Pennywise the Clown after smothering her head with hair removal cream.
Maisie Saward, 18-months crawled into the bathroom unnoticed and picked up the tube trying to mimic her dad, Luke Saward, who gels his hair.
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Once Luke, 37, realised the toddler was smearing hair-remover across her head, he tried to wash it out in the bath - but it was too late.
Maisie's three-inch fringe was completely removed in the blunder and hilarious pictures show the tot's hairline now creep all the way to the centre of her head.
Family pals even compared Maisie's new look to the horror film clown Pennywise who's known for his large forehead and ginger locks flowing from his otherwise-bald scalp.
Mum Kirsty Saward was in "pure shock" when she got home from her Avon round to see what had happened while she was out - but she's since seen the funny side.
The mum-of-three, of Blackfield, Hampshire, said: "I'd called Luke and he said 'Maisie's got no fringe left', but the phone broke up, so I just thought she'd got hold of some scissors.
"When I got home I was just in pure shock. She came and gave me a cuddle and I just cried for an hour because I absolutely loved her fringe.
"Rather than just shove her under the shower, Luke ran her a bath, got her changed and it took about 10 minutes before he even thought about taking it off.
"If I hadn't been out for so long maybe I'd have been able to deal with it myself. I didn't speak to him for a couple of hours, but the next day I started to see more of the funny side.
"Maisie found it hilarious and she still does. She was born with a full head of hair, so she's never been bald. She keeps finding different surfaces to rub it up against because it feels funny.
"When she gets tired, she rubs her bald patch, and every time I go to take a picture she bends her head down so you can see it. She's loving it.
"Someone even said we should dress her up as Pennywise for Halloween.”
Oldest child Ollie Saward, four, had accidentally left the child security gate in the living room open, so Maisie and her twin sister Eva crawled upstairs to explore, last Friday.

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