A lot of people become confused with skin diseases like pseudofolliculitis and folliculitis as they have only a little difference. While shaving with or without a blade, many men may notice some red marbles which itch, ache and ignite. The most affected areas are face and neck but this can appear in all the region with hair. The problem will get worse if you poke the marbles.
Differences Between Ingrown Hair & Folliculitis
Keep reading to clear the confusion and understand the differences between ingrown hair (pseudofolliculitis) and folliculitis.
Ingrown – Pseudofolliculitis

Some hair cannot break the skin surface at the birth time and get blocked. This is called the ingrowth of the hair or razor bumps. Since the growth process of this hair continues, the tip curves and get stuck into the follicle for which body produces an inflammatory reaction and forms balls in the skin. Thus an ingrown hair becomes pseudofolliculitis.
Men of all ages may face this problem but the percentage is high for blacks and mulattos as the curly hair is born curving and may get stuck while breaking the surface.
Folliculitis is a skin infection that occurs when bacteria contaminate with the inflamed follicle. Sometimes, it can degenerate into pustules and can leave scars when the situation gets worst. Due to fungal infection, it appears as red bumps or pimples surrounding the follicles of hair.
Step-By-Step Shaving Process To Reduce Ingrown And Folliculitis Problem
If the ingrown hair suffers much, then you can take laser hair removal treatment or pulsed light treatment. The root of the ingrown hair is destroyed and become week by the flash of the light. So, it takes longer for this hair to grow again. So, if you are able to prevent the ingrown hair, you can avoid these skin diseases. Take regular care of your skin and follow the proper shaving process. By doing so, you can save your face from getting damage.
1. Warm water helps to soften the hair and skin and the soap helps to eliminate the bacteria. So use warm water and facial soap to wash your face. This soap is also can be used for shaving.
2. Apply beard oil, serum or gel which helps to reduce the risk of injuries of the face. Keep these products for 3-5 minutes and this will soften the facial hair and the skin.
3. Use specific beard products as they are formulated especially for sensitive skin. Always run the blade after applying the shaving foam or gel. Don’t run it dry or with water. You can also use transparent shaving products to visualize where the blade will go.
4. Never use the same blade more than twice or thrice as it’s harmful to the face and makes the shaving painful.
5. Shave the beard in the same direction as hair growth. Avoid passing the blade in the same area more than twice.
6. Exfoliate the entire face especially the beard region at least once a week. The granular substance will remove the dead skin cells and make the skin clean. By doing this, it makes the hair strand to break the skin surface easily.
7. After shaving, rinse your face with cold water. It will help to close the skin pores.
8. Finally, use aftershave gel or lotion. These products will accelerate the healing of the skin and should not contain alcohol or irritants.
Follow the above tips and keep your face free from these skin problems. Know the ingrown hair or folliculitis properly to get the best treatment. Consult a dermatologist if inflammation occurs in the face. Based on the severity of the problem and the skin type, possible treatment or medication will be prescribed to reduce the inflammation. Good luck with your healthy skin!