Hair loss is a natural phenomenon where old hair is replaced by new hair. Every day about 100-150 hair is shed by the scalp. The old hair undergoes the ‘resting phase’ for about 2 months and after this phase is over, the old hair is shed and new hair grows in its place. It is an automatic cycle, but when you experience more hair loss than normal, you know it’s time to hit the panic button. Female hair loss is a matter of great concern, be it aesthetic or cosmetic. Women find it extremely difficult to cope with and accept hair loss, which causes great emotional distress. There are many reasons for what causes hair loss in women.

Hair Loss Causes
Hair lossfemale hair loss
Aging is one of the factors for hair loss in women. When a woman starts growing old, her hair begins thinning since the scalp tends to turn drier as age advances. Women start losing hair from the crown and at the base of the hairline, unlike the male hair loss pattern, where men start balding from the center of the head.
Hormonal changes in the body during menstruation, pregnancy, thyroid problems, menopause, etc. can be another answer to what causes hair loss in women.
Consuming birth control pills or hormone supplements can cause temporary hair loss in women, as the body may experience a sudden bombardment of chemicals.
An unhealthy diet like junk food, caffeinated, carbonated drinks, and poor nutrition or malnutrition with protein and iron deficiency can also be a reason for hair loss in women. Poor nutrition may result due to crash diets, food fads, and eating disorders. Following a strict diet regimen or rapid loss of weight and irregular diet timings can lead to hair loss, as the body is deprived of essential nutrients.
Genetic reasons can also be one answer to what causes hair loss in women. Women having hair loss traits in their genes can develop hair thinning as they grow up. This trait can be inherited from either parent’s family.
Chemotherapy, a treatment for reducing cancerous cells, also causes hair loss. The chemicals used in the treatment are known to dry the scalp and cause hair thinning.
Too much hairstyling like perming, bleaching, or coloring is another reason for what causes hair loss in women. Bleaches and hair colors contain harmful chemicals like peroxide that can ‘kill’ the cells in the scalp leading to hair loss.
Stress and hair infections like dandruff, head lice, and various fungal infections can be a factor causing hair loss.
Hair pulling or trichotillomania, an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), where the individual tends to pull out his/her hair, caused due to stress, can also be a reason for hair loss.
Another cause of hair loss is alopecia in women, where hair tends to fall in patches. This can also cause balding.
Hair Loss After Pregnancy
Both pregnancy and childbirth are the happiest times in a woman’s life. During pregnancy, the body experiences changes in hormone levels. When you are pregnant, estrogen levels increase, prolonging the growing stage of hair. This can cause the hair follicles to change to the growth or anagen phase, thereby controlling the shedding or catagen phase. During this phase, there is a considerable reduction in hair loss as a result you have thick hair. After delivery, the estrogen level in the body takes a dip. Due to a decrease in estrogen levels, the resting hair follicles fall out leading to hair loss. No new hair will be produced and you will experience a dramatic loss of hair. This is a temporary change till the body restores the balance of hormones. In a few cases, hair loss after delivery may also increase due to an imbalance in hormones in such a case you can consult a doctor who may prescribe hormone tablets. You can also refer to natural hair loss remedies.
Mentioned above are few reasons for what causes hair loss in women. So if you are a victim of hair loss, have a healthy diet, drink lots of water and follow an exercise regimen. If you still experience hair loss, visit a trichologist.
Tiffany is a Medical Student and also works as a fitness coach in part-time. She is also a writer and writes on health and fitness articles. Tiffany loves to engage with users and help them provide various useful information on General Health. She provides researched-based information and also featured on various blogs and magazines.