There are many ways to remove your hair, and each method has its own pros and cons. If you want something permanent look into Electrolysis. It’s been around for over a century, but a lot of people mistake electrolysis for laser removal, or are wary of trying it because they don’t know enough about it. Is electrolysis really safe? Does it hurt?
If you want to learn more about this hair removal technique, keep reading this nifty guide. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about electrolysis: the definition, how it works, and if you can do it at home. We’ve compared electrolysis to other hair removal methods, so you can decide if you should put the razor down and book an appointment ASAP!
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What Is Electrolysis?
Electrolysis is a hair removal technique that involves inserting a needle into your skin. An electrical current passes through it, which heats up the tissue surrounding the hair follicle. This damages the follicle and causes it to break, so your hair will fall out.
There’s a noticeable difference in regrowth rates before and after electrolysis. With every electrolysis session, your hair will become noticeably smaller and finer, and it will take much longer for it to grow back. After your treatment is completed, your hair shouldn’t grow back at all! This procedure can be done by electrologists, or dermatologists trained to perform electrolysis.
FAQ On Electrolysis: The Basics On This Hair Removal Procedure
Q: Does Electrolysis Hurt?
A: Yes. It’s not as incredibly painful as some people believe, though. Your electrologist will typically apply a little topical anaesthetic to help you manage pain during sessions, so it’s actually quite manageable!
Q: Does Electrolysis Effectively Remove All Hair Types?
A: Yes. It doesn’t matter if you have dark or light hair in the chosen area, or if you have light or dark skin. Unlike laser hair removal, which is best for dark hair on light skin, electrolysis will work no matter what your hair and skin colour.
Q: How Long Does Electrolysis Take?
A: The average electrolysis session takes half an hour. For larger areas like your legs, electrolysis can take up to an hour. Facial electrolysis for a few hairs on your upper lip or eyebrows, on the other hand, can take as little as five minutes!
Q: How Many Electrolysis Hair Removal Sessions Do I Need?
A: It depends on the area which you’re having done, as every follicle generally needs to be targeted at least twice. You will need around eight to twelve electrolysis sessions to permanently remove your hair. This may seem like a lot of sessions, but remember that once it’s done, that hair is gone forever! The thicker and denser the hair in an area, the more sessions you’ll need to remove it.
Q: Can I Do Electrolysis At Home?
A: Yes, you can! There are at-home electrolysis epilator devices so you can do it yourself, though they’re not as effective as sessions with a trained electrologist. These Rio electrolysis tweezers on Amazon are constantly sold out. Be careful about doing this at home as these devices are not FDA approved!
Q: Which Parts Of The Body Can Undergo Electrolysis?
A: Electrolysis can be safely used on any part of the body, including your legs and bikini line. It can take a bit of time, but you can even get a permanent Brazilian through electrolysis!
Q: Does Electrolysis Leave Scars?
A: Generally, no. A skilled electrologist will find the proper power setting that’s strong enough to remove your hair, but not so strong that it damages your skin. Just in case, make sure that you regularly moisturise before sessions to prevent scars!
Q: How Much Does Electrolysis Cost?
A: On average, an hour-long electrolysis session will cost around $AUD150. Treatments that require less time will be much cheaper, going for around $AUD60 to $AUD70 for half-hour sessions.
Electrolysis Versus Other Hair Removal Techniques
Electrolysis Versus Shaving
Shaving only requires a razor and some shaving cream, so it’s much cheaper and something you can do at home! However, you’d have to shave every other day if your regrowth is particularly thick. You can also develop ingrown hair if you don’t shave properly. Shaving can also stimulate hair growth, which is the exact opposite of what electrolysis does.
Electrolysis Versus Waxing
Waxing involves applying a sticky wax to your body, applying a strip of fabric to it, then pulling it off to remove the hair by the root. This method promises hair removal that can last anywhere from two to four weeks. Waxing needs a certain length to be effective, unlike electrolysis. You’d also constantly have to book waxing appointments, as the results are not permanent.
Electrolysis Versus Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removalelectrolysis
If You’re Tired Of Shaving, Consider Electrolysis!
It can be annoying to constantly remove hair and worry about stubble, so if you want lasting results, consider electrolysis. Permanent hair removal can take a few sessions, but it’s definitely worth it!
The pain is just as manageable as a standard laser hair removal, and it’s FDA-approved. If you’re interested, consult a dermatologist who specialises in this method, or look up electrologists with lots of experience to learn more and book a session!
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