I was looking for a solution for thicker hair and someone told me that shaving makes hair grow thicker? Does shaving make hair grow thicker? Can I get thicker hair from waxing too? Does the hair also grow thicker, faster and darker due to shaving? All these questions will be answered below.
I have been around young guys who have put off shaving for the fear that thicker facial hair will grow. Therefore, instead of removing the unwanted hair, they let it grow until it becomes unbearable. If you are like some of these guys, you must have bought the same myth they too did from ages ago. That shaving makes hair grow thicker.
However, does it really? Let us find out in this article whether shaving of any hair whether under the armpit or in the pubic area, on the face makes hair grow thicker and faster. Additionally, you will also discover if waxing and other hair removal methods make hair grow thicker.
Does Shaving Make Hair Grow Back Thicker?
Most people seem to believe that shaving make hair grow thicker. However, this is not the case. Shaving does not make hair grow thicker and I will tell you why in a bit. Hair strands grow from follicles. The distribution of follicles on skin determines the thickness or thinness of hair. Since the follicles are already formed on skin, it is difficult to increase or alter them to make thicker hair.
Therefore, if you are one of those people who bought this myth you are in a better position to explain it to someone else. Furthermore, hair has no blood supply or a nervous system that would make it increase in thickness or change in color. Hair is simply dead but it grows from a living cell known as the follicle.
Did I convince you enough? If not so, let us further explore the subject. When we shave, we leave a blunt edge that is coarse and appears thicker because it has been cut from the base. This is what makes the shaven hair appear thicker. Shorter hair is thicker that is the truth. However, longer hair is soft and appears thinner. I hope I have answered you satisfactorily on this one.
Does Waxing Make Hair Grow Back Thicker?
The women who are fond of removing unwanted hair by waxing also grapple with the question: Does Waxing Make Hair Grow Back Thicker? The answer is an affirmative NO! Waxing depletes hair from the root and not the follicles. Therefore, when the hair is growing back, it still grows from the same follicles on the skin surface.
However, some of the people who use waxing repeatedly give reports of lesser hair growing back. Waxing is therefore, the best hair removal method that will not make your hair grow back thicker, if at all it grows back.
Other hair removal methods apart from waxing include threading and electrolysis. Electrolysis is a laser procedure for hair removal that can make the hair not grow back at all. However, for those of us who do not mind the hair growing back, waxing is efficient. It does not make the hair grow thicker though so let no one fool you.
Still asking, does waxing make hair grow back thicker? For people who are not very sure about the process of waxing and hair growth, perhaps you can try to do it yourself. Wax your legs, face or other parts where you want to remove hair, then observe if the hair will grow back thicker and faster.
Does Shaving Make Hair Grow Thicker and Faster?
Another question that baffles many is whether shaving makes hair grow thicker and faster. As for the thickness part, I have dealt with the answer above. Just to remind you, shaving does not make hair grow thicker. However, shaving does make hair grow faster as opposed to waxing, threading and electrolysis. So if you want a hair removal treatment that will not make your hair grow back fast, do not use shaving.
Growth of hair is dependent on many factors including the levels of hormones in the blood whether estrogen or testosterone, and the specific body part. It is easier to notice hair grow faster on eyebrows because we see our faces in the mirror everyday. However, for hair on the legs, unless we are wearing shorts and dresses, it would take awhile to notice how fast hair grows there.
Does Shaving Make Hair Thicker and Darker?
This is also a disturbing question for many whether shaving make hair thicker and darker. As I explained before, shaving does not make hair thicker, it only appears thicker because it is blunt. Similarly, shaving does not make hair darker. The hair appears darker because it is closer to the skin more than before. Long hair is away from the skin and therefore, the color is less noticeable. All the same, when hair is cut short, the color stands out.
Does Shaving Make Facial Hair Grow Thicker?
Again, it is a big NO! Shaving of facial hair does not make it grow thicker. The facial hair is like any other type of hair, on the head, legs, under the armpits, and on chin. Hair grows out of follicles, which determine the quality of the strands. Therefore, when facial hair is shaven it will only appear thicker because it close to the base, but it will not be.