Many men are considering the possibility of shaving their legs today. The reason? The arrival of summer, the practice of a sport, for comfort or for a simple aesthetic preference.
At present, most beauty centers offer hair removal treatments for the male public and, in turn, perfume shops and other specialized establishments also have specific products for male hair removal. Still, there are many men who have doubts about it.
If you want to know what options exist and how to wax men’s legs, we suggest you read the following oneHOWTO article.
How to wax men’s legs easily
When it comes to shaving their legs, men have doubts about which is the most painless and effective method. In reality, there is no single perfect method. We can say that any hair removal method is valid depending on who uses it and what they do it for (if it is a specific hair removal, for example, to participate in a sports competition or if, on the contrary, you want to always keep your legs shaved).
Inside hair removal, exist three main methods: the one that plucks the hair by the roots, the one that does not pluck the hair by the roots and the one that burns the hair from the roots. Each of them will allow you to wax your legs in an easy and very effective way. We will discover them below.

Now that you know about the existence of different methods to wax men’s legs easily, let’s see what these techniques consist of and what they can contribute to you.
Waxing is the method that has the longest lasting effect, however, it is also the most painful. Despite this, it should be noted that in the case of the legs the pain is much less than that felt with the waxing of other parts of the body such as the groin or the back.
Waxing can be done with three types of wax: hot wax, warm wax or cold wax. Of the three, hot wax is the most effective and long-lasting, but if you have circulatory problems in your legs such as varicose veins, specialists always recommend using warm or cold wax.
- Hot wax: the hot wax is applied, once melted, directly to the skin with a spatula.
- Warm wax: the warm wax is applied by means of a roll-on that has previously been heated in the microwave or in a water bath.
- Cold wax: the cold wax is applied with small sheets called bands that have previously been heated by being rubbed between the hands.
There is no answer that answers the question “how should a man wax?”, Since the choice will also depend on the amount and type of hair: hot waxing is ideal when the hair on the legs is abundant and strong. On the other hand, if the hair is weaker or less abundant, warm or cold wax will be better for you.
The average price of leg waxing is around 15 euros if it is about half legs (from the knee down) and 30 euros if the entire legs are waxed (including the thigh).
How to shave men’s legs with a razor
In addition to pulling hair by the roots, the electric razor is an option that you can easily use at home, as its use is very simple. Perfect for waxing short and not too thick hair, depilatory razors are a very popular solution that you can find in various stores starting at approximately € 50.
Although it is true that there are people who consider this method more painful than wax (since the waxing time is longer), today there are depilatory razors that incorporate lotions to reduce skin sensitivity and, therefore, produce less pain. In addition, from UNCOMO we advise you to read this article on How to reduce pain in hair removal, because in it you will find useful tips and tricks so that the process is not so annoying.

Waxing is the most effective and long-lasting because it removes all hair from the roots, but if you prefer a less painful method, you can resort to other types of hair removal that simply cut the hair.
Shaving man’s legs with razor
Razor hair removal
- A shaving machine.
- A shaving soap or foam: this is applied to the legs to create a protective layer that softens the hair and makes shaving easier.
Depilate man’s legs with razor is very economical, since at most it can cost you € 10 (depending on the brand you use). The downside to this method is that the hair on the legs will grow back quickly (5-7 days after shaving). Do you want to learn how to shave your legs with a razor correctly? If so, we recommend you visit this other article.
Depilatory cream for men
Cream waxing is another painless and quick way to shave a man’s legs. In the market you can find a wide variety of these products, but from UNCOMO we recommend that before opting for one, you carry out a test by applying a small amount of the product on the skin to see what effect it produces on you.
If you bet on a depilatory cream, it is very important that you respect the application times, otherwise you could damage the skin in the area. In the market there are many kinds of depilatory creams depending on the area to be waxed and the type of skin for a very cheap price (they do not usually exceed 5 euros).
As with razor hair removal, we recommend that you apply a soothing lotion or cream after washing and drying the legs well. Aloe vera, for example, is an ideal natural remedy. If you want to make this lotion yourself to avoid chemicals, take a look at this article on How to make a homemade aloe vera cream.
Waxing man’s legs with trimmer
Hair trimmershair removal
The clippers are battery-operated and small in size, making them perfect to take with you on a trip. The price of these razors varies by brand, but you can find them in stores from 10 euros.

Methods that burn hair from the roots are in vogue, as aesthetic medical centers offer systems that ensure the total removal of body hair. These are considered the most effective by aesthetic professionals and, although they are not totally definitive, we can affirm that they are the ones that provide the best long-term results. The most used system to burn hair from the roots is the photoepilation. Within photoepilation there are two hair removal techniques:
- IPL: In this method, light is applied through pulses. This causes the temperature of the skin to increase progressively and, consequently, to burn the hair from the roots.
- To be: although it is true that both techniques remove hair using a light that produces the combustion of the hair follicle, the laser emits a continuous light, not by pulses, so it is a faster and more direct technique.
Of all the systems for shaving men’s legs mentioned, this is the most expensive (although its price varies from one center to another). Currently it can range between 50 and 100 euros, always depending on the amount and type of hair you have. From unCOMO we recommend that before opting for a center, ask professionals who can make you a personalized budget.
If you are thinking of betting on this method, do not miss this article on What are the advantages of laser hair removal, because in it you will discover the most useful tips and information.

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