Myths & Facts About Best Waxing
Waxing can be the most INTIMIDATING choice, especially for first-timers. It’s only because they have heard lots of stories, whether it was from their best friend or google search. If you’re among them, you have likely heard a lot of misinformation about best waxing near me that just make you feel hesitant to try it. Reading this complete post will make you assure that there’s nothing to fear.
In this post, we will narrow down some of the widely spread myths about waxing for eyebrow, biking or leg and reveal the ground reality check. Whether you’re first time waxing users or esthetician, go through these myths and facts for Brazilian waxing Bangor Maine or eyebrow waxing.
MYTH# 1: Waxing Makes Your Hair Grow Back Thicker, Darker & Faster
This is the most baseless myth. For decades, women have been preferring to shave using razor due to the fear of the so-called ‘bear-like’ hair growth with waxing. They used to that removing the hair regularly will make it grow back faster, thicker and darker than before.
Fact: Waxing doesn’t cause your body hair not even bikini line hair to grow thicker and faster. If you continue to do best waxing near me, your body hair will naturally get weak, making it less thick and slow down the hair growth rate and you get the growing and clear skin.
Myth# 2.: Waxing Badly Hurts Like Taking Out The Life
Fact: Yup…. that’s true, but not completely because there’s no such pain that you can’t tolerate for a moment. Since the waxing specialist pulling out the hair from the roots, so for sure, it doesn’t make you feel like getting a massage. How much waxing hurts will depend on the person, but the pain is not the reason to fear for and having a professional wax specialist will try best to keep the pain minimal.
Myth# 3.: Face, underarms or Eyebrow waxing Bangor Maine cause wrinkles & sagging skin
Fact: Breath a sigh of relief, ladies you’re blessed because waxing has the reverse effect on the skin. Instead, causing wrinkles, waxing has been proven good for the skin. It even exfoliates the skin, removes the dead cells and makes it glow and more radiant.
Myth# 4. Pregnant lady can’t wax
Fact: If you’re expecting a baby, you can still maintain your waxing routing with no fear. It is safe to wax at all stages of a woman’s pregnancy and cause no harm to the baby in the mother’s womb. Although, when pregnant your skin may become extra sensitive due to high hormone levels. This may make the waxing to a pregnant lady bit painful than normal, but it does not mean you should not do wax.
Myth# 5. Hair needs to be too long for waxing
Fact: In reality, your hair not to short or not too long for perfect waxing experience you only needs to be a quarter of an inch to get a smooth and fine hair-free skin. And the quarter is generally the size of a grain of rice. If you’re waxing your eyebrows, the length of your eyebrow hair should be 1/8 of an inch to get a proper arch shape.
Debunking these widely spread myths will give you the true picture of before and after waxing. Also, it may build confidence in you for waxing. For a pleasurable first-time waxing experience, you deserve professional waxing sessions in spa Bangor Maine with professional hands as you’re paying to have your hair waxed and get the smooth and clear skin.